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05-27-2013 , 08:06 AM
Hahha soooooo true. Even when i didnt play at foxwoods i got free rooms
05-27-2013 , 12:48 PM
So I had a great weekend at the woods. I'm gonns be grinding a lot more this summer and spending long days there. Any cool people here ge together for food etc? I'm not overly talkative st the table but would love to make a friend or two away front the tables this summer. What's fun to do down there aside from going to car and smoking weed.
05-27-2013 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by aggo
Hahha soooooo true. Even when i didnt play at foxwoods i got free rooms
Had 30 pts wk for a year then cut back to 15 pts wk in apr and may now zero pts for june on my account page.
Have had free rooms sun to thr for over a year and use 1-2 every week including booked for june too. now have julys offers 29 tt 49 mgm/pqt/ceders. BUT did get a free bus ride offer in mail for june. wow.
put in 50 to 80 hrs poker a month with a few hrs BJ every so often.
05-27-2013 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Monty146
Had 30 pts wk for a year then cut back to 15 pts wk in apr and may now zero pts for june on my account page.
Have had free rooms sun to thr for over a year and use 1-2 every week including booked for june too. now have julys offers 29 tt 49 mgm/pqt/ceders. BUT did get a free bus ride offer in mail for june. wow.
put in 50 to 80 hrs poker a month with a few hrs BJ every so often.
Same deal for me. Will use up rooms for June, then see you in Sept.

Started the plo game shorthanded on Friday around 2pm, Left at 4:30 in the morning. Everytime I've looked online since then it's been running with names on the list. Is it possible the game has gone days without breaking? GOTF!!!

Just booked for this Wed and Thur - Keep the plo going - the fish is returning
05-28-2013 , 09:16 PM
I'll probably be shot-taking 5/10 NL a bunch this coming June, a couple general questions:

a.) I've never played in a time game in my life - I assume you just toss in $7 every time there's a dealer change? And when you sit down halfway through do you get a freeroll until the next timepot or do you have to immediately put up the $7?
b.) How does tipping work, since 5/10 doesn't really have white chips? Do I just ask the dealer to give me change for a red every time I want to tip them?
05-28-2013 , 10:30 PM
anyone have any info on the Foxwoods Poker Weekend Mini Series in July? its on the top of the schedule but I haven't heard or seen anything about it. Sounds interesting.
05-28-2013 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by shinja59
I'll probably be shot-taking 5/10 NL a bunch this coming June, a couple general questions:

a.) I've never played in a time game in my life - I assume you just toss in $7 every time there's a dealer change? And when you sit down halfway through do you get a freeroll until the next timepot or do you have to immediately put up the $7?
b.) How does tipping work, since 5/10 doesn't really have white chips? Do I just ask the dealer to give me change for a red every time I want to tip them?
There are red lights on the ceiling that turn on at the half hour (when dealer changes occurs) those are to alert dealers that its time to collect time.

If there was open seating at a time game and u sat down halfway thru the dealers push, you're getting a 15 minute freeroll.

And IF you get up for dinner and decide to leave your chips on the game, $7 will be taken off your stack for every half hour.

Was that helpful enough?
05-28-2013 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by shinja59
I'll probably be shot-taking 5/10 NL a bunch this coming June, a couple general questions:

a.) I've never played in a time game in my life - I assume you just toss in $7 every time there's a dealer change? And when you sit down halfway through do you get a freeroll until the next timepot or do you have to immediately put up the $7?
b.) How does tipping work, since 5/10 doesn't really have white chips? Do I just ask the dealer to give me change for a red every time I want to tip them?
Correct. It's $7/half and if you join the game after it has been collected and dropped you don't pay until the following half. If you join the game after it has been collected but not dropped then you pay. Also, if you are on a must move and are next to move you have the option to pay before taking your new seat. As far as tipping is concerned, usually you just ask for change as whites don't play. Hope this helps, and good luck see you at the tables.
05-28-2013 , 11:40 PM
Thanks guys. Looking to get acclimated to the level while the good regs are away at Vegas, hopefully I don't get sent back crying to the 2/5 games too quickly
05-29-2013 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by shinja59
Thanks guys. Looking to get acclimated to the level while the good regs are away at Vegas, hopefully I don't get sent back crying to the 2/5 games too quickly
i heard a lot of them were sticking around on the east coast based on recent table talk, but you should be fine. you play mornings or evenings?
05-29-2013 , 07:09 AM
Timed games can often have one person pay time for table too. I don't know how common that practice is in 5/10 at Foxwoods but the table agrees that whomever wins next pot over $x then pays time for the table.
05-29-2013 , 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
Timed games can often have one person pay time for table too. I don't know how common that practice is in 5/10 at Foxwoods but the table agrees that whomever wins next pot over $x then pays time for the table.
Aka, time pot. Not sure if they still do them but in the past only players who agreed would be in the time pot and you could opt out and simply pay 7 a half instead. Time pots favor the tighter players as far as I can tell.
05-30-2013 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
Timed games can often have one person pay time for table too. I don't know how common that practice is in 5/10 at Foxwoods but the table agrees that whomever wins next pot over $x then pays time for the table.
We would regularly do this at Mohegan and some would pay their own but I liked it. Definitely favors the tighter players. Afaik, it's rarely if ever done at Foxwoods.
05-31-2013 , 01:38 PM
Timed games don't favor anyone. Raked games favor tight players because they are involved in less pots.
05-31-2013 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by venice10
Timed games don't favor anyone. Raked games favor tight players because they are involved in less pots.
This is a semantic argument, but if rake favors tight players then time must favor loose players. And a time pot favors tight players again.
05-31-2013 , 02:05 PM
I lost all my offers for June for the first time in like 2 years. Is it worth checking with the rewards desk to see why or not? I haven't change any of my normal degen gambling activities.
05-31-2013 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Billy723
I lost all my offers for June for the first time in like 2 years. Is it worth checking with the rewards desk to see why or not? I haven't change any of my normal degen gambling activities.
I don't think they will be able to tell you why based on my understanding from this thread.
05-31-2013 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by TheTyman9
I don't think they will be able to tell you why based on my understanding from this thread.
Correct. Gotta talk to a host.
05-31-2013 , 07:13 PM
Foxwoods changed my June offers. Originally had no free nights, but now have two free each week (Sun-Thurs) at Two Trees concluding with one free night on Sunday, 6/30.
06-01-2013 , 04:53 PM
Anyone else been playing the Saturday $300 $25k gtd? Today had ~110 players with probably 50+ reentries. First paid a cool ~$11k. Pretty good considering the play is laughably bad. Sucks they skip a few levels but eh, still decent value imo.
06-02-2013 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by runer
Anyone else been playing the Saturday $300 $25k gtd? Today had ~110 players with probably 50+ reentries. First paid a cool ~$11k. Pretty good considering the play is laughably bad. Sucks they skip a few levels but eh, still decent value imo.
nice tourney....we need more of these

hope it keeps running ? i only see it scheduled for 2 saturdays ? they have Mega coming end of June then WSOP in might not see it again for awhile.......hope it comes back
06-02-2013 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by ZenForest
nice tourney....we need more of these

hope it keeps running ? i only see it scheduled for 2 saturdays ? they have Mega coming end of June then WSOP in might not see it again for awhile.......hope it comes back
played it yesterday. and won it. whoo hoo. we chopped when it got 3 handed but since I had 2.6 million in chips, and the other 2 players had about 700K each, I got the brunt of the money.


and they each got like $5,400.

oficial payouts were: (from what i can remember) 1. = $10,900 2. = $5,300 3. ~ $4,500

I know at least one of the other final 3 was a 2+2'er and a nice guy. It was a fun day - won almost all my races, made some timely bluffs, and some good lay downs. no complaints here. good structure - will play again
06-02-2013 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by billybadbeat
played it yesterday. and won it. whoo hoo. we chopped when it got 3 handed but since I had 2.6 million in chips, and the other 2 players had about 700K each, I got the brunt of the money.


and they each got like $5,400.

oficial payouts were: (from what i can remember) 1. = $10,900 2. = $5,300 3. ~ $4,500

I know at least one of the other final 3 was a 2+2'er and a nice guy. It was a fun day - won almost all my races, made some timely bluffs, and some good lay downs. no complaints here. good structure - will play again
What table did you start at? I busted just before dinner and was running well for awhile
06-02-2013 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by billybadbeat
played it yesterday. and won it. whoo hoo. we chopped when it got 3 handed but since I had 2.6 million in chips, and the other 2 players had about 700K each, I got the brunt of the money.


and they each got like $5,400.

oficial payouts were: (from what i can remember) 1. = $10,900 2. = $5,300 3. ~ $4,500

I know at least one of the other final 3 was a 2+2'er and a nice guy. It was a fun day - won almost all my races, made some timely bluffs, and some good lay downs. no complaints here. good structure - will play again
Sweet I went out like 60th when I ran my Kings into Aces. Was running good also.
06-02-2013 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by groton
Sweet I went out like 60th when I ran my Kings into Aces. Was running good also.
Yea I punted and ended like 45th
