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08-02-2012 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by masaraksh
This is obv a really vague question, but how soft are the 5/10+ NLHE cash games? tight/nitty/reggy ... or loose/aggro/splashy??
Depends on time of day and day of the week. It's both.
08-02-2012 , 09:59 PM
Is there any decent 4G service in/around Foxwoods? Verizon is the only carrier I found who claims to have it but I couldn't find any first hand accounts.
08-02-2012 , 11:06 PM
I have an IPhone with AT&T and get 4g at FW
08-02-2012 , 11:28 PM
Got a super cheap flight to Boston and thought about driving there for a few days but I feel the rooms are way too expensive. Even with cheaper flights it's still cheaper to go to Vegas.
08-03-2012 , 01:40 AM
100/200 O/O
08-03-2012 , 11:46 AM
Need to book a hotel room for tonight and can't find anything in the area for a good deal. Bellisimo Grande wants $169! Is there a magic word you can use to get a lower rate?
08-03-2012 , 12:00 PM
Confirming I am the worst (or unluckiest) plo player in the world.

Take my daughter down for a night so she can use my points for a message, haircut etc... go off to play plo.

Twice within 3 hours I lose to a hand when my opponent has 3-3-3-6, and once it was a preflop raised pot. First time flop comes 4-5-7 two suited. I have pocket aces and the nut flush draw, board doesn't suit up, felted!

Second time. I have K-Q-J-10 double suited, flop come Q-J-3, no help on 4th or 5th, Felted again. I should take up a different less stressful hobby, like knitting or Russian roulette.

Plo games have been really good lately. New faces, great action, good people chatting it up, generally a fun time. Anyways there was a situation that came up yesterday that I have been thinking about so I wanted some 2+2 feedback. This story may be deemed for the tipping containment thread and therefore Mr. Mod delete it and I will repost in that forum.

We have a great game going Wed night. I am in 2 seat with about 250 in chips, seat one has about 550 in chips, seat 9 has us covered. We get it all in pre-flop, 9 seat says to dealer, that him calling our bets is poker 101 and if he wins he will tip the dealer $101.
Player 9 sucks out on the river and sure enough, tips $101.

Skip to next day around two in the afternoon. I am in the one seat, player 9 from last night is in the 3 seat, very aggressive player is in the 4 seat. Again great action, chips are flying all over the place. Come to a hand when again where player in 3 seat during a big pot promises a $25 tip to the dealer if his nuts on the turn holds up. It does, he tips a couple of bucks and I say "hey what about the quarter your promised?" Hey say's "**** Silky, thanks I forgot", appologized to the dealer and tossed her $30. He goes on a heater for about 15 minutes, never tipping less than $15 a hand.

Now we come to the hand in question. Seat 3 has over a grand, seat 4 maybe $500, I have just over $300. Seats 3 and 4 are pretty much the big stacks.

Button in seat 2. A couple of limpers to me, I have A-Q-Q-3, double suited. I raise to $14, button folds, seat 3 calls, seat 4 raises to $44. I call, seat 3 calls and as the dealer collects the chips, seat 3 says If i win this hand I will tip you $100, No if I win this hand I will give you the whole pot!, Everything!"

The hand plays out that flop is 9-7-3 suited in my nut suit. 4 seat bets pot, I repot all in (at this point my daughter who is railing me for the first time ever and has seen me donk off about $70 in the last 3 hands, goes scurrying out of the room)

Anyways seat 3 folds, hand plays out no problem.

My question is this, what would you think if you were at that table, the 3 seat smashes the flop, felts me and the 4 seat, and actually gives the dealer the whole pot which would be my 3, seat 4's 5 and the 5 he needed to put in, $1300 to the dealer and off the table?
08-03-2012 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by The Mind Reader
Need to book a hotel room for tonight and can't find anything in the area for a good deal. Bellisimo Grande wants $169! Is there a magic word you can use to get a lower rate?
I haven't had success here. There's a very no-frills motel called the Flagship about 20 minutes away offering an $80 rate on Orbitz.
08-03-2012 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by gotf
My question is this, what would you think if you were at that table, the 3 seat smashes the flop, felts me and the 4 seat, and actually gives the dealer the whole pot which would be my 3, seat 4's 5 and the 5 he needed to put in, $1300 to the dealer and off the table?
Umm I was thinking taking 101 off the table wasn't cool never mind the 1300.
08-03-2012 , 01:55 PM
GOTF~ I would not be okay with either of the large amounts being taken off of the table as a tip. I'm curious as to what the floor would have said about it
08-03-2012 , 02:09 PM
How long can I walk away from the table before they pick me up? I was playing overnight guy left and was gone for over an hour pretty sure I would get picked up but can someone give me exact time limit i have? Thanks.
08-03-2012 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by The Mind Reader
Need to book a hotel room for tonight and can't find anything in the area for a good deal. Bellisimo Grande wants $169! Is there a magic word you can use to get a lower rate?
I stopped in 2 trees last week they wanted 180 think that was without tax. I just needed to crash for 8 hours. I wound up staying at econo lodge they wanted 140 with tax finally agreed to give me 115 they said it was last room left got there about 1 am or so after driving around 40 minutes as gps kept me going in circles couldn't find me. Getting lost in the side roads is no fun I can assure anyone. Front desk told me I should asked floor while playing , someone told me I wouldn't have much success as no availibility. Gl.
08-03-2012 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by ZeckoRiver
How long can I walk away from the table before they pick me up? I was playing overnight guy left and was gone for over an hour pretty sure I would get picked up but can someone give me exact time limit i have? Thanks.
The easy answer is an hour. In actuality it's a bit cloudy. The arbiter of your hour is the Bravo system and how long you have been in lobby. If the dealer does not put you in lobby right away, your time is extended. If the dealer never puts you in lobby you could stay away forever. I have seen many times a player has been away for quite a while, a player will ask the floor how long until he is picked up and if he had not been put in lobby, they say "nothing we can do but put him in lobby" and he has an hour.

Some "walkers" have it down to go away for 59 minutes. Come back, have the dealer take them out of lobby, tell the dealer they will wait for the blind and walk away again. Or play their blinds and button and walk again.

I have said before, they should have a system, or use the bravo to allow player to walk for their hour, but also have a cumulative "walk time" to no more than 2 hours in lobby for any 8 hour period before they got picked up.

Not really a big deal if the walker is playing nlhe, but sucks when playing a game that only has one table running in the room, and has a long list.

Boy, what a long winded answer for a simple question.
08-03-2012 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by ZeckoRiver
How long can I walk away from the table before they pick me up? I was playing overnight guy left and was gone for over an hour pretty sure I would get picked up but can someone give me exact time limit i have? Thanks.
The correct answer is one hour. But then you factor in that sometimes, the dealer doesnt take the guy out of Bravo fast enough and then the times are never correct. You also usually have to have someone at the table complain and then ask the floor to check on the time. Then the floor usually takes their sweet time picking someone up.
Last week, that mean indian girl was gone for 4 dealer downs, nice floor lady took 24 minutes after telling us that she had been gone for 90 minutes to start picking her up. Grrrrrrrr
I always like to remind people, when it is clear that they are going to dinner, that the poker room has dinner reseating. They just cash out and when they come back they move to the top of the list. You get two hours to be gone this way and you aren't locking up a seat in a game that could be used for someone actually playing.

GOTF is on the ball today. Beat me to it
08-03-2012 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
The correct answer is one hour. But then you factor in that sometimes, the dealer doesnt take the guy out of Bravo fast enough and then the times are never correct. You also usually have to have someone at the table complain and then ask the floor to check on the time. Then the floor usually takes their sweet time picking someone up.
Last week, that mean indian girl was gone for 4 dealer downs, nice floor lady took 24 minutes after telling us that she had been gone for 90 minutes to start picking her up. Grrrrrrrr
I always like to remind people, when it is clear that they are going to dinner, that the poker room has dinner reseating. They just cash out and when they come back they move to the top of the list. You get two hours to be gone this way and you aren't locking up a seat in a game that could be used for someone actually playing.

GOTF is on the ball today. Beat me to it
Even a blind squirrel is right twice a day!
08-03-2012 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by gotf
Confirming I am the worst (or unluckiest) plo player in the world.

Take my daughter down for a night so she can use my points for a message, haircut etc... go off to play plo.

Twice within 3 hours I lose to a hand when my opponent has 3-3-3-6, and once it was a preflop raised pot. First time flop comes 4-5-7 two suited. I have pocket aces and the nut flush draw, board doesn't suit up, felted!

Second time. I have K-Q-J-10 double suited, flop come Q-J-3, no help on 4th or 5th, Felted again. I should take up a different less stressful hobby, like knitting or Russian roulette.

Plo games have been really good lately. New faces, great action, good people chatting it up, generally a fun time. Anyways there was a situation that came up yesterday that I have been thinking about so I wanted some 2+2 feedback. This story may be deemed for the tipping containment thread and therefore Mr. Mod delete it and I will repost in that forum.

We have a great game going Wed night. I am in 2 seat with about 250 in chips, seat one has about 550 in chips, seat 9 has us covered. We get it all in pre-flop, 9 seat says to dealer, that him calling our bets is poker 101 and if he wins he will tip the dealer $101.
Player 9 sucks out on the river and sure enough, tips $101.

Skip to next day around two in the afternoon. I am in the one seat, player 9 from last night is in the 3 seat, very aggressive player is in the 4 seat. Again great action, chips are flying all over the place. Come to a hand when again where player in 3 seat during a big pot promises a $25 tip to the dealer if his nuts on the turn holds up. It does, he tips a couple of bucks and I say "hey what about the quarter your promised?" Hey say's "**** Silky, thanks I forgot", appologized to the dealer and tossed her $30. He goes on a heater for about 15 minutes, never tipping less than $15 a hand.

Now we come to the hand in question. Seat 3 has over a grand, seat 4 maybe $500, I have just over $300. Seats 3 and 4 are pretty much the big stacks.

Button in seat 2. A couple of limpers to me, I have A-Q-Q-3, double suited. I raise to $14, button folds, seat 3 calls, seat 4 raises to $44. I call, seat 3 calls and as the dealer collects the chips, seat 3 says If i win this hand I will tip you $100, No if I win this hand I will give you the whole pot!, Everything!"

The hand plays out that flop is 9-7-3 suited in my nut suit. 4 seat bets pot, I repot all in (at this point my daughter who is railing me for the first time ever and has seen me donk off about $70 in the last 3 hands, goes scurrying out of the room)

Anyways seat 3 folds, hand plays out no problem.

My question is this, what would you think if you were at that table, the 3 seat smashes the flop, felts me and the 4 seat, and actually gives the dealer the whole pot which would be my 3, seat 4's 5 and the 5 he needed to put in, $1300 to the dealer and off the table?
I'd like $$$$ to stay on table as well, but I'd be happy for the dealer getting such a huge tip.

It's better than him just hitting and running.

Only area of concern is if he knows the dealer and is "tipping" her as means of getting $$$ off the tbl.

If it was a genuine tip and nice gesture towards dealer, I'd be fine with it.
08-03-2012 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by WowLucky
I'd like $$$$ to stay on table as well, but I'd be happy for the dealer getting such a huge tip.

It's better than him just hitting and running.

Only area of concern is if he knows the dealer and is "tipping" her as means of getting $$$ off the tbl.

If it was a genuine tip and nice gesture towards dealer, I'd be fine with it.
I didn't give much though to it on Wednesday night. It came out of the blue on a big hand, over 1k 3way all in pre flop. Everyone at the table laughed it off, and thought it was pretty cool. I know the $101 was the largest tip I had ever seen. Never been at a bad beat table and that is a different situation since that $$$ had not been on the table.

The next day and the size of the potential tip is what got me thinking. If you had been the donator to what amounted to his stack, that's money that has effectively gone south.

No way is tipping to get money off the table a possibility. You've just created a taxable situation and the $1,300 would become someone else's tax bill. If you wanted to get if off the table, just rack up and leave. Save at least $350 in taxes at a 25%rate, forgeting about even adding in state tax
08-03-2012 , 04:48 PM
Looks like I can get a non-smoking king-bed room at the Groton Inn and Suites (22 minutes away from the casino) for $74. Decent enough place?
08-03-2012 , 07:36 PM
Pretty sure he was playing in the 5/10 nlhe earlier today then went to omaha. Heavyset guy wearing sunglasses? Doesnt really matter imo, sucks but he is losing the money. Hard to make rules for unique situations.

1) How often do you play at foxwoods?
2) How often have you seen this?
3) How much longer will this guy be around if he continues it?
08-03-2012 , 11:41 PM
Didn't see a thread anywhere for the upcoming Mega Stack events, so I'll ask here. Apologize in advance if this info is out there, but I wasn't able to find much while searching.

How many runners would the Aug. 12 11am $230 get? I saw a previous thread mentioning around 200 for one of these. Is that typical or would this get more since it's the second day of the series? Trying to judge how long this one might be expected to run since I'm only planning to stay over on Sat. night.

Also, any ideas on how many runners the Aug. 11 6pm $180 would get?

08-04-2012 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by gotf
Confirming I am the worst (or unluckiest) plo player in the world. [Not mutually exclusive....]

Take my daughter down for a night so she can use my points for a message, haircut etc... go off to play plo. [OMG - they're charging for messages now?]
....My question is this, what would you think if you were at that table, the 3 seat smashes the flop, felts me and the 4 seat, and actually gives the dealer the whole pot which would be my 3, seat 4's 5 and the 5 he needed to put in, $1300 to the dealer and off the table?
I'd think that 3 has total disregard for money, and/or a relationship with the dealer. First good, second bad.
I'd also think that it might improve the some of the dealers' attitudes toward PLO....
Seriously, I'd complain because, while tipping small amounts out of one's stack is generally tolerated, tipping big $ off the table is a form of going south and shouldn't be allowed.
PS: For a small honorarium, we can probably find some players to tell your daughter that you do occasionally win....
08-04-2012 , 12:29 PM
How is that going south? Going south is when you put it back in your pocket so that you don't potentially lose a particularly big pot later and so you can limit risk. For a guy who has a disregard for money he's obviously just being generous and lighting it on fire in an alternative method.

It's like when a whale godmodes you the whole night and then gets tired of poker and decides he wants to try his luck at the pits with his profits. Sure, it's definitely life-tiltingly annoying, but I wouldn't say its bad etiquette per se as long as he actually does just want a change of pace and isn't secretly a ratholing bastard. Once that money is lost it's no longer 'your' money in any sense, it's just 'the' money now, part of the endless inflow and outflow of cash at FW.

P.S. fwi I think silky is a cool dude, I just strongly disagree with him on this particular issue
08-04-2012 , 01:31 PM
What is that new hotel going up near foxwoods? any info when opening and any connection to woods?
08-04-2012 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by shinja59
How is that going south? Going south is when you put it back in your pocket so that you don't potentially lose a particularly big pot later and so you can limit risk. For a guy who has a disregard for money he's obviously just being generous and lighting it on fire in an alternative method.
Going south is taking money off the table and continuing to play at that table (which is exactly what this guy is doing), regardless of its destination or purpose. If he wants to tip large $, they should come out of his pocket, not off the table.
08-04-2012 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Monty146
What is that new hotel going up near foxwoods? any info when opening and any connection to woods?
Allegedly it's Bellisimo II
