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02-16-2012 , 05:28 PM
The dealer obviously made a mistake in not having a visual all-in cue out there, but ultimately it's your responsibility to pay attention and know what's going on. Your all-in stands.
02-16-2012 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by CammyCash
AmericInn in Griswold is a nice option. It's closer to 395, and their current prices are $107 a night

About 15 mins from Foxwoods
thnx prolly gonna get three rooms here and 1 at the woods

all in stands that sux the big one
02-16-2012 , 05:40 PM
Thing is, I was paying attention, I just couldn't see the player because of the seats. Was just so weird the way it played out, ended up placing 5th, so I won't complain, but I think the dealer needs to make it known instantly when somebody goes all in.
02-16-2012 , 05:41 PM
[QUOTE=EdBratz66;31579484]Let me rehash an incident that took place in a tournament. It is late in tourney 30 people left. I have around 85k blinds are 4k-8k. I am sitting in the 7 seat on the button. I have my headphones on it folds around to me, so I announce all in with A3. Both blinds fold, when I go to collect pot, dealer tells me the 4 seat moved all in before I did. Yet, he did not have chips out in front, nor an all in button. I know it's my job to realize what's going on, but I thought this was pretty terrible by the dealer not to throw the all in button out. Obviously I'm not over shipping with A3. Thoughts?[/QUOTE]

Take the headphones off. Player is not required to push his chips forward.
CANT STAND players w/headphones that say "HOW MUCH" every time a raise is announced. ZZZZZZzzzzzzz
02-16-2012 , 06:04 PM
Ed Congrats on the deep run and (what I'm assuming was) a good cash.

With that being said, I don't think many people are going to side with you on this one. The only casino I've ever seen an allin button at is FW, and even then it's only for cash. To my knowledge there isn't a universal motion or movement the dealer can make that acknowledges the allin. You not only didn't hear the player declare AI, but you failed to hear the dealer repeat it (assuming he did, because if he did not then yeah you may have a valid argument). Just curious, how did the hand play out?
02-16-2012 , 06:32 PM
Lol. He had AK and I embarrassingly showed my A3. He won leaving me with around 8500, and then I proceeded to go on an incredibly sick run. It was funny cause I don't normally wear headphones while playing, but it has helped me with not going on tilt. Probably won't be wearing them anymore now.
02-16-2012 , 10:01 PM
Headed down Saturday afternoon.

My 2/5 buyin in strategy will consist of buying in for 2/5 min at 1/2, double it and switch to a 2/5 game.

Hopefully I have a few of the regular posters at my table. Haven't met many at 1/2 stakes.
02-16-2012 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
This irks me, we all know the 2/5 game on Saturdays and Fridays run 7+. I understand not wanting to do a must move since they get all spread out. Under the arches, by the smoking doors (shouldn't be allowed to smoke in there anyways!!!!!!! That's the main reason why people ask for a table change away from the 90s) but why can't 2/5 get the whole row of tables in front of the cage and fifth street. They'll get filled eventually just keep the 1/2's off them and start opening tables under the arches for 1/2. This will allow the 2/5 to have a must move and not become a painful playing experience at 5:30-7:00pm every weekend because of people going upstairs to play in the 6pm daily.
Just read your post, every time I read the word "arches" all I can hear inside my head is a certain brush (think she usually works weekends) calling new games "new game 1-2NL table for first 10 initials on table 42 under the AAAAHhRChES" LMAO
02-16-2012 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by o0ch
The problem with buying in for 200 is that if you win you will eventually be at a 500~ish stack and be facing the same problem... imo it would be better for you to develop a strategy revolving around buying in for the max...

I agree tho 500 max totally sucks I wish they'd change it to 800 like mohegan but they claim it disrupts the 5/10+ games
I think they should change everything around... Here's what I think might be a good idea:

1-2 NL - 60min/300max
1-3NL - 100min/500max (this would be a new spread)
2-5NL - 200min/1000max
5-10NL - 500min/2500max
10-20NL - 2500 min/5000max
10-25NL- 4000min/no cap

I think that's pretty perfect spread, could always eliminate the 1-3NL
02-16-2012 , 11:22 PM
headphones are the best thing that ever happened to poker. haters
02-16-2012 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by EdBratz66
... I am sitting in the 7 seat on the button. I have my headphones on it folds around to me, so I announce all in with A3. Both blinds fold, when I go to collect pot, dealer tells me the 4 seat moved all in before I did. Yet, he did not have chips out in front, nor an all in button. I know it's my job to realize what's going on, but I thought this was pretty terrible by the dealer not to throw the all in button out. Obviously I'm not over shipping with A3. Thoughts?
Take off the headphones when you're in a hand?
Did they hold you to your allin, or excuse you based on gross misunderstanding of unheard previous bet?
(Dealer errs, you suffer the consequences... Protect your hand.)
02-16-2012 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by lolflipaments
headphones are the best thing that ever happened to poker. haters
Quite possibly, especially for those of us who don't wear them and don't miss anything...
02-16-2012 , 11:43 PM
foxwoods should change their no headphones at a final table policy so i could dominate even farther.
02-17-2012 , 12:06 AM

im pretty sure people who wear headphones see more, not less. the people who cant stop talking to other people at a poker table are the ones missing things.

the best is when i have my headphones in so nobody talks to me and i can concentrate more but the music volume is real low. people think i cant hear, but i can. the amount of information you can get off some people during a hand when they think you cant hear them speaking is invaluable.
02-17-2012 , 12:24 AM
The new foxwoods ad campaign is SOOOOOO annoying and stupid. They wasted money for this big change over when it would have been better spent keeping players happy!

At the announcement ceremony in the fox theater Wednesday the first thing they did was show a short film of foxwoods in the beginning and the original Pres. Skip Hayward(sp) made mention of how well they take care of the players. HAHAHAHAHA well not anymore.

They had the CT governor and LT Gov there, lots of news crews, political people, and the head of Mohegan (haha). They also had lots of the First day
employees there which they gave leather jackets too.

They also gave out the 20th T shirts which they're giving away to people this weekend (I wouldn't stand in line for another one)

AND CUPCAKES!!!! (which sucked)

A waste of an hour
02-17-2012 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by FishFry1984
I think they should change everything around... Here's what I think might be a good idea:

1-2 NL - 60min/300max
1-3NL - 100min/500max (this would be a new spread)
2-5NL - 200min/1000max
5-10NL - 500min/2500max
10-20NL - 2500 min/5000max
10-25NL- 4000min/no cap

I think that's pretty perfect spread, could always eliminate the 1-3NL
5-10 change would be good. 10-20 and 10-25 min buy ins don't need to be that deep tho, lots of fish like to try to buy in "short" for like 1.5-2k in those games and try to run it up. i think raising the mins from 1k/2.5k to 2.5k/4k would eliminate a lot of that. there just aren't that many fish at foxwoods on a consistent basis that would be willing to buy in that much, i think it would make the games run even less often than they have been
02-17-2012 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by FishFry1984
I think they should change everything around... Here's what I think might be a good idea:

1-2 NL - 60min/300max
1-3NL - 100min/500max (this would be a new spread)
2-5NL - 200min/1000max
5-10NL - 500min/2500max
10-20NL - 2500 min/5000max
10-25NL- 4000min/no cap

I think that's pretty perfect spread, could always eliminate the 1-3NL
horrible idea about 10/20 and 10/25

5/10 is fine as it is
02-17-2012 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by lolflipaments
headphones are the best thing that ever happened to poker. haters
seconded, foxwoods tournaments are unplayable without headphones due to the insufferable donks talking and doing donk stuff. they literally make you want to blow your brains out.
02-17-2012 , 01:26 AM
Exactly. Which is the reason I was wearing them. The guy literally had his cards under his hands, not visible at all. His chips had not moved. Dealer didn't toss him the all in button, it was my turn to act, so I shoved. Even if I didn't have headphones on what if the guy just softly said it and nobody heard him. Dealer didn't announce it or anything. It was only one of the 30 mistakes this particular dealer made. This was the bounty tournament, and a guy just lost a big hand and he assumed he was covered, so he left. He had around 1700 left enough and was going to be all in on the bb. The dealer actually thought he was eligible to win the hand. He argued with everyone how if you are all in your hand goes face up, and you can indeed win the pot.
02-17-2012 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by prizminferno
horrible idea about 10/20 and 10/25

5/10 is fine as it is
I don't think you need to put a new game like 1/3 in the mix. I do feel that Foxwoods has lost some players (myself included) to the 2/5 game at Mohegan because you can buy in for 160bb ($800 max).

I've heard from various people here and on the floor that if they increased the 2/5 max at Foxwoods to $800, they feel it would jeopardize the $5/10 game. Valid concern - so bump the $5/10 game up to $2500 (250bb, that's pretty deep) and 2/5 to $800 (160bb is nearly equivalent to the $300 max at $1/2 from a bb perspective).

It's not that the Foxwoods 2/5 is bad - it's just not as good as the Mohegan Sun game. Deeper stacks gives you more room to make moves and play more thinking-poker than just 100bb. Doesn't sound like a big deal (160bb vs 100bb) but I think it is for the skill levels of most of the players at those stakes.
02-17-2012 , 02:18 AM
I'd make these changes - and I'd also change the $1/2 PLO game a little bit after seeing how it runs at other casinos and hearing how often other players want mandatory straddles at $5 to just make it a red chip game.

1-2 NL - 60min/300max (same as existing)
2-5NL - 200min/800max (increase from 100bb max to 160bb mx)
5-10NL - 500min/2500max (increase from 200bb max to 250bb max)
10-20NL - 1500min/5000max (same as previous poster, but lower min)
10-25NL- 4000min/no cap --- really can't speak to this - have never played this high and don't know what's appropriate or plays well.

1-2 PLO - change this game to a $5/0 PLO blind structure with a 60min/500max (100bb). Parx has this and it plays great for the players and is easier to manage for the dealers. I think you'll still get new players that want to try 1/2 PLO try this instead. The fact there is a single blind counteracts the presence of a $5 blind. Only criticism I have for that game is that if someone straddles often (like yours truly), it makes the game huge for a 100bb max. Just not sure that Foxwoods can support an entry-level PLO game with more than a 100bb max, so it's a tradeoff.
02-17-2012 , 02:28 AM
I don't get why increasing the max at a 2-5 game would kill action in 5-10. I think if anything it could possibly help bring more 5-10 players, because the transition in buyins would not be as drastic when a player decided to move up stakes.

A 2-5 player who is used to playing 500 stacks would be intimidated to ever play 5-10 where average stack size can be 3k+. If the max buy in was increased to 800 or 1000 then they might be used to playing deeper games and not find taking a shot at 5-10 to be as big of a jump.

I also think it couldn't hurt to increase the max buy in at 5-10 to 3k. I think the buy ins at 10-20 and 10-25 are fine as they are.

Just my thoughts, I might be completely off base/missing something here.
02-17-2012 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by mmix85
I don't get why increasing the max at a 2-5 game would kill action in 5-10. I think if anything it could possibly help bring more 5-10 players, because the transition in buyins would not be as drastic when a player decided to move up stakes.

A 2-5 player who is used to playing 500 stacks would be intimidated to ever play 5-10 where average stack size can be 3k+. If the max buy in was increased to 800 or 1000 then they might be used to playing deeper games and not find taking a shot at 5-10 to be as big of a jump.

I also think it couldn't hurt to increase the max buy in at 5-10 to 3k. I think the buy ins at 10-20 and 10-25 are fine as they are.

Just my thoughts, I might be completely off base/missing something here.
3k max people would go broke too quickly at foxwoods IMO
02-17-2012 , 02:50 AM
No don't really think so. A lot of players sneak chips on anyways when a fish builds a big stack, so this would just make it less sketchy in that regard.

Anyways aren't we trying to break people fast if we can?
02-17-2012 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by FishFry1984
I think they should change everything around... Here's what I think might be a good idea:

1-2 NL - 60min/300max
1-3NL - 100min/500max (this would be a new spread)
2-5NL - 200min/1000max
5-10NL - 500min/2500max
10-20NL - 2500 min/5000max
10-25NL- 4000min/no cap

I think that's pretty perfect spread, could always eliminate the 1-3NL
I don't know any room that has had luck with both 1/2 & 1/3, but with FW's traffic, they might be able to pull it off.

If you ever find yourself in a meeting with the big shots, have them up the mins.

1-3NL - 200min/500max
2-5NL - 300min/1000max

Even if they don't increase the 2/5 max for fear of cutting into 5/10 action, I would love to see the mins up. (F U shorties )
