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02-18-2012 , 06:26 PM
table change-plenty of other games to help you deal with the plenty of losers at the woods and every other cardroom. it is really annoying, in fact any discussion about another players play positive or negative is annoying
02-18-2012 , 08:06 PM
Is it ok to berate yourself at the table?
02-18-2012 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by EdBratz66
Is it ok to berate yourself at the table?
God I hope so since I feel like doing it roughly four or five times I play.

Personally, it gives me a warm feeling when someone gets pissed about my play and berates me. Anything that distracts them from making sound decisions is +EV for me.
02-19-2012 , 02:27 AM
u gotta use it to your advantage, he thinks you suck, he has lost respect.

any berating just go along with it.

if you can't laugh at yourself then u cant laugh
02-19-2012 , 03:29 AM
Man, games were so amazingly good tonight. Seriously, I was at a 2/5 table with 15k, at least, on it. Every pot was 3 bet preflop. Asian kid who just had a big score in AC kept check raise bluffing the turn(to $400 usually) then folding when shoved on. BEST 2/5 GAME EVER!!!
Last hand I saw was a $5k pot. Guy shoved $2300 in with 2nd pair and was called by bottom pair and a flush draw with overs. Flush draw got there
Had an awesome meal at Craftsteak as well. IF anyone goes there soon, you have to get the bacon with arugula and honey. It is braised and seared pork belly. I have eaten there probably 50 times and this is the best thing that I have ever had there.
02-19-2012 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by heatfan03
u gotta use it to your advantage, he thinks you suck, he has lost respect.

any berating just go along with it.
in tu
if you can't laugh at yourself then u cant laugh
As my friend said yesterday after being criticized for making a marginal albeit the right call "Laugh all the way to the bank."

That should rub them the wrong way and make them tilty
02-19-2012 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by Bluffzorz
Getting really annoyed lately......
Guy who folded sees it and goes on a crybaby tangent for 10 minutes, talking crap and saying how horrible a player I am.

Just so sick of it.
Several things to come to mind:
1. Not cool to see it done or watch someone catch another's ire.
2. Take advantage of their tilt
3. Can make worse players play better (no judgement on this hand or player)
4. Might make a target change tables or not play lowering your ev
5. Supposed better player should know A-crap can be a harrowing hand to play.
6. This type of move can be a good move against the right players.
7. A while back I had a maniac berate me because I called his A-K all in with A-Q and spiked a Q. After a bit of annoying berating, I told him his play was so good he had confused me and as I didn't think he had anything.
8. Have the ability to tune out idiots and take advantage.

My $.02!!
02-19-2012 , 04:04 PM
For the FPC are all the satellites just steps to the main or can you use them to buy in to the smaller tournaments?
02-19-2012 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by Bluffzorz
Getting really annoyed lately. Everytime I hit a hand against a "good" player they berate me for like ten minutes.
just tell them straight up that if he was any kind of good poker player he kill for people to make bad moves vs him. idiots like that cant respond well to simple logic so maybe he'll just stop talking. don't tap on the fish tank right?

or just wear headphones
02-19-2012 , 09:45 PM
Starting to find myself at fw more and more and wanted to know what if any are the rules with table changes. I see people switch then not allowed to bring more than 500 (2/5) then the next time they have to bring everything etc
02-19-2012 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by heatfan03
Starting to find myself at fw more and more and wanted to know what if any are the rules with table changes. I see people switch then not allowed to bring more than 500 (2/5) then the next time they have to bring everything etc
When you request a table change, you can only buyin for $500. If table breaks or must move then you bring your whole stack to new table
02-20-2012 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
When you request a table change, you can only buyin for $500. If table breaks or must move then you bring your whole stack to new table
I saw a guy on Friday complain so vehemently over moving off a must move that he asked for the poker room director saying he shouldn't have to move off a must move.

He proceeded to lose all his chips soon thereafter.
02-20-2012 , 04:28 AM
Is there an easy way to find out how many hours you have logged in a particular year?
02-20-2012 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by Snappacall

Step 1: Go to the Foxwoods kiosk.
Step 2: Insert your card.
Step 3: Click on "club status"
Step 4: Click on the black card status lookup in the upper right-hand corner
Step 5: ?????
Step 6: Profit
This explanation is only good for the last 12 months. It doesn't show how many hours you logged in 2011 or 2010 etc...

I think the best/only way to do this is accurate records.
02-20-2012 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by gotf
not sure about a one blind structure for plo but i would change the table buyins. a 1-2 plo plays bigger than nl, but the floor doesn't want to realize that. I think the min should be 100 or 120, max 500. 2-5 should be 200 to 1000. I also think the staddle should become a $5 bet. That would change the hand to a red chip game, speeding up the hand a bit.
i think the better floor realize that the game is bigger; it may be management inertia or local gaming rules that makes tweaks to structure hard.

it's imperative that the game speed up to give the house a reason to be more aggressive in spreading it. i like the $5 straddle but think it should be voluntary since the small bankroll players are needed to start games. i'd also round all bets except pre-flop limps to the nearest $5. this would include all-ins etc.

There seems to be would-be players who come over and see multiple short stacks at the plo table and walk away, players that would play if the game was deeper. ( i don't know if they feel if there is not enough cash on the table or don't want to go against short stacks, since short stack play is different in that it's easier to throw in your call all-in as opposed to throwing in a call with a lot of chips behind going to the river.

The other side of that is not having the game even getting off if the buy in is too big since a lot of the short stackers are very helpful to getting the game going 4 handed or shorter and grinding while the table eventually fills.
good points above.

I have played in home games recently where they have a max buy-in originally and then you could buy-in for a percentage of the current big stack on the table. Say 70 or 75%. I don't know why outside of gaming commission regulations they could not institute that type of rule.
problem here might be counting stacks to establish new buy-in slows things down. agree that minimum buy for the plo game should be at least 50 BB.
02-20-2012 , 12:09 PM
Anyone know how many runners today for the $400?
02-20-2012 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by 2cute
i think the better floor realize that the game is bigger; it may be management inertia or local gaming rules that makes tweaks to structure hard.......
Sort of both. I've been told that in order to change the way any game is structured, or to spread a new game, they would have to file and get approval from the Gaming Commission. This isn't particularly difficult, as I understand it, but it would represent some extra work for someone, and they're not going to go through the effort unless they really see demand for it and some benefit to the room.
02-20-2012 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by EdBratz66
Anyone know how many runners today for the $400?
02-21-2012 , 01:52 AM
Heading down tomorrow night for 2 nights. Does anyone know if they will spread a 1/2 NL Crazy Pineapple game if I asked for it to be spread/put on list?
02-21-2012 , 02:43 AM
There is pretty much no chance whatsoever that they spread that. They have a hard time starting games with a 10 person list of interest.
02-21-2012 , 09:33 AM
The hardest thing about trying to spread that game is I think it's not approved by gaming commission, so that will never happen!
02-21-2012 , 11:47 AM
Bad Floor Ruling

2/5 NL on Monday
Player 1 bets $25
Player 2 calls $25
Player 3 raises to $75 (KK) a $50 raise
Player 4 calls $75 (QJ)
Player 5 goes All in for $122 (AQ) a $47 re-raise

The first two players fold, and it’s back to the guy with KK. He asks if he can raise. The inexperienced dealer doesn’t answer him. The floor happens to be walking by and stops at our table. The dealer didn’t really explain it very well to the floor. Then the floor says, “This is no limit, you can always raise”.

The guy with KK re-raises all in, QJ folds, and KK > AQ.

Earlier, with the same inexperienced dealer, one of the players felt he was slow rolled at the showdown. He calls his opponent an ***hole, twice. After the second time, his opponent retaliates and says you’re an ***hole. Then the first guy says you’re a f’n ***hole. The whole time, the dealer said nothing.
02-21-2012 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
When you request a table change, you can only buyin for $500. ...
What is the reason for that rule? Doesn't that just incentivize ratholeing?
02-21-2012 , 11:54 AM
To find out your Hours and Days played. Log into a dream rewards kiosk. Top right corner select point balance. There you will see a dream card, click the card and it will give you your stats currently from feb 2011- feb2012
02-21-2012 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Saul T. Nutz
What is the reason for that rule? Doesn't that just incentivize ratholeing?
I agree. I think that it is a stupid rule. In Vegas, even if you leave the room, if you come back to the room within an hour, you must rebuy with what you took off of the tables, even if you play at diff table(same stakes)
Just another odd rule at FW that doesn't seem to have any reasoning behind it
