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08-20-2011 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by theteacher
I'll be at Foxwoods early on Sunday. Anybody interested in trying to start a small mixed game starting around noon? Maybe 4-8 or 5-10 H.O.E.??
Bump to see if anyone else is interested??
08-20-2011 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Skleice
Yo. Nice playin with you man....even though you did spit up your milkshake on me, the felt, my drink, and the 7 seat. Tx buddy.
Hey, at least it wasn't a boring table, right? ;-)

That, and now you know how to order the best drink in the casino. Just don't let the 7 seat crack jokes when you're taking a big sip.
08-20-2011 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by theteacher
Bump to see if anyone else is interested??
It's an old mans game, they don't know what the internet is. It'll probably go. 5-10 HORE ran yesterday. They wouldn't say whore on the mic, but just say h-o-r-e. I would have been amused.
08-20-2011 , 03:44 PM
While playing 1/2 on Friday I was keeping an eye on the game listing to see what else was playing that day and noticed that there was an interest list for 5/10 HORSE with about 7 or 8 names on the list, which then jumped up to about 15 names for at least a couple of hours. Apparently the game never started (at least while I was there) and the list ultimately dropped down to 2 or 3 names. If 15 names isn't enough to start a game like that, how many would be enough? Does that game ever actually run? I might've tried my hand at it for a change of pace if it had.
08-20-2011 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by fishm0nger
While playing 1/2 on Friday I was keeping an eye on the game listing to see what else was playing that day and noticed that there was an interest list for 5/10 HORSE with about 7 or 8 names on the list, which then jumped up to about 15 names for at least a couple of hours. Apparently the game never started (at least while I was there) and the list ultimately dropped down to 2 or 3 names. If 15 names isn't enough to start a game like that, how many would be enough? Does that game ever actually run? I might've tried my hand at it for a change of pace if it had.
There are a handful of names on the list now, let's see if it gets up to 15+ today.
08-20-2011 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by fishm0nger
While playing 1/2 on Friday I was keeping an eye on the game listing to see what else was playing that day and noticed that there was an interest list for 5/10 HORSE with about 7 or 8 names on the list, which then jumped up to about 15 names for at least a couple of hours. Apparently the game never started (at least while I was there) and the list ultimately dropped down to 2 or 3 names. If 15 names isn't enough to start a game like that, how many would be enough? Does that game ever actually run? I might've tried my hand at it for a change of pace if it had.
Was on 5-10 horse list early fri morning and knew many of the others too but by the time they called it late afternoon some were gone or like me only an hour or 2 left. If they started it in the morning I would have played, many lists go like that but at least their letting us try to start these games where before it was hard to even start one.
08-20-2011 , 07:14 PM
I saw them call that 5-10 game, only about 4 ppl showed up. For better results stop putting up 5-10 and put up 8-16, that has more of a chance of running as it's high enough to get the 10-20 guys to play. And it's also a much better game with the $2 chips vs. 5-10 with reds(ugh)
08-20-2011 , 07:22 PM
The 30/60 HOSE game has been picking up momentum, it went 3 days last week.

I plan to get it going wed-friday next week, if anyones interested.
08-20-2011 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by MontyBurns
I saw them call that 5-10 game, only about 4 ppl showed up. For better results stop putting up 5-10 and put up 8-16, that has more of a chance of running as it's high enough to get the 10-20 guys to play. And it's also a much better game with the $2 chips vs. 5-10 with reds(ugh)
Ok so I'll start the list tomorrow around 10am...what does everyone think? Should I try 4/8, 5/10, or 8/16? (or even 6/12) What has the best chance of running? I really would love to play mixed tomorrow.

Last edited by theteacher; 08-20-2011 at 10:10 PM.
08-21-2011 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by prizminferno
Chopped up 5 ways... 16k not bad tbh
Solid, grats sir.

Although boo at chopping. Did you get way more than your chip equity?
08-21-2011 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by MontyBurns
I saw them call that 5-10 game, only about 4 ppl showed up. For better results stop putting up 5-10 and put up 8-16, that has more of a chance of running as it's high enough to get the 10-20 guys to play. And it's also a much better game with the $2 chips vs. 5-10 with reds(ugh)
6-12 would be better than 5-10 as well, right?

at least it would distinguish it from all the other tables in the room with mountains of yellow chips
08-21-2011 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Madmaniac21
Solid, grats sir.

Although boo at chopping. Did you get way more than your chip equity?
Even the ones who say they'll never chop succumb to chopping!
08-21-2011 , 11:14 AM
Lets not put pit dealers on 2-5PLO in the future. The dealer didn't even know that one must play 2 hole cards.
08-21-2011 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
Lets not put pit dealers on 2-5PLO in the future. The dealer didn't even know that one must play 2 hole cards.
You MUST play two? Now you tell me! Would have saved me a lot if I had known sooner.
08-21-2011 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by Madmaniac21
Solid, grats sir.

Although boo at chopping. Did you get way more than your chip equity?
Should have demanded more but whatever. I originally refused a chop but just decided to go with it. Probably should have kept playing with 30bb avg stacks since I was the best player but money is good.

And two of them were amateurs and they were clearly thinking about the money which was definitely something I was trying to use. Ended up running into the top of their ranges in a bunch of spots that could have swung things drastically.

Last edited by prizminferno; 08-21-2011 at 12:53 PM.
08-21-2011 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
Lets not put pit dealers on 2-5PLO in the future. The dealer didn't even know that one must play 2 hole cards.
I played the 2/5PLO thursday night had a good rotation of dealers on table 67! And then on friday night i was playing 1/2PLO in the middle maybe table 40 and had no problems either.... I saw you guys playing over on table 10 that is the worst!! They have all the new bees dealing over there. I hope these games play daily and then, maybe Foxwoods can school these dealers on the game!
08-21-2011 , 04:33 PM
How many runners do the Sunday O8 and HOSE tournaments typically get?
08-21-2011 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by devin mac
Hey, at least it wasn't a boring table, right? ;-)

That, and now you know how to order the best drink in the casino. Just don't let the 7 seat crack jokes when you're taking a big sip.
Haha youre welcome. At least it was a good night.. And def a good table both nights..

You guys end up going to dinner on sat night? Half my friends wanted to stay and play but I ordered like 7 or 8 more of those drinks that night.
08-21-2011 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by LoosenUp
The 30/60 HOSE game has been picking up momentum, it went 3 days last week.

I plan to get it going wed-friday next week, if anyones interested.
Why were they playing that with greens and reds?? I know FW has $10 chips.
08-22-2011 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by varone3737
Haha youre welcome. At least it was a good night.. And def a good table both nights..

You guys end up going to dinner on sat night? Half my friends wanted to stay and play but I ordered like 7 or 8 more of those drinks that night.

yeah, i actually came back to get you but was informed that you'd taken off with some of your buddies for dinner. we ended up at altastrada and more or less horrified half the other patrons and serving staff. :-)

and yes, that drink is very very addictive, is it not?

was good to meet a couple of you guys, finally, jpsychlady and o0ch.

Lattimer, consider yourself booked for the next beer summit event.

Last edited by devin mac; 08-22-2011 at 08:37 AM.
08-22-2011 , 09:40 AM
Just wondering if anyone else saw the side bet between two guys Sunday night, I think it was on table 12 around 8:00pm.

Player A bet Player B that he could not eat 14 king-sized snickers bars in 2 hours... Player A ended up having to leave about an hour into the bet while Player B had already downed 9-10 bars, and paid player B the $200 before he left.
08-22-2011 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by BillyBoy5885
Just wondering if anyone else saw the side bet between two guys Sunday night, I think it was on table 12 around 8:00pm.

Player A bet Player B that he could not eat 14 king-sized snickers bars in 2 hours... Player A ended up having to leave about an hour into the bet while Player B had already downed 9-10 bars, and paid player B the $200 before he left.
wait, so someone came to the casino rolling a dozen and a half king snickers bars deep? :-)
08-22-2011 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by devin mac
wait, so someone came to the casino rolling a dozen and a half king snickers bars deep? :-)
Of course not, hah. He walked up to the store across from the Hard Rock and bought them for $36 or something like that.
08-22-2011 , 01:09 PM
Was the eater of the snickers bars allowed to drink during this? If he was, then in my opinion this is a sucker bet. 2 hours is far too much time to down that many calories.
08-22-2011 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
Was the eater of the snickers bars allowed to drink during this? If he was, then in my opinion this is a sucker bet. 2 hours is far too much time to down that many calories.
One small bottle of water that the waitress' bring over.
