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08-18-2011 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by Uchiha_Filipe
Which bus are you taking?? I'm looking to find a cheap one, the 15$ voucher makes it so worth it for me since i already spend a buttload on gas AND food there...
One from SE MA
08-18-2011 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Acoplander1
The $15 "ticket to ride" keno voucher is worth about $2. You want someone to pay $10? Good luck with that.
Thanks for the info. I had no idea. I will probably just toss it in the trash then.
08-18-2011 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by nddst
Thanks for the info. I had no idea. I will probably just toss it in the trash then.
The EV of the ticket is like $2 as he said. But have you seen how many idiots are standing in the keno line? Someone might take it off your hands for $5, maybe even $10. It's worth taking a few minutes to try.
08-18-2011 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by Lattimer
The EV of the ticket is like $2 as he said. But have you seen how many idiots are standing in the keno line? Someone might take it off your hands for $5, maybe even $10. It's worth taking a few minutes to try.
this. you have pretty much nothing to lose versus trashing it. clearly +EV to wander by the line and say you have a $15 ticket for $10.

can always throw it in the trash if nobody wants it on your walk down the line. :-)
08-18-2011 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by devin mac
this. you have pretty much nothing to lose versus trashing it. clearly +EV to wander by the line and say you have a $15 ticket for $10.

can always throw it in the trash if nobody wants it on your walk down the line. :-)
One more note on getting bus tics, use dream points for voucher then get bus tic at your terminal . no premium for using points.
example Worc to woods round trip is $27 or 27 dream points.
Voucher good for 60 days so you can pick one up and use anytime up to 60 days.
08-18-2011 , 11:49 AM
BTW, i need to buzz by worcester tomorrow on my way down if anyone needs/wants to hitch a ride. won't be coming back until sunday, but happy to detour to pick someone up if they're headed down anyway. PM me.
08-18-2011 , 04:24 PM
what type of field are we looking at for the 300 tomorrow , size wise, and whats peoples thoughts on the structure
08-19-2011 , 01:44 AM
2nd in chips entering day 2 of the 400. One time?!
08-19-2011 , 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by prizminferno
2nd in chips entering day 2 of the 400. One time?!
Easy game, kill em all. GL. I'll be down today and be looking at who is in seat 5 table 1. Awfully curious as to who you are.
08-19-2011 , 09:42 AM
GL priz. ship that bad boy. anotehr buddy of mine busted in a tie for 50th. ended up making a +23 profit on a LONG day... so sad.

I'll be down later this afternoon. Offer's still on the table if anyone needs a ride down from the worcester area. shoot me a PM if so.
08-19-2011 , 09:54 AM
2/5 plo again today?
08-19-2011 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by prizminferno
2nd in chips entering day 2 of the 400. One time?!
Your starting table today has by far the most amount of chips on it. Lean on them!
08-19-2011 , 10:24 AM
GL Priz. I normally just lurk but I am on table 2-6. See u there.
08-19-2011 , 11:00 AM
GL man, take it down!
08-19-2011 , 03:34 PM
results/updates?? very curious.. hopefully one of you is still in.
08-19-2011 , 04:15 PM
08-19-2011 , 04:28 PM
hes still in as far as I can tell

GL dude!
08-19-2011 , 04:49 PM
prizm still alive FT 7 left you can sweat the kid in the bruins shirt on


driving to woods now for live sweat
08-19-2011 , 07:37 PM
gl boss - 8 seat is a big online winner(think that him in the vid) - dunno the rest.
08-19-2011 , 08:01 PM
Chopped up 5 ways... 16k not bad tbh
08-19-2011 , 10:40 PM
sick score dude
08-19-2011 , 10:50 PM
Went on Thursday had fun. Thanks to the guy who called my 150 BB bet into a AA5 board with AJ, F the dealer who put that GD J on the river costing me over 650. (I had 55, ofc)

08-20-2011 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by prizminferno
Chopped up 5 ways... 16k not bad tbh
Good Job mike, it was nice playing with you...Red Sox hat at Starting table.
08-20-2011 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by devin mac
I'll be down later this afternoon. Offer's still on the table if anyone needs a ride down from the worcester area. shoot me a PM if so.
Yo. Nice playin with you man....even though you did spit up your milkshake on me, the felt, my drink, and the 7 seat. Tx buddy.
