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04-16-2011 , 05:18 PM
anyone know this kid at FW they call 'the set-master'?
04-16-2011 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Waterfall
anyone know this kid at FW they call 'the set-master'?
I was once known as the setmaster but subsequently bequeathed my title after a very short reign to the very gentleman who dubbed me the setmaster. He earned it by making all the sets and then straight flushing my 2-pair, turned Ace-high flush.

Now I just call him my nemesis (in my head.)
04-16-2011 , 07:03 PM
I am loving online poker getting crushed by the feds for 2 reasons.

1. I stopped playing online poker long ago- Too many damn cheaters!
2. Foxwoods is going to be FLOODED with aggressive players now! YES!
04-16-2011 , 07:39 PM
Switching from online to live now and sorry I know this has been asked to death, but if comp'ed rooms are not considered (I know FW crushes mohegan here), since i live 15 from both, in terms of promotions does FW still outclass mohegan or is it closer? also consider i dont have a blackcard yet(so i would be getting lower pts/hr until then), since i rarely played live before this.
04-16-2011 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by IOnlyPlayJunk
I am loving online poker getting crushed by the feds for 2 reasons.

1. I stopped playing online poker long ago- Too many damn cheaters!
2. Foxwoods is going to be FLOODED with aggressive players now! YES!
If not a level ... wow. Just wow man.

And lol at live poker nicknames.

Guess I'll be seeing the lot of you more often now, sigh.
04-16-2011 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by Lanteri87
1/2 PLO/PLO8 rotation ran strong with a full table for a good 5 hours tonight, even though the room was pretty dead for a Thursday. Thought that was pretty awesome. It started as a 3 handed PLO8 game with me and the regular suspects, and (not sure if we're allowed to say names or not, but you all know who I'm referring to when I say like the "head nit that hates PLO") when he left while we were 4 handed I suggested a situation to a rotation, which quickly caught on and filled up. So psyched about it.

If anyone else was in this game tonight, let me know how much longer it ran after 1130 (still running?)
I was the fourth guy to sit down, I'd probably play again. Not sure if my BR can handle too much PLO though, I just started coming back. Ended up going broke drawing to a full house a little after midnight, it was fun though. If you see me around let me know if you want to try and get a game started, I'll play just about anything.
04-16-2011 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by johnnyd8587
I was the fourth guy to sit down, I'd probably play again. Not sure if my BR can handle too much PLO though, I just started coming back. Ended up going broke drawing to a full house a little after midnight, it was fun though. If you see me around let me know if you want to try and get a game started, I'll play just about anything.
Yeah, it ran last night for like 5-6 hours or so as well.

My bankroll's hurting right now cause of the whole internet poker cluster****. I only have 10% of my roll available to me, which is like 6 full buys. I'm not a happy camper right now.
04-17-2011 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by Lanteri87
Yeah, it ran last night for like 5-6 hours or so as well.

My bankroll's hurting right now cause of the whole internet poker cluster****. I only have 10% of my roll available to me, which is like 6 full buys. I'm not a happy camper right now.
they ran 1-2 PLO high only last night too. got called at like 8 i think.
04-17-2011 , 11:47 AM
Spent Wed evening through Sat early evening at Foxwoods. Wed and Thurs were on the slow side but Fri and Sat action was great!
40 hours away from the black card and two weeks to do it. GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO!
04-17-2011 , 11:51 AM
There are Massive waiting lists for just about every game, i think its safe to say foxwoods is experiencing some online player spill-over

Jpsychlady - hopefully u dont spend the next 2 weeks waiting for a 2/5 table to open up!
04-17-2011 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by whsten
do you think the room will get busier overall consistently now that online seems stopped? i for one might make the transition from online to foxwoods grinder.
also until i build up a live bankroll can you make enough at 1-2 nl consistently to support yourself?
Yes, buy in for 200, leave there with 500. Profit = 300 x 5 days =1500 a week x 4 weeks= 6k a month. It is not hard to double up, triple up playing live 1/2NL, set a target goal such as once you hit $500 leave. If you lose a buy in, allow your self one rebuy and now play until you reach 700 or close to and leave. If you play a TAG style with premiums hands you will be successful, if you play a loose passive game with suited connectors, and small pockets you should find success as well. DO not bluff Maniacs, and if a nit is in the pot your probably beat so don't bluff him either. Take a free draw card when you can and bet for value when you hit.

I am not the greatest online poker player, I started playing live when I was 17 (26 now) and didn't get into online seriously. I do know that online players calculate success by 4bb/100 or whatever. Do NOT use this method playing live. 4bb at 1/2 is $8 (remember your only playing 1 table). Your better off working at Mcdonalds for that rate, and youll get a discount on food. Like I said above your goal is to double/triple your buy in.
04-17-2011 , 01:41 PM
All Apple products at MacAppeal in MGM are now double DreamPoints. If you were saving up your hard earned comp points for an iPod or MacBook, you now have to pay double points, double sales tax, plus you must buy their expensive protection plan. Being the only retail store worth visiting at Foxwoods, this is bull****.
04-17-2011 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by TA2727
Yes, buy in for 200, leave there with 500. Profit = 300 x 5 days =1500 a week x 4 weeks= 6k a month. It is not hard to double up, triple up playing live 1/2NL, set a target goal such as once you hit $500 leave. If you lose a buy in, allow your self one rebuy and now play until you reach 700 or close to and leave. If you play a TAG style with premiums hands you will be successful, if you play a loose passive game with suited connectors, and small pockets you should find success as well. DO not bluff Maniacs, and if a nit is in the pot your probably beat so don't bluff him either. Take a free draw card when you can and bet for value when you hit.

I am not the greatest online poker player, I started playing live when I was 17 (26 now) and didn't get into online seriously. I do know that online players calculate success by 4bb/100 or whatever. Do NOT use this method playing live. 4bb at 1/2 is $8 (remember your only playing 1 table). Your better off working at Mcdonalds for that rate, and youll get a discount on food. Like I said above your goal is to double/triple your buy in.
This is very optimistic. Poker, like all forms of gaming, has a high variance that will cause you to push a hand into something better, get sucked out on regularly by a worse hand, and will have many losing sessions that will take a toll on confidence if they are dwelt upon.

There is a sense of consistency in a winning player's profits, but even the best are subject to downswings that could last a period of several weeks to a month.
04-17-2011 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by IWearSportsJerseys
This is very optimistic. Poker, like all forms of gaming, has a high variance that will cause you to push a hand into something better, get sucked out on regularly by a worse hand, and will have many losing sessions that will take a toll on confidence if they are dwelt upon.

There is a sense of consistency in a winning player's profits, but even the best are subject to downswings that could last a period of several weeks to a month.
I agree poker is high variance and you will lose, but to be successful at these low limits 1/2NL live you need to understand how the style of game is played, and how to play certain hands. I posted my strategy on some other thread here. If you stick to this strategy and find that you lose due to variance you will also see that there will be times that you go on a heater and win 4-5buy ins. But on average if you can play solid poker, stick to your strategy, focus on doubling/tripling your buy ins you will do well.
04-17-2011 , 06:10 PM
how many hours do I need to log at 1/2 or 2/5 NL to get a poker room rate or free rooms throughout the month. Not sure how the comp system works but want to be able to maxamize it as a part time player. any help would be great. thanks.
04-17-2011 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Slingtown
how many hours do I need to log at 1/2 or 2/5 NL to get a poker room rate or free rooms throughout the month. Not sure how the comp system works but want to be able to maxamize it as a part time player. any help would be great. thanks.
Nobody understands how the comp system works. They have some random formula it seems.
04-17-2011 , 10:09 PM
From my experience poker get the least amount in comps. Slot, table games then poker. When I played just poker even 1-2 days a week it didn't matter. The day i added blackjack for even two hours the free rooms started Mon-Thurs. Now I have them Mon-Saturday with poker 3-5 trips a month and about 5 hours of table games.
I play 1/2 & 2/5 sit & go's once in a while.
04-18-2011 , 07:51 AM
Non poker gambling has a big effect on your comps. If they see you are a gambling degen at a game that the house can potentially win big bucks when you go on tilt, they will give you comps to keep you coming, waiting for the day you go on tilt. Play slots or table games and you will get the comps.
04-18-2011 , 11:45 AM
Just play the $500 minimum Roulette and Craps, you'll have comps in no time. Then, hit up the 2-4LHE tables. Guaranteed +EV.
04-18-2011 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Acoplander1
All Apple products at MacAppeal in MGM are now double DreamPoints. If you were saving up your hard earned comp points for an iPod or MacBook, you now have to pay double points, double sales tax, plus you must buy their expensive protection plan. Being the only retail store worth visiting at Foxwoods, this is bull****.
Afaik they don't have iPhones or the new iPads, wtf?
04-18-2011 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by TA2727
Yes, buy in for 200, leave there with 500. Profit = 300 x 5 days =1500 a week x 4 weeks= 6k a month.
Wow. I had no idea it was that easy.
04-18-2011 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Acoplander1
All Apple products at MacAppeal in MGM are now double DreamPoints. If you were saving up your hard earned comp points for an iPod or MacBook, you now have to pay double points, double sales tax, plus you must buy their expensive protection plan. Being the only retail store worth visiting at Foxwoods, this is bull****.
That is BS, but at the same time I'm not really surprised. Honestly speaking, does anyone think that when they're at a casino and purchasing items they're doing it because it's the "best value?" This isn't a knock at your statement, I'm just saying that internally, most of us expect to pay a bit more at the casino when purchasing items, especially in relation to using our points. A pair of shoes that normally costs $100 at a department store might be $145 at FW. I'm not saying it's right (especially in relation to the Apple products situation), I'm just saying it's how it works. Not to mention, as part of MGM Grand which is FW "higher-end" section of shopping, I'm not shocked.

If one accrued a large number of points through it's something you're doing anyways, a "perk." Fairly similar to Stop and Shop gas points. I buy groceries there because they're the closest ones around (Besides "Big $/Big Y") and as a perk I get gas points. Again, not always as good as the perks we'd like. I just hope they keep offering good perks at FW,especially with the wake of online poker. We'll see.
04-18-2011 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Acoplander1
All Apple products at MacAppeal in MGM are now double DreamPoints. If you were saving up your hard earned comp points for an iPod or MacBook, you now have to pay double points, double sales tax, plus you must buy their expensive protection plan. Being the only retail store worth visiting at Foxwoods, this is bull****.
lol, I predict that apple store goes out of business very quickly... I never see anyone buying anything in there, ever... and 2x points will be the final blow
04-18-2011 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by MontyBurns
and the award for most pointless question is.......

sorry for the ball busting, but seriously, it's limit so the buy-in is irrelevant and if you're under 60 years old you should not be playing this game.
For the purposes of having a bankroll, the buy-in, no matter what the game, is never irrelevant. Also, limit stud is not a game for only those over the age of 60. I would've preferred no answer at all rather than this cynical wise crack I got. I was simply asking a question. Sheesh.

Anyways, the reason why I asked about Stud is because I am a recreational player who can't afford a very large bankroll. My question now is: is it spread very often outside of the weekend? I've never been during the week and wanted to get some insight on this.
04-18-2011 , 05:18 PM
Anyone know about how many runners the monday $160 10k gets?
