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04-15-2011 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by CaptObvious
...Now,with all due respect -and I'm truly not trying to ruffle feathers for any of the PLO8 regs- but, I'm curious as to why some of them would be against a PLO game going vs PLO8. Perhaps I'm off base in my assumption, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but I would think if you'd get a low (1-2 PLO) game going regularly (or at least try too) that would get people playing who kind of know the game and want to try out, or want to go back and forth between a PLO and PLO8b game. In essence, you'd be potentially drawing more people to the PLO, period. That could create future hi-lo players. That is, if someone gets comfortable enough with the PLO, they might branch out to other variations....?
Because it would compete for an already very limited number of the same players, and make it harder to get the PLO8 game to go.
If we could get a regular PLO game going, it might eventually feed some new players off into PLO8, but I don't think that they see it this way; they're trying hard to directly get the game that they do like to go, right now (and it ain't easy).
Personally, I prefer PLO, or a mixed PLO/PLO8 game, to PLO8. But my take on most of the PLO8 reg's is that they really do not enjoy PLO. I have asked, and this is what I hear. Some will play a mixed game, but only if that's the only way to get a game, and some would rather play 1-2 NLHE or 4-8 O8, or even LHE, than to play even a mixed PLO/O8 game.
04-15-2011 , 02:24 PM
Yeah if they got 2-3 PLO8 games going regularly, the regs probably wouldn't mind if a PLO ran. But they have a hard time getting 1 full table of PLO8 as it is.
04-15-2011 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by MJ88
Because it would compete for an already very limited number of the same players, and make it harder to get the PLO8 game to go.
If we could get a regular PLO game going, it might eventually feed some new players off into PLO8, but I don't think that they see it this way; they're trying hard to directly get the game that they do like to go, right now (and it ain't easy).
Personally, I prefer PLO, or a mixed PLO/PLO8 game, to PLO8. But my take on most of the PLO8 reg's is that they really do not enjoy PLO. I have asked, and this is what I hear. Some will play a mixed game, but only if that's the only way to get a game, and some would rather play 1-2 NLHE or 4-8 O8, or even LHE, than to play even a mixed PLO/O8 game.
The regs are where the problem is at really. Most of them have no gamble, which is why they refuse to play PLO. From most of my experience playing the 1/2 PLO8 at FW, it's been a bunch of old nits sitting in with 50 BBs, and limping every hand. Very low amount of action.

I mean, honestly, I'd be content with a mixed PLO/PLO8 game running on a consistent basis. I like both games, and I'm sure you could get a couple of the on-the-fence regs to stick around if it's not strictly high only. And I mean, really, the ones that don't want to play it? Good riddance I say. Go and nit it up at the 4/8 or 5/10 limit o8? Nothing personal, I just don't think a handful of guys that have been around forever should be killing a potentially good consistent game of PLO because they don't want to play high.

Just my two cents.
04-15-2011 , 03:53 PM
best chance for plo high game is 2/5 stakes. i play 5/10 nl and some of these players like plo but not for 1/2. plo ' plays bigger' than nl so i think 2/5 game might work for some of them
04-15-2011 , 06:34 PM
[QUOTE=Lanteri87;26053701]The regs are where the problem is at really..... I just don't think a handful of guys that have been around forever should be killing a potentially good consistent game of PLO because they don't want to play high......QUOTE]

IMO, the problem really isn't the PLO8 reg's. They don't "kill" the PLO game, they play the game they want to play, and they work hard to get the game going.
Last time I checked, it was their money and they can play what and as they wish. (Although, IF the PLO8 game lasts a while and the stacks do build up, it can get pretty good, but this doesn't happen often enough.)
IMO, the problem is that there simply aren't enough people who want to play PLO to get the game on a regular basis. If there were, we'd have a game.
As far as 2-5 PLO is concerned, I have heard a (small) number of players say that they would play 2-5, but not 1-2. Maybe. But given the variance and the way that PLO plays, I doubt that such a game could be sustained for long. And if we can't get a 1-2 PLO regularly, I really doubt that a 2-5 is more likely.
04-15-2011 , 07:41 PM
I did witness during the FPC on a Wednesday night (I believe) a 2/5 PLO high only game running. However, it didn't seem to last long. The game last night, sure was only 1/2 but it was not a struggle to fill the table at all. It was full most of the time with a list.

We were playing O8 but it got down to 3 handed around 8:30 and we decided to switch to PLO8/PLO high only mixed game. It really worked like a charm.

Now I want to know where is my baduci game?
04-15-2011 , 07:48 PM
Yeah, I have to disagree with the 2/5 thing. The swings/variance in PLO is crazy. No way can anyone currently interested in playing the 1/2 PLO be able to have the bankroll/heart to play it consistently. If 5/10 players want a PLO game, that's there prerogative, I'm simply referring to 1/2 in this case.

Anyway, I'm leaving the house in 10 to drive down. Should be there around 9-930. Wearing my Sox hoody/Sox Hat combo. I'll definitely be trying to get the mixed game going again when I get there, if there's not already a list.

Actually, if anyone's there now, it would be awesome if you could start a list/see what the interest levels are.
04-15-2011 , 08:43 PM
Does anyone think Poker After Dark airing a PLO special this and next week will help spark any interest in the game? I have not caught any of it yet (I have it all on my DVR, might get to it eventually) so I don't know how well it will promote the game, but I would think there are quite a few people who regularly watch the show and might wanna get in on that action? I think it's worth a shot, the more consistently people ask for the game, the more likely they are to treat it better I would think!
I'm sure the floors know its airing right now and might be more likely to support it right now as well, but I don't know.
04-15-2011 , 10:46 PM
Well with PLO being fairly popular online... will any of these players be coming to FW looking for some PLO action???
Either way today's news sucks for all poker players.
04-15-2011 , 10:54 PM
Yea today's news could be decent for live PLO players. It can only create more traffic in the room. Still think most will go to the fishier nlh games
04-15-2011 , 10:58 PM
New weekly points policy (?)... My host just told me weekly points cannot be added without first "giving action", which I take it to mean that you must play and earn at least one DreamPoint.
04-16-2011 , 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by Acoplander1
New weekly points policy (?)... My host just told me weekly points cannot be added without first "giving action", which I take it to mean that you must play and earn at least one DreamPoint.
when was that policy started?? I went up two weekends ago just to eat at CPK and got my weekly points after not going to foxwoods for month plus.
04-16-2011 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by Acoplander1
New weekly points policy (?)... My host just told me weekly points cannot be added without first "giving action", which I take it to mean that you must play and earn at least one DreamPoint.
Yea this isn't true. Just go to a kiosk and get them. It's the first thing I do during a new week. So no points earned prior to that.
04-16-2011 , 10:52 AM
Online poker in the USA is pretty much done for now, foxwoods boom?
04-16-2011 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by stueycal
Online poker in the USA is pretty much done for now, foxwoods boom?
I hope so, although I think it will take a few days for the strung-out internet poker junkies to stagger into FW for a fix.
I'm waiting to see FW or Mohegan offer perks to former FTP and Stars players.
Let's see..... exchange your FTP Black Card for a FW Poker room Black Card? Exchange 10000 FT points for 100 Dream Points?
Just kidding.... (I think)
04-16-2011 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by Big Whoop
Yea this isn't true. Just go to a kiosk and get them. It's the first thing I do during a new week. So no points earned prior to that.
It might be 1 of the new policies being enacted next month. They don't want people grabbing the freebies without playing.
04-16-2011 , 11:34 AM
This is going to seem nuts but...
The last few weeks when I go to get my weekly 15 dream points before I play, screen shows I have made 1 dream point for the day.
And my total had increased by 1 point too.
I sometimes check the day before on line for total and when get to kiosk it shows 1 point increase also though I haven't played yet.
04-16-2011 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by MJ88
exchange your FTP Black Card for a FW Poker room Black Card?
I know your just joking but I'd be really pissed if that happened, lol

I def expect to see the room busier than normal tonight due to ft ps ap shutting down to us free americans
04-16-2011 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by o0ch
I know your just joking but I'd be really pissed if that happened, lol

I def expect to see the room busier than normal tonight due to ft ps ap shutting down to us free americans
do you think the room will get busier overall consistently now that online seems stopped? i for one might make the transition from online to foxwoods grinder.
also until i build up a live bankroll can you make enough at 1-2 nl consistently to support yourself?
04-16-2011 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by whsten
also until i build up a live bankroll can you make enough at 1-2 nl consistently to support yourself?
I've done it for over a year, but my expenses are fairly low even though I live in Boston. That said, I did it on a 3 day a week schedule also (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday). It's do-able, but not much fun. It truly is a grind. I'd advise getting to 2/5 as soon as you can. Even if your approach is to only play 2/5 when the games are best, I think it is important to play beyond 1/2 as soon as you feel ready.

PM if you have any questions about my winrate. I also asked other regulars about theirs but received a shocking lack of specificity in their responses.

Last edited by MainEvent; 04-16-2011 at 12:46 PM.
04-16-2011 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by whsten
do you think the room will get busier overall consistently now that online seems stopped? i for one might make the transition from online to foxwoods grinder.
also until i build up a live bankroll can you make enough at 1-2 nl consistently to support yourself?
Honestly I do think the room will get busier, a lot busier, at least in the short term... we'll have to wait and see.

As for 1/2, it all depends on what you mean by support. If you have to pay for rent/phone/gas/food and then make $ on top of all of that, then 1/2 isn't going to cut it... 2/5 you'd stand a chance if you have a insane win rate but that's still pushing it.

edit - ***WARNING - foxwoods players do not play like online players, prepare to see people limp ace king***
04-16-2011 , 01:42 PM
How often do they card for poker?
04-16-2011 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by o0ch
Honestly I do think the room will get busier, a lot busier, at least in the short term... we'll have to wait and see.

As for 1/2, it all depends on what you mean by support. If you have to pay for rent/phone/gas/food and then make $ on top of all of that, then 1/2 isn't going to cut it... 2/5 you'd stand a chance if you have a insane win rate but that's still pushing it.

edit - ***WARNING - foxwoods players do not play like online players, prepare to see people limp ace king***
yea like i said before in posts i go like once a month and have had a high winrate, but thats when im excited to play, not grinding for rent
04-16-2011 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by ljfe
How often do they card for poker?
Not too often, but if you look even possibly underage, don't order alcohol (and under no circumstances hit a Bad Beat Jackpot).
04-16-2011 , 03:10 PM
I think the way to go for more online guys that need to switch over to live would be to start looking for a good job and grind some live and see how it goes. If live play doesn't work out and you find a good job take it.
