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09-17-2010 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by dhg223
lots of confusion among players last night on what the Saturday promotion entails. Some said that only "qualifying points" will count. As in the points earned playing a 10-hour session or more.

No one was sure and one guy said he asked at the rewards desk and they said they didnt know?
Meaning if they don't count toward Gold/Platinum qualification, you can't cashout? That's the impression I had as well, but got a conflicting report that the 2x points you get from a Black card all count too. I don't know... but I'm not participating in this promo, so I don't care too much.
09-17-2010 , 01:07 PM
New email seems to claim that in addition to the Saturday 1 point = 1 dollar promotion, there will be an ongoing opportunity to exchange points for cash at a rate of 1 point = $0.50.
09-17-2010 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by h0trod
New email seems to claim that in addition to the Saturday 1 point = 1 dollar promotion, there will be an ongoing opportunity to exchange points for cash at a rate of 1 point = $0.50.
Ya just read this. The 1 pt -> 50c exchange has existed for slot points, but will now include table points too.
09-17-2010 , 02:24 PM
Anybody know when the next MegaStack events are taking place?
09-17-2010 , 03:29 PM
December February schedules also available on their site
09-18-2010 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Casinoplr
Has anyone heard about the Poker Room closing 1/2 the room so they could put slots in there ??
I heard it's Black Jack tables, $5 limit. What the hell, they gotta try something to beat the MoheganSun......
09-18-2010 , 03:26 AM
Question guys. This Foxwoods poker black card, is it the same as the gold card, and just branded in a poker style? Or is it different with different requirements?
09-18-2010 , 10:21 AM
when did the stadium close?

whats in that space now?
09-18-2010 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by DQPaulie
Question guys. This Foxwoods poker black card, is it the same as the gold card, and just branded in a poker style? Or is it different with different requirements?
The WPT Poker card is the same as the regular green dream card, no extra benefits.
09-18-2010 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by chester cheetah
when did the stadium close?

whats in that space now?
It closed a month or 2 ago. Right now they are just using the space to store some extra slot machines.
09-18-2010 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by DQPaulie
Question guys. This Foxwoods poker black card, is it the same as the gold card, and just branded in a poker style? Or is it different with different requirements?
Poker players can earn a black card by playing 75 days and 500 hours in the previous 12 months. Black card players receive 2x as many points in their account as qualifying points for poker play but do not qualify for gold/platinum any faster. For example, if you play 10 hours at 20/40 (2pts/hr), your account will show you earned 40 points total but only 20 qualifying points for the day.

The 12 months is rolling, so your play from a year ago is falling off, month-by-month. The hours are much easier to hit than the days. Most floors are willing to look up your status and let you know where you stand.
09-18-2010 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Munga30
Poker players can earn a black card by playing 75 days and 500 hours in the previous 12 months. Black card players receive 2x as many points in their account as qualifying points for poker play but do not qualify for gold/platinum any faster. For example, if you play 10 hours at 20/40 (2pts/hr), your account will show you earned 40 points total but only 20 qualifying points for the day.

The 12 months is rolling, so your play from a year ago is falling off, month-by-month. The hours are much easier to hit than the days. Most floors are willing to look up your status and let you know where you stand.
I stand corrected.
09-18-2010 , 03:13 PM
Just got off phone with hotel operator and she mentioned that The High Roller Cafe or something opened last night.

20 bowling lanes 6 pool tables and 60 plasma t.v.'s.

Guess I know where I am watching the Pats game tomorrow
09-18-2010 , 04:44 PM
how are the 5-10nl games during the weekdays? i will be there from sept 20th-24th
09-18-2010 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Future Pro
I stand corrected.

It's rolling 365 days now so you can get the black card the day you meet the 2 requirements, no longer have to wait till the next month, and your days/hours start to add/delete day to day too.
09-19-2010 , 12:25 AM
Sick session tonight.

first hand I am in the sb. I limp with 45. Flop comes 678 rainbow. By the river nothing has changed. BB check raises my 25 to 50. I decide to call and he flips up the 95.

Now I am shortstacked. I managed to stay around 100 for the next 3 or so hours.

next hand I have pocket 7s and everyone limps in. flop comes XXK. Dude to my left goes all in for 30 or so. Guy after him calls. I fold cause I am shortstacked and its either push or shove. Turn comes.....7 doh!

second to last hand of the night where I get crippled.

I limp with pocket 4s and flop comes XX4 with two diamonds. I am on the button and it checks around to me. I bet 20 or 25 i forget. Two callers. Turn comes.......Diamond, Doh!. early postion checks, next guy goes all in for about 30. Disgusted I don't why but I called. The early postion guy calls too. we both check the river. Needless to say the all in guy had diamonds.

Combination of bad luck and my poor plays. Really sucks when I managed to keep my stack at 100 for so long.

oh and final bust out hand.

I shove for 30ish with 99 and old guy calls with k6.

I figure on the hand with pocket 4s I am going broke either way cause the guy had KQ of diamonds and was shortstacked. So If i shove the flop he's probably calling. meh
09-19-2010 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by Bluffzorz

I limp with pocket 4s and flop comes XX4 with two diamonds. I am on the button and it checks around to me. I bet 20 or 25 i forget. Two callers. Turn comes.......Diamond, Doh!. early postion checks, next guy goes all in for about 30. Disgusted I don't why but I called. The early postion guy calls too. we both check the river. Needless to say the all in guy had diamonds.

Well, calling isn't bad in this case, as it sounds like you have pot odds to try and hit your boat anyway.
09-19-2010 , 09:42 PM
I'm going to be at Foxwoods midweek (Tuesday-Thursday) in October. I haven't been to Foxwoods since around 1998. I have a couple questions I hope you all can help answer:
1. I'm staying at MGM. Is there an indoor walk to the Foxwoods poker room? How long of a walk is it?
2. Do they regularly have mid-limit games during weekdays? Like $15-30 (or I suppose the East Coast $10-20 and $20-40 limits?)
3. Assuming the answer is yes to #2, how many games are usually going during the week?
4. How far is it to Mohegan Sun? If I remember correctly, it's like 20-30 minutes, but I was hoping someone could confirm that.

09-19-2010 , 10:28 PM
1. Yes, a brisk walk indoors takes about 15-20 minutes.

2. 10/20 and 20/40 run regularly.

3. Usually always at least a game of 10/20.

4. 20 minute drive sounds about right.

Originally Posted by agent87
I'm going to be at Foxwoods midweek (Tuesday-Thursday) in October. I haven't been to Foxwoods since around 1998. I have a couple questions I hope you all can help answer:
1. I'm staying at MGM. Is there an indoor walk to the Foxwoods poker room? How long of a walk is it?
2. Do they regularly have mid-limit games during weekdays? Like $15-30 (or I suppose the East Coast $10-20 and $20-40 limits?)
3. Assuming the answer is yes to #2, how many games are usually going during the week?
4. How far is it to Mohegan Sun? If I remember correctly, it's like 20-30 minutes, but I was hoping someone could confirm that.

09-20-2010 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by Acoplander1
1. Yes, a brisk walk indoors takes about 15-20 minutes.

2. 10/20 and 20/40 run regularly.

3. Usually always at least a game of 10/20.

4. 20 minute drive sounds about right.

Excellent! Thanks for the answers!
09-20-2010 , 08:36 AM
Did everyone cash out their points on Saturday for $1.00 for 1 point? I was first in line at a kiosk and they started early at 9:40 saturday morning, and it even gave me promo points which I didn't think qualified. (haha) Walked by a Dream Rewards location to go cash my ticket at machine and their were hundreds of people in line who didn't realize you could use kiosks.

It's going on again this Saturday 10-4.

I notice they took down promotion from home page. I think maybe they don't want to give away any more money, HAHA
09-20-2010 , 10:05 AM
Anyone have any idea if they were going past the time they said they were? I was unable to go this past weekend, and I wouldn't be able to get there this Saturday until after 5. Probably just ****ed?
09-20-2010 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by Zookeeper
Did everyone cash out their points on Saturday for $1.00 for 1 point? I was first in line at a kiosk and they started early at 9:40 saturday morning, and it even gave me promo points which I didn't think qualified. (haha) Walked by a Dream Rewards location to go cash my ticket at machine and their were hundreds of people in line who didn't realize you could use kiosks.

It's going on again this Saturday 10-4.

I notice they took down promotion from home page. I think maybe they don't want to give away any more money, HAHA
How many points were you able to cash in?
09-20-2010 , 10:52 AM
You can cash in up to 1k each day they run the promo.
09-20-2010 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by mrdasefx
Just got off phone with hotel operator and she mentioned that The High Roller Cafe or something opened last night.

20 bowling lanes 6 pool tables and 60 plasma t.v.'s.

Guess I know where I am watching the Pats game tomorrow
