Originally Posted by midas
Left Newton area around 6:00 PM and arrived Encore at 6:50 for a 12 mile ride during rush hour.
Nailed it.
I'm glad you had a good trip.
Encore Everett might seem like kind of a lousy location now, but my prediction is that in 50 years, if it is still above sea level, but long after the Tobin Bridge has fallen into the sea, and so Route one runs further East on the other side of Admiral Hill, it won't seem so bad.
Right now it's sort of hard to fix the traffic because there is too much traffic. I hope the towns reinvest all that casino money wisely. Probably start with a police barracks since a few of those over glorified crossing guards and all those staties walking around the casino could probably use some place nice to put their feet up (not that the SUVs aren't nice). Could they bypass some of that 99 traffic down Robin St.?
But who am I kidding. This Boston and it's taken 20 years for the Green Line extension and it ain't even close to done yet. I remember when we all aspired to be
a better place than New York, but it's still tough to call.
And besides, maybe we'll be paddling canoes across the Lower Mystic while being chased by Dennis Hopper in an eyepatch on a natural gas tanker with only crude weapons to defend ourselves with come the 2060s.