Originally Posted by Rizzeedizzee
can anyone who was there yesterday report on whether cash games were still running as smoothly as usual, with them being quick both on calling lists and filling empty seats at the tables?
I got there around 3:30pm. There was a 1/3 list of about 10 people, which seemed longer than usual. I didn't hear my name called, but I got the text that my seat was ready after about 12 minutes, and wandered over to the 1/3 area. Only then it took me about five minutes to flag down a floor, as I think they had all been temporarily dragooned into moving velvet ropes around.
Other than that, everything was fine. Player turnover seemed a bit higher than usual at my table, with a few bustouts obviously just sticking a toe in the water or killing time while a friend was still in, but dealer pushes hummed along just fine, and the seats seemed to be getting filled up quickly enough when they did open up.