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Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16

10-09-2018 , 01:54 PM
Does anyone know how many comp nights I can stay at one time?
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-09-2018 , 08:25 PM
Lately I’ve been playing more table games and slots more so than poker, but I’ve been getting a bunch of free room offers and slot dollars. Conversely my friend who only plays table games gets match plays and free buffet for two once a month. Don’t understand how I don’t get match plays because he only plays when I play and he bets smaller. I have match play ticked off for preferences online, but have never gotten any match plays.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-09-2018 , 08:27 PM
Anyone interest in a mixed game on Friday? Thinking HORSE, but open to other games like triple draw or big O. Looking for anywhere between 4/8 up to pink chip.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-10-2018 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by sem25
Anyone interest in a mixed game on Friday? Thinking HORSE, but open to other games like triple draw or big O. Looking for anywhere between 4/8 up to pink chip.
This Fri only or are you thinking like once a month?
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-10-2018 , 05:18 PM
Was hoping to get one going this Friday, but could potentially make it a once a month kind of thing if we get enough people. In any case, I'm going to start an interest list Friday around 2pm if anyone's interested.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-10-2018 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by Hitdalinx
Does anyone know how many comp nights I can stay at one time?
It seems like there are different tiers/levels of comps.
When I was playing lower stakes, I was only getting ONE free night Sun-Thurs.
Later.. I started playing higher stakes & now get offered TWO consecutive nights Sun-Thurs (and occasionally a Friday night).
I'm guessing there are a few more "levels".
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-10-2018 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Lunkwill
It seems like there are different tiers/levels of comps.
When I was playing lower stakes, I was only getting ONE free night Sun-Thurs.
Later.. I started playing higher stakes & now get offered TWO consecutive nights Sun-Thurs (and occasionally a Friday night).
I'm guessing there are a few more "levels".
The previous owner had 25-30 different levels.
Some people get Fridays, some Fridays
And Saturdays, some weekends and Holidays,
Some water Club, & some suites...all
Depending on availability

Last edited by dipce; 10-10-2018 at 09:13 PM.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-24-2018 , 04:05 PM
Last night (Tuesday 10/23) I played 2-5 at table 21. I was the OWG in black leather hat, black golf shirt, with a little more than $1K in front of me in seat 6. Did I meet any of you?
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-25-2018 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by AlanBostick
Last night (Tuesday 10/23) I played 2-5 at table 21. I was the OWG in black leather hat, black golf shirt, with a little more than $1K in front of me in seat 6. Did I meet any of you?
a leather hat? what in gods name
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-25-2018 , 05:37 PM
Australian Barmah hat
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-25-2018 , 06:00 PM
Question for all you comp whizzes out there -

Let's say you were going to accrue 60 express comp dollars worth of poker and a little bit of pit gaming mixed in over the course of two days. You plan on swiping in/being rated Friday and Saturday. Would staying 1 night comped instead of 2 nights comped affect you offers more positively or is it just if you clock in at all that matters?

I have tomorrow and Saturday comped (humble brag) but could also just check out late Saturday instead of Sunday morning and take a late bus home.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-25-2018 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by HomeStar
Question for all you comp whizzes out there -

Let's say you were going to accrue 60 express comp dollars worth of poker and a little bit of pit gaming mixed in over the course of two days. You plan on swiping in/being rated Friday and Saturday. Would staying 1 night comped instead of 2 nights comped affect you offers more positively or is it just if you clock in at all that matters?

I have tomorrow and Saturday comped (humble brag) but could also just check out late Saturday instead of Sunday morning and take a late bus home.
If you have tomorrow and no previous (six months, maybe three months), let us know how it works out, but it shouldn't.

Last edited by sirpupnyc; 10-25-2018 at 09:59 PM.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-26-2018 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by sirpupnyc
Haha, you around tomorrow or Saturday? I like bourbon
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-26-2018 , 12:10 PM
That was some stellar replying, eh?

My current plan is to be there tomorrow (Saturday) night. Driving home after, so bourboning lightly at most. (And I'm still in the "I'll never drink again" phase of yesterday's....)

What's our best bourbon option up front in the poker room?

And I doubt there's any effect of staying 1 night vs 2 nights.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-26-2018 , 12:42 PM
Oh god, I've never had bourbon in the poker room. I'd guess Jack is probably the best. I'm gonna go use my comp dollars to get a Woodford on the rocks from the bar off to the side of the water club check in line before I get in line to check in.

Fireball shots, though...
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-26-2018 , 01:18 PM
Wait, were you at that party yesterday??
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-26-2018 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by HomeStar
Haha, no, I know nothing of this party you speak of.
Whew! Yesterday's bourboning was at a retirement party for my boss, and our CFO was pushing Fireball shots.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-26-2018 , 11:32 PM
Folks, you cannot post pictures of or name or talk about other players or room staff. This is a violation of this forums privacy rules.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-27-2018 , 12:16 AM
I think you can get top shelf at the racebook with a drink ticket. Heard you can anywho.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-27-2018 , 11:44 AM
Yeah, I'm too lazy to mess around with that.

I know the poker room has Jim Beam and Wild Turkey (and they'll offer Jack as bourbon), just wondered if there's anything better. I'm usually Johnnie Walker Black, but haven't been so much in a smoky mood lately.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
10-27-2018 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by dinesh
Folks, you cannot post pictures of or name or talk about other players or room staff. This is a violation of this forums privacy rules.
Apologies, kind sir.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
11-12-2018 , 12:50 PM
Saturday night was fight night...

A couple guys got into it behind table 9 around 4am or so. Over what I'm not sure, even though I was on 8 at the time. Floors broke it up, and one guy's interest cooled when he realised the other was taking him up on it.

And a bit after 5am table 3 blew up. A lot of ruckus in front of the cashier, looked like a group on either side of it. Security running in from everywhere, everybody got thrown out, only two players left to get new tables.

Apparently that wasn't all for the poker room (though I'd been there since 6pm and not noticed anything else), and the woman next to me said she'd seen two separate fights downstairs when she went to eat.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
11-12-2018 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by sirpupnyc
Saturday night was fight night...

A couple guys got into it behind table 9 around 4am or so. Over what I'm not sure, even though I was on 8 at the time. Floors broke it up, and one guy's interest cooled when he realised the other was taking him up on it.

And a bit after 5am table 3 blew up. A lot of ruckus in front of the cashier, looked like a group on either side of it. Security running in from everywhere, everybody got thrown out, only two players left to get new tables.

Apparently that wasn't all for the poker room (though I'd been there since 6pm and not noticed anything else), and the woman next to me said she'd seen two separate fights downstairs when she went to eat.
why were all these people up at 4am?
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
11-12-2018 , 02:31 PM
Wow! I was out of the room way before this happened. Sat was crazy though. I had seen an ejection from the poker room earlier, and some poker player being escorted out after a dispute at the main cage.

Even I, (affable AF) pulled aggro from some MAWG baddy Sat night.

Atlantic City man. Jeez.
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
11-12-2018 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by SuperSwag
why were all these people up at 4am?
It's "the show that never ends", you know...
Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa (Atlantic City, NJ) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2021.08.16 Quote
