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ULTIMATE BET Silent About Insider Cheating Allegations; Millions Suspected Stolen ULTIMATE BET Silent About Insider Cheating Allegations; Millions Suspected Stolen

01-28-2008 , 12:18 PM
Has anyone heard any recent update on this situation?
01-28-2008 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by jimmy13
Has anyone heard any recent update on this situation?
i'm interested too
01-28-2008 , 06:09 PM
Interestingly enough, I just got a call from UB I think as a result of my boycotting/leaving UB and previous VIP play, higher stakes/volume, etc. They offered me a VIP bonus offer, and when I asked about the superuser situation, they said that it has been resolved, basically saying that there was cheating. They also said that they have refunded/are in the process of refunding money. Has anyone else received this answer or any money? I'm inclined to believe they are lying until otherwise proved.

Anyway, it was pretty lol that the rep was dying to keep me on the phone. Like here are our offers! Come back! We'll give you free buy ins to Sunday tournaments! And the SECOND I mention the superuser accounts, she basically goes "Wow I gotta go, I'm just a marketing rep, I'm not a supervisor, I have to go" etc. UB is getting so shady.
01-28-2008 , 06:11 PM
Oh and another funny point. She said that in a way this superuser thing was a good thing because "our security now is tighter than ever! there's no better time to come back and play" I basically scoffed at that idea, IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN TIGHT ALL ALONG. So yeah, all in all pretty hilarious phone call.

Trambo, gaucho, scratchy, any updates?
01-28-2008 , 06:25 PM
I havent received much info as of lately, however I haven't talked to phil in over a week now. Even a week ago though, he said that he thought that within the next 2-3 days (4-5 days ago) that UB would probably be releasing some sort of statement. Has anyone gotten any emails or anything, cause I know I havent. Im gonna give him a call tonight and see if theres any new info. Otherwise I think all we can do right now is just wait and hope that UB does the right thing
01-28-2008 , 07:47 PM
They obviously saw how unscathed Absolute got off. Now they are hoping this too just quietly drifts off into oblivion. Seems like they are already trying to pretend it's business as usual at UB.
01-28-2008 , 07:50 PM
I got that phone call and said I would come back after they refunded everyone from the superusers.

If all these people on the list turn out to be superusers I'm owed slightly under 100k. time!
01-28-2008 , 10:18 PM
as far as the poker world goes...this is pretty sickening.
01-29-2008 , 06:35 AM
Originally Posted by AZplaya
lol ClubChamp pmed me about that guy because I'm a reg at his stakes and I told him it's just a fish running hot. Some things to consider ClubChamp:
Why would someone who knows exactly what cards will be coming only play 24% of his hands?
Why would someone with said capabilities donk it up at NL$100?
This is a thread where ppl are discussing possibly being scammed out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Coming here to talk about a tagfish you've lost 4 or 5 buys to at NL$100 is completely absurd.
Seriously dude.
You told me???? I wasn't looking for you opinion, I wanted numbers. The only reason I PM'd you was to see if you had any stats on know...VPIP/PFR/$$won/hands/maybe any aggression that looked unordinary.
You replied with "I have him at 27%" and that "he is probably running hot". Really not much help there...And there is no need to post the players name if you have any intentions on doing that.I currently have him at 35% and in no way is he a "tagfish".

Geez, I posted one hand and a few of you people seem to have lost your minds...we would have to commit you if you saw anymore hands with this player, whatever though...I'll bow out of this thread and leave it for the "bigshots".

this is why people are less likely to take this whole thing as serious as it is
Why would "people" take this less serious if there are a few randomish posts littered in. I mean...proof is proof right?
01-30-2008 , 12:14 AM
Look, I don't think anybody doubts that you mean well but these guys are dealing with a very specific discovery and have what appears to be conclusive evidence of a major, major theft, and at high stakes.

While I think 99% of us just think your opponent in the hand you posted just plain sucks and got lucky, you have a right to your opinion. However, this thread and forum isn't the right place for it. BBV or the Zoo probably makes more sense. And even then, without very specific evidence when it comes to numerous hand histories and ridiculous winrates corroborated by other players at your level, you can still probably expect to get flamed pretty hard. The one hand on its own isn't enough to generate a productive discussion.
01-30-2008 , 08:16 AM
Why do people still play on goddamn UB and Absolute???
01-30-2008 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Black winter day
Why do people still play on goddamn UB and Absolute???
i just got a phone call from (JD Silver) asking me if I wanted to come back to UB for a special promotion. I immediately grilled him about the superusers and he said that UB conducted a thorough investigation and they found out that "nionio" wasn't cheating. I asked them if they had released an official statement. He said, "yeah i think so, maybe on or something."

Anyone know anything about this? I feel UB is trying to brush this completely under the rug and if we don't do something about it they will go along without having any accountability whatsoever.
01-30-2008 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by dlpnyc21
I feel UB is trying to brush this completely under the rug

lol ya think? Has KGC gotten involved yet (not sure how that process works)?
01-30-2008 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by dlpnyc21
i just got a phone call from (JD Silver) asking me if I wanted to come back to UB for a special promotion. I immediately grilled him about the superusers and he said that UB conducted a thorough investigation and they found out that "nionio" wasn't cheating. I asked them if they had released an official statement. He said, "yeah i think so, maybe on or something."

Anyone know anything about this? I feel UB is trying to brush this completely under the rug and if we don't do something about it they will go along without having any accountability whatsoever.
Did you ask Mr. Silver to email you a copy of the statement they sent out? They are so full of it over there. After 10 emails requesting Hand Histories on 3 sessions I played with Sleepless.,I finally received them yesterday. LMAO. If he's not a superuser then he's Superman!!!!!!!!
01-30-2008 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by jimmy13
Did you ask Mr. Silver to email you a copy of the statement they sent out? They are so full of it over there. After 10 emails requesting Hand Histories on 3 sessions I played with Sleepless.,I finally received them yesterday. LMAO. If he's not a superuser then he's Superman!!!!!!!!
JD Silver to me

show details 1:31 PM


after getting off the phone with you…the press statement just said UB would launch a full investigation regarding this user. secuirty is still investigating the issue, no resuslts have been determined, ai am sorry for the lack of knowledge on the issue on my part….i will keep you posted on any update

See above for his reply. From his initial response, you can tell employees have most likely been instructed to diffuse the issue of the superuser. At this point I think what's needed is an article in cardplayer or bluff, or someone speaking about this on a radio show. this needs to come to light,

Last edited by dlpnyc21; 01-30-2008 at 02:31 PM.
01-30-2008 , 03:16 PM
At this point I think what's needed is an article in cardplayer or bluff, or someone speaking about this on a radio show. this needs to come to light,

I agree - There are still many people playing high stakes at UB. It has been 3 weeks since the initial news came out, and UB has done nothing to show it's customers that they even care about what is going on. If someone has connections at one of the major magazines, I think an article about the situation would put a lot of pressure on them to come out and do the right thing.
01-30-2008 , 05:58 PM
FWIW, "Scansion" in BBV is claiming to be NioNio
01-30-2008 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by EV87
FWIW, "Scansion" in BBV is claiming to be NioNio
Pretty sure he is joking
01-30-2008 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by jimmy13
At this point I think what's needed is an article in cardplayer or bluff, or someone speaking about this on a radio show. this needs to come to light,
I agree - There are still many people playing high stakes at UB. It has been 3 weeks since the initial news came out, and UB has done nothing to show it's customers that they even care about what is going on. If someone has connections at one of the major magazines, I think an article about the situation would put a lot of pressure on them to come out and do the right thing.[/QUOTE]

01-30-2008 , 10:13 PM
" There are still many people playing high stakes at UB. "

This is what I dont get regarding the AP scandal and now this one.. Not many (if ANY) of the high-stakes players stopped playing. I have heard many of the "multi-accounts-allowed-per-ip-address" claims for both sites so I am assuming (yes assuming) that many of the high-stakes players are the same account. Whether they are regular users, super users, paid-off professional shills, or just plain old cheats I dont know. But they still collude, cheat, or whatever they do enough to make it worth their time to play on these sites.

But now, with the Pandoras Box that the AP scandal has opened, I can not be sure that they arent executives, employees, juiced-in employees, relatives of employees, or plain old back-door computer hackers. And I am not about to spend several more months/years of my life grinding it out to build my bankroll up to these limits, just to go head-to-head with whatever monster awaits me.

The answer to the question of "Why does anyone still play at <proven shady site>" is: "He/She has nothing to lose"

I wont play there, and you wont play there, so we should ask ourselves "who would?"

Last edited by kautiousk; 01-30-2008 at 10:20 PM. Reason: sp
01-30-2008 , 11:19 PM
I am assuming (yes assuming) that many of the high-stakes players are the same account. Whether they are regular users, super users, paid-off professional shills, or just plain old cheats I dont know. But they still collude, cheat, or whatever they do enough to make it worth their time to play on these sites.

I wont play there, and you wont play there, so we should ask ourselves "who would?"
if i undertand your post correctly, you are alleging that everyone who plays high stakes on ub and ap is cheating?
01-30-2008 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
if i undertand your post correctly, you are alleging that everyone who plays high stakes on ub and ap is cheating?
WHERE, in my post, do you get that from???

I assumed much. The only thing I alleged is that anyone who continues to play on ub/ap has nothing to lose and everything to gain.
01-31-2008 , 12:52 AM
many of the high-stakes players are the same account. Whether they are regular users, super users, paid-off professional shills, or just plain old cheats I dont know. But they still collude, cheat, or whatever they do enough to make it worth their time to play on these sites.
i suppose i shud have said "many" rather than "every." regardless, this statement is rediculous.

The only thing I alleged is that anyone who continues to play on ub/ap has nothing to lose and everything to gain.
i dont understand what this means. you gotta spell it out.
01-31-2008 , 10:28 AM
Talked to Phil last night, he said hes heard no new updates. All he could tell me was that theyve concluded that most of the play was at heads up and 3 handed. wtf. 3 weeks and thats all they've concluded so far? That would literally take a few minutes to find out, let alone weeks. Its so obvious they're just brushing this aside.
01-31-2008 , 11:46 AM
I can confirm that the KGC has met with UB reps about this issue, but that's all the info i have (he won't tell me anything substantive, other than they're aware of the issues.)
