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ULTIMATE BET Silent About Insider Cheating Allegations; Millions Suspected Stolen ULTIMATE BET Silent About Insider Cheating Allegations; Millions Suspected Stolen

04-20-2008 , 01:31 AM
Slowrolled than no rolled, UB wins with 3 high.
04-20-2008 , 08:56 PM
just read the entire d@mn thread... disgusted... withdrawal pending...
04-20-2008 , 09:05 PM
making t-shirts? ru kidding me? open up fifteen random tables at ub every day, type in the chatbox that the site is rigged and refer to this thread. That should get a lot of ub customers who aren't aware of all this to withdraw their money and turn the heat up a bit. I'm going to start doing this once my withdrawal has been processed lol.
04-20-2008 , 09:14 PM
*****, just tried it out. apparently observers can't chat.
04-24-2008 , 06:29 PM
it's time for a small grassroots protest.

if you see 2+2 members playing on UB, at any level, please post their 2+2 sigs here (don't post online name with 2+2 handle unless that is well-known public knowledge). let's lobby our community to stop playing there. send PMs to anyone you know playing on UB. at least we might put a dent in their income.
04-24-2008 , 09:16 PM
People really need to start putting pressure on whores like Hellmuth and Annie Duke who continue to support this thieving corrupt site. We need to try to get the press to expose this, and to try and take that angle imo. Should I try and get this on freakonomics blog? That sounds like a good start no?
04-24-2008 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by Matt Flynn
if you see 2+2 members playing on UB, at any level, please post their 2+2 sigs here (don't post online name with 2+2 handle unless that is well-known public knowledge). let's lobby our community to stop playing there. send PMs to anyone you know playing on UB. at least we might put a dent in their income.
This might be a good place to start
04-24-2008 , 09:22 PM
It is a problem that when someone opens this thread for the first time it takes a long time for the truth of the situation to be found.

It would be great if someone can create a cliffs notes of this thread.

The ideal summary would be in a timeline format.

It would be important that there is no opinion or exaggeration only the facts of this thread as it developed.

If you do this please add links to every relevant post and have the date of the relevant posts.

Please include the dates for when UB was first contacted about these suspicions and include all of their responses since then.

If a good summary is written I will edit it into the first post in this thread. As is someone must be really dedicated to read the first couple hundred posts in this thread and trudge through seemingly questionable accusations before the real facts come out. Most people who are new to this thread do not have that kind of dedication.

We should also edit your timeline into:

It would be a time consuming process to go back through this whole thread to create a complete timeline with links but you would be doing a great service to the poker world and you would be doing your part in making sure that UB is held responsible for the cheating that they allowed an insider to commit and that they have tried to sweep under the rug.
04-24-2008 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Thanks for the link. I have posted the request in that thread.
04-24-2008 , 11:02 PM
jesus christ. I just saw this thread for the first time in months. what was the software loophole that the guy used to cheat?? cliffnotes on this please.. ultimate bet should be shut down what the ****. this sucks.
04-24-2008 , 11:13 PM
You'd think that some of the other major sites would have some way to spin this in their favor. Perhaps calling for some kind of regulatory body with actual power.

Or perhaps they don't want to rouse the online poker is rigged crowd.
04-25-2008 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by One1
jesus christ. I just saw this thread for the first time in months. what was the software loophole that the guy used to cheat?
New title is good, but I have no memory of a "loophole". It is possible I missed that important post, but I don't think I did. Everything I remember indicates an inside job / superuser "test" account, just like their parent company, Absolute.

If this actually was an exploit, the story is much different than I recalled.
04-25-2008 , 01:11 AM
According to what Ive been told everyone is going to be very happy with the final results of this investigation, though no real time frame was given to me. Ive been pushing very hard for UB to release another report but so far nothing.
04-25-2008 , 05:49 AM
the bottom line is you have to be really careful where you play these days. No second chances im afraid, i closed my ub account down immdediately after reading this thread, i suggest y'all do the same if you have not already done so
04-25-2008 , 06:21 AM
Originally Posted by NU Star
You'd think that some of the other major sites would have some way to spin this in their favor. Perhaps calling for some kind of regulatory body with actual power.

Or perhaps they don't want to rouse the online poker is rigged crowd.
Last thing us Americans need is more bad press. Let's clean house without making a big fuss about it. I am still wishing for legalized poker so I can get back on PartyPoker again.

Duke and Hellmuth are probably bound by contract. God knows what they privately think about UB now.

Last edited by grizy; 04-25-2008 at 06:28 AM.
04-25-2008 , 09:39 AM
Three and a half months after the OP and still no answer from UB. I don't think they care enough to come clean. Anybody still playing there is either an idiot or has the attention span of a snail. Sorry to the snails out there, if I have offended you.
04-25-2008 , 10:31 AM
This is too long for this big an issue to go unaddressed. UB have failed IMO, and will get no business from me.
04-25-2008 , 12:10 PM
The claim by UB here is that they messed up royally in the AP scandal by releasing too much info too fast, which in turn turned out to be false info (like when they said that its impossible to have a superuser account). So it appears they did the exact opposite in this case by not releasing ANY info, at least to the public. This way is even worse than how they handled the AP situation though. If no action has been taken by UB in any way within a few weeks im supposed to call Phil again fwiw
04-25-2008 , 12:31 PM
a few weeks? nionio stole 60k from you. I would be on the phone every other day busting Hellmuth's balls about this. (Assuming by Phil you mean PH)
04-25-2008 , 02:53 PM
I think the T-shirt idea is a good one; it's just one thing we can easily do, along with whatever else is done. I'm likely only playing in the main event, but if I get on TV, I guarantee you I will wear a shirt like that/write "Boycott UB for cheating" on my hand/ say something about it. Between all of the 2p2ers who will be playing, we should be able to get some major exposure, if others will pledge to do the same thing. That part of the year is like sweeps week for poker-related businesses, with all the hype surrounding the WSOP; now is the time to act.

Seriously, if we could get Norman Chad to make a joke/comment about it, that would be extremely damaging to UB in that it would raise public awareness a ton on this issue. And then his life would no longer be entirely without merit.

Last edited by cero_z; 04-25-2008 at 02:58 PM.
04-25-2008 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by trambopoline
According to what Ive been told everyone is going to be very happy with the final results of this investigation, though no real time frame was given to me. Ive been pushing very hard for UB to release another report but so far nothing.
Details? or you just gonna tease us?
04-26-2008 , 01:02 AM
Annie said the situation is complex and there will be no denials or misdirections and that the handling of the investigation is part of the reason she agreed to come back on to UB as a consultant. She expects closure mid may.
04-26-2008 , 01:21 AM
I can't say I speak for the other guys screwed by these players, but I'm happy its taking this long in a way. Leads me to beleive a very thorough job is being done with the investigation.

I might change my tune if I don't end up getting any money reimbursed, but hey thats being results oriented no?
04-26-2008 , 01:59 AM
I think a good amount of players quit UB, whether it was b/c of the scandal I have no idea. The bottom line is they're crooks, their jackpot is the biggest scam on the internet right now and they are the type of people who will squeeze every dollar out of their players. The only way to send the sites a message is to stop playing for good, cashout and be done with'll be doing everyone(including yourself) a big favor. I officially withdrew last month and I swear to god I'll never deposit there again, at least I'm doing my part.

Originally Posted by 4CardGrind
I can't say I speak for the other guys screwed by these players, but I'm happy its taking this long in a way. Leads me to beleive a very thorough job is being done with the investigation.

I might change my tune if I don't end up getting any money reimbursed, but hey thats being results oriented no?
Get a clue, anyone on these forums with half a brain could close this investigation within a week.
