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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls

05-09-2016 , 10:47 PM
Heh ugly avg roi but it worked out nicely

Right away on the way out the door as soon as OT of the Raptors/Heat game is over, catching the GS/POR game up north and then doing some quick shopping and back for the evening

Gla out there
05-10-2016 , 06:09 AM
I still don't get how a -ROI can be a positive net.
05-10-2016 , 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
I still don't get how a -ROI can be a positive net.
Mixing stakes obv
05-10-2016 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
I still don't get how a -ROI can be a positive net.
Ya scope does roi by literally averaging the roi of each game. Instead of calculating on the aggregate.
05-10-2016 , 08:39 AM
not a bad start to may, gl keep it up
05-11-2016 , 06:52 AM
Niiice! Thoughts on adderal? I'm starting on it this month sometime and interested to hear your thoughts. I've had it for study before and it seemed a ****ing dream for me focus wise, usually get distracted by 12+ things in 5 minutes but that seemed to fall away. Interested to hear how it goes long term. Keep up the rungood mate!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
05-11-2016 , 10:21 PM
Again will respond to stuff at some point in the future when I have more time, really really sick right now (sinus infection, sound and look like I'm dying) but battling through.

Gonna shower and go eat dinner and watch some of the POR/GS game and then off to bed, so tired/feel terrible, but will be back at it tomorrow


05-12-2016 , 12:20 AM
05-12-2016 , 12:30 AM
teach me please
05-12-2016 , 05:48 AM
700 games in 1 day? all hyper 6max or .. ?
05-12-2016 , 08:53 PM
git at er dawg!
05-13-2016 , 09:11 PM
Holy crap, lot of quotes lol. Fig'd since I shut er down early tonight and know I'll have 2 huge days Sat/Sun, I might as well make a post! If I missed quoting your post, I'm sorry; tried to go in order of topic and may have missed one or two :O

Originally Posted by CFalls
Go get em dude. Always cheering for you!
Originally Posted by thabighurt35
not a bad start to may, gl keep it up
Originally Posted by El P
Originally Posted by 26sk8er
teach me please
Originally Posted by byski
git at er dawg!
Originally Posted by LOLCh1pPorn
Today is the day

Hope you crush this series, glgl

Thanks to all of you . Anytime I wake up to some positive words or a 'gl' or even a little troll at me, it starts my day off with a smile/feeling good

Hope everyone is also doing well

Originally Posted by IllSkill
Net worth over/under 100k?
Originally Posted by vats12
extremely personal questions ftw
Originally Posted by Mepslol
Lol what do you think....
Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
under 100 obv. everything above 100 will be spent on entertainment for sure.
Uhren got it right, and def deserves a (hifive) for that. Will just point out that almost everyone has less money than most people think, especially at HS's, outside of a few cases.

Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
I still don't get how a -ROI can be a positive net.
Originally Posted by cheltNAM
Mixing stakes obv
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Ya scope does roi by literally averaging the roi of each game. Instead of calculating on the aggregate.
Yea what these guys said, so that day I lost heaps at $74-109 sats which made up most of my volume and then sunran 3.4k hyper sats heh

Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht
700 games in 1 day? all hyper 6max or .. ?
Yea all 6max, mostly the hyper sats with some of the 25bb cash hyper turbos mixed in (500 chip ones at 10/20/2 start). I think last WCOOP I played almost 1000 games every day and definitely had some 1200+ game days at a $250+ abi, it's quite ridiculous

Originally Posted by YugiohPro
boss. keep working on the fitness my man you are young with a multi million dollar skillset so you gotta stay livin!
For sure, definitely will be going a bit harder on the fitness grind once SCOOP is over. Shoutout at this point to Awice as well who sent a similar message to me on FB, much for you both. Gl on the grind bossman, assuming you're grinding all 3 series v hard!

[QUOTE=TheTyman9;49967497]gl with scoop, hope big upswing is imminent! And hope the xanax doesn't cause any issues. I don't really know much about it but I remember you getting off of it. Sounds like a scary drug and a bitch to quit.[/QUOTE

Originally Posted by AntiHer0
Niiice! Thoughts on adderal? I'm starting on it this month sometime and interested to hear your thoughts. I've had it for study before and it seemed a ****ing dream for me focus wise, usually get distracted by 12+ things in 5 minutes but that seemed to fall away. Interested to hear how it goes long term. Keep up the rungood mate!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Will combine these 2 posts together. Adderall itself wasn't a huge problem for me, and it definitely did help me grind more and play my A game at a higher table count, all of which are #NiceThings. The problem was I couldn't sleep at night and turned to the xanax, which ended up being a complete catastrophe as many of you reading will know from what I posted on the subject when I tapered off and then quit. And obv this is why we can't have nice things

In all seriousness though, I've never felt so bad in my life as when I was tapering off and then once I quit the xanax. I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, was having panic attacks (again, I had to move my trip to see my family over the holidays because I wasn't in physical/mental/emotional state to travel, that's quite ****ed up), ended up in the hospital overnight (shoutout to patman for taking care of me that night and ruseman for spending the weekend at my place when I came home (this was when ruse was living north of town and i had moved back south of town, where we are now)) usually such a laid back, careless person that is just joking around and laughing nonstop and I was not that person during those weeks.

Anyway so back on the topic, I would not use adderall because it would potentially start the cycle again. I think the adderall, if I was able to sleep while using it, would have continued to help me a ton and if you can use it without needing something like xanax and think it will help you, I'd say go for it. For me personally, I'm taking Modiodal a bit. Although they aren't for the same thing, Modiodal is essentially a less aggressive version of adderall and does help me focus, although it doesn't affect my ability to sleep so much. I took it on Sunday due to SCOOP, haven't taken it since, but will take it tomorrow and Sunday. Think it's a fine alternative, some people (myself included in the past) get incredible stomach pain after taking it, but I've been fine the last few times I've taken it.

Glad to hear you're back btw my friend, just caught up with Apex chat and saw you in there

So last cpl of days have been mostly b/e pre rb, which is just fine as I'm racking up quite a lot of VPPs/starscoins. Been running really cold at $1000 25bb specifically and at 25bb in general; I have an absolute ton of work to do on my 25bb game and am excited to more actively study early game and HU play once SCOOP is over. Have great resources in my backer and coach and the other players in the stable, so I have full confidence my EV WR will trend upward this summer at 25bb.

Kind of funny that I'm just getting back into 25bb and I'm playing a super high abi of it, obviously I went back and studied previous hands and watched some coaching vids and looked in depth at all my charts, and did play a few sessions of $60s-$200s at the end of last month, but am basically just jumping back into the format and playing a >$500 abi . Not doing so well but EV is positive and I've run awful in postflop setups getting it in OTT and OTR with 0% (gggg all the EV) multiple times in 1ks so will continue onwards!

Sats been just steadily cruising along as per the usual. Been thinking about it and I think once SCOOP is over I will likely split my day into 2 sessions, the sats + mtts with whatever soft $200-$1k 25bb I can find if I don't have enough tables and then an evening session of $60-$1k 25bb with whatever $74+ hyper sats go off (and not playing the mtts). As per the usual though, will just continue to do what I think makes me the most money

Enough typing for the moment, graph of the past couple days + MTD graph below. Hope everyone has a great weekend, and lets hope I can run good in nosebleed sats

Last 2 days


Edit: Oh and ****ing missed the screenshot of when I was for a short time >+100k pre rb on the yr, quite mad about that haha

05-13-2016 , 09:44 PM
Thanks jd

Sent from my SM-G925W8 using 2+2 Forums
05-14-2016 , 08:45 AM
Before the DS happens

GLA today!
05-14-2016 , 08:57 AM
boommm nice work
05-14-2016 , 10:36 AM
05-14-2016 , 11:01 AM
Haha searching yourself and capturing these moments when you are on the upswing. We all do it great year so far!
05-14-2016 , 12:48 PM
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
05-14-2016 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
25bb cash hyper turbos mixed in (500 chip ones at 10/20/2 start).
there are cash variations?? I only know of those overraked Ko ones.

Uhren got it right, and def deserves a (hifive) for that.
ye, we've come a long way from you insulting me some 1kish posts ago


what's your take on the 16man 4max shootouts? I liked them more somehow, you can play WTA first and then DON which is a bit refreshing vs only 6man TRON, maybe too difficult to track if you want to multi table heavily. Also traffic sucks afaik.
05-14-2016 , 09:21 PM
I still swear by modafinil

Enough to keep me focused on whatever I want to focus on, but it's not a stimulant like adderall so you don't get ****ed up the ass by it.
05-14-2016 , 09:23 PM
Lol today wasn't so much fun

Am 3/164 going to day 2 of the 1k though with 362k chips going to 1.2k/2.4k blinds so maybe can do something there

05-14-2016 , 09:46 PM

gl tomorrow bud
05-14-2016 , 11:34 PM


Last edited by Gramps; 05-14-2016 at 11:35 PM. Reason: Obv. bink 6 figs tomorrow and be like ho-hum 2-day stretch of profit...
05-15-2016 , 01:14 AM
05-15-2016 , 01:25 AM

stupid game always instantly punishing brags
