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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2015 | MTT Pro/SNE 4th straight yr/200k+ profit | Health/Fitness/Freerolls

08-14-2015 , 01:19 AM
nice work josh!
08-14-2015 , 02:04 AM
Upon further reviews it appears the Mexican League has a one game play-in b/n the 4 & 5 seeds in each League.

Entonces, Tijuana (#4) vs. Vaqueros de la Laguna (#5) on Sunday for that last playoff spot in the North.

Vamonos Toros!!

08-14-2015 , 03:47 AM
Tell me more about your MTT bad beats hozer!

In all seriousness I knew you made threads in PG&C but never realized how much of a legend you were in here. Good luck man keep in touch and let me know how it's all going for you!
08-14-2015 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
I'm now working on buying another monitor to go with my Dell 30"; am probably going to end up getting this 32" 4k monitor, but am open to other suggestions if anyone has any.
I have a Dell 30" and two Dell 20" inverted onto their sides. Set them at each end of the 30". I then put a 24" up top for my PokerTracker, music, etc. I'm not the multi-tabling guy that you are but enjoy this setup. I use StackandTile and set up a 18 game grid, 12 on the 30" middle with 3 on each side monitor. I use a stack slot on my left hand monitor and most of the time my action is played in StackandTile mode where tables are moved to the 30". If you set up some hotkeys for keeping more "important" tables on the main screen(grid) it's a pretty fun and non taxing way to grind.

If you were going to invest into another large monitor I think it might be to much lateral head movement and in the end you'd probably be playing more on the "new" monitor and your 30inch will go to waste. idk, some do play that way though. the 20in dells are much cheaper though and when inverted on their sides work as a nice extension to your 30in.
08-18-2015 , 12:01 AM
Always wanted to play on a ultrawide. I think the two 20's is the nuts tho bc you don't have crack down center but... 2 30's can't be wrong. I have the older 32" BQ and its been great.

GLGL jdawg hope i get to join in some tijuana shanangans with u 1 night
08-18-2015 , 12:17 AM
I agree I have a 30 with two 23 verticals and 1 24 on top of 30 . 20 table tile on 30 , lobbies on 23 graph on other. And skype and music up
Top as I look at it the least
08-18-2015 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Ace Acumen
Always wanted to play on a ultrawide. I think the two 20's is the nuts tho bc you don't have crack down center but... 2 30's can't be wrong. I have the older 32" BQ and its been great.

GLGL jdawg hope i get to join in some tijuana shanangans with u 1 night
2 x 27 > 3 x 22 fwiw
08-23-2015 , 03:54 AM
Originally Posted by acbarone
75k? That's it?!?! I'm at 63. Almost on that Jdawg level.
Jaja, yea today I played my 18th-20th sessions of the month and crossed 100k VPPs for the month, I am a fan of that

Originally Posted by ONLYRAISEAA
profit chopsssss <3

Originally Posted by TheTyman9
nice work josh!
thx man, hope US site grind is treating you well!

Originally Posted by Redsoxnets5
Tell me more about your MTT bad beats hozer!

In all seriousness I knew you made threads in PG&C but never realized how much of a legend you were in here. Good luck man keep in touch and let me know how it's all going for you!
Haha . Thanks bro, yea was nice to chat for a min a cpl weeks back, will have to check in more often in the future. Gl out there!

Originally Posted by cneuy3
I have a Dell 30" and two Dell 20" inverted onto their sides. Set them at each end of the 30". I then put a 24" up top for my PokerTracker, music, etc. I'm not the multi-tabling guy that you are but enjoy this setup. I use StackandTile and set up a 18 game grid, 12 on the 30" middle with 3 on each side monitor. I use a stack slot on my left hand monitor and most of the time my action is played in StackandTile mode where tables are moved to the 30". If you set up some hotkeys for keeping more "important" tables on the main screen(grid) it's a pretty fun and non taxing way to grind.

If you were going to invest into another large monitor I think it might be to much lateral head movement and in the end you'd probably be playing more on the "new" monitor and your 30inch will go to waste. idk, some do play that way though. the 20in dells are much cheaper though and when inverted on their sides work as a nice extension to your 30in.
Originally Posted by Ace Acumen
Always wanted to play on a ultrawide. I think the two 20's is the nuts tho bc you don't have crack down center but... 2 30's can't be wrong. I have the older 32" BQ and its been great.

GLGL jdawg hope i get to join in some tijuana shanangans with u 1 night
Originally Posted by fozzy71
2 x 27 > 3 x 22 fwiw
Hey thanks for all the suggestions; computer order ended up getting reversed, which semi worked out because the very next day, an article came out that didn't sound so promising WRT online poker in Mexico.

If I do upgrade, probably will get a 4k 32" and then run my dell 30" for lobbies/hm2/etc


Been a minute since I've updated. Not all that sober atm as I just got back from a Tijuana Toros playoff baseball game with Ruse and Gramps. Was a ton of fun, really good atmosphere as always, along with hot cheerleaders, cheep beer + food etc etc, rly just an awesome place .

Other than that, been doing some grinding and studying, some stable work and the like, and then enjoying the end of summer down here with friends. Will obv be grinding super duper hardcore during WCOOP season, will be time to pump out a lot of vpps!

Still been talking to that girl I posted pics of a few entries back; I'm actually probably buying her a puppy sometime soonish as we've started putting feelers out there with people in the community that we're looking. She already has a puppy, with a super epic name, Munchies , along with a kitten that she got at the vets office a couple weeks back. But yea, gonna get a girl to go along with Munchies, and feel pretty good about doing so. Have really wanted to have a dog as I literally never lived a day without a dog in my entire childhood/growing up, since the time I was born. This will be a good opp for me as I don't have the time/means to really own and take care of my own dog atm (which is why I don't have one), but in this situation will mostly jut be able to spoil the dogs .



Munchies + the kitty

But yea, not much else going on really, will probably be starting to hit the grind super hard next week minus time spent on my lady friend/the puppy + getting another internet line installed. Hoping to maybe get in some okayish volume tomorrow midday-early afternoon, but could wake up with a hangover and not even grind heh.

MTD Graph below:

08-23-2015 , 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
Hey thanks for all the suggestions; computer order ended up getting reversed, which semi worked out because the very next day, an article came out that didn't sound so promising WRT online poker in Mexico.
Could you elaborate/link the article?
08-24-2015 , 03:13 AM
Toros videos:


08-26-2015 , 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by pm_sknk
Could you elaborate/link the article?

Always hard to know timetables down here obv, but fearing the worst (rain). Just gotta try to take advantage of every day I have down here

Originally Posted by Gramps
Toros videos:


Sweet vids, had a lot of fun as always, thanks for the invite!


Got a bunch of nosebleed traffic in Sunday/Monday, was pretty legit to see. Didn't run so well, but plenty of time to make it back . Today only had 1 3510 go off and nothing else $1770+, luckily ran hot and won it.

Been doing a lot of fun stuff IRL past few days. Went to the wings place with Ruse yday and we ran into a whole bunch of the poker bros after their basketball game; was a lot of fun getting to hangout with them. The one GF of one of the players is going to take me shopping at some point as she said I needed to add to my wardrobe for date nights/times I go out hahah, apparently basketball shorts and Tshirts don't cut it . Should be legit though, just getting a cpl rly nice things I can wear when going out will be good.

Ended up hanging out with Mossified84 and his wife today up at their house; had some super legit food prepared by the head chef of the awesome brick oven pizza place that is south of our house, Ollies. Awesome food + drinks, awesome company, had a great time as I always do with them.

Good ole Max (Mossy's dog), reminds me so much of the dog I grew up with, Slyder

Other than that, not much really going on. Preparing for WCOOP by having a 2nd internet line installed at my place, along with getting some more work done on my car tomorrow or the next day. Been talking a LOT with the girl I'm interested in and we've officially switched to speaking in 100% Spanish. My Spanish is better than her English, and it's just good for me to learn anyway. Have improved a lot in the like 1 week we've switched, and I'm sure it'll keep coming along. Might have some interesting developments with her in the near future, am super cautiously optimistic about her.

Absolute love her puppy, Munchies

Graph of the past cpl days since the last update below, heading to bed and might get in a bit of a grind tomorrow, we shall see!

08-26-2015 , 02:55 AM
Any plans for post-Mexico life if the legislation goes through?
08-26-2015 , 03:09 AM
Thx for the link Jdawg. I guess I won't make it to Mexico in time
08-26-2015 , 04:14 AM
sweet graph man,
I'd recommend to buy puppy after WCOOP tho gl boss
08-26-2015 , 05:29 AM
Still waiting on reports of $17k Hypers going off
08-26-2015 , 10:06 AM
Don't buy her a puppy. Either buy yourself a puppy or let her buy her own.

You could always get a 1-2 year dog from the pound that wouldn't require training.
08-26-2015 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Don't buy her a puppy. Either buy yourself a puppy or let her buy her own.

You could always get a 1-2 year dog from the pound that wouldn't require training.

+1 dawg
08-26-2015 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Don't buy her a puppy. Either buy yourself a puppy or let her buy her own.

You could always get a 1-2 year dog from the pound that wouldn't require training.
It looks like she already has a puppy. Cocker Spaniel? Great dogs.

That Toro's stadium looks legit. Especially with the mountain view behind the outfield wall. Looks like quite an amazing ballpark.

How would you rate their caliber of play when compared to US baseball? Are they on par with top collegiate baseball teams? Single A?

What sort of food were those vendors carrying around at the game? Definitely looked like some good fun and the crowd seemed fully into it.

Good luck with your games during the upcoming WCOOP and with life in general. Cheers!
08-26-2015 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by cneuy3
It looks like she already has a puppy. Cocker Spaniel? Great dogs.

That Toro's stadium looks legit. Especially with the mountain view behind the outfield wall. Looks like quite an amazing ballpark.

How would you rate their caliber of play when compared to US baseball? Are they on par with top collegiate baseball teams? Single A?

What sort of food were those vendors carrying around at the game? Definitely looked like some good fun and the crowd seemed fully into it.

Good luck with your games during the upcoming WCOOP and with life in general. Cheers!
And from what I gathered he is planning on buying her an additional one.
08-26-2015 , 11:53 AM
Cnuey, prob somewhere around AA in the states. Bit different though as minor league ball is usually mostly younger players and Mexican majors prime aged Mexicans and over the hill formers major leaugers. So more skill but less athleticism.

Vendors have a bunch of stuff. Mini pizzas, diced fruit, chorros, prob some grilled meats. The abodaba taco stands are where it's at though.

The stadium is pretty sweet. It's up on a big hill and has a cool little community around it. Really wish gramps had gotten some mascotas is his videos cause they're hands down the best part.

Hoping they can pull out a win in mexico city and make it to the next round. Would be sweet to get another game in before WCOOP starts.
08-26-2015 , 12:22 PM
08-26-2015 , 12:31 PM
ha, forgot that was the word for pets too.

I mean these

08-26-2015 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by acbarone
Any plans for post-Mexico life if the legislation goes through?
Not really sure, probably go to Colombia if we get showered. Probably Medellin though would be the first place on my list.

Originally Posted by pm_sknk
Thx for the link Jdawg. I guess I won't make it to Mexico in time
Well, who the hell knows when the legislation will actually go through . But yea, I probably wouldn't be making the move to Mexico right now unless you were okay with possibly being showered in the next 1 yr.

Originally Posted by GrimIsCool
Still waiting on reports of $17k Hypers going off
Got one 4/6 2x, but no dice yet!

Originally Posted by push4glory
sweet graph man,
I'd recommend to buy puppy after WCOOP tho gl boss
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Don't buy her a puppy. Either buy yourself a puppy or let her buy her own.

You could always get a 1-2 year dog from the pound that wouldn't require training.
Originally Posted by ac3play
+1 dawg
Originally Posted by cneuy3
It looks like she already has a puppy. Cocker Spaniel? Great dogs.
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
And from what I gathered he is planning on buying her an additional one.
Yea cocker spaniel indeed. Not quite sure what is wrong with buying a puppy with her, I didn't live a single day of my life w/out one until I moved to Vegas when I was 19, and this would be a good chance for me to be able to ~ have a dog again, without having all the responsibility (which I don't have time for and is why I don't have a dog). I am not able to care for the dog, so I can't buy one myself, and I am happy to get a puppy with her, and it's not like we're rushing into anything anyway, shopping around a bit now but it's not happening like right this minute.

Originally Posted by cneuy3
That Toro's stadium looks legit. Especially with the mountain view behind the outfield wall. Looks like quite an amazing ballpark.

How would you rate their caliber of play when compared to US baseball? Are they on par with top collegiate baseball teams? Single A?

What sort of food were those vendors carrying around at the game? Definitely looked like some good fun and the crowd seemed fully into it.

Good luck with your games during the upcoming WCOOP and with life in general. Cheers!

Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Cnuey, prob somewhere around AA in the states. Bit different though as minor league ball is usually mostly younger players and Mexican majors prime aged Mexicans and over the hill formers major leaugers. So more skill but less athleticism.

Vendors have a bunch of stuff. Mini pizzas, diced fruit, chorros, prob some grilled meats. The abodaba taco stands are where it's at though.

The stadium is pretty sweet. It's up on a big hill and has a cool little community around it. Really wish gramps had gotten some mascotas is his videos cause they're hands down the best part.

Hoping they can pull out a win in mexico city and make it to the next round. Would be sweet to get another game in before WCOOP starts.
Yea Ruse pretty spot on. I grew up going to minor league baseball games all over the place, and my mom still runs the host family program for the local minor league baseball team back home to this day.

The field/stadium itself is quite nice, probably one of the nicer facilities I've been to out of ~100 minor league baseball stadiums. Link to the site is here:

Hoping they win game 7 tonight so we can go watch a game or 2 next round!

Originally Posted by daddyrnac
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
ha, forgot that was the word for pets too.

I mean these

Hahah thats great @ daddyrnac, yea the mascotas are really ****ing great at the game, probably some of the best I've seen at sporting events. Obv missing the Toritas and Telcel girls too

****, was gonna write something, but internet techs just (finally) got done, and Ruse and I have to bounce.
08-28-2015 , 09:22 AM
what are you going to do with your beast desktop rig when it comes time to go? im inland mexico been here like 7 years and built a monster myself about a year ago, looks like ill be heading to panama within a week the legislation passes. just no clue wtf how to move my desktop internationally. Also u can scoop up a 43" 4k from lg at walmart,liverpool,costco etc for about 11k pesos. has perfect 4:4:4 chroma when hooked up to the new nvidia hdmi 2.0 slot thats on any 950+ card and its the nuts for a monitor. the exact model is 43uf7600
09-01-2015 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by coinflipper
what are you going to do with your beast desktop rig when it comes time to go? im inland mexico been here like 7 years and built a monster myself about a year ago, looks like ill be heading to panama within a week the legislation passes. just no clue wtf how to move my desktop internationally. Also u can scoop up a 43" 4k from lg at walmart,liverpool,costco etc for about 11k pesos. has perfect 4:4:4 chroma when hooked up to the new nvidia hdmi 2.0 slot thats on any 950+ card and its the nuts for a monitor. the exact model is 43uf7600
Order actually got ****ed up and that news article about Mexican legislation came out the next day, so for right now, I'm holding off on buying it.

Also tyty for that, will have to check into that possible in the future if I do upgrade


Hmmm, so having way less time available than I thought I would, hopefully will be able to post daily or near daily updates during WCOOP itself. Anyway, finished the month up with 134k vpps in about 55 hours played

MTD minus the nosebleeds:

W nosebleeds:

Anyway, life been pretty good lately. Been having a lot of fun IRL, hanging out with Ruse and others before WCOOP starts. Wednesday some of us are going to the Tijuana Toros playoff game, will be a ton of fun as always. Think we are going to the lunch trucks before, hopefully someone (probably won't be me heh, i am the worst) will snap some pics so I can post them itt.

Also in some other news, last night I decided I wanted to have a more serious chat with the girl I've been talking to. Ruse and I planned out what I wanted to say in English and then he helped me translate it to Spanish since some stuff that sounds perfectly fine in English translates poorly/comes off badly in Spanish, and this obv not a topic to have something like that happen . Funnily enough, while we were hanging out last night she brought up the topic before I could and was just able to use what she said and ask her about it, and so we are exclusive going fwd . Really happy about it, watching her face light up/big smile when I took the offhand comment she made and directly asked made me feel really good about it, honestly haven't felt this way about a girl my entire ~4 yrs in Mexico. So yea, that's new and I'm pretty excited to see where it goes; gonna be tough to hangout a lot as she lives in TJ and works a lot and WCOOP is about to start, but we will just work around our schedules as best as we can; good to take it slow in the beginning anyway imo.

Anywhoooo, enough of that. Plan to wake up early tomorrow and hit the gym before actually getting in a good sized grind tomorrow before the Tuesday 1k. Am hopeful we can get some 720-1770 action going, but who knows. Will probs have to pick up my car tomorrow afternoon as well and return my mechanics truck, pending the Bu deciding to not be a pig and have something else go wrong .

Gla on the grind, hopefully will have some pics after the Toros game on Wed night.
