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*** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) ***

02-19-2013 , 01:43 PM
AK: Is that really a fold? like do we know anything about BB? There is so much money in the pot I am fairly sure shoving more than just QQ+ becomes profitable. And with the money already in there we can definitely call for a flip.

98: Turn has to be a fold. Even against this sizing I'd be more inclined to fold than to shove or w/e, villain also doesn't seem like the best of players so I am not sure if we can even make him fold any part of this board.
*** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
02-19-2013 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Hicham009
AK: Is that really a fold? like do we know anything about BB? There is so much money in the pot I am fairly sure shoving more than just QQ+ becomes profitable. And with the money already in there we can definitely call for a flip.

98: Turn has to be a fold. Even against this sizing I'd be more inclined to fold than to shove or w/e, villain also doesn't seem like the best of players so I am not sure if we can even make him fold any part of this board.
AK the villain was a nit with like less than 2% 3bet stat and I just think we see AA/KK most of the time. At the time I just thought that is typical of my luck that I decide to squeeze in a good spot and a nit who is hardly playing a hand decided to cold 4bet.

98 is plain awful theres just no denying it.

I even managed to fold KK pre today:-

Villain is 11/10 5.5% 3bet and fold to 3bet of 73%.

    Poker Stars, $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 9 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #16114011

    BTN: $50 (100 bb)
    SB: $24.50 (49 bb)
    BB: $31.34 (62.7 bb)
    UTG+1: $88.52 (177 bb)
    Hero (UTG+2): $98.09 (196.2 bb)
    MP1: $45.18 (90.4 bb)
    MP2: $67.52 (135 bb)
    MP3: $70.62 (141.2 bb)
    CO: $10.22 (20.4 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is UTG+2 with K K
    UTG+1 folds, Hero raises to $1.50, MP1 calls $1.50, MP2 folds, MP3 raises to $6.50, 4 folds, Hero raises to $14, MP1 folds, MP3 raises to $70.62 and is all-in, Hero folds

    Results: $30.25 pot
    MP3 mucked and won $30.25 ($16.25 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

    I decided to 4bet thinking he calls with QQ/JJ, hands that he may possibly 3bet. Given his high fold to 3bet I think he is going to be pretty honest when I 4bet and I dont even expect him to be getting AK in in this spot. Im like 99.9% certain that I am facing AA when he shoves and again I just think wheres my luck as I havnt had an AA vs KK in my favour but have more than 5 against me so far this month.

    Just about settled up with my staker so its going to leave me with a zero balance and plenty of time over the next few days/weeks to think if I even want to bother playing Poker.

    My thoughts so far are that maybe if I decide to play again I might go back to playing 6max just to try and start with a clean slate and re-learn a different game but we will see. Im done for the time been though.
    *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
    02-19-2013 , 02:15 PM
    Hope to see you back when it feels right Mart, and thanks for all your posts.
    *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
    02-19-2013 , 02:29 PM
    KK: IDK. I like your fold as played but just calling pre seems better to me (intending to x/c on any flop and to x/decide OTT).
    *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
    02-19-2013 , 02:43 PM
    98 hand is a fold or check-raise on the flop imo. I prefer the check-raise given the positions and the fact we have a gutshot and backdoor flush draw.
    *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
    02-19-2013 , 03:12 PM
    Originally Posted by MartL
    I cant even say that I missed playing as I just filled my time with other stuff. If I didnt play another hand of Poker it really wouldnt be any big deal as a lot of the time Im not really enjoying playing as Im just moaning about bad beats it seems like most of the time. The excitment is still there but thats probably one trait I shouldnt really have by now and it also seems im in a better mood on the whole when not playing poker.
    Ive played one hour of poker this year due to being silly busy with other stuff and if im honest i feel great, but eager to get back playing.

    But what the break has done is re-focus me on what i want out of poker when i have relatively busy schedule.

    I think being busy with other stuff should release any pressure you might have about winning on a poker table and therefore in theory at least you should not be fazed by variance as much.

    I know you have your own business and therefore must be fairly busy but i think you are showing signs of impatience at the tables and that is really affecting your mindset .

    Im just curious as to what you want out of poker and why there seems to be this over eagerness to push forward so quickly.
    *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
    02-19-2013 , 05:40 PM
    I know you probably don't need me to tell you this but you have huge psychological issues if stacking set over set is giving you any kind of feelings.

    And for **** sakes man don't quit, this blog is relevant as **** to me, what am i going to read now?
    *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
    02-19-2013 , 07:09 PM
    Thanks again guys for your input.

    @Hap_Hazard, Im really not sure what I want from Poker. It started as a buzz and excitement, then it got about winning but now it brings frustration at myself. I love the challenge but then when I dont achieve the really high targets I set myself I see it as failure.

    @DirtyNasty. Yeah set over set dosnt bother me that much, a lot more frustrating is when I make clear mistakes that when I am away from the table I know better.

    Maybe I will turn this thread in to a self help thread and we can have a self help group or something.
    *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
    02-19-2013 , 09:01 PM
    I see a lot of myself in your posts actually, i am grinding NL25 with my eyes closed but failed several shots at NL50, sometimes i stick there even for 20-30k hands with a good winrate but then go back to my ****ty autopilot/FPS ways because by this time every single reg has every possible read on me and is making moves on every street in every hand right? Right, so i proceed to spew off 30-40BIs like a mongoloid to people who just play their cards and move down where i have to re-learn that those assumptions are just bull****.

    And so the cycle repeats on and on. Sounds familiar?
    *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
    02-19-2013 , 09:18 PM
    Originally Posted by MartL
    Thats just how I roll, when Im winning I want to win by more and when Im losing its a disaster. Im certainly not playing better than before, I think some of my play are awful as shown in this thread at times. I really dont have the attitude to play these levels I dont think.
    i hope im interpreting this the right way, but werent u playing 100nl/200nl pre-bf? has ur attitude changed since then?

    imo, you put way too much pressure/focus on poker which is surprising considering how much other stuff u have going on.

    just relax, play whatever/whenever and enjoy it.
    *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
    02-20-2013 , 05:12 AM
    Originally Posted by YouFaiil
    i hope im interpreting this the right way, but werent u playing 100nl/200nl pre-bf? has ur attitude changed since then?
    My attiude hasnt really changed that much and looking at some of my posts from back then they were along the same lines as some of the ones on previous pages in here. I think what makes a difference though is that making $2K+ and Rakeback in a month makes it a bit easier to deal with. Like grinding 2bb/100 at NL100 over 100K hands a month just makes it a touch easier to deal with the swings rather than playing 20K hands a month and seeing those swings pan out over 6 months.
    *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
    02-20-2013 , 05:16 AM
    You know what is best for you so good luck and thanks for adding some full ring content to 2p2.

    Can we get your SN now you've quit? I must have played Vs you.

    Take care

    *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
    02-21-2013 , 08:40 AM
    So I have $10 left in my account.......................

    Ive played a bit of NL10 and a bit of NL2 over the last couple of days and its actually been fun.

    I still dont know what I want to do. I might just not play at home for the time been and just have a bit of fun playing these levels at work if I have some spare time and see if I can build it up a bit. I really need to work on those issues that plague me which is tough to do when not playing so maybe I can do it while trying to move back up. Other than that in a couple of weeks I might get bored and just re-deposit.
    *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
    02-21-2013 , 11:09 AM

    First 500 hands I were just messing about then decided it may be fun to actually play normal and try and win. Going to add in a couple of tables of NL5 when I get to $20. BR stands at $14.46 at the moment.

    Keeping it really simple and betting when I have it unless its HU on the flop in which case Im nearly always 1 and done when missed.

      Poker Stars, $0.01/$0.02 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 9 Players
      Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #16157331

      BTN: $4.98 (249 bb)
      SB: $2.44 (122 bb)
      BB: $2.12 (106 bb)
      UTG+1: $0.65 (32.5 bb)
      UTG+2: $4.17 (208.5 bb)
      MP1: $1.09 (54.5 bb)
      Hero (MP2): $2 (100 bb)
      MP3: $3.80 (190 bb)
      CO: $2.20 (110 bb)

      Preflop: Hero is MP2 with K K
      UTG+1 calls $0.02, 2 folds, Hero raises to $0.08, MP3 raises to $0.20, CO raises to $2.20 and is all-in, 6 folds

      Results: $0.53 pot
      CO mucked and won $0.53 ($0.33 net)

      Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

      Having a bit of fun at the moment and I guess if I can make Poker fun again then that could go some way to helping me over come these hurdles.
      *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
      02-21-2013 , 12:55 PM
      Personally ... im not sure this is the right way to go about it, all you are doing is wasting your time at these levels.

      Even if you rebuild your roll in double quick time, you will still be faced with possibly the same issues once you return to your normal levels.

      There has to come a time where your poker bankroll is just not that important and all you can do is play well and see where it takes you.

      If you hit a downswing then just rationally look at it and realize all it means is that you will stay at a level a little longer or have to move down and fight your way back.

      The most fun ive ever had in poker ( and the biggest roll by far ) was when i played without caring too much because the money was just fun money in a way.

      All that changed once i pulled most of it out over time and started to care about the roll too much.

      In before i tilt like mad after losing 1 buy in after a 6 week sabbatical
      *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
      02-21-2013 , 01:05 PM
      Yeah its like catch 22, on one hand a break probably wont do me any harm but Im also not sure anything would change if I came back after a break. I know the issues that I have to work on but the downside of it is that to work on those issues I really could do with playing poker.

      The big thing was that I wasnt really enjoying playing poker and the bad times i felt were out numbering the good times. Im wondering if this is a a bit of a fun way of getting to like Poker again. If it dosnt work out and I busto then no biggie I can have a break but it also gives me a little motivation while still trying to have fun.

      Touch wood at the moment that the money I lose or win at Poker has no real bearing on my life so a bit of extra coin at the end of the month would be nice but not really that important. If I can fix these leaks though the money will take care of its self and could alloy me to move up further than I have before. Thats all a big if at the moment though and fixing these leaks is hard and who knows I may have got as good at poker as I can get its hard to tell until I take the stupid stuff out of my game.
      *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
      02-21-2013 , 01:38 PM
      That KK hand is one of the most -EV plays I have ever seen assuming it's zoom.
      *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
      02-21-2013 , 01:44 PM
      Originally Posted by PlasticElephant
      That KK hand is one of the most -EV plays I have ever seen assuming it's zoom.
      Lol I were playing on 4 buyins at the time. Also the guy was yet to play a hand in over 100 hands so I really dont mind it.

      Finished the day at $22.94 so tomorrow I will add in a couple of NL5 tables as well. Aim then is to get to $30 and play 4 NL5 tables and get to $40 before adding in NL10.
      *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
      02-21-2013 , 02:24 PM
      I know your alias and i will be super miffed if i see you at the $10nl tables lol.

      TST would probably pick you up too as i have no hands on you !
      *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
      02-21-2013 , 06:06 PM
      Ok been thinking about a quick way to build my roll without redepositing but getting back to where I want to be quite quickly but not overly stressful and came up with a bit of a plan if people can have a look and see what you think and add in any suggestions.

      Im going to be playing Zoom as I want to do it quickly and very aggressively in regards to BR. Im not adverse to not playing on a large number of buyins and have no problems moving down if I need to.

      So here it is:-

      $20 2xNl2 2xNl5 drop down at $15
      $30 4xNL5 drop 2 tables at $20
      $50 2xNL5 2xNL10 drop down at $30
      $80 4xNL10 drop down at $60
      $140 2xNL10 2xNL25 drop down at $100
      $200 4NL25 drop down at $150
      $350 2xNL25 2xNL50 drop down at $250
      $500 4xNL50 drop down at $400
      *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
      02-21-2013 , 06:16 PM
      Originally Posted by MartL
      Ok been thinking about a quick way to build my roll without redepositing but getting back to where I want to be quite quickly but not overly stressful and came up with a bit of a plan if people can have a look and see what you think and add in any suggestions.

      Im going to be playing Zoom as I want to do it quickly and very aggressively in regards to BR. Im not adverse to not playing on a large number of buyins and have no problems moving down if I need to.

      So here it is:-

      $20 2xNl2 2xNl5 drop down at $15
      $30 4xNL5 drop 2 tables at $20
      $50 2xNL5 2xNL10 drop down at $30
      $80 4xNL10 drop down at $60
      $140 2xNL10 2xNL25 drop down at $100
      $200 4NL25 drop down at $150
      $350 2xNL25 2xNL50 drop down at $250
      $500 4xNL50 drop down at $400
      it is overagressive and very risky, but you have the skill imho
      *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
      02-21-2013 , 07:18 PM
      I would go with 24 tabling the micros instead of zooming your way back up, more money on reg tables imo
      *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
      02-21-2013 , 07:36 PM
      Yeah I agree about the reg tables but that's hard to do when I'm only going to be playing on about 6 buy ins. :-)

      My play also tends to be a bit off once I play more than 16 tables. About 12 is probably about optimal for me.
      *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
      02-21-2013 , 07:39 PM
      I am a bit lost here, I thought that was it for poker, for now anyways.

      Was it being staked that was causing the problem?

      Either way, always glad you are about Mart.
      *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
      02-21-2013 , 08:24 PM
      Yeah I thought it was it for poker for a little while but then had that crazy idea in my head. Also like I mention to try and beat my problems i do need to be playing some poker.

      Not going to be playing loads or anything but just for a bit of fun really and I always fancied doing a build a bankroll challenge so maybe I will try and see what happens.

      I think getting staked was a good experience and allowed me to get a lot of hands in at the level I want to play at and also allowed me to get coached again. The guy who staked me was superb and really understanding of the problems I faced so there's a lot of positives I took out of it. I think the fact that I started spewing with someone else's money did affect me as it dosnt matter if it's my money that's my problem but doing it with someone else's money Is just not acceptable in my eyes and maybe that weighed a little bit on my mind.
      *** Dont Be Scared - MartL's Tilt Free Poker & Improvement Thread (NL50 FR & Above) *** Quote
