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The Walking Dead The Walking Dead

12-06-2010 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by Jetto
nice link.

im surprised how strong its still going. im assuming it was slightly over 5mil las tnight
Yeah, the ratings are pretty ridiculous, especially when you take into account on demand, repeat showings, and DVR
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Nez477
Thinking about the "reveal" scene even gets more tilting. The line "Patient 19 was your wife."

Of course that had to be said audibly because nothing can be inferred, god forbid
Yeah, that was horrible. ANd when he gave his speech he dropped a "stuff" in that made me cringe.
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 03:06 PM
I thought it was a great finale, and I'll be watching season 2 along with all of you who claim the show is so horrible.
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 03:34 PM
Way to be superior Tim
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by 4 High
I enjoyed it, but I've enjoyed the whole season. Yes there are some weak points and such but Overall I like it.

2 Questions for those who have read the comics, respond with spoilers I guess if you feel needed?

1. Does the world The Walking Dead takes place in, not have any history of Zombies in media? I get the sense that's the case as they call them Walkers and not Zombies, but I am not sure.

2. Do the survivors know what caused the outbreak and it just isn't revealed to us? Or does no one know?
Q: Why don't your characters call the walkers "zombies"? -- Erica Badu

A: The main reason is because "zombie" is a term that we are accustomed to hearing, and when the characters run around saying "zombie" it takes you out of the story. This is supposed to take place in a world where no one has ever heard of a zombie before. So we just don't use that word. Everyone they encounter will have different names for zombies. Some people are calling them "geeks" in the show. I think we will eventually find a group of people that call them "roamers" and "lurkers" and "biters" like in the comic.
- Q&A with comic creator about the show
(comic spoilers in discussions about how the comic and show differ and potential future spoilers in discussion of what he would like to see in future seasons)
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Nez477
Way to be superior Tim
I think I was being more passive-aggressive actually
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 04:29 PM
At first I thought it was really funny that Jenner was all "PLEASE conserve the hot water!" and that was followed by a montage of people just freely wasting water by sitting down in the fetal position, leaning against a wall getting drunk, and also having sex in the shower. It almost played like a Wet Hot American Summer scene. "How can we show people wasting as much hot water as possible?"

But then I decided it was funnier that Jenner told them to conserve hot water the night before the entire place was going to blow up and they would all die in a fiery explosion.
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 04:48 PM
Considering they had a day to live, he totally should have let the kids play Ms. Pac-Man.

In light of the imminent destruction, his whole walkthrough/intro of the joint was really lol.
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 04:56 PM
This is supposed to take place in a world where no one has ever heard of a zombie before.
I realize what they're trying to say- but if you want a show that is a grounded as this one (so basically it's not a total farce)- the notion of the dead rising is going to have existed in popular culture and not addressing that seems weird. I'd think a big part of the story would be "what the hell we always heard about this in books/movies but now it's real".
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 05:17 PM
I didnt' really "get" the doctor.

So they were presenting him as kinda crazy I guess, trapping everyone inside to die for their own good? But then he just kinda is talked out of it? When you're that crazy, that you think you get to decide an entire group dies your way, you ain't gonna get talked out of it.

And our survivors are 'tards once again.

They want to force him to open the doors so they threaten to kill him, which of course any idiot can see is useless because:

1. If they kill him they can't open the doors
2. He clearly wants to die so threatening his life is pointless

It's pretty clear the best course of action in that situation would be to take them axes and begin torturing the F**K out of him till he opened the doors. Chopping of toes and fingers and such and getting progressively more savage until he complies.

I agree with Dids about the dr. being a classic disaster movie science fiction stereotype, we've seen that same character alot.

Also, his actions completely contradicted each other when you really think about it. He knows the entire facility is about to explode in what, like 12-16 hours, ok.... so there are people outside begging to be let in or they'll die, and out of compassion or whatever he lets' them in? He clearly doesn't care about them living or dying, why let them in at all? He could have just as easily left them outside.

Ok and now he wants to blood test them all? WHY? Who cares if they are all infected, the entire building is blowing up in a few hours, why does it matter?

Yeah, and LOL @ the hot water bit, that's what our 2nd "OMG showers are awesome" scene in 6 episodes? Also, why does it matter to conserve the hot water? Because the energy wasted on the hot water could have powered the building for few more minutes? Who the hell cares.

Last edited by Cotton Hill; 12-06-2010 at 05:25 PM.
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 05:19 PM
I was really hoping the blood test was the doctor injecting them with zombie virus and we'd get a free-for-all zombie fight.

Season 2 would be a sitcom set in the nursing home.
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 05:23 PM
New York, NY – December 6, 2010 – Sunday night’s finale of AMC’s “The Walking Dead” attracted four million viewers in the Adult 18-49 demo. With a series average of 3.5 million Adults 18-49, “The Walking Dead” is the most watched drama series in basic cable history for the demo.* The finale was the most-watched episode of the season, garnering a 4.1 HH rating and attracting six million total viewers. The final episode ranks first for Adults 18-49 delivery among basic cable for a drama series.

*Source: NMR (1993-12/05/2010), Adults 18-49, program indicator general drama, ad supported cable networks

how bad is AMC wishing they ordered a full 13 ep season?
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 05:28 PM
Per Sepinwall they couldn't have given the desire to have the show start in October and the schedules of people involved.

I actually suspect that if the idiocy we're seeing was allowed to continue, the ratings would have died PDQ. It seems like a fair assumption that most people are turning in for zombie blood and guts, and as we see less of that, the casual viewers likely fall off.
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 05:47 PM
That episode was so bad...And i don't think people want to admit how bad it was just because they love the idea of the show so much. Sort of like when i walked out of Phantom Menance and Episode II saying it was awesome when i really knew deep down that my soul just got raped by George Lucas personally and now only recently have i been able to come to grips with this molestation.

Where is the racist who cut his hand off? Why oh why did the blonde sister not die? I was literally cheering when she said she was going to stay.

Incidentally, the first three minutes of this episode, along with Ep 1, is what I hoped this show would be about.
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 05:58 PM
just terrible.
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by NapoleonDolemite
just terrible.
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 06:27 PM
Wow this was bad,and not just bad but really painfull to watch.

I give them credit for the way they killed off the black chick, I lol'ed.
Unfortunately, they clearly should have sacrificed her to zombies, not enough zombiekills anyways(except randoms we have never seen before).
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 07:09 PM
I cried when Alive Blond Sister continued to live.
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by neuroman
I cried when Alive Blond Sister continued to live.
I was REALLY hoping she'd be infected
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 07:11 PM
Not enough complaining about how the big bad guy villain in the season finale was a ****ING MAGICAL COMPUTER.
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 07:38 PM
I have a few stupid questions about the zombies. Answer in spoilers if only found in the comic.

1.The zombies are the recently dead only, yes? You have to be alive to catch the virus(or whatever), die, and then become a geek. The long dead don't dig out of their graves right?

2. If the answers to #1 is yes then what is the deal with the decomposed looking legless zombie that Rick met and then later killed? That one looked far worse physically than any of the others.

3. Are the walkers decomposing? If so then the solution is to hole up somewhere for a few months until they can't move anymore.
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 07:40 PM
I think after reading this thread next season I won't read the 2+2 thread on it, you guys are WAAAYYY too negative.

does the show deserve an emmy? no

Is it fun to watch? yes I think so
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 07:45 PM
Holla Nova Scotia.
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 08:20 PM
I wanted this to be a smart zombie show. Unfortunately the people writing it are clearly not very smart.

How long did we decide that the zombies had been around? 3 months? And everyone is giving up on life, committing suicide, and running out of supplies? Absurd.

Also, why was the CDC complete futuristic ********?
The Walking Dead Quote
12-06-2010 , 09:03 PM
I was a fanboy of this up until the 3rd or 4th episode. The 1st episode was goddamn awesome. The rest all sucked. It took a few episodes for it to sink in that there were hardly any zombies in this entire goddamn season.

Hopefully the reports of Darabont firing the entire writing staff are true.
The Walking Dead Quote
