Originally Posted by Redux
Some A+ bashing and remarks regarding the finale. Wp.
I'm still pissed that they totally disregarded him even being in a friggin TANK. I mean yeah probably not a whole lot is gonna come of it, likely no fuel left etc. but damn you just survived from a sure death and for the time being are now secured in something you'll probably never see the inside of again. Turn the ignition, check the gauges and radars, shoot a friggin missile lol.
That seems rather dumb. Though they pretty much should have told him to chill for a while because when he first got there nothing was around the tank and then later in the show there was no huge grouping in the area.
What about the Mexican nursing home, though? I know it was a ******ed concept but why did they just leave it at that? I missed why they abandoned even the possibility of maybe teaming up with them again or whatever. Esseeee.
I was mainly listing stuff that crossed multiple episodes and wasnt the obvious "not die from zombies".
The faux gang nursing home was pretty dumb but i dont think it was as dumb as people think. It just served no purpose for the show other than if they were trying for a Crash style "not all Mexicans are gangster homes, you racist or summit?".
What that whole mini story represents is the failing for the show. They could have spent half an ep (1/12th the entire season) developing the characters or just doing something awesome like it turns out they are actual gang members so it can represent that society will not just all pull together in a crisis. But instead it was, i guess, some kind of moral message that fell flat.
The show does have more loose ties or possible "side plot branches" than usual,
which they may or may not explore. I haven't read the comics but the likes of the man and son and the redneck feel like characters that could be throwaway material in comics but can't be in a TV-series.
I assume the racist brother, black guy and son and the helicopter are going to be back in season two. The problem is only the helicopter part was handled well and it wasnt particularly necessary to have it given the show hasnt revisited it apart from when they joked about it when they first got to the camp.
The biggest problem from these loose thread sideplots is they should be interesting, and for the most part they are, but they dont add anything to the show itself and detract from the rest of it.
Basically the first season, esp with it so short, needed to be an introduction to the characters and the environment. Convoluted (and i use that cynically not complimentary) reasons to go back near zombies with no payoff is a waste of time. The show didnt need to have the main guy drop the guns and radio and it didnt need to have them travel to the CDC to learn very little.
End of the day the show needs to decide whether it is going to be an action show with constant danger and lots of headshots and random stupid explosions or a clever psychological show where they are struggling to cope with the changed world and some are choosing to become zombies and others are choosing suicide over facing the future. I dont think either one is expressly better than the other but the show right now kinda lives in the middle and no one has a strong handle on what to expect. Significantly the writers arent concentrating on either which leaves a lot of shallow scenes with a CDC doctor deciding to murder them all leading to a mad dash to get away and the other extreme of the sister sitting by her dead and turning sister. Both of which missed the mark with what they were trying to achieve.