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***Two Plus Two Internet Poker Forums Health and Fitness Subforum LC Thread for June 2015*** ***Two Plus Two Internet Poker Forums Health and Fitness Subforum LC Thread for June 2015***

06-26-2015 , 01:27 PM
I have to interview a potential junior programmer in a few minutes. I'm tempted to just say "run, forrest, run".
06-26-2015 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Is there any any data on whether gay men get divorced at a higher rate than the hetero population? I would imagine the answer to that question is yes, but that may just be my #prejudice talking.
It will probably be impossible to tell and very difficult for many years to come. Right now there's such a selection bias for gay couples to be particularly committed prior to marriage relative to straight couples you'd basically be comparing apples and oranges. Which is why I'd guess that the 5 year divorce rate is much lower for gay couples than straight couples without taking any thing else into account.
06-26-2015 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I had heard gay divorce rates were lower, largely because tons of gay people who got married have already been together for 10+ years without the ability to get married, plus the only gay people who do get married are the ones who really, really want it. They face less societal pressure to get married.
Maybe I should actually read the thread before adding my 2c
06-26-2015 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
I have to interview a potential junior programmer in a few minutes. I'm tempted to just say "run, forrest, run".
You should just tell him you're going to serve a couple of hypothetical situations. And have them be exact situations from the last couple of months that you deliver with a straight face and ask how he would solve them and see what he says.
06-26-2015 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
You should just tell him you're going to serve a couple of hypothetical situations. And have them be exact situations from the last couple of months that you deliver with a straight face and ask how he would solve them and see what he says.
I asked him if he had any questions for me and he said "what is the hardest part about working here" I lied.
06-26-2015 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
I asked him if he had any questions for me and he said "what is the hardest part about working here" I lied.
Why would you do that? I have always been honest with applications about what it's like to work somewhere.
06-26-2015 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
Why would you do that? I have always been honest with applications about what it's like to work somewhere.
Well, i told him it was chaotic, and priorities shift at the drop if a hat. Maybe not lying, but doesn't fully describe the situation.
06-26-2015 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes

Please share with us the best nuggets.
Mrscrashjr just reminded me that we did an obamacare motivated divorce this year. A loving couple, together for ~20 years and married like 7 of those. She is a high income earner, he does not work. They are saving ~$15k/year in healthcare costs by being sham divorced. They will remarry when medicare kicks in in a few years.
06-26-2015 , 05:11 PM
On the gay marriage and divorce statistics thing. I think ultimately female and male couples might have very different statistics, as they are biologically different. Using basic gender stereotypes I would guess male unions would last less time and have higher divorce rates.
06-26-2015 , 05:14 PM
wp USA.

Gay sex is a crime in India # 27373 but that doesn't mean you can't find cock on every corner here.
06-26-2015 , 05:57 PM
06-26-2015 , 06:00 PM
BB — Definitely not lying if that's what you said. Not even really a little bit imo. If he asked for specific examples and you had to make one up completely that would be lying but I assume you would have just sidestepped providing details, which also isn't lying (again, imo).

In other words, you seem like a great fit for the company you're at, congrats!
06-26-2015 , 06:11 PM
Also, the skeptical part of me wonders if the Divirce Lawyer lobby (if one exists) has been secretly running the gay marriage movement behind the scenes.
06-26-2015 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by Quick_Ben
Also, the skeptical part of me wonders if the Divirce Lawyer lobby (if one exists) has been secretly running the gay marriage movement behind the scenes.
Of course we have.
06-26-2015 , 06:17 PM
I wonder what the stats have been here since hay marriage was legalised a few years back.
06-26-2015 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Good news for all! Except the people who were only able to resist their homosexual urges because the law stood in their way. They have some soul searching to do.
This LC thread will get more interesting that's to be sure.
06-26-2015 , 06:30 PM
Also, as a thought experiment I wonder if destigmatizing same sex union could actually be bad for us as a species. The fact that there has been such a strong stigma against homosexuality for most of civilization and yet "X" % of people are still homosexual suggest there may actually be some survival benefit for the species as a whole having "gay genes" present in the mating population, as historically most preferentially gay people would have suppressed their identity and lived unhapppy heterosexual lives, including having children.

I wonder if by destigmatizing gay marriage we are potentially removing beneficial genes from the mating pool. I assume gay people are going to be less likely to have their own offspring, although some will I am sure find sperm and egg donors to do so.

As another aside that just came to me, maybe this is a golden time to get in early on a potential "sperm" or "egg donor" boom?. Loco, you have been looking for something to do with all your $$. Here you go. Start an online stud ranch where you help gay couples find genetically desirable partners to have their children with.
06-26-2015 , 06:32 PM
You're a weird dude.
06-26-2015 , 06:34 PM
Evolutionary biology selected for measles and smallpox too. I can see why you are antivaxxing.
06-26-2015 , 06:37 PM
In other amazing developments, my bigoted father has decided today that he will begrudgingly accept civil unions but never gay marriage.

Seems like a suboptimal time to offer a compromise.
06-26-2015 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by crashjr
Evolutionary biology selected for measles and smallpox too. I can see why you are antivaxxing.
Certainly in areas where these diseases have historically been present they exerted a lot of selective pressure towards increased tolerance towards them. I don't know if this is what you were trying to say?

Alos, measles and smallpox are diseases caused by microorganisms. They are not a behavioral trait with a strong genetic component.
06-26-2015 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by crashjr
Mrscrashjr just reminded me that we did an obamacare motivated divorce this year. A loving couple, together for ~20 years and married like 7 of those. She is a high income earner, he does not work. They are saving ~$15k/year in healthcare costs by being sham divorced. They will remarry when medicare kicks in in a few years.
lol awesome story
06-26-2015 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
You're a weird dude.

The Obamacare story is awesome. That's such an alpha DINK move.
06-26-2015 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers

The Obamacare story is awesome. That's such an alpha DINK move.
06-26-2015 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by crashjr
In other amazing developments, my bigoted father has decided today that he will begrudgingly accept civil unions but never gay marriage.

Seems like a suboptimal time to offer a compromise.
Only tangentially related; today I was listening to a lecture series on the civil war and an anecdote came up where after the war an old slave master sent his former slave a letter asking him to come back and work for him; offering him his freedom. The entire letter is A+ and I recommend reading the link provided below; but the cliffs notes are a) how are you still alive I figured you'd have been hung by the Yankees; b) I don't need your freedom; c) I'll consider you trustworthy and consider working for you again provided you send me back pay less food and clothes for my years of service d) say hi to the guy who grabbed the gun when you were shooting at me

To My Old Master
