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Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread

07-30-2010 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by Blind Monster
Aggression factor is # of bets + # of raises / # of calls. If opponents aggression factor is less than 2, you can assume he is a rather passive opponent, and perhaps a calling station. Therefore you can push them off more pots.

One thing I find is that it is more profitable playing speculative hands against passive players since they let you draw cheaply and pay you off when you hit. Against aggressive players you should prefer to dump some suited connectors and such.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
07-30-2010 , 10:01 AM
since i moved back to full ring, this has been my results so far, so hopefully I can keep it up!!!! I've worked on my game over the past 3 months and as a result, this is it so far.

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
07-30-2010 , 03:36 PM
i would appreciate any/all insight into my stats. i am just getting back into the game after not playing much over the last few years.

below are my first 23k hands of 25nl FR on stars. as you can see, i am getting crushed, though i'm struggling to figure out exactly why. it has been a brutal stretch of suck-outs (lost AA to KK and AK all-in pre-flop an inordinate number of times), coolers,etc.. I'm trying to figure out if i am playing well but just going through a very rough stretch of cards/luck, or if there are real leaks/holes in my game which need plugging.

as you can see my 'net expected won $' (yellow line) is negative. does this indicate that i'm just running bad?

(note that i am only losing $$ from the 3rd seat off the button because of several brutal beats (AA/KK cracked all-in pre=flop 4 times) from that spot.

thanks in advance for any ideas/insight!!
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
07-30-2010 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by paranoiastrikes
as you can see my 'net expected won $' (yellow line) is negative. does this indicate that i'm just running bad?
Check the addresses of your images (and don't delete them after you post them here).

As to your question, no, this indicates that if if you hadn't suffered any bad beats you would have lost some. If the yellow line is below the money won line (possibly green) it indicates you're running bad in a certain sense.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
07-30-2010 , 06:12 PM
Any comments are welcome, I'm playing NL5 FR Rush poker, if there is a need for more stats, feel free to ask.

The gap between VPIP and PFR is probably to big?
Cold call preflop is a huge leak? How to solve it? Fold more or reraise more?
Any other leaks?

Thanks in advance
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
07-30-2010 , 06:38 PM
EDITED: Sorry! here are the images!!

i would appreciate any/all insight into my stats. i am just getting back into the game after not playing much over the last few years.

below are my first 23k hands of 25nl FR on stars. as you can see, i am getting crushed, though i'm struggling to figure out exactly why. it has been a brutal stretch of suck-outs (lost AA to KK and AK all-in pre-flop an inordinate number of times), coolers,etc.. I'm trying to figure out if i am playing well but just going through a very rough stretch of cards/luck, or if there are real leaks/holes in my game which need plugging.

as you can see my 'net expected won $' (yellow line) is negative. does this indicate that i'm just running bad?

(note that i am only losing $$ from the 3rd seat off the button because of several brutal beats (AA/KK cracked all-in pre=flop 4 times) from that spot.

thanks in advance for any ideas/insight!!
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
07-31-2010 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by paranoiastrikes
EDITED: Sorry! here are the images!!

i would appreciate any/all insight into my stats. i am just getting back into the game after not playing much over the last few years.

below are my first 23k hands of 25nl FR on stars. as you can see, i am getting crushed, though i'm struggling to figure out exactly why. it has been a brutal stretch of suck-outs (lost AA to KK and AK all-in pre-flop an inordinate number of times), coolers,etc.. I'm trying to figure out if i am playing well but just going through a very rough stretch of cards/luck, or if there are real leaks/holes in my game which need plugging.

as you can see my 'net expected won $' (yellow line) is negative. does this indicate that i'm just running bad?

(note that i am only losing $$ from the 3rd seat off the button because of several brutal beats (AA/KK cracked all-in pre=flop 4 times) from that spot.

thanks in advance for any ideas/insight!!
Your net expected being negative indicates that even if you were running neutral (on all-in's anyway) you would still be losing. Now this doesn't mean you're not running bad, because that only tells you about all ins, but it's kind of useful to know.

But honestly, looking at your graph your problem is obvious. Your money won from non showdown line is HORRIBLE, if that line was better you would be profiting overall. You're folding too much postflop basically, people are pushing you around.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-01-2010 , 02:51 AM
How's my aggression?

50k hands
afq flop 40%
turn 27%
river 15%

overall aggression frequency is 45%

my aggression factor 2.44
wtsd 25.9
wmsd 51
cbet 1 73.6
cbet 2 61.4

Can you guys give me some advice based on these stats?
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-01-2010 , 10:18 AM
Hey 2+2,

I lurk alot here and do intend to post some more than I already do.. I've just gotten back into playing and have been trying to get alot of volume in via RUSH..

Last month didn't go so well and I'd appreciate comments and critcism on my stats:

It was my first month playing full part time (put in a lot of hours, still have my job) with a $2k roll hitting up the micros..

I did take some shots early on in the month and came back down but I'd appreciate some help reviewing the month.. Here is a photo of my stats:


As you can see I mainly played 25 and 50 Rush 6max and got killed
The standard .25/.50 was Hu NL hence the weird vpip/pfr

If anyone would be kind to critique my play and also reassure me that this is kinda normal id much appreciate it..

August has started well with a +4BI win at $25NL so hoping to continue the trend..

Things Ive learned and will enforce..

A mandatory stop loss of 3Buyins.. tried last month and failed and had a -10BI day.. it was grim.

EDIT: Apologies for the poor cropping :|
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-01-2010 , 10:55 AM
Err wrong board can someone plz move this to 6max unl unable to edit it :|
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-02-2010 , 03:22 PM
I know its kind of off topic, but is there a way in HEM to see steal attempts for everybody not just yourself, and to see how often they worked
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-02-2010 , 05:30 PM
So I saw a post a while back that said having a positive red line and negative blue line was a bad thing at micro stakes. I don't have many hands played at 25nl, probably about 10kish hands, and so far I'm a winning player, but I'm wondering if this might just be running good. Should I be adjusting my play so the red line/blue line switch?
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-02-2010 , 05:40 PM
I don't know. Should you?

Whether or how you should adjust your play has nothing to do with red lines and blue lines
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-02-2010 , 05:42 PM
If your winning, you are winning. Of course you can always win more, but no need to completely alter your game just because you think you should.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-02-2010 , 05:51 PM
After 10k hands there isn't really much to say unless you have some obvious leak like you raise more hands UTG than you do on the button.

At the risk of sounding like a bit of a dick, 10k hands is just a long day for a lot of us microgrinders. I could show you different 10k snapshots of the depressingly large amount of 25-100NL hands I've played with hugely varying winrates and SD/non-SD winning ratios. You can't really draw too many conclusions about your playing style from a 10k hand sample.

If your green line isn't where you want it to be after 50k hands and you're still losing money at SD, then it might be time to have a deeper look at your gameplan.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-02-2010 , 07:55 PM
If a playstyle works for you, work with it. Red line/blue line not withstanding.

For instance, I was playing nothing but 6-max on cake last year for most of it. This is my first 100k hands of 2009.

This year, I've done nothing but play rush fullring on FTP. This is my most recent 100k hands.

If you are wondering why I haven't gone back (and yes, I'm considering it), this is why.

100k hands 8-tabling 6-max on cake, about 140ish hours of play. 100k hands 4 tabling FR rush on FTP, 80ish hours. The rakeback is sick, even at NL50 rush. The consistency that rakeback grinding provides is kind of nice.

However, my EKG style greenline is really starting to bother me and I kind of want to plug my leaks before I even consider switching games again.

Anyway, point being, your sample size is small. 10k hands is literally a drop in the bucket. But if it's working for you, don't change it. Just try to find ways to make it better.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-05-2010 , 05:47 PM
Ok, been a long time, stealing a lot more i think, 3bing light a lot more, but still doesn't feel right


Old stats:

New stats:

Trying to steal more, cbet down, W$SD way up.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-06-2010 , 01:49 AM
Hey 2+2, need some serious help here.
In the beginning i ran really good, but as you can see im on a really bad downswing.

Whether this downswing is due to my poor poker skills or simply bad luck is why Im here.

Seems i've been running above ev all the time, but this is not relevant, right?

Positional stats:

Overall stats:

Thats it
Would be forever thankful to anyone that could point out what i am doing wrong.
If you need more stats let me know.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-08-2010 , 01:24 AM
Full Tilt - Full Ring 25NL Stats/Graph

I obviously have some pretty serious leaks, what are they and how do I address them?

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-08-2010 , 02:35 AM
My 25NL FR Stars Fail

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-08-2010 , 09:05 PM
play way more hands otb, raise more, 3bet more. Read the cotw on positional awareness and the 3bettign ones.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-10-2010 , 06:39 PM
Need help, little bit of coaching, some harsh remarks and is this enough stats to tell what the crap am i doing wrong on the botton. BTW, its 6k hands

Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-10-2010 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by EpicPokerFail
I obviously have some pretty serious leaks, what are they and how do I address them?
Notice that you're losing from the SB and BB. Now look at the section called "Blind Defense" on the details page. See if you can figure out what's going on from there.

The next question is - how do I take advantage of fish who have this leak too?

So that's the leak, and udbrky already supplied the plug.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-12-2010 , 04:41 AM
Can you get stats from Holdem Manager on how often you make a half-size pot bet and potbets?
I was wondering I bet 3/4 pots more often or less than other people do? I Think losing money because of checkraises are a major leak in my carreer as a microgrinder.
Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread Quote
08-14-2010 , 06:53 PM
There's a stat in there for that - in more actions or filters, whichever is the last tab
flop action, bet is more/less/equal to should have it in there.

Most people aren't deciding to c/r you based on what you're betting - it's on their hand strength. You should read the COTW on cbetting and double barreling and the check raising one.
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