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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

10-23-2010 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
She also told me she wants to be with me and she may withhold poundtown until I agree. Ugh.
After all that's happened so far, her saying this can't be too surprising to you.
10-23-2010 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
She also told me she wants to be with me and she may withhold poundtown until I agree. Ugh.
why is this a problem? You seem like you really like her and haven't been trying for anyone else
10-23-2010 , 10:21 AM
These are very strange interactions. She explicitly stated she is going to hold out sex as coercion into a serious relationship? That isn't normal.
10-23-2010 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
These are very strange interactions. She explicitly stated she is going to hold out sex as coercion into a serious relationship? That isn't normal.
Welcome to bible belt America!
10-23-2010 , 11:38 AM
More like... welcome to sexually dysfunctional women.
10-23-2010 , 11:46 AM
thremp gonna
10-23-2010 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
These are very strange interactions. She explicitly stated she is going to hold out sex as coercion into a serious relationship? That isn't normal.
Originally Posted by Thremp
More like... welcome to sexually dysfunctional women.
completely agree, we're sure this is what we want GcG?

Originally Posted by Karak
thremp gonna
one period is a little risky
10-23-2010 , 01:59 PM

"She explicitly stated she is going to hold out sex as coercion into a serious relationship?"

It of course depends how she put it, but I've known plenty of "only have sex in a relationship" type women.
10-23-2010 , 02:28 PM
It's because of her boyfriend. What she explicitly said was she wouldn't be with both of us at the same time. Whereas before this was like a "I need to decide what to do" thing for her, now it seems she's made up her mind. She asked what I wanted, I said it's impossible to say, then she said maybe were moving too fast physically. She said she needs to consider the consequences for herself if she has sex w me, which had been a given that we would be doing it just before this convo. She was saying how she couldn't wait etc. But after this convo she wasn't as sure. At some poit blurted out, "I want to be with you."

Last night I was 99.5% against beig with her. It's a lot of pressure on me if she expects me to be so serious so soon to replace a 12 year thing. I told her that's not fair to me.
10-23-2010 , 02:33 PM
Does anyone actually date these sexually frigid women? How do you go about this? Do you sign waiver forms to grab a bewb? I'm really baffled about this. Does it not make it incredibly awkward when someone says "I'm not sleeping with you till XYZ"?
10-23-2010 , 02:35 PM
u guys r super geee
10-23-2010 , 02:42 PM
I saw this new guy trying to ask out the girl in my workplace i wanna hook up with, he said something about taking her out to lunch, but she didint seem to be having it. He stood there after he finished his shift for like 15 mintues just talking and trying to get her num, but i think he failed, not sure tho.
I'm i suppose to be worried here? that she might hook up with him before me?. Me and her had a preety solid interaction today, the conversations we have trumps my doubt about me and her hooking up. My only prob here is i just dont know how to take it to the next step, like how to ask her out and get her num etc. Im a bit pessimistic and i assume she will just reject me.
10-23-2010 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Thremp
Does anyone actually date these sexually frigid women? How do you go about this? Do you sign waiver forms to grab a bewb? I'm really baffled about this. Does it not make it incredibly awkward when someone says "I'm not sleeping with you till XYZ"?
not sure exactly what you mean but I don't think 'not sleeping with you until xyz' implies sexual frigidness at all. why can't a girl take the emotional side of sex very seriously but still be really into having sex?
10-23-2010 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by wsopmichael
I saw this new guy trying to ask out the girl in my workplace i wanna hook up with, he said something about taking her out to lunch, but she didint seem to be having it. He stood there after he finished his shift for like 15 mintues just talking and trying to get her num, but i think he failed, not sure tho.
I'm i suppose to be worried here? that she might hook up with him before me?. Me and her had a preety solid interaction today, the conversations we have trumps my doubt about me and her hooking up. My only prob here is i just dont know how to take it to the next step, like how to ask her out and get her num etc. Im a bit pessimistic and i assume she will just reject me.
Your doubt that you and her hooking up has been trumped, but you assume that she'll reject you?

Sounds about right.
10-23-2010 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Your doubt that you and her hooking up has been trumped, but you assume that she'll reject you?

Sounds about right.
i was 50% sure she will reject me, now im 30%, theres still some doubt. now youve confused me, maybe i dont know what trumped means. But are you gonna give me advice here or call me out on my words?
10-23-2010 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by NHFunkii
not sure exactly what you mean but I don't think 'not sleeping with you until xyz' implies sexual frigidness at all. why can't a girl take the emotional side of sex very seriously but still be really into having sex?
Because its not based on emotion its based on some arbitrary criteria that she just explained to you?
10-23-2010 , 03:07 PM
It's not that she's holding out til a relationship, it's the way she put it. If she bluntly put it out there like that, it's indicative of a lot of other things. If she just politely said, "I prefer not to have sex outside of a committed relationship" it's entirely different.

Contrast that with, "I will hold out on sex with you so we get in a relationship. I won't be used like that."

Case A is a more conservative girl.

Case B is likely psychopathic.
10-23-2010 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by wsopmichael
i was 50% sure she will reject me, now im 30%, theres still some doubt. now youve confused me, maybe i dont know what trumped means. But are you gonna give me advice here or call me out on my words?
You are jealous, if she is legit, she will pick up on it and reject you.
Dont you think girls get hit on all the time? If she is good looking, she will give out her number to others and would still hook up with you.

But what is your obsession with phone numbers? They are beyond worthless if your only close was getting her number.
10-23-2010 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by Spurious
You are jealous, if she is legit, she will pick up on it and reject you.
Dont you think girls get hit on all the time? If she is good looking, she will give out her number to others and would still hook up with you.

But what is your obsession with phone numbers? They are beyond worthless if your only close was getting her number.
I dunno if im jealous, Because i dont think she gave him her number. How else will i make dates if i dont have her numer? And how else can i talk to her outside of work, i only see her once a week.
10-23-2010 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

"She explicitly stated she is going to hold out sex as coercion into a serious relationship?"

It of course depends how she put it, but I've known plenty of "only have sex in a relationship" type women.
I can only think of two that I know and they are both very religious but I know girls like that must be out there I just haven't known anyone since high school with views like that who wasn't also religious. Regardless, it isn't the only sex in relationships requirement that I find strange but the explicit discussion of the whole thing.
10-23-2010 , 03:25 PM
It could just be her not being socialized enough to express her intentions in a way other than outright saying she won't do X until Y. That coupled with her simply not having experience dealing with more than one other male sexually in likely her whole lifetime.

The only experience I've had with women who behave that way also was in high school, with girls who didn't have much dating/sexual experience and, since in high school, didn't have a ton of life experience and socialization outside of their little cliques. That's my anecdotal evidence at least.

If she's 28 or something, I'd lean more towards Karak's hypothesis.
10-23-2010 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by wsopmichael
I dunno if im jealous, Because i dont think she gave him her number. How else will i make dates if i dont have her numer? And how else can i talk to her outside of work, i only see her once a week.
You are jealous, because you care if she gives out her number to other men, it's standard.

I mean, I agree with your second statement, you need her number to get in contact with her, but I wasnt even talking about that.
I was talking about the fact, that you are worried she could hook up with him rather than you, because she might have given him her number. A number close is no hookup, it's nowhere near a hookup.
10-23-2010 , 03:35 PM
In my post today I made it pretty clear how it went down. There was no explicit "I won't **** you until we're together." She was definitely not using it as leverage. And she does like sex, I hinted towards that and she gave a good answer.

Currently I'm not sure what to do. I could just say **** it and get in a relationship with her. I could imagine much worse things in life. And I do like her, so it's not being totally dishonest and just lying to her to get sex.

On the other hand, I could just be totally honest and tell her exactly what I think. I'm not sure yet if I want to be in a long term committed relationship with her and I definitely can't guarantee that kind of security that her guy at home can. And then she'll probably still **** me after a few days pass and she can't take it anymore.
10-23-2010 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Thremp
Does anyone actually date these sexually frigid women? How do you go about this? Do you sign waiver forms to grab a bewb? I'm really baffled about this. Does it not make it incredibly awkward when someone says "I'm not sleeping with you till XYZ"?
jerk off a lot
10-23-2010 , 04:05 PM
But I do that regardless. I view sex with women/men/sheep/non-Thremp entities/etc as a supplement to having sex with the #1 person imaginable.
