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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

07-30-2010 , 08:33 PM
back from chiropractor. turns out i have a birth defect in my lower back, combined with bad posture all my life, has caused some pretty bad problems and could be really really bad when i'm older and everything gets more compressed.

as for the whole TR's thing goes i think the thread should be about anything involving girls. when i first started posting i was going after my "A" and was holding out on hooking up with other girls and posted about that. then i was going to experiment with dating a bunch of girls at once. i'm still in the middle of that kind of but i realized i can date a bunch (which involves me paying for 90% of stuff and hooking up) but we won't have the "relationship" word tagged on it because they're smarter than i thought =/

this was just a random weekend fling. she goes back to her city on sunday and i'm not going to keep in touch.

i said my TR was uneventful and TL;DR but it'd be weird to not post about it after making a post last night about whether or not i should go. i could have also said "i went over and we hookedup" but that won't increase my power ranking as a poster itt

Last edited by GoodGame; 07-30-2010 at 08:56 PM.
07-30-2010 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
this thread is just starting to become a trophy case of belt notches, and i will openly admit it bothers me. obviously it's not my thread and you can do whatever you want (although please be careful to not turn it into super detailed erotica i think the management doesnt like that), but i just personally am not a fan.

im speaking just as karak the poster and this has nothing to do with modding or any guidelines. like i said it's everyone's thread, not mine. but i just hate the whole LOL LET'S TELL THE BIGGER STORY OF THE CHICK I BANGED AND LEFT YEAAA MAN I DONT CARE ABOUT HER thing. always have my whole life.

thus i am unimpressed by your story (not like you actively did anything to initiate it tho)
I think most of GG's stories are bull**** but at least they are entertaining.
07-30-2010 , 09:05 PM
bull**** as in fake? or bull**** as in pointless? they're not fake at all. i said she was a 5... if i was lying that would be one of the first things i'd have stretched the truth on.

i stood up for karak when other posters were bashing his TR's but i think he comes off as the guy at the party that knocks on the door to interrupt two people having sex because "she's like my sister man!!"

Last edited by GoodGame; 07-30-2010 at 09:07 PM. Reason: damn, shoulda made that an MS paint
07-30-2010 , 09:21 PM
My thoughts on the TR outrage: I wouldn't want the thread to be completely full of posts like that. The volume of posts like that now isn't worrisome though.

The main issue for me is that this thread is about the journey. TR consisting of "I had sex" esp with a girl you've already hooked up with is pretty uninteresting. TR about how you (collective "you" here) got some chick to sleep with your sorry ass = much better.

I think I may have summed up what Karak's thinking more succinctly but he'd have to confirm.
07-30-2010 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
My thoughts on the TR outrage: I wouldn't want the thread to be completely full of posts like that. The volume of posts like that now isn't worrisome though.

The main issue for me is that this thread is about the journey. TR consisting of "I had sex" esp with a girl you've already hooked up with is pretty uninteresting. TR about how you (collective "you" here) got some chick to sleep with your sorry ass = much better.

I think I may have summed up what Karak's thinking more succinctly but he'd have to confirm.
yessss you articulated this so much better than i could
07-30-2010 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
bull**** as in fake? or bull**** as in pointless? they're not fake at all. i said she was a 5... if i was lying that would be one of the first things i'd have stretched the truth on.

i stood up for karak when other posters were bashing his TR's but i think he comes off as the guy at the party that knocks on the door to interrupt two people having sex because "she's like my sister man!!"
yeah... no. sorry.

and ive never thought GG's TRs are fake, but i have assumed many of them to be embellished... some more than others. however, that's fine... that's just a part of story telling.
07-30-2010 , 09:33 PM
I haven't lurked this thread for all that long so maybe I missed GG posting a bunch of other TR's like that but I think the thread would be worse if there were 0 posts like that as well as if every post was like that.
07-30-2010 , 09:35 PM

I used to post in the EDF thread a lot. It's a lot of a... weirder vibe. They take an extremely analytical, detached and rational analysis view of things. Like... we do this too sometimes and I think gneerally it's the correct approach to most things, but they take it to an extreme. Much of that has to do with the heavy influence of Henry17 and some other secondary posters in that thread. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it, but it was much too detached of an approach for me personally. Like in there they'd advocate just emotionally severing yourself after a relationship ends. That's it.

They don't really seem to address emotions that much. Any showing of vulnerable or negative emotions is treated as a defect or weakness that is to be repaired with logical analysis and reasoning. You are a weak and flawed person for reacting negatively with emotions... and while I agree with that in theory I guess (although not really... I don't think anyone is flawed for having negative emotions... just flawed if they overtake your life), they are pretty harsh with their analysis. That may work for some people, but it doesnt' work for me.
07-30-2010 , 09:35 PM

that was my first time posting a TR like that. and like i said the only reason i posted it was because of the post i made last night when contemplating whether to go out. i tagged it with uneventful and tl;dr so if people can't be bother to scroll a little further then sucka sucka dick yalllll
07-30-2010 , 09:37 PM
Like, I imagine the TRs I wrote about my first couple dates with Jennifer leading up to when we first banged were alright. I have to imagine the 2nd hypothetical TR I never wrote, consisting of "omg we had a date tonight and we went and saw a movie and then we went back to her place and had sex three times!!!", would just be weak. What's new and exciting about that? Maybe if you get her to let you stick it in her butt or something, but otherwise, the climax of the story is when you first cross that plateau.

Originally Posted by GoodGame
that was my first time posting a TR like that
Yeah, like I said the volume of posts like in this thread is hardly worrisome so I think it's a little premature (DUCWIDT?) to be having this discussion right now
07-30-2010 , 09:39 PM
yeah please let me make it clear... read goofy's post. as usual, he articulates what im trying to say a lot better than i can. i just wish his TRs were something more than pure erotica-brags... offered some sort of objective value. now all they seem to do is serve him the purpose of bragging. i mean he concludes his whole TR asking for the thread to be named after him... he built us up to it saying he just wants to get an epic TR so he can get recognized as the "best TR" and get the thread named after him...

tbh i was thinking at first if nothing happened IRL for him to make a TR out of, he would make up something... but i dont think he did that. could he have embellished a lot? Sure, and he probably did, but i woudl never really fault anyone for doing that when you are telling a story as long as the material facts arent changed.
07-30-2010 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by GoodGame

that was my first time posting a TR like that
this isnt true at all... unless you mean taht level of sexual detail. but plenty of your TRs have served as nothing more than brag-TRs to tell us how you used some chick or snuck out of her house in the morning or broke her heart or something. i mean cool story bro good for you but some of us think that's really douchey behavior and it bothers us. however, im not making a judgment that you are a bad or evil person... i just wouldnt engage in such behavior myself and get annoyed when TRs are seemingly dedicated to telling tales of that alone.

also im kinda drunk right now so please read my posts with that caveat
07-30-2010 , 09:46 PM
lol i think you have me built up in your head to be something different than i am. i've never posted about sneaking out in the morning, or using a girl, or breaking anyone's heart. the only story i can remember that's similar is the girl that didn't tell me she was on her period so i stopped everything mid-sex and told her she should probably just go. i called her friend and her friend didn't want to get her so i paid for my friend to drive her 20minutes home and i went for the car ride. she came over drunk and she initiated everything including the first time we hooked up where she walked over to me without having said more than two words to each other and gave me her # and told me she'll be at my house waiting for me. that night she talked about walking in on my ex and someone i knew having sex so she already had strike 1. this was like 6 months ago though.

i treat girls how they deserve to be treated. "A" was a girl i respected so i did everything right by the book and sure enough nothing came of it. now i treat her how i treat every other girl and the two times she's been the most into me were when everyone was telling "douchey" stories they've done and i talked about bathroom sex at parties. and the other time she texted me as i was lost finding a bootycall's house so explain that.

now we're getting really off topic and it's turning into why i don't treat every girl like a princess unless they prove they deserve it.
07-30-2010 , 09:49 PM
you should reread your posting history then. you're pretty much 100% the a-typical frat broski when it comes to women... at least that's the perception you provide me (and others i know for a fact) here

much like i think my posting was (and/or is) misinterpreted, perhaps yours is too. take a look at it. i def changed my style when i realized people had the wrong perception of me.
07-30-2010 , 09:53 PM
ha well to be honest i'm not necessarily opposed to doing any of those things you think i've done. i'm just saying i haven't done them.

i just try to post exactly what's going on and how i feel about it all. of course there will be different opinions on the behavior based on everyone's own life experiences but that comes with the territory. if i was a lurker itt and saw someone like me posting i'd be decently entertained. nothing epic happens but i like reading little stories. i watch peoples vlogs on youtube and stuff if that helps give a perspective.

Last edited by GoodGame; 07-30-2010 at 10:05 PM.
07-30-2010 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
i tagged it with uneventful and tl;dr so if people can't be bother to scroll a little further then sucka sucka dick yalllll
This much is certainly fair.
07-30-2010 , 10:02 PM
lol sick fyp LKJ

you're lucky LKJ doesnt get vocal like i do. this would be 8234823482834x more severe hahahahaha.
07-30-2010 , 10:03 PM
[ ] that was an fyp
07-30-2010 , 10:06 PM
gooing out soon too
trsss prob not
07-30-2010 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
There have been very few risque TR's, if anything there ought to be more. They are better than:

I looked at a girl on the bus. I think she looked back. She's cute but I didn't talk to her. What's my play?
Obviously we trash on nonsense like this too, the way we hammered on toomanyletters would indicate as much.

And plus iirc, GG is the poster that was a genuinely good guy
I'm pretty sure that you have him mixed up with...well, basically anyone else who has ever regularly posted in this thread.

How Karak and LKJ think a proper girl ought to dress.

I'm just messin with you guys and I see your point, but I just think that the day is very far away when this thread becomes a record of notches.
For what it's worth, it clearly bothered him more than me, I was just saying that I generally agreed with his ideas. Only fair that I say that I agree with him when I do, considering that I'm not slow to criticize him. I knew he was surely going to be bashed for the stance he took, so in this case I had his back because I do think he was generally right in his thought process (though yes, goofy has now articulated it far better).

Also, I just discovered the EDF dating thread. Mittens, I see you post in both. What are the differences? I notice a couple posters (see: Henry17) that suck in that thread, so this one has to be about 1000% less douchey. Is that accurate?
As long as you can separate the ridiculous extremes that he takes on some of his views from the rest of what he says, you can learn from Henry. He's very insightful. He's ****ing weird, but he's insightful. I never regret reading a Henry post, even though I don't fully agree with all of what he says.

Th.r.emp on the other hand is an utterly worthless douchebag.

I don't follow that thread religiously, but I do think it's an interesting read.
07-30-2010 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
lol sick fyp LKJ

you're lucky LKJ doesnt get vocal like i do. this would be 8234823482834x more severe hahahahaha.
Hahahaha...umm, thanks bro. I'm laughing hard at you calling this a FYP.
07-30-2010 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Come on LKJ, you should know better (I helped you out there)

EDIT: Whoah, it didn't put in your post that I'd edited it. Crazy.
07-30-2010 , 10:42 PM
lol, re: EDF... henry is the most bizarre person ever, but ill take this opportunity to say (admit) that about 2x a week ill search all of his posts and read the ones i missed.

th.r.emperz is like... the most worthless person ever. id rate his wimminz skill on par with TML. honestly. like, he certainly KNOWS a lot, but if i had to guess how much of it he actually has the personality to execute in the real world it would be about 5%. he once said something along the lines of "id lie to a girl and tell her my female friend said he is a creep if it meant i could go home with her." rofl
07-30-2010 , 10:55 PM
lots of thing i write itt are embellished fwiw. i'm typically so god damn drunk that i have to fill in details with my imagination.
07-30-2010 , 11:06 PM
also people are being nits about this thread. some people are looking for girlfriends, others are looking for lays. as long as we all know that what we're after may not be the same as what another poster is after then i don't think it's a big deal. Furthermore, if you don't realize that then you're probably an idiot.

i mean society has shifted from sex=marriage to sex=meh, and afterall, this is the internet. with those two things combined, i don't think we should get butthurt about any posts or w/e.

I mean obviously nobody cares about which positions you did it in, or what percentage of your ejaculate got in her belly button, but "then i ****ed this girl and didn't call her back!" really shouldn't be censored. Obviously it's douchey to be that way if the encounter isn't a consensual one-time thing, girls have feelings too, etc., and the offending party knows that it is, especially if it happens within this thread; everyone around here (regs anyway) are all decent enough guys to know this. but I think it's pretty ******ed to get affected by it since there are a billion worse things available on the internet everyday.
