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Judge Harold Lee convicted in AZ gambling probe Re: Ace High Card Room Judge Harold Lee convicted in AZ gambling probe Re: Ace High Card Room

06-10-2011 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by John Schnaubelt
If the choice is casino dealer or club dealer, the dealers that know what's up will take the club job hands down.
In a thread full of absolutely comical posts, this one made me fall out of my chair laughing.
07-19-2011 , 06:53 PM
Friends of Poker, here it is in 's!

Before opening any of our facilities, we spent an entire year developing a business plan for poker players in Arizona to wrest control of their sport from the so called "Indian” card rooms.

We actually “hand-delivered” a written notice of our plans to state and local law enforcement officials before beginning. We intended to make clear to authorities that we were invoking our civil rights to protect our membership, from the BIA’s theft of our prize pools.

We had not yet uncovered the extent of their crimes and nefarious activities; including the enslavement of the American Indian tribes, within their own tribal lands. At that time we were not even aware of the billions of dollars in theft and conversion this agency had pilfered from the American Indian tribal trust and taxpayers.

However, what we know today is that all of the laws, orders, and proclamations crafted, subsequent to the BIA’s 1831 political coup d'état, were adopted under duress of the BIA led insurgency. Their rebellion makes null and void those edicts issued since are under duress; including the misnamed 1988 Indian Gaming Resolution Act, along with its DOG police agents.

By forcing their sham indictment upon the ICGPA players union, this long term fraud and subterfuge will meet its Armageddon. This agency is plainly a political criminal cabal and the American people have never had need of it or its many criminal acts. A fact a trial jury is likely to notice.

Additional Crimes of the DOG

Obviously, our written notice of intention was designed to handle any disagreements with enforcement authorities via an inexpensive civil court proceeding . However, at no time has taxpayer supported authority ever denied to us our right to play (or organize) the sport of poker professionally, within their jurisdictions.

A felony criminal indictment issued six years after the fact was our first notice of any possible wrong doing on our part.

Clearly, the DOG's continuous attempts to extort our players union, by threatening a felony criminal prosecution, in order to enforce their civil contract , merely adds another felony extortion charge to their long list of crimes.

Please check out what 3 years of daily study has uncovered regarding the legality of poker and the authority of the misnamed “Arizona Department of Gambling”. Visit Please read our post: A Historical Fact: 1831 BIA Insurgency Overthrew the U. S. Supreme Court

Attention Poker Players

Please, stop wasting money on the PPA lobbyist in Washington D.C. Your money is only going to support the global gambling cartel, which has claimed our sport as one of their chance gambling schemes. This is complete misspeak and nonsense. The sport is smothered in protection under Arizona law.

Unfortunately, the sport of poker has been commandeered by the BIA’s banished gambling cartel, which employs the DOG police to intimidate and extort professional poker players in Arizona into the BIA's thieving card parlors. BIA facilities and card rooms do not belong to the Indians. They are tightly controlled and administered to exclusively by the taxpayer owned U.S. Department of the Interior.

The BIA has captured all of the American Indian tribes, and more to the point it has comandeered their titles, by executing a successful political coup d'état over the Supreme Court, the Constitution and the laws of humanity.

The BIA led a political cabal that openly rejected the Sureme Court’s findings, in Cherokee Nation vs. State of Georgia (1831). The very first case regarding tribal status. The BIA rebellion began a continuous string of broken treaties and promises to our American Indian tribes.

Help us stop these outlaws:

Poker players certainly have the numbers to control their own destiny. However, do they have the passion? Please consider sending your PPA dues to the ICGPA defense fund. Join the Arizona Poker War, the battle to control the sport of poker can only be resolved state by state, city by city. All sports and entertainment are ultimately a local issue. Please consider spending your money locally to defend poker and join the ICGPA poker players union. Contact:

Last edited by judgeharoldlee; 07-19-2011 at 07:15 PM.
07-19-2011 , 07:06 PM
I would love to support this but why do I feel like we're going to end up in a single table shootout (LOL) at the OK Corral here in AZ?

My honest opinion is that I feel safe leaving the Casino at 1am, but leaving a "strip mall poker room" at 1am? Uh... no. And I don't feel like playing poker with a six shooter holstered on my hip.

Having said that... God bless you Harold, and may you take the greedy uncaring casino "Indians" (LMFAO) and the ADOG down...
07-20-2011 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by judgeharoldlee
theft crimes nefarious enslavement tribal lands theft pilfered coup d'état insurgency null and void edicts duress sham indictment fraud subterfuge Armageddon criminal cabal criminal acts felony criminal indictment extort felony criminal prosecution felony extortion BIA Insurgency Overthrew the U. S. Supreme Court global gambling cartel misspeak and nonsense banished gambling cartel police intimidate extort thieving captured coup d'état Supreme Court Constitution humanity cabal Supreme Court’s rebellion outlaws destiny passion
[ ] Sane
07-20-2011 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by judgeharoldlee
Please consider sending your PPA dues to the ICGPA defense fund.
Judge Lee gets rid of his lawyer because they think his plans for defense are insane, now asks us to donate to him getting a new lawyer.
07-20-2011 , 03:58 AM
[ ] has noticed Indian law since 1831
07-20-2011 , 12:40 PM
Lee was declared competent in hearing correct?
Im glad,because if he hadn't it would have taken forever to get addressed i court but...

07-20-2011 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by UbinTook
Lee was declared competent in hearing correct?
If you ask the Lee fanbois why, they'll tell you it's because the state wanted to weasel out of the trial, that they were looking for excuses to drop the charges.

I strongly suspect they just just want a nice iron-clad conviction. [And they know he's crazy, just not "legally crazy."]
07-20-2011 , 02:49 PM
What's so bad about being the stone-cold nuts?
07-20-2011 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Alizona
What's so bad about being the stone-cold nuts?
b'dum *ching*!
08-03-2011 , 11:59 PM
Sentencing for the two Lee co-conspirators (who accepted plea bargains) was postponed from Monday until OCTOBER!!!

IT IS ORDERED vacating the Sentencing set for August 1, 2011 and resetting same for October 5, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. in this division.
08-04-2011 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by The Palimax
Sentencing for the two Lee co-conspirators (who accepted plea bargains) was postponed from Monday until OCTOBER!!!
Presumably any plea deal included testifying against Lee?
08-04-2011 , 01:06 PM
jebus, what caused this postponement?
08-04-2011 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by ChaosReigns
Presumably any plea deal included testifying against Lee?
Originally Posted by UbinTook
jebus, what caused this postponement?
There's no indication in the court documents and I wasn't there when it happened or "inside" the case enough to know why, but this date is now well after Lee's current 9/20 trial date.

We'd just be speculating unless someone close to the case wants to say why.
08-04-2011 , 04:23 PM
Also just noticed on the calendar, the day immediately before the Lee trial, a Settlement Conference for The State and Curcio -- one of Lee's two co-defendants who accepted a plea.


Perhaps something is afoot.

08-22-2011 , 03:40 PM
Aha! Let the games begin... This should be fun for everyone.
  • IT IS ORDERED granting, in part, Mr. Raymond Kimble’s Motion to Withdraw.
  • IT IS FURTHER ORDERED granting Defendant’s oral Motion to Represent Himself.
  • IT IS FURTHER ORDERED appointing Mr. Raymond Kimble to serve strictly in the role as advisory counsel.
  • IT IS FURTHER ORDERED Defendant is directed to submit the Waiver of Counsel form to the Court.
  • IT IS FURTHER ORDERED resetting the Final Trial Management Conference from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on September 9, 2011 in this division.
  • IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that at the same time of the Final Trial Management Conference, the Court shall hear oral argument on the State’s Motion in Limine and, if filed, Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss, which he intends to file this date.
Judge Harold Lee, having dismissed his previous attorneys because they won't treat his case like some constitutional issue and grand struggle against the BIA conspiracy, will now represent himself.

[Insert snarky fool, lawyer, self, client joke here.]

Further, Lee intends to file a motion to dismiss. Since they already aren't pressing him on the "little" charges, good luck on that... I can't imagine at this stage the state is going to give up on anything.
08-22-2011 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by The Palimax
Aha! Let the games begin... This should be fun for everyone.
  • IT IS ORDERED granting, in part, Mr. Raymond Kimble’s Motion to Withdraw.
  • IT IS FURTHER ORDERED granting Defendant’s oral Motion to Represent Himself.
  • IT IS FURTHER ORDERED appointing Mr. Raymond Kimble to serve strictly in the role as advisory counsel.
  • IT IS FURTHER ORDERED Defendant is directed to submit the Waiver of Counsel form to the Court.
  • IT IS FURTHER ORDERED resetting the Final Trial Management Conference from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on September 9, 2011 in this division.
  • IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that at the same time of the Final Trial Management Conference, the Court shall hear oral argument on the State’s Motion in Limine and, if filed, Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss, which he intends to file this date.
Judge Harold Lee, having dismissed his previous attorneys because they won't treat his case like some constitutional issue and grand struggle against the BIA conspiracy, will now represent himself.

[Insert snarky fool, lawyer, self, client joke here.]

Further, Lee intends to file a motion to dismiss. Since they already aren't pressing him on the "little" charges, good luck on that... I can't imagine at this stage the state is going to give up on anything.
I suspect that the State's Motion in Limine is aimed at the various arguments Judge Lee wants to make that his prior counsel declined to make. (If Lee loses that motion, then there might not be much of a show.)

Apparently, Mr. Kimble, Lee's attorney, was not permittred to entirely withdraw.

Maybe Oski will step up to the plate ?
08-23-2011 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by The Palimax
[*] IT IS FURTHER ORDERED granting Defendant’s oral Motion to Represent Himself.[*] IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that at the same time of the Final Trial Management Conference, the Court shall hear oral argument on the State’s Motion in Limine and, if filed, Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss, which he intends to file this date.

It's finally popcorn time.
08-25-2011 , 09:39 PM
Maybe he should try insanity plea?
08-25-2011 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by WEC
Maybe he should try insanity plea?
While I believe he's crazy in the same way that a hoarder can't let go of old newspapers, he's mostly your garden variety conspiracy theorist.

Judge Lee rants on his website about how his lawyers left him because they couldn't present the case that Lee wants (BIA conspiracy).


Specifically though, the state actually already sent him to their psychiatrist, so he could be declared sane - in a legal sense. He's sane enough to represent himself. He's sane enough to get stuck with the criminal charges. He's sane enough to collect old newspapers, or whatever else it is that people who rant about blood-soaked lands and criminal cabals do.
08-30-2011 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by DonkeyQuixote
I suspect that the State's Motion in Limine is aimed at the various arguments Judge Lee wants to make that his prior counsel declined to make. (If Lee loses that motion, then there might not be much of a show.)

Apparently, Mr. Kimble, Lee's attorney, was not permittred to entirely withdraw.

Maybe Oski will step up to the plate ?
Keeping this fresh, since the trial is closer to its date now...

You're right, of course. I think we all suspect that Judge Lee will present his motions that say:
  • I want to have my case dismissed, because you're all part of the conspiracy!
  • I want to present evidence that the BIA is corrupt, and that
The state will, in a complex and straight-faced legal way, laugh at him.

The state isn't going to lose sight of that this is all about:

Originally Posted by The Original 2009 New Times Article
Lee's organization, the International Card and Player's Association, essentially is a one-man band. For a starting fee of $5,000, he will issue a charter and a kind of business plan for an off-reservation poker room. He also collects as much as 15 percent of the profits from a room's owners.
Originally Posted by And a follow-up about his falling out with Poker Nation
Poker Nation owner clears up two issues: Thanks to Paul Rubin for such a well-written article on off-reservation poker in Arizona. There were two moderately significant factual errors that I noticed. Harold Lee is not charging 15 percent of the profits for his so-called "charter." He is charging a crippling 15 percent of the gross revenues.
It's important to note that the second quote was from Christine Korza herself, the operator of Poker Nation - someone who was paying Judge Lee until she decided she didn't want to anymore -- that's what Judge Lee says anyway, or did, when he caused a scene in her room before it closed demanding his money...

For a mere 15% of your gross revenues, Judge Harold Lee would tell you it was legal to run a poker room.

Good luck at trial.

Anyone want to go sit in court with me?
09-08-2011 , 06:46 PM
Well, there was SOME sort of update to the charges and/or calendar of events in the Lee trial today, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what they were:

You have received this e-mail because you have subscribed to the Public Access Case Update through the Arizona Supreme Court.
Case Number
Case Title
Change(s) Made
Change Date
St of AZ Vs. Harold Lee, Et.Al
Event(s), Charge(s)
9/8/2011 3:06:43 PM

Pre-trial is still tomorrow, and trial is still the 20th. Anyone with sharper eyes than I able to see what changed?
09-11-2011 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by The Palimax
Keeping this fresh, since the trial is closer to its date now...

You're right, of course. I think we all suspect that Judge Lee will present his motions that say:
  • I want to have my case dismissed, because you're all part of the conspiracy!
  • I want to present evidence that the BIA is corrupt, and that
The state will, in a complex and straight-faced legal way, laugh at him.

The state isn't going to lose sight of that this is all about:

It's important to note that the second quote was from Christine Korza herself, the operator of Poker Nation - someone who was paying Judge Lee until she decided she didn't want to anymore -- that's what Judge Lee says anyway, or did, when he caused a scene in her room before it closed demanding his money...

For a mere 15% of your gross revenues, Judge Harold Lee would tell you it was legal to run a poker room.

Good luck at trial.

Anyone want to go sit in court with me?
I'll catch it on cable:

"You're out of order! You're out of order! The whole trial is out of order! They're out of order! That man, that sick, crazy, depraved man, issued licenses to a poker room, people actually paid him to do so, and he'd like to do it again! He *told* me so! It's just a show! ... Whaddya wanna gimme Judge, 3 weeks probation?
09-14-2011 , 07:22 PM
Another update, from the 9th.

The State has dropped the charges against the IGCPA - but not against the individuals. [Or so it seems from reading the court website.] Nothing on Lee's ICGPA page or in the few posted court documents - as the later lag behind the court update page.

Trial still seems set for next Tuesday, the 20th.


CitationCountDescriptionDisp. DateDisposition
09-15-2011 , 06:26 PM
Another email saying that the court info page changed, and this time even more cryptic.

You have received this e-mail because you have subscribed to the Public Access Case Update through the Arizona Supreme Court.

Case Number Case Title Change(s) Made Change Date
S-0700-CR-2010006435 St of AZ Vs. Harold Lee, Et.Al Event(s), Charge(s) 9/15/2011 3:07:41 PM
I frankly don't know what changed - again. Trial still appears to be on Tuesday, and no new announcements on the Judge's site.

So, maybe this is just a bump that the AZ Poker Trial of the Century is next week.
