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*** Don't count your spilmaks before the slut results February LC/NC NSFW *** *** Don't count your spilmaks before the slut results February LC/NC NSFW ***

02-27-2017 , 12:26 PM
that post is whispering: come to vegas franko, its better idea than macau. Come franko, come
02-27-2017 , 12:26 PM
tbh35 if I fly to ****ing america I expect you to be there in ****ty vegas and drinkthem all like a man
02-27-2017 , 12:32 PM
AF, is your faith in me really that low.

Franny, if you come to murica you better go to ****ing vegas and call me. We will drink them all together.

Also I need a new avatar guys, please help, will post saturday once an acceptable avi has been posted
02-27-2017 , 12:33 PM
did i say **** you mondya yet, cuz theres that
02-27-2017 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by thabighurt35
my avatar died, need new one, will trade rest of tr for best avi

02-27-2017 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by thabighurt35

Also I need a new avatar guys, please help, will post saturday once an acceptable avi has been posted
You seem to like butts, so...

02-27-2017 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
You seem to like butts, so...

tbh: I was just curious as to how many whores were whored, not that I thought you didn't whore any whores. Poorly worded on my part.

Fiddles: you got my vote
02-27-2017 , 12:49 PM

can someone avatize #2?
02-27-2017 , 12:50 PM
How dare you fid. This decision is of utmost importance.
02-27-2017 , 12:55 PM
Did anyone watch the oscars? I took the year off from the 3 hour fame whoring extravaganza
02-27-2017 , 01:03 PM
saturday morning I wake up with a really bad hangover. I woke at at like 7:30am. I am only 32 but these things hurt worse every year and I keep waking up earlier. I wish I could just sleep unttil 3pm like when i was younger. Too bad time to do the morning vegas thing,
asses the damage
. Before I go down this road I order room service and ask for 2 shots of Bailey's. I have my wallet and watch but seem to have 5k less than I brought, ****, I brought 7 and didn't want to lose over half the first day, oh well.

Now I have fiound the most cathartic thing I can do when I am hungover is bust a nut so I grab my phone and check my email. I am pleasently surprised by my inbox as it is full of responses to all the pros i solicited last night. I got a good laugh as some of the solicitations I sent didn't even make sense. hahaha jameson you won last night but I will win the morning. I confirm with a lovely little asian girl and eat my breakfast drink the bailieys pour a rockstar vodka and hop in the shower. Drinking in the shower always makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

I get out and nurse my drink, **** around on my phone making fun of my friends for being pussies about the Knee Grow thing with the black dealer and then i hear a knock on the door. I oprn it up and this dimepiece asian comes in. I make good use of the view of the foutains, send her on her way, take another shower pour a woodford into the last of the coffe I have, grab my cas money and head out to beat the days dick off.

I go downstairs determined to win something and blast off the last 2k at $10 SL vp. ****kkd********idy********. cash advance oon debit card walk of shame. my best friend out there meets me at cesars and sees me at the cage during this, many balls were broken and we depart for MGM.

I take my new 2k and play some black jack with him. We started at 1:30, i tried to pace myself and just drink beer, that lasted about 15 minutes, then I did my 25 dollar trick again. The dealer was named edita, she was cuban, my heritage as well, 47 and had the worst rbf, id made me really just wan tto put something in her mouth. She enjoyed my antics and so did the other dealer, a very sweet old lady named susan. even the floor man, a sweet black lady enjoyed my friend and my antics. It was early though so we werent that bad.

Then they change shifts and this hateful anngy little asian floor man tells the witress to stop serving me, I order a round of drinks and they come but without one for me, i am very confused, my other friends arrived at some point so there was three drinks, but four of us.

I look at the floor man snatch a shot from my friends hand, slam it and look back at the floor man. Ok boys no mo bj for tbh at mgm. the departure was as amacable as it could be. I check my watch, it is 4pmish and I just got cutoff.

take notes on how to drink them all ****ers

next installment for avatarized butt avi, help a brotha out
02-27-2017 , 01:11 PM
tbh delivers itt.

pics of asian dimepiece plz
02-27-2017 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by AlwaysFolding
tbh delivers itt.

pics of asian dimepiece plz
avatar sized gif for avi please
02-27-2017 , 02:05 PM
I submitted to the proper authorities for inspection and production.
02-27-2017 , 02:36 PM

02-27-2017 , 02:48 PM
ty fwwm
02-27-2017 , 02:53 PM
tbh now that you have a thread you should copy and paste your tale into it.

Last edited by suitedjustice; 02-27-2017 at 03:15 PM. Reason: copy not cut ldo
02-27-2017 , 02:55 PM
which ****ing thread I still didnt get that
02-27-2017 , 02:57 PM
02-27-2017 , 02:58 PM
take that back
02-27-2017 , 03:00 PM
So it is now 4pm and I am pretty hammered, still forming sentences and standing upright but getting a little swervy and any thought that enters my head is falling right out of my mouth. We have dinner reservations at 8 for the steakhoues at MGM anf I have 4 hours to kill, so I decide to try and sober up a bit so i find a $1 wheel of furtune and do that until I am bored and just hop slots until about 630. Meet up with one of my friends who was wanting to play pai gow so we did that and I stayed with the beer.

We eventually stumble over to the steakhouse and as soon as we are seated the waitress asks if I want anything to drink and I realized i am entirely to hammered to be talking to anyone if I want to get served. So i point to my friend who is looking at the wine list. Note to self, beer contains alcohol and will not sober you up if you are having one every 20 minutes. We get a bunch of apps and I do surf and turf, few bottles of wine and we are all fairly primed for the night.

we go back out and do some more gambolz while we decide which strip club we are going to attend. I go to take a piss and am propositioned by a random if I want to go skiing. He was very shady, tried a bait and switch but I caught him, called him out on it and he get really aggressive, I just told him to **** off and went away. But now I had the itch. I go back to play bj, do my $25 move and proceed to just get white girl wasted before going to the strip club.

I think by 11ish we are all ****ed up and ready to go, as I walked out I get propositioned for the snowskis again and this time its legit. Yahtzeee! Only two of my bros want to go to the club so we pick in a SUV, the ones that give you free rides. Before we get there I try and do a bump in the back seat and was too ****ing ****ed up to pul it off. I ripped open the bag, it went everywhere. FUCCCCCKKKCKCKKCK we get out of the car my friend goes "dude do you know what you let all over the car". "yes I ****ing know you ass hole now is not the time to stand around. We go in the club IDK which one, but it was not OG's Rhino or Saphire. I was not happy about the car blunder and was too drunk to talk to the little whores that were running around so I just paid some black gurlls to grind on my junk.
02-27-2017 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by FranFran
take that back
Here it is
02-27-2017 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Byrung
creampie monday

That's everyday
02-27-2017 , 03:15 PM
Byrung disappeared for months and has to be corrected the first day he returns. SAD!
02-27-2017 , 03:49 PM
finally, thanks sj , i cant find **** on this tapatalkiuis, now I subbed.

tbh35 u a o i

i can make my own thread of online crushaments, Im almost break even in 2017.

Maybe 1-2k loss
