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Aaron Rodgers Becomes No. 1 Sports Moron In The World (multi-purpose containment thread) Aaron Rodgers Becomes No. 1 Sports Moron In The World (multi-purpose containment thread)

12-04-2021 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
yeah but many countries were covid zero pre vaccine
What does this statement mean? Many countries had zero COVID cases for an entire year until the vaccine came out? Maybe a couple low populated island nations but nothing considered many or significant.
12-04-2021 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
Rickroll wants to quarantine Americans. Lol gl with that. Keep comparing the u.s. to Asian countries, the difference being ofc Asian countries are full of Asians. Air drop a few million good ol boys into the middle of Cambodia or wherever and watch how fast shitgoes south there
Are you trying to make the argument that a culture of personal sacrifice for the community and a culture of moronic individualism might respond differently when told to give up a small amount of freedom for the greater good?

Not sure if I can believe that obvious truth.
12-04-2021 , 01:30 PM
I mean, it's not exactly "obesity = covid" but we're getting there:

12-04-2021 , 01:42 PM
What the hell is happening in this thread
12-04-2021 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
Rickroll wants to quarantine Americans. Lol gl with that. Keep comparing the u.s. to Asian countries, the difference being ofc Asian countries are full of Asians. Air drop a few million good ol boys into the middle of Cambodia or wherever and watch how fast shitgoes south there
this is total nonsense defeatist bs

you could make the same argument for requiring drivers licenses and requiring auto insurance - something the good ole boys agree with because there's no ground to disagree because it's not an option

make it a law and people will gripe but so long as it's enforced it'll be a thing no issue - that's what places like cambodia did

also, you're ignoring the many countries not populated by asians that managed this just fine, plenty of room for good ole boys to live covid free in the post pandemic world

and cambodia is already chock full of good ole boys btw - there's about 100k whitey living there, there's even several threads here for 2p2ers who live there and play poker - the dollar is not an official currency but it's the preferred one - those good ole boys quarantine just fine when that's the only option
12-04-2021 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
this is total nonsense defeatist bs

you could make the same argument for requiring drivers licenses and requiring auto insurance - something the good ole boys agree with because there's no ground to disagree because it's not an option

make it a law and people will gripe but so long as it's enforced it'll be a thing no issue - that's what places like cambodia did

also, you're ignoring the many countries not populated by asians that managed this just fine, plenty of room for good ole boys to live covid free in the post pandemic world

and cambodia is already chock full of good ole boys btw - there's about 100k whitey living there, there's even several threads here for 2p2ers who live there and play poker - the dollar is not an official currency but it's the preferred one - those good ole boys quarantine just fine when that's the only option
These things are done on the state level and not all states actually require auto insurance fyi.
12-04-2021 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
These things are done on the state level and not all states actually require auto insurance fyi.

virginia allows you to pay the state $500 instead of getting insurance but then you're still 100% liable for all costs incurred on other

nh lets you raw dog as well but again you're 100% responsible for all costs you incur on others and failure to pay means they take away your right to drive

don't be pedant arguing semantics, fact that two states handle it slightly differently doesn't mean you can suddenly drive about all willy nilly - it's effectively the same just with more personal risk and lower monthly payments - at the end of the day you're still acknowledging financial responsibility for any damage to incur onto others and their property whenever you drive and that's a "right" we all give up along with requiring "car passports" in order to legally drive

and arguing that the states do it not national government changes nothing as well but congrats, you achieved a technicality, you can now climax in your popsicle room with joy this evening
12-04-2021 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
this is total nonsense defeatist bs

you could make the same argument for requiring drivers licenses and requiring auto insurance - something the good ole boys agree with because there's no ground to disagree because it's not an option
If seat belt laws weren't a thing and you (or rather Biden) tried to create them today, the pushback would be ridiculous. We'd have similar data showing that the death rate from unbelted drivers was many times higher than those wearing belts and the refrain would be "well i know a guy who's daughter died cause a seat belt cut her throat. What about all the deaths cause of seat belts!!!" It would be a **** show.

People protesting the covid vaccine are almost entirely vaccinated for a variety of other things theough their time in school, and magically they didn't protest those until the Covid shot because it's massively political. They spout repeated nonsense ("mRNA vaccibes are too new!!" They aren't. "Vaccines kill just as many as Covid!!!" They don't) but in the end, it doesn't matter that they're wrong. They don't care, it's just more political theater now.
12-04-2021 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll

virginia allows you to pay the state $500 instead of getting insurance but then you're still 100% liable for all costs incurred on other

nh lets you raw dog as well but again you're 100% responsible for all costs you incur on others and failure to pay means they take away your right to drive

don't be pedant arguing semantics, fact that two states handle it slightly differently doesn't mean you can suddenly drive about all willy nilly - it's effectively the same just with more personal risk and lower monthly payments - at the end of the day you're still acknowledging financial responsibility for any damage to incur onto others and their property whenever you drive and that's a "right" we all give up along with requiring "car passports" in order to legally drive

and arguing that the states do it not national government changes nothing as well but congrats, you achieved a technicality, you can now climax in your popsicle room with joy this evening
Don't get your panties in a bunch
I just made a minor correction to your post
You were wrong it's not a big deal
12-04-2021 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
Don't get your panties in a bunch
I just made a minor correction to your post
You were wrong it's not a big deal
i'm freeballin son

i'm a pedant as well, so i'm quite sympathetic, but it's a meaningless correction that changes nothing, just go back to your popsicle room
12-04-2021 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by RT
If seat belt laws weren't a thing and you (or rather Biden) tried to create them today, the pushback would be ridiculous.
most seat belt laws are from late 80s to the mid 90s

i remember growing up in mass when they passed the law, there was pushback, people thought it was dumb and didn't do it

they then had police setup in spots not with radar guns but looking for shoulder straps and started enforcing it, people started complying, now it's a standard thing nobody thinks about

likewise, colorado doubled in population in the 90s, so a lot of the people who grew up there weren't used to heavily trafficked highways and there was a huge culture of just keeping your car permanently stationed in the left lane because occasionally there'd be a truck on the right lane

that worked when the roads were empty, but caused horrible congestion as the roads got clogged - they made it illegal to be in the left lane unless actively passing and this didn't do much until they had the police begin enforcing it

early aughts, for every speeding ticket issued they issued 2x tickets for driving in the left lane - after two to three years of enforcing it, the behavior stopped and people stopped driving like idiots and they went back to normal traffic enforcement

enforcement works, it's a tried and tested solution that's been around since the beginning of recorded history - there's absolutely nothing inherently different about today that changes that fact

the only times enforcement becomes an issue is when it's debated and not acted upon
12-04-2021 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
i'm freeballin son

i'm a pedant as well, so i'm quite sympathetic, but it's a meaningless correction that changes nothing, just go back to your popsicle room
i wish i had a popsicle room. sounds like something rich people have. I bet Aaron Rodgers put one in after cheating death with his covid battle.
12-04-2021 , 06:32 PM

Somehow the do your own research crowd NEVER finds stuff like this. Nope - just ignore every state, municipality and hospital system reporting similar results in favor of some random youtube.
12-04-2021 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99

Somehow the do your own research crowd NEVER finds stuff like this. Nope - just ignore every state, municipality and hospital system reporting similar results in favor of some random youtube.
Lol Suz, get wrecked son

12-04-2021 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
this is total nonsense defeatist bs

you could make the same argument for requiring drivers licenses and requiring auto insurance - something the good ole boys agree with because there's no ground to disagree because it's not an option

make it a law and people will gripe but so long as it's enforced it'll be a thing no issue - that's what places like cambodia did

also, you're ignoring the many countries not populated by asians that managed this just fine, plenty of room for good ole boys to live covid free in the post pandemic world

and cambodia is already chock full of good ole boys btw - there's about 100k whitey living there, there's even several threads here for 2p2ers who live there and play poker - the dollar is not an official currency but it's the preferred one - those good ole boys quarantine just fine when that's the only option
It's not defeatist; it's realistic. In case you haven't been paying attention this has as much to do with fall for the politics as it does with follow the science. Mandatory quarantine in the u.s. is simply a political death knell. Countries like Canada and oz can get away with it bc their populations are passive and accommodating

You absolutely cannot compare this to drivers licenses and insurance. You're basically saying anything can be made law bc drivers licenses

Keep comparing other no name countries to u.s. economic powerhouse that simply cannot close up shop

And those 100k ex pats in the middle of the Cambodian jungle are not the same breed as Billy Bob Q nut case in some Alabama back woods

Quarantine only has a wet dream of working if it is 100% enforced. It is political dynamite without a chance of working
12-04-2021 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
It's not defeatist; it's realistic. In case you haven't been paying attention this has as much to do with fall for the politics as it does with follow the science. Mandatory quarantine in the u.s. is simply a political death knell. Countries like Canada and oz can get away with it bc their populations are passive and accommodating

You absolutely cannot compare this to drivers licenses and insurance. You're basically saying anything can be made law bc drivers licenses

Keep comparing other no name countries to u.s. economic powerhouse that simply cannot close up shop

And those 100k ex pats in the middle of the Cambodian jungle are not the same breed as Billy Bob Q nut case in some Alabama back woods

Quarantine only has a wet dream of working if it is 100% enforced. It is political dynamite without a chance of working
this is a case study in circular logic based on unfounded assumptions all in the name of confirmation bias

congrats, you're an idiot
12-04-2021 , 08:44 PM
Ahh yes I'm the idiot bc I know forced quarantine in the states is political suicide, the ex pat in Cambodia is nothing like Billy Bob backwoods and quarantine doesn't even work unless it's 100% enforced. Ah also don't forget any law is possible bc licenses

Dude you're like obsessed with Asia, and mention it every other post. Ik you were a big deal there but back home you're just another 40 (50?) something, barely in shape balding white guy who misses his noodles and easy tang
12-04-2021 , 09:31 PM
you spouted a bunch of unfounded nonsense and pretended it was fact

and now ad hominem attacks because thems the only straws you've got left to grasp

you have a long history of straight up ******ed statements in this forum, if we made a thread polling your intelligence, i doubt it'd go very well for you - you're genuinely viewed as one of the dumbest people on this forum and i'm not exaggerating, find a single person here to chime in and say they don't think you're a complete ffing moron, go ahead
12-04-2021 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
you spouted a bunch of unfounded nonsense and pretended it was fact

and now ad hominem attacks because thems the only straws you've got left to grasp

you have a long history of straight up ******ed statements in this forum, if we made a thread polling your intelligence, i doubt it'd go very well for you - you're genuinely viewed as one of the dumbest people on this forum and i'm not exaggerating, find a single person here to chime in and say they don't think you're a complete ffing moron, go ahead
12-05-2021 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
you spouted a bunch of unfounded nonsense and pretended it was fact

and now ad hominem attacks because thems the only straws you've got left to grasp

you have a long history of straight up ******ed statements in this forum, if we made a thread polling your intelligence, i doubt it'd go very well for you - you're genuinely viewed as one of the dumbest people on this forum and i'm not exaggerating, find a single person here to chime in and say they don't think you're a complete ffing moron, go ahead
Ah the I'm smarter than you defense used by keyboard warriors and perpetual virgins everywhere. Insult me then go batshit crazy when I insult you back. Attacking someone's intelligence at your age is a huge tell of a childless aging weirdo

If I'm so dumb, and correct here on all counts, then where does that leave you?
On second thought, yes, quarantine is not only politically viable but 100% enforceable and therefore the key to ending covid in america...see how dumb that sounds? Funny watching you say quarantine isn't political poison and can work as long as it becomes law bc licenses, and then losing your mind in between your Asian cupid jerk off sessions
1) enact politically suicidal law
2) bc drivers licenses
3) profit?
4) achieve covid zero

Last edited by nutella virus; 12-05-2021 at 08:13 AM.
12-05-2021 , 10:21 AM
nutella, if you one person here can chime in and point to a single time you said one thing that was intelligent and thoughtful i'll leave the thread - this should be easy for you as i'm not the most popular poster on the 2p2 streets myself so there's plenty of incentive here for people who don't even know you to find a solid moment to point to in order to be rid of me

as it stands, your word salad above merely reinforces to everyone why it's best to disregard you - you're genuinely one of the dumbest regs still left on this forum and i don't think there's a single poster here who has any respect for you at all

and yeah since you're so convinced about my feeble physical condition, what odds and stakes you laying in a boxing match? apparently i'm a scared fat bald basement virgin in his 50s so you should be laying a pretty fat line against me
12-05-2021 , 10:29 AM
It was only matter of time till "I'll fight you bro" made it to the thread. That's just sad.
12-05-2021 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
nutella, if you one person here can chime in and point to a single time you said one thing that was intelligent and thoughtful i'll leave the thread - this should be easy for you as i'm not the most popular poster on the 2p2 streets myself so there's plenty of incentive here for people who don't even know you to find a solid moment to point to in order to be rid of me

as it stands, your word salad above merely reinforces to everyone why it's best to disregard you - you're genuinely one of the dumbest regs still left on this forum and i don't think there's a single poster here who has any respect for you at all

and yeah since you're so convinced about my feeble physical condition, what odds and stakes you laying in a boxing match? apparently i'm a scared fat bald basement virgin in his 50s so you should be laying a pretty fat line against me
You actually might be an excellent boxer.
It would explain where your brain damage comes from though.
12-05-2021 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by ec_outlaw
It was only matter of time till "I'll fight you bro" made it to the thread. That's just sad.
agreed but it was never a genuine thing because this was always going to be the response

Originally Posted by borg23
You actually might be an excellent boxer.
It would explain where your brain damage comes from though.
was more just to expose the nonsense behind his empty words, it was his lead follor or get out of the way moment and he went in the only option he had

12-05-2021 , 03:14 PM
I'm not going to continue politarding this thread up with you. You have some obvious emotional problems. You're so wrong here it is comical, u.s. quarantine is a political disaster, unenforceable and wouldn't even lead to covid zero.

This isn't about who has posted what in the past or who has banged more Asian chicks. I'm right, you're wrong, end of story. I look forward to your next mental breakdown but won't be replying for the sake of others
