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Texas town holds Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest. You'll never believe what happened next! Texas town holds Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest. You'll never believe what happened next!

05-18-2015 , 03:24 AM
Multiple wars attributable to Islamophobia? I can see Iraq II. What else goes on that list?
05-18-2015 , 03:44 AM
The winner of the contest was freaking out on Twitter last night because Fox hasn't show his drawing.

He raises a good point. Fox went balls deep on this story. ISIS IN AMERICAS HEARTLAND. Hannity's graphic department was working overtime. If this contest was a great patriotic expression of free speech and drawing Muhammad is no big deal, why can't Fox show it?
05-18-2015 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
The winner of the contest was freaking out on Twitter last night because Fox hasn't show his drawing.

He raises a good point. Fox went balls deep on this story. ISIS IN AMERICAS HEARTLAND. Hannity's graphic department was working overtime. If this contest was a great patriotic expression of free speech and drawing Muhammad is no big deal, why can't Fox show it?
Obviously because they are afraid of getting murdered.
05-18-2015 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by JeffMacksey
Give me a break, the assaults and general condemnation of Christianity coming from the left/atheists isn't limited to the War On Christmas. It is open season on Christianity
Hahaha oh, is that so? Can you provide some examples of the terrible things happening in our society as a result of it being Open Season On Christianity, besides the apparently disgusting examples of tolerance towards Muslims you provided?
05-18-2015 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by JeffMacksey
Give me a break, the assaults and general condemnation of Christianity coming from the left/atheists isn't limited to the War On Christmas. It is open season on Christianity, and that would be absolutely fine with me if the same people maligning Christianity were also doing the same to Muslims. But they aren't, and not only that, they are defending and sympathizing with them.

I remember reading that the students at Duke were all pretty much cool with some Muslim hymn being blasted throughout campus once a week, which is full of so much LOL, because most of them would have been cutting themselves if the equivalent of christianity was being sponsored by the school and blasted throughout the campus for everyone to hear.

The new term I hear a lot to make fun of Christians is go worship or believe in your sky fairy, or sky daddy. And none of those people on the left say that to Muslims at all. While at the same time being so tolerant and accommodating to them so they can pray 5 times a day or whatever. What a bunch of backwards horse$%*# double standard that is.
Which previously banned poster are you?
05-18-2015 , 08:09 PM
So, again, the worst damage you can come up with is "people can get away with hurting the feelings of the dominant power group in America."

Wow, what a tragedy.
05-18-2015 , 08:54 PM
To many people it's about power, but imo it's not mostly that. It's in-group vs. out-group. Most people going off on Christianity that you're talking about are from Christian families or at least fully immersed in a Christian society. Because of that it's pretty clear that there's a limit to the hate and that it's primarily directed at the beliefs and not the people. That's not so clear when it's out-group.

From my point of view, as an atheist with Jewish heritage, I definitely do not especially single out Christianity because to and from me that seems more like an attack on Christians than on religion.
05-18-2015 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by JeffMacksey what? They are religious brainwashed kooks, like bible belt Christians right?

If an atheist group did this exact same thing towards Christians and defiled Jesus and let Christians know they aren't liked, you wouldn't be saying jack $#%&.

Why you so butthurt for muslims then? I thought all religion sucks? So why you coming to the defense of a religious group?

As a Catholic I cant insult Muslims, or for that matter Jews.

Some so called surveys/studies in 1930s Europe tried to claim that most if not all Jews were out to control the banks, the media, politicians, etc. I dont agree with the so called polls and studies which try and portray Muslims and or Jews in a negative light.

Here is what the Vatican has to say on Muslims

3. The Church regards with esteem also the Moslems. They adore the one God, living and subsisting in Himself; merciful and all- powerful, the Creator of heaven and earth,(5) who has spoken to men; they take pains to submit wholeheartedly to even His inscrutable decrees, just as Abraham, with whom the faith of Islam takes pleasure in linking itself, submitted to God. Though they do not acknowledge Jesus as God, they revere Him as a prophet. They also honor Mary, His virgin Mother; at times they even call on her with devotion. In addition, they await the day of judgment when God will render their deserts to all those who have been raised up from the dead. Finally, they value the moral life and worship God especially through prayer, almsgiving and fasting.

05-18-2015 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by JeffMacksey
It isn't a tragedy, nor does it bother me. What bothers me is the weasels who do this to christianity in the name of "religion sucks," do a complete 180 and bend over backwards to defend/sympathize with Islam when it is attacked.

Pretty stupid.

Do you think all the Duke lib students who were cool with an Islamic hymn being blasted throughout campus once a week with open prayer, would have been just as cool about the school sponsoring Christianity instead, to blast some Christian music with Christians praying in the open, once a week on campus?

Not in a million years.
And now we've circled back to where we began. Again, Muslims face real, violent consequences due to Islamophobia in this country, while you've failed to show any damage beyond the tragedy of Christians getting their feelings hurt as a result of the Open Season On Christianity.
05-18-2015 , 10:17 PM
Yay imagined hypocrisy!
05-18-2015 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by JeffMacksey
Give me a break, the assaults and general condemnation of Christianity coming from the left/atheists isn't limited to the War On Christmas.
05-20-2015 , 05:00 PM
Lol. goofy is worrying about problems existing in his country or the US because there's some control over those things.

It's preposterous to try to spin it as "oh those poor Christians and Jews in the Mid East..."
05-20-2015 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by JeffMacksey
Spare me. Where?! When?!
hahahahahaha, and now your ignorance is exposed

US mosque burned to ground

Teens arrested for lobbing lemons at Hayward mosque during prayer time

Islamic School Hit With Acid-Filled Bottle In Lombard

Islamic Center of Murfreesboro

During the following two years, the mosque site was subjected to vandalism and arson. The ICM became the subject of heightened political rhetoric in an election year. Numerous opponents alleged that the ICM would support terrorism, that Islam was not a religion, and that it was a plot to overthrow the US Constitution and impose Sharia law.
Just this week: Tennessee man plotted to attack Muslims, burn down mosque in New York's Islamberg

Not to mention the violence we, the United States, perpetrate all over the Muslim world.

As Paul said, your tears for the War On Christmas In America don't really have anything to do with whatever plights Christians may face in other countries, but you've gotten so destroyed now that I understand why you'd want to change the argument. Good luck with that!
05-20-2015 , 05:16 PM
Oh man he's heating up
05-20-2015 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
hahahahahaha, and now your ignorance is exposed

US mosque burned to ground

Teens arrested for lobbing lemons at Hayward mosque during prayer time

Islamic School Hit With Acid-Filled Bottle In Lombard

Islamic Center of Murfreesboro

Just this week: Tennessee man plotted to attack Muslims, burn down mosque in New York's Islamberg

Not to mention the violence we, the United States, perpetrate all over the Muslim world.

As Paul said, your tears for the War On Christmas In America don't really have anything to do with whatever plights Christians may face in other countries, but you've gotten so destroyed now that I understand why you'd want to change the argument. Good luck with that!
Oh please give me a ****ing break. There are countless groups of people who face SOME sort of discrimination and violent acts towards them. We could come up with examples all over the country for every group. What you're doing is disingenuous. You are claiming that Muslims face some sort of special violent response in America due to Islamaphobia. That simply isn't true.

You can make the exact same argument for Jews and people would laugh in your face. Then you could support that with instances of violence against their religious sites and hate crimes. It still wouldn't make the premise correct.

Your claims are nonsense. I've worked and lived around countless Muslims. The issue doesn't come up and I've never heard or seem them be attacked in any way, shape, or form by anybody either in society or the work place.

Does that mean it doesn't occasionally happen around the country? Of course not. But that also doesn't mean it's some sort of crisis and much more dangerous issue than people realize, like you are trying to make it out to be.
05-20-2015 , 05:31 PM
I've literally heard a US Congressman say to me he flat out doesn't trust Muslims, but whatever you think bro.
05-20-2015 , 05:33 PM
Wow. Case closed. You heard a congressman say something totally illogical, that's astonishing.
05-20-2015 , 06:47 PM
1. My premise isn't that Muslims are a unique minority in that respect, but that they face a problem here that Christians do not, which is unambiguously true
2. LOL at these two snippets next to each other:

Originally Posted by wil318466
I've worked and lived around countless Muslims. The issue doesn't come up and I've never heard or seem them be attacked in any way, shape, or form by anybody either in society or the work place.
Originally Posted by wil318466
Wow. Case closed. You heard a congressman say something totally illogical, that's astonishing.
Wil's anecdotes are totally more important than everyone else's, you guys! And he has some Muslim friends, so I guess all the instances where Muslims have been attacked didn't happen, or don't matter, or something
05-20-2015 , 06:49 PM
lol wil
05-20-2015 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
1. My premise isn't that Muslims are a unique minority in that respect, but that they face a problem here that Christians do not, which is unambiguously true
This is incorrect. You said yourself :

Originally Posted by goofyballer
Again, Muslims face real, violent consequences due to Islamophobia in this country, while you've failed to show any damage beyond the tragedy of Christians getting their feelings hurt as a result of the Open Season On Christianity.
We can only take this as implying that Muslims face some sort of special threat in this country. This is also stated in the post you made I quoted above with your examples of news snippets. You are creating a false narrative that they are under attack, and that's simply untrue.

Wil's anecdotes are totally more important than everyone else's, you guys! And he has some Muslim friends, so I guess all the instances where Muslims have been attacked didn't happen, or don't matter, or something
You have a valid point, and I thought about it when I wrote it but I was too lazy to delete it. I'm constantly ridiculed for anecdotal evidence though, so I thought I'd make the same point.

It doesn't make me wrong. You're still being disingenuous.
05-20-2015 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by Noze
lol wil
What's so lol about it coming from your perspective? You're laughing that goofy mocked my anecdote, because it's a silly perspective? That actually has some merit.

What's funny is you're laughing at something where you did the same thing.

lol noze
05-20-2015 , 07:21 PM
Uh, yeah, that quote backs up exactly what I said. Muslims face real, violent consequences due to Islamophobia that Christians here don't have to deal with. I dunno if you have problems understanding English or what but nothing there implied that Muslims are the only group in the US that suffers consequences from bigotry. Not sure what else I can say to someone who can't even read, maybe try working on that?
05-20-2015 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Uh, yeah, that quote backs up exactly what I said. Muslims face real, violent consequences due to Islamophobia that Christians here don't have to deal with. I dunno if you have problems understanding English or what but nothing there implied that Muslims are the only group in the US that suffers consequences from bigotry. Not sure what else I can say to someone who can't even read, maybe try working on that?
And I'm arguing that you're trumping it to be more of an issue than it is. I'd say African Americans face much more in terms of violence or discrimination than Muslims do. See, THAT'S a real problem because it's widespread and systemic, not this one you're trying to make up as you go along.

You're creating a false narrative. Islam doesn't get a special pass because of your self-delusion.
05-20-2015 , 07:35 PM
So your purpose for being in this conversation and white knighting for Mr. Previously Banned Racist is just to tone police and make sure that we put a minority group that faces widespread prejudice and attacks on their places of worship in the proper context? Hahahaha
05-20-2015 , 08:19 PM
Only one marginalized group at a time, goofy.
