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Texas town holds Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest. You'll never believe what happened next! Texas town holds Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest. You'll never believe what happened next!

05-29-2015 , 09:33 PM
I'm not sure saying Geller is an a**hat is a backlash, because she is. Not because of some high minded idea that religious sensitivities shouldn't be infringed but because, you know, she's actually an a**hat.
05-29-2015 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by Renton555
I have two general issues with the liberal/progressive/sjw/whatever backlash. First, it's islam apologism which I just disagree with on a really basic level, but more than that it's actually insulting to Islam in a way. It's basically thinking "of course if you have a drawing contest some muslims are OBVIOUSLY going to storm the event with guns, what did you expect?" which is a pretty damn cynical view toward the group you're defending.

Second, I just feel like it's taken as an opportunity to republican-bash. I find it highly improbable that there would even be a thread if the hosts of this event weren't members of a group that most of this forum is politically antagonistic toward. I should add that I'm not a republican, I don't like republicans, and I'm not white-knighting for republicans. I just find the backlash to be disingenuous in context.
05-29-2015 , 09:57 PM
Renton every post you've ever made has been mewling like a child who scraped their knee over how awful and mean liberals are to those nice racist fellows who make ever so many good points.

LOL look at your people.
05-29-2015 , 10:02 PM
Second, the social ostracism is a natural part of the war of ideas, and its probably healthy for society as a whole.
He means mocking Muslims, here, not us laughing at how his parents raised themselves a white ****ing supremacist. That second thing is the bad social ostracism. Calling racist things racist is silencing debate and whatever, being needlessly offensive to Muslims is just how society advances.

Oh, and Hue, here's a fun pic of the vibrant debate advancing society at today's biker rally:

Actual ****ing Nazis. Renton, welcome to the real world. You're an embarrassment.
05-29-2015 , 10:56 PM
Did you seriously call me a white supremacist?

LOL I feel like my post was the liberal equivalent of a muhammad drawing contest. Say something fairly uncontroversial and moderate in 2p2 politics and it's inevitable to draw out some radicals to make completely libelous statements about you. I'm happy to help prove what a discourse cesspool this forum is.

I should add that I've made a couple hundred posts here and I haven't made a single personal attack about someone, yet I've received personal attacks in probably every thread I've posted in.

Last edited by Renton555; 05-29-2015 at 11:06 PM.
05-29-2015 , 11:57 PM
Perhaps that should provoke you to re-evaluate the content of your posts. Like how they are consistently facile racist nonsense? That would explain the negative feedback.

I mean, obviously it won't, you'll just whine more about how everyone else is mean to your brilliant ideas about Muslims and blacks and whatever.

Just as an aside, Jesus Christ even in that post your analogy is insultingly stupid. Drawing the Prophet is "something fairly uncontroversial and moderate"? That will draw out radicals to make "libelous comments"?
05-30-2015 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
Shut up. I'm not saying it's a trump card. Read the rest of my posts in this thread. Then shut up some more.
LOL we finally find the one minority that microbet will actually get emotional and passionate about mistreatment of, who won't trivialize it with sarcasm and weird abstraction.
05-30-2015 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
The State is not generally anti semitic. A lot of people are. Try being an outside salesperson. Try it with and without a yalmuka.
05-30-2015 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
LOL we finally find the one minority that microbet will actually get emotional and passionate about mistreatment of, who won't trivialize it with sarcasm and weird abstraction.
Are you taking about Muslims or Jews? I have lots of posts itt thread about how bad the people staging hate events directed at Muslims are, but you only notice something about Jews.

Yeah, you have said something about holocaust denial being bad, but when someone makes dozens of posts defending Muslims in a thread and then a couple defending Jews and that's a trigger for you, that's a tell as you would say.
05-30-2015 , 12:26 AM
Something being a tell is one of your eight jokes.
05-30-2015 , 12:28 AM
Or I should say, "something being a tell is one of FlyWf's eight jokes", because addressing the audience like a comedian is part of your shtick, er routine, if yiddish makes you uncomfortable.
05-30-2015 , 03:26 PM
Ok so awhile back I got flamed for suggesting that these cartoon rally types were attempting to incite violence and should be held liable civilly for any sort of damages/expenses related to their actions.

So there is another rally type thing today in AZ in front of a mosque. This is what the organizers have to say

Ritzheimer, organizer of the rally, is a former Marine, and he has no middle ground when it comes to Islam.

His T-shirt pretty much says it all: "F--- Islam."

Ritzheimer anticipates possible problems because of the rally and says people should bring their guns.

"People are also encouraged to utilize (their) second amendment right at this event just (in case) our first amendment comes under the much anticipated attack," the event's Facebook page says.

So someone is encouraging people to bring weapons due to "the much anticipated attack", if something goes down at the rally and there is property damage or worse surely this dude is liable for something?
05-30-2015 , 04:45 PM
I would imagine if the gun toting protestors commit any violence with their guns at the rally, then they will be liable for that violence. But hey, that's just one white supremacist's humble opinion.
05-30-2015 , 05:37 PM
Depends if there's a "Stand Your Ground" law in Arizona.
05-30-2015 , 05:52 PM
An armed society is a polite society.
05-31-2015 , 04:29 AM
Love it that I gave more then a little bit of room for the "Islamophobic" claims crowd to clarify their position in the context of civil war in Syria and back up their accusations that Renton is a "White supremacist" to expand on their position but they are absolutely silent.

More people ITT who know less than zero about Islam calling other people "Islamophobic" just spouting off endless bull****.

I bet the average poster here thinks IS's #1 enemy is the west too.
05-31-2015 , 04:57 AM
I'm sure the guys in the SS shirts at that rally thank you for your service too eazy
05-31-2015 , 07:08 AM
Originally Posted by too eazy
Love it that I gave more then a little bit of room for the "Islamophobic" claims crowd to clarify their position in the context of civil war in Syria and back up their accusations that Renton is a "White supremacist" to expand on their position but they are absolutely silent.

More people ITT who know less than zero about Islam calling other people "Islamophobic" just spouting off endless bull****.

I bet the average poster here thinks IS's #1 enemy is the west too.
IS's number one enemy are internet posters posting on hedonistic and sinful gambling websites
05-31-2015 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by Paul D
I'm sure the guys in the SS shirts at that rally thank you for your service too eazy
defends free speech, probably nazi

is critical of islam, also is nazi

has a differing view, oh what the hell nazi

Last edited by Renton555; 05-31-2015 at 09:08 AM.
05-31-2015 , 09:17 AM
Want a tissue?
05-31-2015 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Renton555
defends free speech, probably nazi

is critical of islam, also is nazi

has a differing view, oh what the hell nazi
That response makes no sense. He was talking about a guy who was literally wearing an SS shirt.
05-31-2015 , 11:46 AM
He shamed too eazy because there are nazis at the rally. Too eazy is a neo nazi by association.
05-31-2015 , 11:57 AM
If too easy is shamed by the truth, that's his problem. He's not being called a neo-nazi in that quote.

It's easy enough for him to say he supports the right of nazis to protest, but hates the message, if that's the case.
05-31-2015 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Renton555
defends free speech, probably nazi

is critical of islam, also is nazi

has a differing view, oh what the hell nazi
I always ask these people this and they never answer.

A differing view about what, exactly? Renton, you're a big boy, watching the most intellectual youtube videos about race realism or whatever the **** lead you here.

What "view" is it that you "differ" on that keeps getting you called a racist? Don't leave it abstracted, be specific, let's have that honest conversation you're always claiming you want.

P.S. LOL must just be rotten luck that after internet liberals lied to you and tried to claim that these anti-Islam protests were "bigoted" or "islamophobic" that the actual people who showed up to the protest just happened to be wearing SS shirts. Right? They guilt by associationed fallacy you themselves! Friendly fire.
05-31-2015 , 12:05 PM
Oh, and real talk, Renton, do you happen to know why those nice white supremacists with the open carry assault rifles happened to pick that particular mosque to hold their protest about? I mean, obviously you don't, but I do, and other people do.

It's pretty ****ing rich for a racist to whine about the "guilt by association" fallacies when that **** is pretty much your core principle for how to think about minorities.
