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Texas town holds Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest. You'll never believe what happened next! Texas town holds Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest. You'll never believe what happened next!

05-04-2015 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by S.K
Would u point out how a rape victim was dressed? Would you point out how much alcohol she had consumed?
Originally Posted by Riverman
Liberals, man. Trotting out the tried and true "she was asking for it wearing those clothes" argument. Nice.
You realize that you geniuses are comparing rape victims to bigots? Stay classy.
05-04-2015 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Is provoking Muslims to violence the plan for having a dialog? Because that's a really ****ty plan imo.
I don't think there is any constructive dialogue to be had.
05-04-2015 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
You realize that you geniuses are comparing rape victims to bigots? Stay classy.
No I get their point and I agreed with in the Hebdo case.

To me it all comes down to intent and the messenger. It's like Carlin talks about how it's funny for the minority to pick on the majority, not the other way around. The intent and messengers in this case are rotten to the core and have one singular agenda. Hebdo offended everyone.

This is why I save my ire for the ****nuts that put on this drawing contest. I would support a satirical website like the Onion to the hilt if they decided to publish a picture of Muhammed.
05-04-2015 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
I don't think there is any constructive dialogue to be had.
Then what is the point?
05-04-2015 , 10:35 PM
People are allowed to say offensive, terrible stuff in America. That's how we roll, it is called free speech. Which liberals care about until they don't like what's being said. Handwaving away terrorism because the victims said stuff the terrorists didn't like is absolutely ****ing absurd.
05-04-2015 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
I don't think there is any constructive dialogue to be had.
Obviously if you think all Muslims are evil and out to kill everyone. That's the kind of belief the Kellers and Geerts of the world want to spread, and it's a stupid belief that makes the world worse.

It's just as fair to criticize that belief as to criticize the belief that cartoonists should be killed.
05-04-2015 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
People are allowed to say offensive, terrible stuff in America. That's how we roll, it is called free speech. Which liberals care about until they don't like what's being said. Handwaving away terrorism because the victims said stuff the terrorists didn't like is absolutely ****ing absurd.
Well then I am still alllowed to call Pam Geller an *******.
05-04-2015 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Then what is the point?
I don't know what the intent of the organizers was and it doesn't matter.
05-04-2015 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
I don't know what the intent of the organizers was and it doesn't matter.
Bull**** you don't know. Were you just born into this world?
05-04-2015 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Obviously if you think all Muslims are evil and out to kill everyone. That's the kind of belief the Kellers and Geerts of the world want to spread, and it's a stupid belief that makes the world worse.

It's just as fair to criticize that belief as to criticize the belief that cartoonists should be killed.
Keep putting words in my mouth.
05-04-2015 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
For me the fact that Pam Geller and Geert or w/e (sorry domer) are doing this is much much more interesting. What if no one had attacked them? Would you still say I can't talk about them? So the fact that they did finally lure a couple nutjob out of the woodwork somehow changes the fact that they're complete *******s doing everything they can to rile up an already frothy-psychotic base?

What if some white person goes out and kills a Muslim tonight? Are you going to blame psycho conservative white people for a culture of violence? Are you going to blame Pam Geller for riling up a bunch of nutjobs the way you blame Islam for doing the same?

No of course not. you're going to see Geller as doing God's work disseminating free speech and it's just a shame some nutjob took it upon himself to go out looking for a lynching in the Muslim community.
It has been 14 years since 9/11. There has not been any rash of nutjob conservative white people going out and killing muslims for the sake of killing muslims.

A very good people we are.

There happens to be an overabundance of radical nutjobs in the faith of Islam. We can not censor ourselves to the point where we can't be honest about the situation because they might not like hearing it and will go kill a ton of people in the name of allah.
05-04-2015 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
People are allowed to say offensive, terrible stuff in America. That's how we roll, it is called free speech. Which liberals care about until they don't like what's being said. Handwaving away terrorism because the victims said stuff the terrorists didn't like is absolutely ****ing absurd.
Nobody is hand-waving away the terrorism. Read.
05-04-2015 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
Keep putting words in my mouth.
I don't know what you really believe, but "no constructive dialogue" sounds pretty extreme.
05-04-2015 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
We've got drones for that.
Yes we do!

Am I to guess you think this is a bad thing?

I suppose if they hit us hard again it will be because of our drone strikes and not because they want to rule the world in the name of their faith.
05-04-2015 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Nobody is hand-waving away the terrorism. Read.
"Yeah its bad but what did those people expect" = hand-waving.
05-04-2015 , 10:58 PM
I deleted that because I realized I was responding to a guy with an Obamao avi. Guess I didn't delete it fast enough. Sry.
05-04-2015 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
I don't know what you really believe, but "no constructive dialogue" sounds pretty extreme.
We're not budging on the freedom of speech (I hope) and Muslims won't budge on the prohibition on depictions of their prophet. What do you think can be achieved through dialogue?
05-04-2015 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
I don't know what you really believe, but "no constructive dialogue" sounds pretty extreme.
Not really. There hasn't been constructive dialogue between christian fundamentalists in America since forever. western societies just started phasing them out and making them more and more irrelevant.

Has there been constructive dialogue with crazies that don't want women to be allowed to use birth control or gays to be married?

If we don't have a chance talking to these guys, what chance do we have with Islamists?

Last edited by Tien; 05-04-2015 at 11:31 PM.
05-04-2015 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by peetar69
You are kidding right?

The only reason why these folks find such offense in any criticism of Islam is because they fear the barbaric repercussions of the muslims.

Most of the people who appear to be respectful of religious beliefs in THIS thread, were pretty "LOL stupid Mormons and their magic underwear" in the 2012 election threads. Very vicious towards any Christian with a "R" next to their name.

Don't think for a second that they have a new found respect for spiritual belief systems...... they don't. They are just afraid of Islam and they tend to disagree with anyone who has the guts to stand up to them.
Lololol yeah I'm terribly frightened by a minority group that makes up one percent of the population and has no political, economic, or social power in this country. Let's also be clear, this attack wasn't the work of Muslims; they are nothing more than a very tiny handful of lunatics who will occasionally go on rampages over stupid ****. These specific lunatics just happen to have a widely known, and very strange, trigger. Lunatics gonna lunatic, their reasoning is neither special nor remotely interesting.

What is troubling is that we have a large, vocal, and very vile group of individuals who regularly try to stamp out any semblance of the Muslim faith in this country. They don't get to publicly talk about banning the Koran, or organize massive campaigns against building mosques, and then hide behind the first amendment when they do, yet again, something vile in public.

Lunatics are an extremely fringe group who, while disgusting, really don't affect many people in the USA (single digits per year I think, vs say 30k for guns in general) The bastards who regularly organize this ****, and those who support it, further marganalize millions of already essentially powerless people. But go right ahead, prove you are brave enough to stand up to 1% of the population, you show them what a real man you are.
05-05-2015 , 12:11 AM
Thank Allah they're powerless.

Can't imagine what a group of individuals that believe in pink elephants would do in America with power.

You already have a hard enough time fighting tooth and nail with Christian right wing republicans that try their very hardest to **** things up for everyone.
05-05-2015 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
One side is figuratively spitting and kicking, the other side is literally killing. No contest.
The U.S. and whoever we get to go along w/ us is soaked in blood.

If Israel had killed as many civilians in one strike as is claimed the U.S. has

the world would be upset. This was passing news.
05-05-2015 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Because I strongly believe that people have the right to say things without being ****ing shot. It's founding principle of our nation and probably the best one. You, otoh, react to people being shot for their opinion with blatant victim blaming. It's ****ing disgusting and pathetic.

So what would have happened if someone showed up at the contest and drew Jewish people dodging ovens dropping from the sky?

How would have that bigot Pam Gellar dealt with that? Tried to have them arrested for hate speech most likely?
05-05-2015 , 01:34 AM
I think this is the last "which thing should we be focused on" debate I'm gonna get into. It's pretty fruitless. Islam sucks and Pam Geller sucks. Goodnight and good luck.
05-05-2015 , 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
QUICK POLL: "Is it acceptable to resort to violence because you have been offended by a cartoon?"

[ ] YES
[ ] NO

Does anyone here check the YES box? If not then can we put to bed this whole "why do you sympathize with the shooters" argument?
I wouldn't have a problem with someone getting punched because of the cartoons.

That's not to say no free speech. The State should be obliged to protect speech and someone punching one of these aholes should be prosecuted.

No sympathy for the would be killers though. And if these guys were Jihadists looking for the best spot to kill people, the event doesn't count as a provocation at all.

As far as the ahole Texans go, it sucks that they are aholes and it's sad, but true, that they are recruiting for hate on both sides.
05-05-2015 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
To It's like Carlin talks about how it's funny for the minority to pick on the majority, not the other way around
Do you happen to have a link for that? Would love to explain that to some people but can't find the right words.
