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Texas town holds Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest. You'll never believe what happened next! Texas town holds Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest. You'll never believe what happened next!

05-04-2015 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Texas has museums?
Dr Pepper museum in Waco is top notch imo.
05-04-2015 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by S.K
Mocking people because of their racial characteristics = unacceptable

Mocking somebodies beliefs, ideas or religion which can change = acceptable
It's not really acceptable to mock people's religion--or at least there are some ways to mock religion that are nearly universally condemned.

And the standard of "they can change" would seem to make it acceptable to mock people who are overweight.
05-04-2015 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
It's not really acceptable to mock people's religion--or at least there are some ways to mock religion that are nearly universally condemned.

And the standard of "they can change" would seem to make it acceptable to mock people who are overweight.
1) It is (there aren't).
2) It is.
05-04-2015 , 02:17 PM
I think if you make fun of a fat person walking down the street most people are going to rightly think you're an *******.
05-04-2015 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
It's not really acceptable to mock people's religion--or at least there are some ways to mock religion that are nearly universally condemned.

And the standard of "they can change" would seem to make it acceptable to mock people who are overweight.
Of course it is? Why on earth should religion be free from scrutiny and criticism if someone holds a contrary opinion?

05-04-2015 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
I think if you make fun of a fat person walking down the street most people are going to rightly think you're an *******.
Fat people are being made fun of on a daily basis in commercials, tv, columns you name it. Most of the people criticizing Islam aren't walking around the streets yelling **** at Muslims either so its a no-go either way.
05-04-2015 , 02:22 PM
05-04-2015 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by S.K
Of course it is? Why on earth should religion be free from scrutiny and criticism if someone holds a contrary opinion?

Who said it should? But a blanket statement that mocking religion is acceptable is just obviously wrong. Host Desecration is unacceptable. Taunting Muslims or Jews walking down the street with bacon is unacceptable.
05-04-2015 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Yakmelk
Most of the people criticizing Islam aren't walking around the streets yelling **** at Muslims either so its a no-go either way.
But you would find it acceptable for them to do so, right?
05-04-2015 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Who said it should? But a blanket statement that mocking religion is acceptable is just obviously wrong. Host Desecration is unacceptable. Taunting Muslims or Jews walking down the street with bacon is unacceptable.
So what happens once someone has done something that is in your eyes unacceptable ? Lets be clear that these forms of 'taunting' are far from the norm nor what this specific terrorist action was trying to 'fight'.

What is acceptable is different for every single person, thats why there is no direct consequence for most of this 'unacceptable behavior'. Its basically the question 4 lines up.
05-04-2015 , 02:36 PM
What happens? They get called *******s or anti-semites or whatever. Just like racists get called racists.
05-04-2015 , 02:36 PM
What's really important here is people being polite, not *******s attacking the right to free speech!
05-04-2015 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
What happens? They get called *******s or anti-semites or whatever. Just like racists get called racists.
Sounds exactly like what a free country should be like. Let me tell you something that is both 'unacceptable' as well as a terrorist act against our society (its illegal fyi). Its ****ing shooting people for exercising that right of free speech. Civil people sue each other, they dont shoot each other.
05-04-2015 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
What's really important here is people being polite, not *******s attacking the right to free speech!
You are the one insisting that everyone be polite to bigots like Geller.
05-04-2015 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Yakmelk
Sounds exactly like what a free country should be like. Let me tell you something that is both 'unacceptable' as well as a terrorist act against our society (its illegal fyi). Its ****ing shooting people for exercising that right of free speech. Civil people sue each other, they dont shoot each other.
Oh, thanks for telling me that! Who the **** are you arguing with?
05-04-2015 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
You are the one insisting that everyone be polite to bigots like Geller.
No I'm insisting they don't get shot, and I'm insisting that people don't react to shooting at them with 'well they were impolite! what did you expect"
05-04-2015 , 03:04 PM
13ball's reaction to janay rice... you shouldn't have hit ray!
05-04-2015 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Yakmelk
There is a big difference, religion is chosen, skin color is not.
Um sure in theory. But in practice I'd guess 95-99% of people are going to stick with the religion they're born with if it's a serious issue for their family. Most people are just going to live their lives in the path of least resistance. Very few want to alienate their friends, family and everyone they know. My friend got basically ex-communicated by his family just for leaving Utah and the Mormon faith. Even though he thinks they're crazy, it's not like that was a walk in the park for him.

I don't blame someone for growing up Muslim and doing their best to ignore the ugly parts any more than I blame my aunts for growing up Christian and ignoring the ugly parts of the bible.
05-04-2015 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
I'm not convinced that the picture you posted is all that offensive either, though I'm not 100% sure I understand it, so I wouldn't say for sure. I take it to be a depiction of Mohammed juggling some heads of people who were killed in the name of Islam, and he's on a unicycle for some reason (like I said, I'm not sure I get it). The text is an ironic reference to the fact that Islam has been referred to as a religion of peace, notwithstanding the fact that violence is sometimes done in its name. I think the work is excessively busy in its composition, somewhat crude, and glib in message. Overall, I would rate it as a poor cartoon.

I find the second image you posted to be highly offensive.
And a few billion Muslims in the world would beg to differ. Who is the final arbiter of offensiveness?
05-04-2015 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Oh, thanks for telling me that! Who the **** are you arguing with?
Someone who apparently thinks that the people who contributed by showing art or giving speeches are all bigots and idiots.
Originally Posted by suzzer99
And a few billion Muslims in the world would beg to differ. Who is the final arbiter of offensiveness?
The law/logic.
05-04-2015 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
What if this event instead was "let's draw offensive caricatures of black people"? Would all the free-speech advocates itt still feel the same? Free speech. Gotta exercise it.
Yes I would feel the same. You have every right to be a provocative racist *******. You do not have the right to shoot racist *******s.

Besides these two things are in no way equivalent. First Muslims are the followers of a belief system, not a race. You can stop believing in stupid fairy tales at any time, you can't change your race. Second, cartoons about Muhammad are making fun of a historical figure, and a pretty despicable one at that, not a race of people.

Black people have suffered way more then Muslims ever have, and they aren't shooting people for drawing racist cartoons.

It is stupid how we treat muslims as they special little snowflakes that need to be handled with kid gloves. Every religion, belief system, country, ect can be made of.

I don't believe Muhammad was a prophet. If I want to draw pictures of him and you are "offended" so ****ing what? Get over it. Bending over backwards to people who believe in fairy tales is ridiculous. If you are offended that is your problem, not the rest of the world's problem.
05-04-2015 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
I think if you make fun of a fat person walking down the street most people are going to rightly think you're an *******.
Hey they made a decision to eat too much. Totally acceptable.
05-04-2015 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Um sure in theory. But in practice 99% of people are going to stick with the religion they're born with. Most people are just going to live their lives in the path of least resistance. Very few want to alienate their friends, family and everyone they know.

I don't blame someone for growing up Muslim and doing their best to ignore the ugly parts any more than I blame my aunts for growing up Christian and ignoring the ugly parts of the bible.
I dont want to get into this aspect too much but this is the opposite of what public Muslim figures have argued here. They had to say this because some people argued that telling your child life changing lies is a form of child abuse (they are right).
05-04-2015 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by wishingwell
Yes I would feel the same. You have every right to be a provocative racist *******. You do not have the right to shoot racist *******s.

Besides these two things are in no way equivalent. First Muslims are the followers of a belief system, not a race. You can stop believing in stupid fairy tales at any time, you can't change your race. Second, cartoons about Muhammad are making fun of a historical figure, and a pretty despicable one at that, not a race of people.

Black people have suffered way more then Muslims ever have, and they aren't shooting people for drawing racist cartoons.

It is stupid how we treat muslims as they special little snowflakes that need to be handled with kid gloves. Every religion, belief system, country, ect can be made of.

I don't believe Muhammad was a prophet. If I want to draw pictures of him and you are "offended" so ****ing what? Get over it. Bending over backwards to people who believe in fairy tales is ridiculous. If you are offended that is your problem, not the rest of the world's problem.
Again, for like the millionth time - who itt is saying anyone has the right to shoot racists? Why is this such a hard concept? I'm not even saying Pam Geller and Co. should be blocked from doing the drawing contest. I'm just saying they're *******s for doing it, and no good can come of it.
05-04-2015 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
No I'm insisting they don't get shot, and I'm insisting that people don't react to shooting at them with 'well they were impolite! what did you expect"
In your quest to repaint bigotry as being "impolite," you may want to read my posts itt a bit more carefully.
