Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
A lot of us assumed that this nation has a core set of shared American values that we all stand by. Like, all the apple pie jazz about freedom of religion and being a nation of immigrants and respecting the troops and whatnot. What Trump has shown is that a frightful segment of the population is either opposed or indifferent to all that ****. You can kick out refugees bc of their religion and piss on Gold Star families and cuddle up to dictators like Putin, and it's still all good with these people. As someone who watched Republicans constantly spazz out about Russia in the 80s, it's shocking to see that it was all more or less pageantry. Basically, the only two things that are sacred are low taxes for the wealthy and hating women & minorities.
Originally Posted by AllCowsEatGrass
I would argue, given our multi-faceted history of great conflict and turmoil, we clearly don't have a core set of shared American values. Therefor, I think any patriotic calls to return to the great old days of shared American values is specious.
One way to square this is sort of what we're talking about in the LC thread -- the grand idea of Harari's
Sapiens is that we all operate with a bunch of shared fictions and our success depends on a level of cognitive dissonance to put aside empiricism and what you can really touch and allow collective unrealities to drive us.
One way you might describe the pre-Trump America during say the 1980s-1990s of the Reagan/Bush/Clinton years and even reaching back to the immediate post WWII era is that BOTH sides were engaged in a bit of pageantry and consensus-building-by-fiction. The GOP played along with the rhetoric and virtues of human rights and cosmopolitan values as a way to differentiate against the Soviets and build consensus with the left against a common enemy. The Democrats trigulated and nominated a guy like Clinton who could comfortably campaign on Sister Souljah and sidelining Jesse Jackson as a way to signal that we remained collectively beholden to the white identity and preserving the special status of white people in America.