Originally Posted by mw828
Re: OneChina
I think he has a legitimate defense for that one. He was too stupid to understand the gravity of his throw away comments. He didn't/doesn't have a real position, he just likes saying things cuz he has the best words.
Ignorance isn't a defense
Even if he has no position on China before the trademarks were given out, he has a position now.
I'm an auditor, and we have independence clauses with all of our clients that we audit. I can't have stock in a company, my kids can't have stock in that company, their kids can't have stock in that company.
I can't be romantically or financially involved with any person on the clients auditing team or their CEO's
We aren't even allowed to have an appearance of independence being breached.
The president may have been indifferent to china's policies before, but now he has the appearance of favoritism. Even if Trump was super ethical and would not allow his business ties to factor into his decisions on what is best for the USA and the world, it still appears that it could
Add in the fact he's a scumbag con artist, these trademarks mean he will never do anything to china that would negatively impact those, ahead of the interest of the USA
which is impeachable