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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

03-13-2017 , 01:50 PM
Batshit ratshit dirty old ****. 69 *******s tied in a knot. Hooray! Lizard ****. ****!
03-13-2017 , 01:52 PM
03-13-2017 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by otatop
Shitty also manages to bypass the filter, FYI.
not for nothing but I heard 4 words on CNN a couple weeks back which are still inexplicably banned on 2+2, including '****'



03-13-2017 , 02:01 PM
03-13-2017 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
thankfully those oppressive PC days are behind us
03-13-2017 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
not for nothing but I heard 4 words on CNN a couple weeks back which are still inexplicably banned on 2+2, including '****'



Yeah but CNN only used filthy language like that because they were quoting the President.
03-13-2017 , 02:11 PM
03-13-2017 , 02:24 PM
So it seems like all Republican business is now going to be done in Trump hotels

I didn't think they'd turn Trump into the literal brand of Republicanism.
03-13-2017 , 02:33 PM
The truth we just don't want to admit: Americans are largely stupid, ignorant, selfish, racist, oppressive people.
03-13-2017 , 02:38 PM
^ who is @KStreetHipster and what makes them an authority in making that statement? How does adding a tweet of a random person echoing your assertion bolster your argument?

This is when tweetposting goes overboard.
03-13-2017 , 02:40 PM
Just some person who posts very eloquent thoughts on Twitter from time to time. They match my thoughts of the day but are expressed better than I can, and I prefer to link to the Tweet instead of just plagiarizing someone else's work.
03-13-2017 , 02:51 PM
Continuing to have Kellyanne, etc on is actually a good strat by CNN. It's a gaurantee st this point that these people are going to say something dumb or come off terrible in every interview.
03-13-2017 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Originally Posted by prana
03-13-2017 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
photographer probably told her "Now look into the camera and say, 'Because I'm Worth It'" before snapping that photo
03-13-2017 , 03:27 PM
I actually thought that was like a young madonna. What happened Kelly?
03-13-2017 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
I actually thought that was like a young madonna. What happened Kelly?
A combination of too much sun and too much evil.
03-13-2017 , 03:49 PM
Spicer applied the old Chewbacca Words in "Quotes" defense in handwaiving Trump's Obama/wiretapp tweet, solid
03-13-2017 , 03:55 PM
Loretta Lynch with the spicy tweets. That Russian red meat.
03-13-2017 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by HastenDan
Loretta Lynch with the spicy tweets. That Russian red meat.

This non-verified account with capital Is designed to look like lowercase Ls? Color me...skeptical.
03-13-2017 , 04:06 PM
Only thing worse than a fake liberal is a fake fake liberal.
03-13-2017 , 04:10 PM
lol at not realizing that is clearly a fake account
03-13-2017 , 04:12 PM
Kushner getting a lot of his debt forgiven by the chinese. Surely all on the up and up.
03-13-2017 , 04:12 PM
Jesus mother ****ing Christ. We are being told it's obvious trump didn't mean wiretapping when he said wiretapping.

I hate these people and all their supporters with the raging intensity of a thousand burning suns.
03-13-2017 , 04:15 PM
from now whenever trump tries to tell a joke, he needs to ring a bell, or honk a horn, so we know when to laugh with him and when to take him seriously
03-13-2017 , 04:17 PM
gotta look into his heart
