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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

03-04-2017 , 11:16 PM
Or possibly there wasn't surveillance (Favreau was a speechwriter, right? Would he even know?) and Trump is repeating dumb derposphere garbage.
03-04-2017 , 11:20 PM
Lines from

Will Donald Trump be President on January 1st 2018
YES -- -450
NO -- +325

Will Donald Trump be Impeached in his First Term as President of USA
YES -- +165
NO -- -200

Will Donald Trump Serve a Full Term as President of USA
YES -- -185
NO -- +150
03-04-2017 , 11:38 PM
Trump maintains his support among Republicans (per polls). Until that dies, House/Senate Repubs. can't go along with removal. And if they are going to get anything done before 2018/2020 they have to get Trump out soon. Best way to kill that support would be Russian treason.

Dems are right to demand special prosecutor, but pushing for release of all info immediately could work to Republican advantage.
03-04-2017 , 11:50 PM
Seems like the derposphere is digging harder into the Obama should be prosecuted gambit.
03-04-2017 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Or possibly there wasn't surveillance (Favreau was a speechwriter, right? Would he even know?) and Trump is repeating dumb derposphere garbage.
I would guess that he suspects, but doesn't "know".
To me it's logical: there was surveillance, Obama knew, Obama didn't order or initiate it, and he didn't stop it.
Favs clarifying to keep Obama colleagues out of RW conspiracy nut Benghazi type outcry.
03-05-2017 , 12:05 AM
This is always how it was going to go. As trump is going down, he tries to bring down obama/Clinton with him
03-05-2017 , 12:10 AM
I never watched a ton of Rachel Maddow before, but god damn, If I could force the Trumpkins I know to watch one television program every night, I'm pretty sure I would choose hers.
03-05-2017 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
This is always how it was going to go. As trump is going down, he tries to bring down obama/Clinton with him
He's willing to bring down america with him is the bigger problem. As the pressure mounts, the more fight back he will do or come up with. Reichstag fire is certainly known by bannon. Scary times.

as stated, whole wad blown at once rather than the drip has a strong chance of backfiring bigly. I guess trust the process? I think his support is back around low-mid 40's.

Last edited by wheatrich; 03-05-2017 at 12:28 AM.
03-05-2017 , 12:23 AM
03-05-2017 , 12:37 AM
03-05-2017 , 12:38 AM
Our politicians are seriously the scum of the earth. I hope by the end of it they are all broke, dead or in jail.

I'm afraid only Mark Walburg can save us now.

03-05-2017 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by einbert
Holy ****, this guy.

03-05-2017 , 12:51 AM
stupid stupid bitch
stupid ignorant ugly bitch

what's the next tier? I didn't know there were tiers.
03-05-2017 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by awval999
Obviously. Her Husband invented the Internet.
Christ, it's 2017 and Republican slappies are still spreading this lie:

Despite the multitudinous derisive references to the supposed quote that continue to be proffered even today, former U.S. vice president Al Gore never claimed that he “invented” the Internet, nor did he say anything that could reasonably be interpreted that way. The legend arose from critics and pundits who plucked a relatively credible statement Gore made during the course of an interview, altered its wording, and stripped it of context to make it seem a ridiculously self-serving falsehood.


But a spirited defense of Gore’s statement penned by Internet pioneers Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf (the latter often referred to as the “father of the Internet”) in 2000 noted that “Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the importance of the Internet and to promote and support its development” and that “No other elected official, to our knowledge, has made a greater contribution [to the Internet] over a longer period of time”:
Honestly, it's just ****ing amazing how these New Democrats run like jackrabbits away from their own accomplishments. Gore could have campaigned on being a pioneering champion of the internet. Hillary could have campaigned on Obamacare. Instead these spineless third-way Dems have swallowed hook line and sinker the Republican mantra that gov't can't ever accomplish anything.

Last edited by Trolly McTrollson; 03-05-2017 at 12:58 AM.
03-05-2017 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by .Alex.
It has to do with Republicans being much better at the Winning friends and influencing people victory playbook than Democrats. Despite agreeing on a majority of issues, there are a ton of people in this very forum calling libertarians trash and telling them to gtfo basically.

Meanwhile, you have guys like Ted Cruz who hold ~0 pro-liberty positions, going on the podium and claiming that he is the best candidate for the libertarian cause, embracing and calling for their support.
It has to do with so-called liberty vs. not wanting the government to take your hard earned dollars and give them away to undeserving undesirables.

We both know which side wins out 98% of the time in practice, theory be damned.
03-05-2017 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Seems like the derposphere is digging harder into the Obama should be prosecuted gambit.
Any port in the unending storm that is and will continue swirling around their hero.

Their egos and beliefs have taken a vicious beating since innaugaration. They rabidly want to Whataboutism this. Just tell any jokers that we should focus on issues surrounding our current president as that is the most pressing situation. Once we thoroughly investigate and deal with trump and his entire administration we can potentially look at what a former President did. But for now we must focus on who is in the Whitehouse.

Funniest thing about these wiretapPs is they have been discussed in the media for weeks. It wasn't until Breitbart baby birdied it to Trumo and Trumo baby birdied it to his followers that they got outraged. Plus I love how every single one of them describes it as OBAMA got wiretaps and OBAMA spied on Trump. They have no concept of how anything works or how it comes together.
03-05-2017 , 01:09 AM
03-05-2017 , 01:11 AM
03-05-2017 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by truefish

Yea why do blacks consistently vote democrat? because it's easier to control them. That's racism.

Ok, ok, the world is still on its axis.
03-05-2017 , 01:21 AM
03-05-2017 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by .Alex.
I mean, freaking pvn, who was a staunch libertarian for like 10 years on here was convinced to join the Bernie squad. It can be done.
Because pvn is a good, decent person, and intelligent, when push comes to shove.

Ok, let's assume the 'political compass' is an accurate and real thing for the sake of this argument.

We'll put our standard American Libertarian, meaning right-libertarian, somewhere in the purple quadrant, equidistant from the axes. Probably around the H or T in 'Right'. They all have a choice to go west or go north, depending on what they really value in a world where we never get what we want completely. They almost always choose north.
03-05-2017 , 01:38 AM
Red, blue and purple all pretend there's no such thing as green. You can be purple in the US and not even realize green was an option.
03-05-2017 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
I'm not watching but presuming media fell for it again and they're not talking about sessions/russia anymore and it's obama/wiretaps.

Think you guys gotta stop trying to overwhelm any dissents so much. Too many of you have this stupid need to immediately pile on.
Those are the same thing.
03-05-2017 , 01:39 AM
I'm just waiting for DJT to actually shoot someone on 5th Avenue
