Originally Posted by HastenDan
You are a liar. Feel free to search my posts for Trump to read my views on him, as well who I supported in the general election.
Or you could not search your posts and discover in this thread you were FIRED UP, not by truefish, not by BroadwaySushy, and certainly not by anything Trump or his administration did.
No, what fired ole' Hillary voting, BLM dance party Dan was the liberal "hypocrisy" of Wookie
1) Not complaining about Obama's bad but not as bad as Trump's deportations
2) While liberally complaining about Trump's much much worse deportation policy
Not like Dan. Who followed the much less hypocritical stance of
1) Not complaining about Obama's deportations
2) Also not complaining about Trump's
3) But complaining about how liberals shouldn't criticize Trump