Originally Posted by ChrisV
Re Trump blaming others when things don't go well, I'm listening to an audiobook about the Battle of Berlin at the moment. As the Reich crumbles around him, Hitler spends his time finding scapegoats. Specifically in a section I listened to today, he ranted that all of Germany's lack of success on the Eastern Front was due to "treachery". It's more or less constant though, he's just nonstop talking about what failures all the soldiers are, replacing commanders, etc etc. I was very struck by the resemblance to Trump. At least Hitler had the excuse that he was getting injected with fearsome quantities of drugs and that his country was in the process of being annihilated.
I agree of course that Trump is an unhinged fascist bozo. However the problem with this line of thinking is that "blaming others when things don't go well" and idling away trying to find scapegoats when things are going bad is like what a huge percentage of leaders do. In business, politics, whatever. One of the things that maybe liberals suffer from a little bit is turning everything Trump does into mini-Hitler stuff, you know, everything about Trump in exceptional apocalyptic terms and akin to the great figures of history.
I agree maybe Trump is a mini Hitler of sorts but I think it's more correct to say Trump seems to instead embody all the pedestrian, normal human failings of bad leadership: thin-skinned, conspiratorial, a lack of self reflection, prone to incuriosity about the thing he's leading and passing on blame. He's frighteningly common in politics, in institutions, in business -- many times at the highest levels because being really 'good' at this in institutions or companies or (I guess countries) where many of the employees or members are like this too. Trump's really just the embodiment of lots of unexceptional, common bad characteristics rather than excelling in any one area in historic ways imo. Trump might yet be Hitler, or he might aspire to that, but I think the more frightening and difficult problem is that he just seems like a normal unqualified idiot in way over his head, and he's doing what unexceptional people do when it goes bad.
Last edited by DVaut1; 03-05-2017 at 08:53 AM.