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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

01-23-2017 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
Juan, Trump got elected. Many people expect the POTUS to be subjected to scrutiny. hth
I suspect that people like Juan haven't spent any time at all researching what Trump has done in his life. Kurt Eichenwald listed 100 dodgy things about Trump before the election, and of course Trump has never tried to sue him as he knows he wouldn't win.
01-23-2017 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
while your face melts off at the prospect of trump not releasing his tax returns even though hes being audited.
What does being audited have to do with not disclosing his tax returns? You keep mentioning this for some reason.
01-23-2017 , 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
right and thats my point along with how silly the crowd size nonsense is

But not their candidate? Nobody is forcing you to defend and support hilary, just read the posts above, nevermind months of it. I can't say you are guilty of this but have a look around you. Yeah scrutinize trump but it gets weird when you support and defend hilary while your face melts off at the prospect of trump not releasing his tax returns even though hes being audited. Again, the placement of outrage from hilarys supporters and defenders
No, Juan, people aren't expecting failed Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton to be subjected to the same sort of scrutiny as current President of the United States Donald Trump. This should not come as a surprise to you. The things Donald Trump does as President carry far more weight than the things Hillary Clinton did as a failed democratic candidate.

The charred remains of her political aspirations can be found at the bottom of the November dumpster fire. Trumps currently inhabit the most powerful office in the world. At some stage his actions have to stand by themselves and not seek to be justified via using the crutch of the past political failures of others.

Scrutiny is a good thing and trump deserves it, im commenting on the hypocrisy based on the level of outrage. Again it seems way off balance. Crowd size gate seems like a great example
Seems like a weaksauce argument. If my son's just nicked my car, crashed it into a tree and then spilled coffee on my shoes only a fool would say my level of outrage was caused and defined solely by the latest incident.
01-23-2017 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
I guess with mission elect Trump accomplished, their handlers at the Kremlin have let them off the leash.

Seriously, how is THAT some kind of breaking point? That was going on for months! Did they expect him after he won to be like "ok, NOW you can see my tax returns"? And even if he did, would that make it OK not to release them during the campaign?
They're still on the leash. This is just Phase 2 of the operation.
01-23-2017 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
So conflict of interest and business dealings are a big concern for you? Just think about the fact clinton supporters are deeply concerned at this via trumps tax returns vs the clintons incredible track record
Trump paid a direct bribe to Pam Bondi out of his dodgy foundation, then filed fraudulent information returns to cover it up.

01-23-2017 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by 5ive
Lie #3: The anti-Trump protests in Washington, D.C. were important.
It's just bizarre to call this a lie.
01-23-2017 , 09:22 AM
juan literally posts about how black people are inferior genetically in unchained so don't think you can ever get him to dislike Trump.
01-23-2017 , 09:24 AM
Conway said as much in the interview with Chuck Todd. Paraphrasing, but she stated that it was much of what she heard during the campaign and lost. So because they "won" it's as irrelevant now as it was then.
01-23-2017 , 09:30 AM
Immediately release Donald Trump's full tax returns, with all information needed to verify emoluments clause compliance.

Needs 0 signatures by February 19, 2017 to get a response from the White House
257,130 signed
100,000 goal

The unprecedented economic conflicts of this administration need to be visible to the American people, including any pertinent documentation which can reveal the foreign influences and financial interests which may put Donald Trump in conflict with the emoluments clause of the Constitution.
01-23-2017 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by 13ball
juan literally posts about how black people are inferior genetically in unchained so don't think you can ever get him to dislike Trump.
Trump could nuke Canada and Juan would post "ya but emails".
01-23-2017 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by 13ball
juan literally posts about how black people are inferior genetically in unchained so don't think you can ever get him to dislike Trump.
Its a good thing this is a safe space for lefty hate. It took me far less to get banned in this section than this baseless accusation of racism

What a wonderful place this is. I have to admit im being swayed by the overwhelming compassion of sjw's, at first i thought it was about acting morally superior and finding someone to hate but this post has swayed me
01-23-2017 , 09:49 AM
Did Trump think Mad Max was real ala Reagan with Star Wars? Roving gangs, securing all the gasoline...he's going to withdraw from TPP today, the first step in his plan to dot our country with smoke-spewing factories.
01-23-2017 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by 13ball
It's just bizarre to call this a lie.
Yeah, none of the 3 qualify as fake or even fit the fake/real mold but that 3rd is especially ridiculous.

And obv the top comment:

It's very simple.

You tell the media if they're going to put out fake news, they're out of the White House!

What else is there to discuss. This is BS.

Quit playing games with these Socialist/Globalist/Corporatist a@@holes!
01-23-2017 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
Its a good thing this is a safe space for lefty hate. It took me far less to get banned in this section than this baseless accusation of racism

What a wonderful place this is. I have to admit im being swayed by the overwhelming compassion of sjw's, at first i thought it was about acting morally superior and finding someone to hate but this post has swayed me
Let's not play this game, juan.
01-23-2017 , 10:00 AM
It's always kind of amusing when there's a shift change at the dick sucking factory and a new guy shows up to try to derail a thread
01-23-2017 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by vaya
It's always kind of amusing when there's a shift change at the dick sucking factory and a new guy shows up to try to derail a thread
I'm just glad to see factory jobs are coming back.
01-23-2017 , 10:05 AM
In one of his many prescient posts, DVaut mused about how after the fall of civilization/nuclear holocaust these guys will still be on HAM radios talking about Benghazi and emails and the Clinton Foundation. When you think of it that way you can see how pointless it is to engage.

Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I'm just glad to see factory jobs are coming back.
01-23-2017 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I'm just glad to see factory jobs are coming back.
The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.
01-23-2017 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by vaya
The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.
01-23-2017 , 10:38 AM
Anyone who uses globalist as a pejurotive on the internet is an ironic imbecile.
01-23-2017 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by vaya
It's always kind of amusing when there's a shift change at the dick sucking factory and a new guy shows up to succeed with depressing monotony in derailing a thread
Hey all you guys who regular engage with these guys: No matter how sick the burn, no matter how total the refutation, all you're doing is giving these guys what they want. If there's a fundamental theorem of trolling, it's that the troll wins when you reply. Your reply's content is not relevant.

And I'm of course guilty of the odd slip, sometimes it's fun etc. But still.
01-23-2017 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by Jiggymike
In one of his many prescient posts, DVaut mused about how after the fall of civilization/nuclear holocaust these guys will still be on HAM radios talking about Benghazi and emails and the Clinton Foundation. When you think of it that way you can see how pointless it is to engage.

A flash of white light -- a mushroom cloud appears on the horizon. A roaring explosion shakes all of the buildings.

DVAUT1, an American man with a family, looks astonished out his window.

Holy **** honey, get the kids in the car, we gotta go!!!

A TV plays nearby.

Thank you with deep sincerity to Donald Trump for ceding control to me. This situation is under control. I encourage citizens of the world to stay calm.

Gun fire blazes in the distance.

A car with a family hastily departs the house and speeds down the street, tires screeching.

Turn on the radio! I think they initiate some emergency broadcasting information?!

Only static comes through the speakers. An RPG flies over the hood of the car and explodes on the other side of the road, rattling the windows of the car. The sounds of military jets are heard overhead.

Jesus, the ****!?

Static continues faintly in the background of the car. DVAUT1 looks frantically around, the grim reality of the situation setting in. He looks despondently at the dashboard of the car.

The static fades and a human voice comes through the speakers on the radio; low at first, but growing clearer as the car travels down the road at high speeds.

The media is really taking this too far. Sure, there may be some fallout. It may be true that American crop yields won't return for generations.


...potable water? We just can't say at this point.


And I had my apprehensions about Trump, it's true. He wasn't my first choice. I wanted Cruz, I did, I was on the record about that.


The voice on the radio becomes clearer. DVAUT1 looks confused at first, mouth agape.

But the origins of this go back to the Clinton Administration folks. They were the ones that set us on this path. Our global enemies now besieging us were emboldened by FOUR DEAD AMERICANS at Benghazi when Navy Seals were told to STAND DOWN by Hillary Clinton. And when she wasn't prosecuted by the Obama Administration for sending illegal emails, that was a signal to the world America was no longer a defender of democracy and peace around the world, and the forces of evil were allowed to grow and gather around us. Remember "Charlie" Tye made that illegal $450k donation to the Clinton legal defense fund in 1996? Remember that folks. It started there...
01-23-2017 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
He's been the precedent three days. ...
01-23-2017 , 10:56 AM

(Axios has been mentioned on Morning Joe for those not familiar, some of the guys from politico are behind it)

from a leaked "Trump team's "Agency Action" plan for the EPA"


Listed as initiatives to stop: "Clean Air Act greenhouse gas regulations for new (NSPS) and existing (ESPS or the 'Clean Power' Plan) coal and natural gas power plants … [CAFE] Standards … Clean Water Section 404: Waters of the U.S. Rule (wetlands) … TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) for Chesapeake Bay.

"Key opportunities": "Issue an executive order barring EPA from overruling federal/state regulatory/permit decisions unless in clear violation of established law."

Changing the way the EPA uses science: "Unless major reforms of the agency's use of science and economics are achieved, EPA will be able to return to its bad old ways as soon as an establishment administration takes office."
Changing the way EPA uses science.
or, WAAF.
01-23-2017 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
Anyone who uses globalist as a pejurotive on the internet is an ironic imbecile.
I don't know man, globalist sounds a bit un-AMERICAN.
