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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

01-21-2017 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
CIA torture that was banned.
Originally Posted by MrWookie
And nukes.
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
don't forget the murder of family members of suspected terrorists! USA#1 still has some room for improvement in that area.
And total disregard for civilian casualties. Carpet bomb 'em!
01-21-2017 , 11:13 PM
Really the greatest irony of the Donald Trump presidency is how he is the most special snowflake of all. If Shakespeare wrote him as a character people would burn the play for being too ridiculous. How have none of his worshippers realized this? More than likely they know that they have the exact same personality traits so it must be the liberals who are the snowflakes.
01-21-2017 , 11:27 PM
I also like how awval's entertaining OP lays out exactly why we shouldn't have elected Trump, yet that guys basically worships the fascist Cheeto. "America is doing pretty great but uhhh let's throw a giant monkey wrench in the whole thing and see what happens." Again, no point in having discussions with these people.
01-21-2017 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Jiggymike
I also like how awval's entertaining OP lays out exactly why we shouldn't have elected Trump, yet that guys basically worships the fascist Cheeto. "America is doing pretty great but uhhh let's throw a giant monkey wrench in the whole thing and see what happens." Again, no point in having discussions with these people.
I just wanted to make OPs great again.

We have had ****ty OPs in this forum.

I succeeded. Done.
01-22-2017 , 12:28 AM

Number of arrests: 0 out of 100s of thousands of protestors.
01-22-2017 , 12:31 AM
The thing is the CIA speech should have been a nice easy layup for a normal President. Mention the CIA dead and their sacrifice, promise that no more will die under your watch, applause. FFS these guys run a drone machine death squad and tortured people, they should be in Trump's pocket.
01-22-2017 , 12:41 AM
That is where his non existent political experience fails him. He doesn't have any clue how to cater to a narrower audience.

His lifetime of celebrity is to try and maximize exposure and create controversy at any price. Yet there is no benefit to celebrity for a sitting president. So he talks about stuff completely irrelevant and even harmful to his CIA audience because he thinks it will help his celebrity.
01-22-2017 , 12:58 AM
01-22-2017 , 01:03 AM
I mean

01-22-2017 , 02:14 AM
The thing I learned today: When the inevitable Reichstag Fire moment comes and the authoritarians start clamping down in earnest our snarky internet meme and protest sign game will definitely be on point.
01-22-2017 , 02:27 AM
wow at that putin, le pen, trump banner on the left side
01-22-2017 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Who, Lestat? Who? DeVos's conflicts and incompetence are public knowledge. Name one GOP senator who has spoken out against her confirmation, let alone 3. And if they're not going to block her confirmation, why the **** would anyone expect them to block her once she's already in office?
I was speaking more towards impeachment or criminal misconduct by the administration. Check out the Franken/DeVos exchange if you haven't already. It plays out like a SNL skit. But if they block one moron, they'll just keep putting up another. Eventually an incompetent will have to be confirmed and I don't expect our constitution to prevent this.

I'm talking about business conflicts of interest, breaking emolument clauses, backroom dealing, war crimes, even violations of the espionage act when the smoke clear with the Russia hacks, etc. George W and Cheney should've been convicted of war crimes, but I think this administration will make them look like they were practicing Jainism.

I'm almost willing to offer up a prop bet. I say he doesn't last 2 years before impeachment proceedings begin. If I'm wrong, we might be well on our way to a fascist dictatorship.
01-22-2017 , 05:47 AM
I think we have to consider the probability that Trumps war against the media might be more then just words. If i dismiss the history of the USA and look at the present. Those things coming from the new administration and surrounding it arent those you would expect from a government a of the democratic country. It sounds a lot like 2012/2013 Erdogan in Turkey. This is when he started to really kill all critical press sowing the seed for what Turkey is now, a dictatorship.

We think Trump is dangerous now but fast forward 3 years when he is facing reelection. Trump is not as popular as Erdogan but he is powerful. It is also easy to underestimate him, because he is a bafoon. His right Hand Steve Bannon is not, Bannon knows what he is doing. They guy likely is starting to scheme the delegitimization of critical voices starting Monday.

For now the protests against Trump are peaceful but this will change. After they appealed Obamacare and left millions without healthcare, protests may turn violent quick. Something like this will play right in their hands. Steve Bannon already set the stage with his America First patriotism speech. Trump is not the government, Trump is the people. So everybody who is against Trump will be against the USA.

The USA of course is strong on freedom of speech. But how good will those laws hold up against a populist government whose main purpose is to hold and increase power? We have already seen that the huge conflicts of interest of Trump and his nominees dont matter at all to republicans. Facing reelection in 2020 it seem more likely then not that they will restrict the rights of the opposition to get reelected.

All there needs to happen is a terrorist attack on American soil to force America to unite behind Trump or probably not even that. Is the American constitution strong enough to fend of the incoming attacks?
01-22-2017 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl

Number of arrests: 0 out of 100s of thousands of protestors.
It's not like he didn't try to incite violence, though:

What an absolutely repulsive human being.
01-22-2017 , 08:50 AM
And yet he thinks he's completely in the right. Working definition of a deplorable
01-22-2017 , 09:10 AM
OK looks like Breitbart(which everybody forgot about, but they got accused by some cons of being paid for positive pro-Trump coverage in the primary) is going with "there really were 700k+ and the media is lying"
01-22-2017 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
OK looks like Breitbart(which everybody forgot about, but they got accused by some cons of being paid for positive pro-Trump coverage in the primary) is going with "there really were 700k+ and the media is lying"
That's a pretty funny article for Breitbart. It contains all the evidence for a small turnout and no counter evidence other than spicer said so. It could be on MSNBC.
01-22-2017 , 09:23 AM
I made the mistake of venturing into the pit of the page aka the comments section.

My eyes......MY EYES
01-22-2017 , 09:49 AM
Patriotism is hands down the worst human emotion so of course it will be the cornerstone of the orange idiots policy.

The opposition really needs to start using his predictability against him. At this point it's clear that while the media and his team will pretend he is unprediable he is in fact the most predictable President of all time. He will always do the worst thing and make the worst choice. This rule is only altered by his narcissism. If the decision at hand involves him or his identify in any way he will make the choice that he thinks makes him look best.
01-22-2017 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
I made the mistake of venturing into the pit of the page aka the comments section.

My eyes......MY EYES
They are still constantly referencing Bill and Hill in those comment sections.
01-22-2017 , 10:06 AM
****ing Long Tie Donnie over here:

01-22-2017 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by fatkid
They are still constantly referencing Bill and Hill in those comment sections.
Of course they are because Trump's "movement" of idiots is nothing more than anti-Clinton. They pay no attention whatsoever to the orange bafoon or his doings because he is not Clinton. They will slurp us his agenda of feces which will strip them of healthcare, increase income inequality, and put more of them in jail or at war. He will be a huge disaster for the poorest people but they will pay no attention because he is not a Clinton.
01-22-2017 , 10:14 AM
Hate-watching Meet the Press right now, KellyAnne Conway has fully crossed the line into sheer raving lunacy.
01-22-2017 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by True North
Hate-watching Meet the Press right now, KellyAnne Conway has fully crossed the line into sheer raving lunacy.
She is so awful. I wonder what it is like to lie with every word you utter.
01-22-2017 , 10:19 AM
Trump supporters are officially shook. They know the resistance is rising.

I am not a "disgrace to women" because I don't support the women's march. I do not feel I am a "second class citizen" because I am a woman. I do not feel my voice is "not heard" because I am a woman. I do not feel I am not provided opportunities in this life or in America because I am a woman. I do not feel that I "don't have control of my body or choices" because I am a woman. I do not feel like I am " not respected or undermined" because I am a woman.
I AM a woman.
I can make my own choices.
I can speak and be heard.
I can VOTE.
I can work if I want.
I control my body.
I can defend myself.
I can defend my family.
There is nothing stopping me to do anything in this world but MYSELF.
I do not blame my circumstances or problems on anything other than my own choices or even that sometimes in life, we don't always get what we want. I take responsibility for myself.
I am a mother, a daughter, a wife, a sister, a friend. I am not held back in life but only by the walls I choose to not go over which is a personal choice.
Quit blaming.
Take responsibility.
If you want to speak, do so. But do not expect for me, a woman, to take you seriously wearing a pink va-jay-jay hat on your head and screaming profanities and bashing men.
If you have beliefs, and speak to me in a kind matter, I will listen. But do not expect for me to change my beliefs to suit yours. Respect goes both ways.
If you want to impress me, especially in regards to women, then speak on the real injustices and tragedies that affect women in foreign countries that do not that the opportunity or means to have their voices heard.
Saudi Arabia, women can't drive, no rights and must always be covered.
China and India, infantcide of baby girls.
Afghanistan, unequal education rights.
Democratic Republic of Congo, where rapes are brutal and women are left to die, or HIV infected and left to care for children alone.
Mali, where women can not escape the torture of genital mutilation.
Pakistan, in tribal areas where women are gang raped to pay for men's crime.
Guatemala, the impoverished female underclass of Guatemala faces domestic violence, rape and the second-highest rate of HIV/AIDS after sub-Saharan Africa. An epidemic of gruesome unsolved murders has left hundreds of women dead, some of their bodies left with hate messages.
And that's just a few examples.
So when women get together in AMERICA and whine they don't have equal rights and march in their clean clothes, after eating a hearty breakfast, and it's like a vacation away that they have paid for to get there...
This WOMAN does not support it...

please copy and paste.. I loved it and it fit me perfect, so if you feel the same copy and paste it..
