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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

02-04-2017 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
Virtue signalling has always been a stupid term, because it doesn't really describe any signalling concept. The core concept of signalling is that it's a behavior that is costly to imitate if you don't have the characteristic that is being signalled (in this case, virtue). Cheap talk is the exact opposite of virtue signalling. The term you want is "sanctimonious bull****." More accurate, more descriptive, and less subject to the abusive ways people use "virtue signalling."
You are posting here like words have meaning.
02-04-2017 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by np1235711
Very nice history lesson, but where are the illegal jailings and the unconstitutional acts in defiance of the legal system?
I should know better than to engage you but if you don't see that that's going to happen, you're turning a blind eye for whatever reason.

Trump issues Muslim ban.
Trump is attempting to rename the "Countering Violent Extremism" to "Countering Islamic Extremism" while getting rid of keeping an eye on other groups aiming to hurt others. This is directly going to hurt Muslims, btw.
Trump is attempting to make Christians superior to every other religion/atheist.
There will be a terrorist act on US soil eventually.
That's when the illegal jailings and unconstitutional acts will happen.

This **** is literally a matter of time and you know it.
02-04-2017 , 01:00 PM
Despite being to the left on most social issues, including that abortion should be legal for ANY reason even if its just "meh, I am not feeling like having a kid," I do think its pretty clear that custody and child support issues dramatically favor women in a wide majority of cases where the decision is left to the courts/state.

The best example of this is that custody is overwhelmingly awarded to women in instances where both parents are fully capable of raising the child in a healthy and nurturing environment.

Once a woman gets pregnant it is practically impossible for a male to get custody from a woman unless the woman doesn't want custody unless there is gross negligence or serious criminal activity that is also provable in court.

And it is a fact that abortion is a decision that only takes one person to make even in cases where the sex was consensual and the parties are split on what to do. I don't believe it is humane or moral to make a woman have the baby if she doesn't want to. However, I do also think that if the woman has the baby and the couple is not together that the man should have custody and receive child support if he is in a better position to provide for it and wants to raise the child.
02-04-2017 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
I should know better than to engage you but if you don't see that that's going to happen, you're turning a blind eye for whatever reason.

Trump issues Muslim ban.
Trump is attempting to rename the "Countering Violent Extremism" to "Countering Islamic Extremism" while getting rid of keeping an eye on other groups aiming to hurt others. This is directly going to hurt Muslims, btw.
Trump is attempting to make Christians superior to every other religion/atheist.
There will be a terrorist act on US soil eventually.
That's when the illegal jailings and unconstitutional acts will happen.

This **** is literally a matter of time and you know it.
A natural conclusion would be that he probably wants it.
02-04-2017 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by LordJvK
This is ridiculous hyperbole. Trump isn't Hitler in 1939 and he hasn't just invaded Poland.
Hmmmm.... maybe my recollection is a little foggy but wasn't Chamberlain's appeasement and "peace in out time" remarks made after the signing of the Munich Agreement with Hitler in 1938 after the invasion of Czechoslovakia?
02-04-2017 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
I should know better than to engage you but if you don't see that that's going to happen, you're turning a blind eye for whatever reason.

Trump issues Muslim ban.
Trump is attempting to rename the "Countering Violent Extremism" to "Countering Islamic Extremism" while getting rid of keeping an eye on other groups aiming to hurt others. This is directly going to hurt Muslims, btw.
Trump is attempting to make Christians superior to every other religion/atheist.
There will be a terrorist act on US soil eventually.
That's when the illegal jailings and unconstitutional acts will happen.

This **** is literally a matter of time and you know it.
217+ peaceful demonstrators and journalists were charged with felony rioting for standing around a place where other people broke windows and for other people burning a limo after they were arrested.
02-04-2017 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
Virtue signalling has always been a stupid term, because it doesn't really describe any signalling concept. The core concept of signalling is that it's a behavior that is costly to imitate if you don't have the characteristic that is being signalled (in this case, virtue). Cheap talk is the exact opposite of virtue signalling. The term you want is "sanctimonious bull****." More accurate, more descriptive, and less subject to the abusive ways people use "virtue signalling."
Well, OK, but I don't think anyone using the term is thinking about 'signalling' as an economic term of art.
02-04-2017 , 01:09 PM
Take that, rural poors who supported trump!

Enjoy your more expensive internet
02-04-2017 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Of the endless reservoir of Trump's human failings, the most dangerous and scary is his total lack of knowledge on virtually any topic. Without even a basic understanding of a given topic he can never be expected to make a good choice but rather is forced to simply agree with the last person he spoke to because by definition they will be far more prepared and knowledgable about this issue.

Can anyone imagine him ever saying anything like, "well actually I read recently that study X, intelligence briefing Y or expert Z has good evidence that A is true and therefore your position has some evidentiary issues and I am going to go a different way on this issue."
Lack of knowledge and the lack of any desire to understand issues has always amazed me.
02-04-2017 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by np1235711
Hmmmm.... maybe my recollection is a little foggy but wasn't Chamberlain's appeasement and "peace in out time" remarks made after the signing of the Munich Agreement with Hitler in 1938 after the invasion of Czechoslovakia?
I don't think that was exactly his point, but it's more like 1933 now and no one wants it to get as far as 1938.
02-04-2017 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
I should know better than to engage you but if you don't see that that's going to happen, you're turning a blind eye for whatever reason.

Trump issues Muslim ban.
Trump is attempting to rename the "Countering Violent Extremism" to "Countering Islamic Extremism" while getting rid of keeping an eye on other groups aiming to hurt others. This is directly going to hurt Muslims, btw.
Trump is attempting to make Christians superior to every other religion/atheist.
There will be a terrorist act on US soil eventually.
That's when the illegal jailings and unconstitutional acts will happen.

This **** is literally a matter of time and you know it.
No... I don't "know" it... but I am certainly glad to be in the company of Jean Dixon and other assorted soothsayers... can the Oracle at Delphi be far behind!

I'm guessing "Trump wanting to make christians superior to to every other religion" would come as a big surprise to his daughter (who he is sooooo enamored of) and his son-in-law who was instrumental in getting him elected.

That doesn't sound just a little bit over the top when you read what YOU wrote slowly and just not blathering out a jumbled stream of consciousness that's rattling around in your brain like an ear worm from your echo chamber?

But your entire basis for civil disobedience in an uncivil fashion is you "think" bad stuff is going to happen.... not that it already has happened
02-04-2017 , 01:14 PM
Get the abortion **** outta here.
02-04-2017 , 01:18 PM
02-04-2017 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by np1235711
No... I don't "know" it... but I am certainly glad to be in the company of Jean Dixon and other assorted soothsayers... can the Oracle at Delphi be far behind!

I'm guessing "Trump wanting to make christians superior to to every other religion" would come as a big surprise to his daughter (who he is sooooo enamored of) and his son-in-law who was instrumental in getting him elected.

That doesn't sound just a little bit over the top when you read what YOU wrote slowly and just not blathering out a jumbled stream of consciousness that's rattling around in your brain like an ear worm from your echo chamber?

But your entire basis for civil disobedience in an uncivil fashion is you "think" bad stuff is going to happen.... not that it already has happened
The largest protest in American history went off without a single arrest.
02-04-2017 , 01:23 PM
Trump's most forceful executive order on immigration isn't the immigration ban
Prior to the immigration ban, however, Trump signed another executive order, titled "Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States," containing a section that expands the role of immigration officials to admit, detain, or deport individuals.

While the immigration ban was met with an immediate backlash from both Republican and Democratic politicians, as well as thousands of demonstrators at the US's most trafficked airports, experts say the earlier executive order contains sections that could have a massive impact on the US's immigration policy.
The devil is in the details

Buried in the text of the earlier executive order is a section that could have widespread implications for the enforcement of immigration laws.

Take a look at Section 5:

"Sec. 5 Enforcement Priorities. In executing faithfully the immigration laws of the United States, the Secretary of Homeland Security (Secretary) shall prioritize for removal those aliens described by the Congress ... as well as removable aliens who:

"(a) Have been convicted of any criminal offense;

"(b) Have been charged with any criminal offense, where such charge has not been resolved;

"(c) Have committed acts that constitute a chargeable criminal offense;

"(d) Have engaged in fraud or willful misrepresentation in connection with any official matter or application before a governmental agency;

"(e) Have abused any program related to receipt of public benefits;

"(f) Are subject to a final order of removal, but who have not complied with their legal obligation to depart the United States; or

"(g) In the judgment of an immigration officer, otherwise pose a risk to public safety or national security."

Immigration lawyers whom Business Insider spoke with had two major concerns regarding Section 5.

The first concern is that Section 5 seems to go beyond Trump’s suggestion during his campaign that, at least initially, he would prioritize only immigrants charged with crimes for deportation.

The broad list of criteria would apply to essentially every immigrant living in the US illegally, making them all an "enforcement priority," according to Mario Machado, a Florida-based criminal defense and immigration attorney who wrote about the order in"Fault Lines," part of the legal-news website Mimesis Law.

The second concern immigration advocates share is that Section 5, subsection (g), directs officials to prioritize removing "aliens" who in "the judgment of an immigration officer, otherwise pose a risk to public safety or national security."

Immigration advocates are concerned that the language leaves the decision of who is detained, admitted, or deported from the US up to the judgment of ICE and customs officials.

"It's a very vague, very opaque rule that's likely to be inconsistently applied," Reaz Jafri, an immigration lawyer who is a partner at Withers Bergman and spent Saturday at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York working with those affected by Trump's temporary immigration ban, told Business Insider. "The decision to admit, or detain a person is in the unchecked hands of customs officers."

Jafri, however, took issue with the idea that customs officers, most of whom have no legal training, be allowed to make those decisions without oversight. Under the Obama administration, Jafri said, customs officers applied a law with much stricter precedents, guidelines, and regulations than those laid out in Trump's executive action.

"That all seems to have gone out the door," he said.
02-04-2017 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by np1235711
It is just so interesting that you cannot write a single sentence without using inflammatory descriptors. Of course you have to because that is the way you justify shutting down rational discussion. To go point by point with you is, how could one say, ummm pointless.

But you fellas with your incessant Chicken Little-ism and whining is just too funny.

Here's the reality on the ground. Trump won the 2016 election on the square and is going to do his best to install as much of his agenda as possible, no matter how much Prozac you fellas threaten to take.

And we will see if it for good or bad in the fullness of time. Two and four years from now, you can go to the ballot box and see how things work out and make a change if the American public cares to.
On the square? If memory serves it was Trump himself who claimed that it was rigged.
02-04-2017 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by np1235711
No... I don't "know" it... but I am certainly glad to be in the company of Jean Dixon and other assorted soothsayers... can the Oracle at Delphi be far behind!

I'm guessing "Trump wanting to make christians superior to to every other religion" would come as a big surprise to his daughter (who he is sooooo enamored of) and his son-in-law who was instrumental in getting him elected.

That doesn't sound just a little bit over the top when you read what YOU wrote slowly and just not blathering out a jumbled stream of consciousness that's rattling around in your brain like an ear worm from your echo chamber?

But your entire basis for civil disobedience in an uncivil fashion is you "think" bad stuff is going to happen.... not that it already has happened
I cant tell if you are delusionnal or trolling,really I cant.
bad stuff has already happened (people turned away at airports or detained when they have green cards,visas etc... aka legal documents that from one minute to another became illegal with no notice).
just that point you cant ignore it can you?

Also I have one question for trump supporters:
Do you guys feels the majority or your country and pretty much the vast majority of the world,is criticizing you just for fun and bullying or that maybe just maybe there is something more going on there?
02-04-2017 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
I don't think that was exactly his point, but it's more like 1933 now and no one wants it to get as far as 1938.
He commented on Zizak's Chamberlain comment where Ziz said we wasn't inclined to grab his ankles like Chamberlain did.

But what makes Trump the next Hitler in your eyes? Truly. Analogous to 1933 Germany? How? Has the congress been burnt to the ground? Has congress given Trump new dictatorial powers and then dissolved?

Probably not a really good analogy, unless you just want to say Trump = Hitler without any evidence. (which is certainly your right.... just as it is my right to giggle uncontrollably at the notion).
02-04-2017 , 01:26 PM
Yeah the truth is a large portion of the public just doesn't buy that this election was legitimate.
02-04-2017 , 01:27 PM
All the Trump voters here are ready to shut out politics until the next election now.

"The election is over stop talking about politics!"
"Instead of politics post a photo of your AK-47."
02-04-2017 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
On the square? If memory serves it was Trump himself who claimed that it was rigged.
It is self defeating too. If Trump's going to enact his policy regardless of what liberals do then who cares if they protest?
02-04-2017 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by np1235711
He commented on Zizak's Chamberlain comment where Ziz said we wasn't inclined to grab his ankles like Chamberlain did.

But what makes Trump the next Hitler in your eyes? Truly. Analogous to 1933 Germany? How? Has the congress been burnt to the ground? Has congress given Trump new dictatorial powers and then dissolved?

Probably not a really good analogy, unless you just want to say Trump = Hitler without any evidence. (which is certainly your right.... just as it is my right to giggle uncontrollably at the notion).
They've already trotted out two attempts at Reichtag fires with lies about a naval attack and a massacre. And there are a lot of people who believe those lies.

The attacks on minority groups, religious groups, the press, intellectuals, challenging the notion of facts, the judiciary, loyalty oaths, loyalty tests, threats to political opponents etc.. The list goes on and on.

We're not waiting for the firing squads to start complaining. At that point it's too late.
02-04-2017 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
I consider it a good sign the Admin has appealed last night's decision instead of telling the judge to **** off.
Let's wait to see what happens if they lose.
02-04-2017 , 01:37 PM
02-04-2017 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
Take that, rural poors who supported trump!

Enjoy your more expensive internet
How do Republicans justify actions like these? Do they cheer that they are getting rid of big government? Is that how they sleep better at night knowing that their actions deprive people of services?
