Originally Posted by sportsjefe
worst thing the ACLU could've done was post stuff like this:
You won about as narrow a stay (not even a result) as you could possibly have won. IOW, you haven't won jack. The fight is only beginning and people need to understand that.
This isn't gloating, this is PR. To get more support the ACLU needs to show that the work they're doing matters.
Originally Posted by WillieWin?
Your link's 7 points articulate my position on what's unfolding pretty much perfectly. Seems like there's method in the madness to me. I think those 7 points important enough speculation to post here in case folk don't follow the link:
4. While the nation’s attention is on our extreme EO, slip a few more
nuanced moves through. For example, reconfigure the National Security
Council so that it’s led by our inner circle. Or gut the State Department’s
ability to resist more extreme moves. That will have massive benefits down
the road — the NSC are the folks that authorize secret assassinations against
enemies of the state, including American citizens. Almost nobody has time to
analyze that move closely, and those that do can’t get coverage.
This seems like insane FPS analysis to me. The Bannon to NSC thing
was reported on, and what's the implication of this article, that if only people weren't too busy protesting in the streets over the immigration ban they would be protesting in the streets about Bannon on the NSC, rising up to stop it from happening? Get out of here, that **** is way too wonky for people to protest, if it's legal then it was always going to happen anyway and never be opposed anyway no matter how they chose to do it.
Originally Posted by awval999
The unsung heros of the Republic for the next four years are going to be the Senators who cross party lines. The McCains and Grahams of the right and the McCaskill and Testers of the left.
Uh, awval, what great work are the liberals who break with their own party to join Republicans (spoiler: to do something Trump wants) going to be doing during this administration?