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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

05-23-2017 , 03:19 PM

hard to reason with soulless ****heads like this
05-23-2017 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
I kinda feel bad for Melania. She didn't sign up for any of this. She married rich, has a cushy life in Trump Tower, gets to go shopping, do what she wants, raise her son...

And then BOOM - she's the ****ing First Lady of the United States??

No way she wanted this.
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
What has she really done as FLOTUS before being his side piece in the ME for 9 days? Normally, FLOTUS takes on some kind of inoffensive cause that everybody can get behind like encouraging child literacy or anti-bullying campaigns. But Melania has done nothing of the sort. She doesn't even live in The White House. She still lives in Trump Tower and raises her son there. When was the last time the FLOTUS was this distant?

Her life has obviously changed for the worse since she definitely has some restrictions on where she can go for security reasons. But she still lives a pretty awesome life. I mean it's not she and Donald were inseparable before running for President.
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
no you're wrong. Melania is a nice enough person. Shes a golddigger. She married trump mostly for money. but that's not the only thing she thinks about its not just about a huge stack of bills . its not that she cant wait for him to die so she can pad her wallet. at this point hes just unpleasant to be around.
Originally Posted by Dominic
But now she's taking State trips the Middle East! Melania doesn't strike me as someone who's that interested in International Affairs. I'm just saying, I'm sure this wasn't part of the original deal, you know?
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
yeah probably not, i mean what if you went 3 years back in time like in 2014 and went around college bars arguing vociferously that Donald Trump was going to be president?
Melania went on TV for years to defend Trump's bull**** about Obama's birth certificate and you guys want to act like she's a victim?

She's absolutely completely complicit in all of this. Too ****ing bad she now has to actually go places as FLOTUS and deal with her husband's small hands.
05-23-2017 , 03:29 PM
lol I didn't say she was a victim, I said she didn't sign up for this. But hey, you make a deal with the devil, you're gonna get burned.
05-23-2017 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
But now she's taking State trips the Middle East! Melania doesn't strike me as someone who's that interested in International Affairs. I'm just saying, I'm sure this wasn't part of the original deal, you know?
It's not like she has to give a speech or anything. All Trump wants her to do is stand still and look pretty.
05-23-2017 , 03:33 PM
i said a long time ago (before the election) that melania is an obvious troll. she 1) rickrolled everyone at the RNC, 2) plagiarized michelle obama, and 3) wore the pussy blouse to whatever function that was during the height of the pussygate scandal.

she speaks something like 5 different languages fluently and was in university before she won some prestigious modelling/fashion award and had the opportunity to get paid for being beautiful. now she doesn't even live in the white house and you see her swatting his hand away what, 3 different times during high profile events starting with inauguration? she hates his guts and she's not an idiot.
05-23-2017 , 03:40 PM
In Slovenia, speaking 5 (or more) languages fluently is not a unique trait. Everybody there speaks a minimum of 2 languages fluently and the vast majority a lot more. I've met bartenders in Ljubljana who speak 5 languages.

Not saying that she's dumb, but that while her language skills are impressive to us, it is not uncommon in places like Slovenia where the native language is unpopular worldwide, English is taught as a main course in schools, cultural influence of nearby countries make learning languages like German and Italian easy to learn in passing and being part of Yugoslavia allowed for exposure to other Slavic languages.

Last edited by SuperUberBob; 05-23-2017 at 03:45 PM.
05-23-2017 , 03:43 PM
clearly its more common to know multiple languages in eastern europe than it is in america, but the point is that she was fairly well educated and capable beyond just being hot AF
05-23-2017 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Your original point was that ISIS isn't attacking in the US because of the vigilance of our intelligence and law enforcement agencies. I think it's much more likely to be for other reasons - they don't have the resources, they have other priorities, they've strategically decided not to attack the US, etc.

If they wanted to make us a priority, and they still have the resources, it would not be that hard to commit fairly frequent attacks with 10+ dead in the US.
I think they still want to keep attacking the US as a priority, but I think they may be unable to efficiently move men and resources out of their territory at this point. Most attacks seem to be carried out by people that are radicalized online that were born in the area they attacked, not people trained/funded directly by ISIS.

In theory, if they got someone from their territory into the Schengen Area with a clean passport, it wouldn't be that hard to get them to the states to then carry out a plan. Since this hasn't happened, I assume that it's a combination of:

a) Having difficulty defending their territory even with the manpower they have, and hence not being able to afford to move people to use in attacks.

b) Probably being under a heavy amount of surveillance in terms of roads in and out of their territory (gotta assume all major Western powers have satellites constantly watching).

c) Having to get through a great deal of not only hostile territory, but hostile territory that's actively a war zone.


d) Having easier ways to keep attacking, even if less often.
05-23-2017 , 03:46 PM
Right - that's what I've been saying basically. But if ISIS now had the manpower, resources and motivation that Al Queda had back in the day - I don't think it would be that hard to get someone over here. I don't think the FBI and NSA are completely shielding us, although they are certainly making it more difficult.

Ultimately we have human nature working in our favor in that lone wolf serial killers, Muslim or otherwise, are extremely rare. To create serial killers en masse via tribal indoctrination requires time and close proximity.
05-23-2017 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Right - that's what I've been saying basically. But if ISIS now had the manpower, resources and motivation that Al Queda had back in the day - I don't think it would be that hard to get someone over here. I don't think the FBI and NSA are completely shielding us, although they are certainly making it more difficult.

Ultimately we have human nature working in our favor in that lone wolf serial killers, Muslim or otherwise, are extremely rare. To create serial killers en masse via tribal indoctrination requires close proximity.
I agree with all of that. Plus the ratio of manpower/resources to foreign attention was way different for Al Qaeda pre-9/11. Also, we're not only making it harder for them to get people out of their territory - but harder for would-be converts to go there.
05-23-2017 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
this is sure to click on the link and read the letter from the OGE to Mulvaney.

47 footnotes and 15 attachments in a nine page letter. At least someone is pushing back.

"In light of OGE’s clear authority and the long history of agencies’ compliance, your letter requesting a stay of OGE’s pending directive for production of information and records copied to hundreds of other executive branch officials is highly unusual. For OGE to fulfill its mission of preventing conflicts of interest and monitoring compliance with the ethics laws by agencies and officials, the Director must be able to act independently and free from political pressure. Congress created OGE as an institutional check to monitor the ethics program and to prevent conflicts of interest in the executive branch. OGE can effectively perform this role only if it can act objectively and without fear of reprisal.

In this context, it bears emphasizing that OGE has the authority to institute corrective action proceedings against agencies that fail to comply, or against individuals who improperly prevent agency ethics officials from complying, with the Ethics in Government Act.41 Likewise the Inspectors General and the U.S. Office of Special Counsel have authority to investigate allegations of retaliation against ethics officials for complying with the legal requirement to provide OGE with the information and records subject to this directive.42"

cc. Designated Agency Ethics Officials
General Counsels
Inspectors General
05-23-2017 , 04:19 PM
It must frustrate Trump that his wife won't even hold his hand in public. I hope we don't end up in a nuclear war because Don John isn't getting any.
05-23-2017 , 04:23 PM
Something that bears repeating is that the lawyers who I've seen working closely with Trump are uniformly third-rate (other than his litigation counsel in the Trump University case). They are hacks who will do anything a client says and don't have to account for it, because they are mainly responding to small frys or shaking down those who Trump has scammed/not paid, or writing baseless letters threatening suit against media outlets and others. (Remeber his threat to the NY Times, which basically responded: "Bring it on, fat boy.")

Trump's tax lawyer, of "blind trust" and "certified letter" fame, apparently counseled him not to sign his financial disclosure form, to which the OGE, among others, raised strong objections. I hope his false disclosures are somewhere around article 14 of impeachment.
05-23-2017 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
i said a long time ago (before the election) that melania is an obvious troll. she 1) rickrolled everyone at the RNC, 2) plagiarized michelle obama, and 3) wore the pussy blouse to whatever function that was during the height of the pussygate scandal.

she speaks something like 5 different languages fluently and was in university before she won some prestigious modelling/fashion award and had the opportunity to get paid for being beautiful. now she doesn't even live in the white house and you see her swatting his hand away what, 3 different times during high profile events starting with inauguration? she hates his guts and she's not an idiot.

Yeah I think rep has pretty much nailed it here. **** her tho.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
05-23-2017 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by uDevil
It must frustrate Trump that his wife won't even hold his hand in public. I hope we don't end up in a nuclear war because Don John isn't getting any.
There are so many becauses, aren't there?
05-23-2017 , 04:47 PM
It's under 140 characters - quite good irl tweet.

Trump Signs Holocaust Museum’s Book of Remembrance Like It’s a Middle-School Yearbookl

For comparison

05-23-2017 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by uDevil
It must frustrate Trump that his wife won't even hold his hand in public. I hope we don't end up in a nuclear war because Don John isn't getting any.
Ivankas probably giving him plenty, what with that new west wing office and all that
05-23-2017 , 04:50 PM
In case it wasnt posted already:

I know 6 year olds who write better postcards than that.

Last edited by Kukraprout; 05-23-2017 at 04:51 PM. Reason: edit: my pony didnt even leave a note
05-23-2017 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
Something that bears repeating is that the lawyers who I've seen working closely with Trump are uniformly third-rate (other than his litigation counsel in the Trump University case). They are hacks who will do anything a client says and don't have to account for it, because they are mainly responding to small frys or shaking down those who Trump has scammed/not paid, or writing baseless letters threatening suit against media outlets and others. (Remeber his threat to the NY Times, which basically responded: "Bring it on, fat boy.")

Trump's tax lawyer, of "blind trust" and "certified letter" fame, apparently counseled him not to sign his financial disclosure form, to which the OGE, among others, raised strong objections. I hope his false disclosures are somewhere around article 14 of impeachment.
# of negative POTUS news stories: 15,000

# of stories POTUS has called fake: 15,000

# of stories POTUS, who sues everybody, has threatened to sue: 0

# of times POTUS has tries to get FBI head to illegally jail reporters without cause: 1 or more
05-23-2017 , 04:54 PM
Speaking of fake bull****, DJT Jr is pushing this tweet. Look at how big the lies are getting:
05-23-2017 , 04:55 PM
Doesn't Daddy magically obtain competent counsel when not bullying contractors or making outrageous claims against like Rosie O'Donnell or whoever?
05-23-2017 , 04:59 PM
This is not a great article (no actual data) and this has been debated here before, but

He was not always so linguistically challenged.

STAT reviewed decades of Trump’s on-air interviews and compared them to Q&A sessions since his inauguration. The differences are striking and unmistakable.

Research has shown that changes in speaking style can result from cognitive decline. STAT therefore asked experts in neurolinguistics and cognitive assessment, as well as psychologists and psychiatrists, to compare Trump’s speech from decades ago to that in 2017; they all agreed there had been a deterioration, and some said it could reflect changes in the health of Trump’s brain.
05-23-2017 , 05:01 PM
I'll say one thing. If you want a true indicator of how effective fake news is on conservatives just look to their hero worship of trey gowdy. AFAICT he has never accomplished anything except getting dunked on by people testifying to his committee. However as soon as any spot opens my grandparents wanted in order trey gowdy for speaker trey gowdy for AG trey gowdy for FBI head..... people are literally in a different world if they believe those sites!
05-23-2017 , 05:06 PM
lol she wants nothing to do with the White House. She will do everything she can to stay away. The school thing was just an excuse not to live at the stinky old house.
05-23-2017 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Jules22
I'll say one thing. If you want a true indicator of how effective fake news is on conservatives just look to their hero worship of trey gowdy. AFAICT he has never accomplished anything except getting dunked on by people testifying to his committee. However as soon as any spot opens my grandparents wanted in order trey gowdy for speaker trey gowdy for AG trey gowdy for FBI head..... people are literally in a different world if they believe those sites!
Trey Dip**** was like SUPERepublican today. The others deferred to him 5 times I think.
