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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

05-23-2017 , 06:46 PM
Sean Hannity is devolving into Glenn Beck.
05-23-2017 , 06:47 PM
Hannity bringing back Zombie Colmes to argue with.
05-23-2017 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
47 footnotes and 15 attachments in a nine page letter. At least someone is pushing back.

In his letter to Mulvaney, Shaub argued that his office does have the legal authority to view the documents and generally oversee the executive branch’s ethics practices. He also noted that Congress supports giving OGE access to the waivers, citing a 2009 letter from Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) urging the Obama administration to disclose to the public waivers granted to former lobbyists. Shaub wrote in his letter that Grassley’s call for the waivers to be disclosed in 2009 prompted OGE to begin the practice of posting the waivers on its website for the public to view.
lol, the GOP just played itself.
05-23-2017 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Feels like a gimmick to pump up his ratings.
Probably. Like Maddow with the tax return thing.

But him quitting over this would be awesome.
05-23-2017 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by ASAP17
Trump's budget is 100% DOA just like all of Obama's just so we are clear. All of this is a negotiation where they will get very little.
This is good because the end of the public service student loan forgiveness program would lead my family to financial ruin.
05-23-2017 , 06:56 PM
Came here to post hannity is doubling down on the radio right now. May have to actually tune in to his show tonight to watch the meltdown.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
05-23-2017 , 06:56 PM
We could all use a good meltdown regardless, tonight should be interesting given his network has already retracted the story.
05-23-2017 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
Like geography for example.
This is the main reason and has been for hundreds of years. We have big giant oceans between us and the bad guys. Europe does not.
05-23-2017 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Sean Hannity is devolving into Glenn Beck.
I don't think so. Beck has very limited moments where he shows a side of decency. Hannity is evil incarnate in comparison.
05-23-2017 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
trump losing a handshake battle
What a ****ing baffoon
05-23-2017 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Well part of that is just geography. ISIS can't walk to the US.

But they could still wreak havoc in this country tomorrow if they wanted to. Just follow the DC sniper blue-print. Start randomly shooting people at soccer games and stuff in say So. Cal where everyone is outside all the time. You could bring the whole are to it's knees and have 30 million people living in constant fear.

Or set forest fires all throughout the west. Takes a match and some gasoline.

I think they just have other agendas than us right now.
It's probably harder than you might think to recruit people in the US to do things that they know will end up in either their death or a lifetime spent in prison. Also, to be fair, ISIS doesn't need to do anything to try to destabilize our political system right now, we're doing that just fine all on our own thank you.
05-23-2017 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by ASAP17
Holy **** guys if he's leaving over this story. One time?

“@seanhannity: Huge announcement tonight about Seth Rich, Trump/Russian Collusion corrupt media, the liberal effort to silence me. And my future at Fox!”
There's no way Fox let's him on the air tonight if there is even a whiff that he is leaving. Bunch of bluster to bring in views.
05-23-2017 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
There's no way Fox let's him on the air tonight if there is even a whiff that he is leaving. Bunch of bluster to bring in views.
Even if it is a stunt who cares? If dumb people with no brains want to start watching his program after it then so be it lol.
05-23-2017 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
I really hope they don't figure out the wildfire thing. Wouldn't even need to leave notes, it would be obvious from the sudden uptick in fires near homes.
The Japanese tried this during WWII. It didn't work. Again, geography.
05-23-2017 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
Damn Melania just straight ruthlessly cold towards Trump lmao. I assume she stays with him because there's a prenup saying divorce would mean she doesn't get anything. I'm guessing maybe she feels untouchable now because shes got a lot of dirt on him and he's vulnerable?

Though if he lives out his presidency wouldn't she be screwed?
She lives the life of a billionaire while living several states away from her husband. Occasionally she gets to be the first lady which is also awesome. What's not to like about her current arrangement?
05-23-2017 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by fuluck414
Came here to post hannity is doubling down on the radio right now. May have to actually tune in to his show tonight to watch the meltdown.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
This is why I read 2p2 - so you all can take the bullet and watch Hannity for me, instead of me ruining my week.
05-23-2017 , 07:21 PM
lol Gowdy "Hey bro give us some classified info in this hearing so we can discredit your ass."

Brennan: lol eat dong you greasy dork.

05-23-2017 , 07:22 PM
05-23-2017 , 07:23 PM
I gotta read cliffs for hannity watching it is completely out of the question lol it's not possible to sit through the whole thing unless you're a complete slappy
05-23-2017 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by Our House

4 & 6 are clean as far as we know. The rest can all be compromised, mostly by Flynn and Russia.
85 Year Old President Hatch would be glorious.
05-23-2017 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Sean Hannity is devolving into Glenn Beck.
I mean, even Glenn Beck was intellectually honest/ internally consistent enough to not support trump (and continue to not jump on the trump bandwagon), so I'd say that Hannity has been far below Glenn Beck for some time now.

Glenn Beck type people are the kinds of People we need to beat Trump. We should give them something that doesn't really matter to get them on our side, like, *ok, you can have the ten commandments posted in public buildings, just vote out the repubs supporting trump, thanks.*
05-23-2017 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by Jules22
I gotta read cliffs for hannity watching it is completely out of the question lol it's not possible to sit through the whole thing unless you're a complete slappy
Cmon take one for the team and report back. You have been chosen. You are THE ONE. Rep_lol gets next.
05-23-2017 , 07:33 PM
who the hell cares about hannity, **** off.
05-23-2017 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by jman220
I mean, even Glenn Beck was intellectually honest/ internally consistent enough to not support trump (and continue to not jump on the trump bandwagon), so I'd say that Hannity has been far below Glenn Beck for some time now.

Glenn Beck type people are the kinds of People we need to beat Trump. We should give them something that doesn't really matter to get them on our side, like, *ok, you can have the ten commandments posted in public buildings, just vote out the repubs supporting trump, thanks.*
Beck switches back and forth on supporting Trump depending on if Trump is talking about cutting taxes or making a faux pas that day
05-23-2017 , 07:36 PM
