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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

10-01-2017 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by Lilu7
Our President guys!

His first attempt at the Tweet was magnitudes better.

10-01-2017 , 08:01 AM
so people are dying in puerto rico because the biggest and strongest nation in the world cant figure out how to get them drinking water, and this is the top headline in the US section on google news-

"Flutes possibly contaminated with semen given to California students, schools warn"

not a single article about puerto rico-
10-01-2017 , 08:05 AM
This late on a Sunday morning and no trump tweets?
10-01-2017 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by awval999
The point of my rants last night was that "words have meaning".

Matty doesn't need to sensationalize PR discussion with "hundreds of thousands" dead.

As always the response is, "awval is terrible." and "He'd let 300,000 Americans die for $82 in tax cuts". It's not even funny.

Trump will have to answer for the PR/FEMA response. But it's more than just a disaster response. Large amount of Puerto Rican's will permanently leave the island. Furthering their "brain drain". The island will need large Congressional disaster aid to fix their infrastructure. Hopefully the Congress rises to the occasion.

None of us are being funny. Everything you have ever posted is evidence this is exactly how you feel. You have no empathy. You have never posted a single thing to suggest you care at all about the people Trump hurts EVERY SINGLE DAY. You have never posted a single hint of regret for you support of Trump. In fact, you are one of his biggest boosters itt only showing up when you have a chance to back Trump.

I’ve literally been banned or infracted three times now for railing against you. The reason I loathe you more than any of the other trumpkins itt is because it’s clear you are not an idiot or low information moron. You are also not trolling which makes your unending support of Trump SO MUCH WORSE.

You are what is wrong with America. Someone who knows the facts about the suffering of others but CHOOSES to not give a **** because of the small chance of a benefit for you.

This is why people call you an awful person.
10-01-2017 , 08:11 AM

Fortuño’s wiki page says he now lives in DC and works as a lobbyist.
Proceeding well. PERIOD
10-01-2017 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by awval999
The point of my rants last night was that "words have meaning".

Matty doesn't need to sensationalize PR discussion with "hundreds of thousands" dead.
nobody is sensationalizing anything, that is a very real possibility/outcome if our dotard in chief doesn't figure out a way to get them some clean drinking water

As always the response is, "awval is terrible." and "He'd let 300,000 Americans die for $82 in tax cuts". It's not even funny.
you're right it's not funny. that doesn't mean it's not true tho- you clearly dont give a ****, never have and never will. you dont get to take the high road here son, you created this and so far you're perfectly fine enough with it all. you would do it all over again.

Trump will have to answer for the PR/FEMA response.
not from the likes of you
10-01-2017 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by awval999
The point of my rants last night was that "words have meaning".
I agree that words have meaning, so yo DJ, run that **** back:

Originally Posted by Matty Lice
The army is now saying that 55% are now without water. It was 45% 4 days ago. That's almost 2 million people. Unless something happens NOW, by this time next week, it's possible the death toll will be in the hundreds of thousands.
Specifically, words like 'unless', 'now', 'next', 'week' and 'possible' etc.

For whatever it may be worth, most people can be expected to survive without water for 3-4 days. Presumably, that expands a little when they get desperate and start drinking contaminated water. If the 55% figure is correct, then (3.411x.55) ~1.87 million people are in that spot. It's not remotely questionable that if nothing is done about that, within a week, hundreds of thousands of people could be dead. Particularly bearing in mind that there's already four days on the clock.

So, now that that's all nice and cleared up and everyone can agree to just scroll past whatever mealy-mouthed quibbling you might post in response, why the **** is your first instinct here to start shushing people? I mean EVEN CONCEDING your (incorrect, see above and also microbet) assumption that it's simply not possible for hundreds of thousands of people to die, couldn't you just look at it as hyperbole? Is hyperbole so terrible when suggesting that hurricane victims should get help? What the **** is wrong with you?
10-01-2017 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
Is hyperbole so terrible when suggesting that hurricane victims should get help? What the **** is wrong with you?
he cares more about mean words directed at dear leader daddy than he does about actual people
10-01-2017 , 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV

See, this is where this less v fewer prescriptivist nightmare is leading us. At long last, sir, have you fewer shame?
fewer weeks

less time
10-01-2017 , 08:41 AM
"They want everything to be done for them."

10-01-2017 , 08:43 AM
lol @ Melania's body language
10-01-2017 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
fewer weeks

less time
My God, is there nothing you can't be wrong about?
10-01-2017 , 08:58 AM
10-01-2017 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by awval999
The point of my rants last night was that "words have meaning".

Matty doesn't need to sensationalize PR discussion with "hundreds of thousands" dead.

As always the response is, "awval is terrible." and "He'd let 300,000 Americans die for $82 in tax cuts". It's not even funny.

Trump will have to answer for the PR/FEMA response. But it's more than just a disaster response. Large amount of Puerto Rican's will permanently leave the island. Furthering their "brain drain". The island will need large Congressional disaster aid to fix their infrastructure. Hopefully the Congress rises to the occasion.

What about Trump rising to the occasion? "Will have to answer." Why does he not already have to answer now, for a failed response, and failure of leadership while he golfs, and failure of caring about people's lives and instead caring about their debts to his rich buddies?

You seem to be shifting your "concern" to fixing future infrastructure and shifting accountability to Congress. But what about the here and now? What about millions of people's lives at stake, and the one person who could have done the most, failing to do so?

People on the ground in PR are saying that their people are dying because of Trump's ineffectivity and failed response. Why won't you hold him accountable for that?
10-01-2017 , 09:17 AM
Mnuchin is rising in my "people hate the most in the Trump administration the most" list.
10-01-2017 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by yeSpiff

Proceeding well. PERIOD
Statement seems accurate, it's just missing a few words:

"unprecedented-ly bad Federal response"

"commitment to the debt of Puerto Rico"
10-01-2017 , 09:19 AM
That's a solid title for a hate list
10-01-2017 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
[X] Gaslighting
[X] Lying
[X] Praising himself
[X] Attacking those responsibly shedding light on the situation
[X] An inhuman lack of concern for the millions of lives at stake
10-01-2017 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
Mnuchin is rising in my "people hate the most in the Trump administration the most" list.
For sure. Pruitt is top. He would take a dump in your water supply if they paid him enough.
10-01-2017 , 09:26 AM
Mnuchin is a huge piece of ****, of course. In addition to being horrible in every area relevant to actually governing, look at who he married.
10-01-2017 , 09:29 AM
Lol this is weird.
10-01-2017 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
Maybe I'm missing something obvious, and this is far from my area of expertise... But if you have the water, food and medicine there but there aren't enough drivers, can't you airlift supplies in? Focusing on water, specifically, it seems like there are two viable ways to help people:

1. Get them bottled water.

2. Get them purification tablets or bottles with purification filters.

It seems like we could deliver either supply via helicopter and even just drop the packages of tablets/purification bottles with parachutes if there's nowhere to land.

It also seems to me like FEMA should have purification supplies in storage constantly in various regions.

We're flailing around trying to get food and water from A to B. When you're the United States of America, "We don't have enough drivers," should not be the end of the conversation.

I mean, in times of war we surely have plans for getting supplies to the front lines if roads are cut off, right?
Also keep in mind that this hurricane didn't come out of nowhere. There should have been contingency plans in place for most scenarios.
10-01-2017 , 10:01 AM
Fox website has almost nothing on Puerto Rico, except for one headline: "President cites Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands leadership after slamming mayor"

Which you have to scroll down the page to get to, down below the important headline of "Justin Bieber told Marilyn Manson 'I made you relevant again,' says shock rocker"

10-01-2017 , 10:05 AM
its like foxnews doesnt even try anymore. it's so hard to defend this dotard of a president that the only headlines i ever see from that piece of **** website are essentially celebrity tabloid fodder

what a ****ing scumbag joke of a "news" organization
10-01-2017 , 10:31 AM
I imagine at every Fox News editor's desk there's a flow chart. Something like: "Does this make the GOP look good?" "If no, can it be spun to make them look good" With the final NO leading to instructions to post clickbait instead.
