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meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid?

09-20-2009 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by surfinillini
Alright I got a PoF story for ya. I actually met one real cool girl on that site and we hungout for a drink. Not my type physically but we're def gonna hangout again as friends cause she's cool and fun.

Eitherway, I've been getting a lot of replies. I send out about 10 real quick emails a week and get about 6 reponses which usually turn into 2 or 3 convos and then 1 or 2 ph#s. I have some decent pics up and some good profile info but lots of these chicks are either flakey or the profiles are fake. this cute chick emails me and we talk 3 or 4 times and she gives me her ph#. We make a tentative plan but says something came up and flakes 2 days b4 which is cool but then admits to me nothing came up she just didn't feel well. Whatever. So I text her a few times and she seems cool. She asks if she can call me...I say fine whatever I have a program on my phone that blocks numbers.

So she calls and I miss the call but call her back a few hrs later. Someone picks up with a real deep voice, I'm like is xxxx there? In the deepest female voice humanly possible she says "yea its me". I start worrying and am like how's things. Her response verbatim...

"Ugh I'm kinda pissed right now, I just got this new number but it used to be someone elses and I keep getting calls and voicemails from a bunch of n×××ers." (Not naggers ala southpark).

I panic and say I got a call on the other line. Hangup and block ph# gg. There's a few more girls I'm talking to online but I think I'll stick to my normal meeting girls in person routine lol.

/end story (possibly more to follow)
lol at that avatar, it makes me think randy is the one on PoF.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-21-2009 , 08:49 AM
r the dating sites good or what?
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-21-2009 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by eatmefish808
r the dating sites good or what?
I don't know. If only there existed a thread where you could discuss them...
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-21-2009 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by eatmefish808
r the dating sites good or what?
The answer really depends on if you have standards or not.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-21-2009 , 12:19 PM
After this it seems that I have to try PoF. I think that I might pay to see Henry meet someone of that site and try and have a convo with her.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-21-2009 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by fraserbrown
I think that I might pay to see Henry meet someone of that site and try and have a convo with her.
Second. But the date must be filmed. I'm sure he would have no trouble passing it off as just another documentary about him.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-21-2009 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by orange
my friend drunkenly signed up for acct and banged his first chick after the second date. i bet there are some freaks on these sites.

I've mentioned this before but after one of my exes dumped me she unashamedly put a profile on This was around five years ago. She told me some pretty lol horror stories of guys she would meet. Aside from being entertaining it made me feel better about myself.

A female ex-roommate of mine used to go on a ton of dates, including guys she wasn't interested in but knew she could get a dinner out of (epic weaksauce). This was a full ten years ago and she wasn't bad looking, so whatever stigma supafrey claims (I've only read page 1 (50 p/p obv)) has almost certainly gone a long way towards diminishing since then.

Because I put a lot of emphasis on quality of the written word I should probably check out these sites more. Part of the reason I don't is I've heard the ratio is terrible and any halfway decent-looking broad is getting hit up left and right and I'd rather not throw my hat into that ring, and also the times I've checked out a site it seems women mostly post "myspace pics", i.e. their best photo. Invariably these are only headshots which lead me to strongly believe they are centaurs. And it would suck to have a back-and-forth with a chick only to meet up and discover she has a big, flabby, unfit ass.

Remember kids: "athletic" body type is code for "fat".
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-21-2009 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by tuq

I've mentioned this before but after one of my exes dumped me she unashamedly put a profile on This was around five years ago. She told me some pretty lol horror stories of guys she would meet. Aside from being entertaining it made me feel better about myself.

A female ex-roommate of mine used to go on a ton of dates, including guys she wasn't interested in but knew she could get a dinner out of (epic weaksauce). This was a full ten years ago and she wasn't bad looking, so whatever stigma supafrey claims (I've only read page 1 (50 p/p obv)) has almost certainly gone a long way towards diminishing since then.

Because I put a lot of emphasis on quality of the written word I should probably check out these sites more. Part of the reason I don't is I've heard the ratio is terrible and any halfway decent-looking broad is getting hit up left and right and I'd rather not throw my hat into that ring, and also the times I've checked out a site it seems women mostly post "myspace pics", i.e. their best photo. Invariably these are only headshots which lead me to strongly believe they are centaurs. And it would suck to have a back-and-forth with a chick only to meet up and discover she has a big, flabby, unfit ass.

Remember kids: "athletic" body type is code for "fat".
I think most of the "stigma" is gone these days, depending on where you area. In my limited experience, there's no stigma in bigger cities. I suppose that could be different in more conservative areas, but then again I live in North Carolina now (albeit in Chapel Hill, which is pretty academic and liberal) and I know several couples who freely admit that's how they met.

As for the written word aspect: I used some online dating sites maybe seven years ago. One thing I remember is how many of the profiles seemed the same. Not in details, maybe, but in the way they were written, the jokes, the sense of humor. Maybe there are online dating site versions of internet memes.

On the one hand, it lets you know you're dealing with someone similar. I can't give you specifics (it's been a while), but these ways of writing something, these common jokes and references, it's common ground. The flip side though, after a while the profiles all tend to read alike.

If you're in a big enough area, there are a lot of attractive people on these sites. I dated several people I met through these sites. None of them lasted long-term, but my experiences were positive and fun.

I tend to think of online dating as just one way among many that you can meet people.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-21-2009 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
Yeah, this is how I would guess it as well. But I knew about the 'guys are ******s' stuff from talking with some of the girls online or the ones I met in real life.

I would say my response rate was somewhere in the 80% range once I got better at it. I know this is a brag but it really is what my success-rate was once I stopped sucking. I did tend to go for slightly intellectual chicks who were more likely to think my approach to them and profile were interesting. So I do think my own selection here played a role as well.

I also think a lot of this had to do with them checking out my profile and digging me after I had made initial contact with them. initial contact technique is only the start.

Your pic hopefully doesn't suck. That's kind of helpful too. I'm stunned by the number of people who have bad pics of themselves on their profiles.

Anyway, here are a couple of examples to roll with:

- Hey cutie. I liked your profile. You look GREAT! I like chatting online too (or something incredibly lame).


- Hello. Our musical tastes mesh pretty nicely so naturally I felt inclined to message you. Not enough fans of some of those bands on here. What the hell is wrong with these people? Thank God for people like us to recognize their total awesomeness.

Do you like haikus? Well, you're getting one anyway. Allow me to summarize one of my thoughts upon reading your profile:

I have tickets for
The Killers concert next week.
Jealous? I thought so!

I don't go through the effort of constructing a haiku for just anyone so you indeed should consider yourself special. Anyway, I enjoyed your profile and I hope you enjoyed my haiku even if it really does make you insanely jealous (and honestly...why wouldn't it? I'm going to the Killers and it will be ridiculously awesome).
Good lord. IMO:

I get the feeling that MicroBob's online dating career coincided with the batteries dying on his Mr. Microphone.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-21-2009 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by ElSapo
As for the written word aspect: I used some online dating sites maybe seven years ago. One thing I remember is how many of the profiles seemed the same. Not in details, maybe, but in the way they were written, the jokes, the sense of humor. Maybe there are online dating site versions of internet memes.
From memory there are certainly commonalities that suggest that a chick may either be prone to cliche or simply not that interesting. These are generally ones who write a template such as you hinted at which tends to include referencing enjoying hiking (this has to be by far the most mentioned activity) and something like "I can get dressed up for a night on the town or stay in and make it a Blockbuster night". I mean, most everyone does these things so it's pretty pointless to even mention it.

And naturally I eyeroll at basic blunders like your/you're and to/too, particularly when done more than once. A profile is like a resume; if you make glaring errors you're either not bright or don't care enough to get it right, neither of which is good. On the flip side good grammar - but hopefully not the overly clever, trying too hard type - is a turn-on.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-21-2009 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
From memory there are certainly commonalities that suggest that a chick may either be prone to cliche or simply not that interesting. These are generally ones who write a template such as you hinted at which tends to include referencing enjoying hiking (this has to be by far the most mentioned activity) and something like "I can get dressed up for a night on the town or stay in and make it a Blockbuster night". I mean, most everyone does these things so it's pretty pointless to even mention it.

And naturally I eyeroll at basic blunders like your/you're and to/too, particularly when done more than once. A profile is like a resume; if you make glaring errors you're either not bright or don't care enough to get it right, neither of which is good. On the flip side good grammar - but hopefully not the overly clever, trying too hard type - is a turn-on.
This isn't exactly what I meant, but whatever, it's the general idea. I just recall that when I was using Match in DC in 2002, there was a certain tone or texture that seemed to repeat forever.

For the record, I'm not saying this is a bad thing.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-21-2009 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
Gee, do you think weed is a drug? Do you think other people think weed is a drug?
I think you're going to get a lot of different answers to that depending on where the person lives.

Somewhere in the US midwest, people will think you were being deceptive by putting no.

In toronto, like 0% of people put a check mark besides "drugs", but like 90% of people either have tried it or do it socially.

I dont get plenty of fish at all.

The number of girls to guys must be ridiculous.

Every average to below average girl has like 100 guys who put her as a "favorite", and the hot ones have 200 min.

From what I've read, it's basically unheard of for girls to message guys and any semi attractive girl gets like 50+ messages a day.

If you even want to stand a shot at getting a response, you have to message girls you wouldnt ordinarily have any interest in. Or be basically the pinnacle of what every girl is looking for.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-21-2009 , 06:34 PM
I suck at selecting user names for these things. What are some good examples of usernames? You can see how ******ed my 2+2 name/screen name is. My first thought is to use something from a cool movie or tv show but thats probably dumb right?
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-21-2009 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by ElSapo
I suppose this says more about me than it does about OOT, but I was previously unaware how many awkward losers hang around this forum. I really believed it was primarily populated by slightly nerdy but otherwise cool, relatively young, smart, funny people.

It appears that internet forum humor does not translate well into real life. Just reading some of the ideas in this thread, many of you are hopeless.

Seriously, telling people who're a widower is a terrible, terrible plan.

For what it's worth, I fully support online dating as a way to meet people -- especially in larger cities. But the people you'll meet are already open to the idea of meeting people, dating and yes, Virginia, even going to bed with you. If you have to lie to make yourself more attractive to that group, you must have some kind of negative-game.

I can't help but feel exactly the same way.

Some of you are so socially inept. lol
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-21-2009 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by NickdaNutz
I suck at selecting user names for these things. What are some good examples of usernames? You can see how ******ed my 2+2 name/screen name is. My first thought is to use something from a cool movie or tv show but thats probably dumb right?
How about your real name with some numbers? Easy enough
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-21-2009 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by NickdaNutz
I suck at selecting user names for these things. What are some good examples of usernames? You can see how ******ed my 2+2 name/screen name is. My first thought is to use something from a cool movie or tv show but thats probably dumb right?
TheRapist123 and tell them you're a shrink
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-21-2009 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
Okay, I actually tracked down my old profile that was getting girls to message me (and getting me mucho success when I would message girls). I'm surprised the profile or whatever wasn't deleted after all this time. Anyway, most of you probably aren't into the types of girls that I would be into so just kind of roll with it and understand that part.

Here's a part of it:

Q - Why you should get to know me (tell a little about yourself):

Because I can set the hi-score on your favorite bar's Ms. Pac-Man machine...which should impress you to no end.

I am now semi-adept eating sushi with chopsticks but it took some practice.

I taught myself to play piano. I can also juggle.
I have a pair of really cool shoes.

I like Game-Show Network but it's kinda going downhill these days. i now get my cable for free.

i am drunk on a tuesday as i am updating this profile.
i am also gainfully employed.

Favorite band name that doesn't exist yet - The Lazy Susans (alternative - The Lazy Suzannes).

I don't like Florida.

I recently cleaned out my car from top to bottom and uncovered $91.36 (not including random Canadian change).

I am not originally from this area so I don't have that amusing southern twang thing.

I have had zero Elvis sightings here.

"Sassy" is a fun word.

I still get crushes on people I barely know.

I have a low voice that some women find sexy.

I like the new Vanilla Coke.

Making out is really fun.

I don't like "Yo!" although I will say 'Dude' upon occasion.

I remember a lot of my dreams.

I am definitely a night-person.

I can kick everyone's ass at baseball trivia.

I prefer Gin-and-tonics to beer.

my best friend looks like Bruce Springsteen.

I have never smoked a cigarette although said Springsteen-lookalike thinks I should because it would somehow suit me.

The groovy tie I'm sporting in my profile pic is my favorite although it makes me look far preppier than I really am.

recently updated for your amusement and bemusement.

Thanks for reading.
Have a happy day.
Good grief Charlie Brown. This strikes me as terrible for all sorts of reasons:

- way too long. way WAY too long.
- chicks like to talk about themselves, most will tune out a guy if he starts to ramble
- way too G rated. It's like you're trying to go out with a Disney character. You need to watch the part in Swingers where Vince Vaughn tells Mikey what women want, because he's right.

Having said all of this, evidently it's worked for you (somehow). You said you're dating a foreign chick so that could be a large element of it. I suspect most pasty white American broads would just look at that and say "wtf? tl;dr" and get back to texting their BFF Kate about how that mean guy (not you obv) won't call her back while she stuffs her gaping maw with a chocolate chip cookie dough Blizzard.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-21-2009 , 11:40 PM
Here's my profile

Interests: Myself and reruns of fresh prince of bel-air

About Me: I am a very bitter person. I am looking for a woman who will argue with my mom while I watch television and sleep. Also, having a job which can support my luxories is a plus. If you are a girl who gets around, don't message me because that is utterly disgusting. I can't imagine being with a girl who would argue with some other guy's mom when my mom is out of town.
You must be very good at cooking because my dog is very picky about food. Another important quality is having a good habit of checking the pizza when you pick it up from domino's (which you will frequently do because I hate wasting money on tipping the driver).
I know you like me but wipe that smile off your head.

First Date: Not show up, then get mad at you for confusing the meeting location and time up. If you're lucky enough to get a second date, I would have you pick me up and go to the park or a graveyard. Other places cost money and frankly I have better things to spend money on (like impulse buys at the flea market). I am a gentleman though. After we do it I won't run off with your keys and take your car. If you ever hear some woman accusing me of that, she is just a bitter psycho who can't afford full coverage insurance.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-22-2009 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by GrassHopperAA
Here's my profile

Interests: Myself and reruns of fresh prince of bel-air

About Me: I am a very bitter person. I am looking for a woman who will argue with my mom while I watch television and sleep. Also, having a job which can support my luxories is a plus. If you are a girl who gets around, don't message me because that is utterly disgusting. I can't imagine being with a girl who would argue with some other guy's mom when my mom is out of town.
You must be very good at cooking because my dog is very picky about food. Another important quality is having a good habit of checking the pizza when you pick it up from domino's (which you will frequently do because I hate wasting money on tipping the driver).
I know you like me but wipe that smile off your head.

First Date: Not show up, then get mad at you for confusing the meeting location and time up. If you're lucky enough to get a second date, I would have you pick me up and go to the park or a graveyard. Other places cost money and frankly I have better things to spend money on (like impulse buys at the flea market). I am a gentleman though. After we do it I won't run off with your keys and take your car. If you ever hear some woman accusing me of that, she is just a bitter psycho who can't afford full coverage insurance.
I know you were going for funny, but this just comes off as creepy.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-22-2009 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by NLfool
show me the way jedi masters

Lesson #1: Don't ever use a star wars reference on a date
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-22-2009 , 01:21 AM
Ugghhh some of you need to just keep it simple...if your wittyness is overbearing in the presence of a group of intelligent males, then its definitely way over the head of the average internet female floozie.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-22-2009 , 02:25 AM
what if u have a girlfriend do girls care or are there girls on there that have boyfriends too..
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-22-2009 , 11:22 AM
Man, sounds like you guys really need to PM me for coaching rates.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-22-2009 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
Man, sounds like you guys really need to PM me for coaching rates.
The surprising thing about this thread is how a lot of this stuff isn't intuitive. Be brief, provocative, and unique. In other words, make an impression without being overbearing or long-winded. Everything traz wrote - and backed up with personal experience - is spot-on.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-22-2009 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by GrassHopperAA
Here's my profile

Interests: Myself and reruns of fresh prince of bel-air

About Me: I am a very bitter person. I am looking for a woman who will argue with my mom while I watch television and sleep. Also, having a job which can support my luxories is a plus. If you are a girl who gets around, don't message me because that is utterly disgusting. I can't imagine being with a girl who would argue with some other guy's mom when my mom is out of town.
You must be very good at cooking because my dog is very picky about food. Another important quality is having a good habit of checking the pizza when you pick it up from domino's (which you will frequently do because I hate wasting money on tipping the driver).
I know you like me but wipe that smile off your head.

First Date: Not show up, then get mad at you for confusing the meeting location and time up. If you're lucky enough to get a second date, I would have you pick me up and go to the park or a graveyard. Other places cost money and frankly I have better things to spend money on (like impulse buys at the flea market). I am a gentleman though. After we do it I won't run off with your keys and take your car. If you ever hear some woman accusing me of that, she is just a bitter psycho who can't afford full coverage insurance.
I dont get the hate for this... I thought it was great and considered copying it for my profile.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
