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meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid?

09-04-2009 , 06:04 AM
midnight mistress says: (2:55:13 AM)till next time.
SQE says: (2:55:20 AM)keep fit, and have fun
midnight mistress says: (2:55:20 AM)and i'll use my time wisely
midnight mistress says: (2:55:24 AM)haha!
midnight mistress says: (2:55:30 AM)i love those commericals

Miracle I got that joke off in time. Just a fraction of a second later and everything I'd built with this girl would have come crashing down in a wall of bad timing.
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09-04-2009 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by Matt Williams
BTW- A g/f isn't supposed to get a white rose. DUCY?
I know that a white rose (actually I think its a white carnation) signifies a gesture of "friendship" but still looks needy and desperate and
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09-04-2009 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by Matt Williams
Micro, I'm not trying to be a tool. I know what guys are going to say.
A buddy of mine owns a florist and he has repeatedly told me that guys that do get a single flower on a first date are that much ahead in the game. He says it shows you are being thoughtful and if there is any chemistry at all, you are scoring major points. He said if there's nothing there, a flower isn't going to matter anyway and it only costs the guy $5. This is why I am asking for a girls opinion.
Actually, the single flower thing is really nice and would be fine, but any kind of rose for a blind date feels like trying too hard and thinking too predictably. Bring a tulip/sunflower/Gerbera daisy and score major points.
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09-04-2009 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by surfinillini
I know that a white rose (actually I think its a white carnation) signifies a gesture of "friendship" but still looks needy and desperate and
Yeah, I have only done this one time and was like a carnation or something and dates best friend told me it was a great idea for her. Worst case scenario with White Rose is that it looks desperate and best case the girl doesn't mind but thinks WTF, aren't White Roses sign of friendship.
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09-04-2009 , 11:14 AM
Don't even consider bringing a flower unless you're 55 years old+++. Jesus christ guys.
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09-04-2009 , 03:41 PM
I mean the only way I could see a flower/rose whatever working is if you're an emo and give the girl some bull**** line about how you like to be friends w/all potential hook ups first to make them feel more comfortable and help drop the panties quicker but you could inadvertently come off as a creeper.

I mean do something clever at least. There was this one chick who I was seeing off and on, not really gf level but dating moreso. I wanted to get back on again and noticed she collected shot glasses so on my last trip to vegas I picked up a $2 shot glass from the palms for her and she melted when I gave it to her. Immediately dragged me into the bedroom when I got to her place before we even went out for dinner.
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09-04-2009 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
By the way, I thought it was amusing when she explained her "You're what I've been looking for," remark. Like I said, we had some communication issues at the start. What she meant was:

--I have a job;
--I'm as clean-cut and neatly dressed in person as I am in my profile pics;
--I can speak intelligently;
--I own a car.

It seems that just about no guy on these websites can pass that elementary examination. That's your competition, fellas.
Congrats on the early success. Seems like you're really comfortable and very honest with yourself, which is pretty cool and prob will work out well for you. But, I think the kind of people that an OOT 1 who's way older than the average person on this forum probably meets different people than the women who most people on this forum are looking for.
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09-04-2009 , 07:28 PM
Thanks fellas for the inspiration. You guys inspired me to make a profile on POF. However, that is going to be a fake profile in another city. I'm going to test out my messages to see what works/doesnt work. That way I can send out a good opening message with a good hit rate to those girls im interested in my town.

I have to admit i am hella nervous about this! mostly because i'm afraid someone that knows me might see my profile on POF. That would be a big hit to my reputation.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-04-2009 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by LonesomeFugitive
Thanks fellas for the inspiration. You guys inspired me to make a profile on POF. However, that is going to be a fake profile in another city. I'm going to test out my messages to see what works/doesnt work. That way I can send out a good opening message with a good hit rate to those girls im interested in my town.

I have to admit i am hella nervous about this! mostly because i'm afraid someone that knows me might see my profile on POF. That would be a big hit to my reputation.
The standards are so low with online dating that you don't really need to worry about this.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-04-2009 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by Matt Williams
Micro, I'm not trying to be a tool. I know what guys are going to say.
A buddy of mine owns a florist and he has repeatedly told me that guys that do get a single flower on a first date are that much ahead in the game. He says it shows you are being thoughtful and if there is any chemistry at all, you are scoring major points. He said if there's nothing there, a flower isn't going to matter anyway and it only costs the guy $5. This is why I am asking for a girls opinion.

In related news, I saw my barber today and he told me I need a haircut.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-04-2009 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny

--I have a job;
--I'm as clean-cut and neatly dressed in person as I am in my profile pics;
--I can speak intelligently;
--I own a car.

It seems that just about no guy on these websites can pass that elementary examination. That's your competition, fellas.
You realize the majority of oot probably can't pass that examination either? The first 3 at least.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-05-2009 , 12:06 AM
Tony, you ate butter for negligible amount of money. Don't judge us!
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-05-2009 , 04:12 AM
can you tell them your job is online poker? or is it better to lie?
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-05-2009 , 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by LonesomeFugitive
can you tell them your job is online poker? or is it better to lie?
Lie, and it's not close.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-05-2009 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by Dudd
Tony, you ate butter for negligible amount of money. Don't judge us!
4 years ago, when that happened, I wouldn't have passed either.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-05-2009 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny_B
In related news, I saw my barber today and he told me I need a haircut.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-06-2009 , 12:24 AM
Think I am going to make an account again to see what the site is like now. 2 years ago it was pretty solid in the tri-state area. At the risk of the current gf crushing my balls if she finds out of course. If any of you are in the area ill let ya know how it goes.
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09-06-2009 , 02:46 AM
I helped my friend set one up on POF 3 days ago using the ''widower'' angle.

He has three dates lined up starting tonight.

All three girls he chatted with online after THEY responded to him.
He actually got about 15 replies, but chose the 3 hottest.

His lineup; tonight with a 26 year old single mom\bank teller with no car but she has her own place. Meeting at a bar then who knows. 6.5\10

Tomorrow, 24 year old bartender who says she's only had sex with 2 men in her life. They are doing dinner and a movie. 7\10

Monday night he's meeting a 31 year old physical trainer who sent him a 'gift' She drives a Mustang, is divorced and he's taking her to a concert. She appears to be wealthy. 8\10

FYI The profile was accurate about him other than the widow part which was made up. He's had hundreds of views so far.
None of them asked probing questions about how his ''wife'' died.
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09-06-2009 , 03:16 AM
parole officer, post the profile content! we need ideas
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-06-2009 , 04:14 AM
OK, here is what we came up with, so far mucho successful.

(NOTE, if any of you guys use this or a portion of this tactic, please write back and let us know, so we can all compare notes. You have our full permission to use this, even copy and paste if you want to, just give us the knowledge of knowing that our work helped you out as well, HAPPY READING)

First, you have to clasify yourself as "widowed"
Next, you have to have that in your opening subject line, something like, "Tragic accident changed my life" or "Looking for love after losing my wife to cancer" or "car accident" whatever.

Here is the profile.

HERE is what frustrates me about this modern dating age we live in:
Why do I always get "increase your size" spam emails. How do they know I'm a guy? I have never once googled how to increase the size of my manhood, nor have I inquired or purchased a pill or product, why do I get these emails?

When I look at pictures of girls and they are shot all fuzzy with the girl wearing glasses, what the heck! Why cover your eyes? That makes me suspicious right from the start.

My- Space. I checked that site out, but it seems like every third profile blasts lame loud music, and some people use so many glitzy graphics that I can't even read the comments on their page. Why would someone pimp out their page to the point where it's unreadable?

OK, enough grouching Here are the facts.

1. My hobbies are people. I find the different style, intelligence and humor in people facinating. I LOVE being surrounded with different people both in my work, and personal life.

2. My goal is to find someone I can share my time with, hopefully lots of it.

3. What makes me unique? There isn't any way I can explain without sounding****. Basically, I'm a guy who is a peacemaker. I can read a person's face and tell if they are happy, sad or angry. I analyze everything. If a day goes by and I don't learn something new in life, it was a wasted day.

4. Super well-rounded in music. I enjoy a variety, from country to old school rock and roll to hip hop. I really enjoy rock and roll ballads. Music is awesome.

A first date is all about comfort and finding out if there is a future.
If there's not a future between the two of you, then we're only wasting each other's time.

I've been out of the dating arena for years now, but I do know when you feel chemistry, it's a feeling like no other.

I'm big on talking. Crazy I know, but that's the truth. Anywhere where we can go and get to know each other. But I also will want to put you out of your normal environment, so I can see who the real you is. So if you like going to a bar, I would take you fishing, or something different than your normal date.
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09-06-2009 , 04:33 AM
A few free pointers as well.
We've gone over this and in order to keep stories straight, you will need to anticipate questions ahead of time.

For this "widower" thing to work, and for you to not get caught, you will need to do the following.

1. Pick out a date your "wife" died. Use a friend's birthday, or an anniversary, whatever, but a date you will be able to reference easily if asked about it.

2. You must realize that any girls you make contact through with this ploy will not be long-term things. They will eventually figure it out, so you have to be looking for cheap sex and nothing long-term.

3. You need to pick out a "name" and how long you were married, and how she died. I recommend using the death of someone else you know, or have known to be able to answer almost honestly, just it will be about your ficticious wife.

4. Surprisingly, you won't get bothered about it much, and even then, if you talk about it, say a lot of things like, "I don't usually tell people this but...." Women love to think you are letting them inside your head.

5. Mention that it's been just OVER A YEAR since her death. And that you told yourself you would wait a year to reflect on your lost loved one. Mention that you knew it wouldn't be fair to any new partners or to yourself to start something new until you were sure your "wife" had been remembered. Girls will think you have will-power and they will admire you for that.

6. Mention that you have remained celibate during this time. The closest you have come to affection with a female have been hugs from friends and family. Girls will want to drop the panties for you almost immediately.

7. Expect girls to drop the panties QUICK. They will feel sorry for you, want to help and want something more maybe.

8. Hit it and get out.

9. Profit?
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09-06-2009 , 05:30 AM
I consider myself a bit of an inconsiderate dick, but even I'm thinking that widower scam is over the line indecent.
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09-06-2009 , 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by Valerio
I consider myself a bit of an inconsiderate dick, but even I'm thinking that widower scam is over the line indecent.
Really, what's the difference if a guy's divorced or if his wife died?

In both cases he is single. Just in the second case he's much more likely to get laid, and isn't that what this thread is about?
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09-06-2009 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
The standards are so low with online dating that you don't really need to worry about this.
i'm afraid i will f up with the first message. The first message you send them is the most important thing. I'm afraid if i don't test this out first im going to be sending a bunch of messages that will get no replies and i will go thru my list of girls i want to get in touch with.
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09-06-2009 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by LonesomeFugitive
i'm afraid i will f up with the first message. The first message you send them is the most important thing. I'm afraid if i don't test this out first im going to be sending a bunch of messages that will get no replies and i will go thru my list of girls i want to get in touch with.
Why not message the tier 3 girls first?

Last edited by Dazarath; 09-06-2009 at 08:05 PM.
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