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meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid?

09-09-2009 , 02:22 AM
Completely unrelated to this thread a few days ago I started to wonder... has anyone ever seen a really attractive ******?

I think this correlation breaks down at the extremes of intelligence and attractiveness
You know sometimes I wonder if extreme intelligence is perhaps a result of something going wrong rather than right. In any case, the extremes of pretty much anything probably tend to align less with general tendencies.

to repeat what i said, the correlation between attractiveness and cunning (metacognition in a social domain; adaptability of behavior; ability to adopt strategies that achieve social goals) seems (to me) incredibly strong at the upper end, as one would expect.
I'm not sure what exactly you are saying, but I'd think the correlation between genetic portion of attractiveness and genetic portion of any form of intelligence is at most moderate.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-09-2009 , 02:29 AM
Completely unrelated to this thread a few days ago I started to wonder... has anyone ever seen a really attractive ******?
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-09-2009 , 02:54 AM
**** the 30 min edit rule

it is impossible to visit both Harvard and a school like Connecticut College or BC (both good schools, but clearly at least a half standard deviation in IQ lower than Harvard on average) and think that the positive correlation of IQ/attractiveness is monotonic across the entire range of possible IQ values
I feel like you are making some very hasty assumptions. Is the main characteristic that determines wether you apply to and get in Harvard really IQ? I don't think so, it's more like did you study your ass off in the ten years before it. It sounds terribly cliched, but I'd have no problem believing that unattractive girls are far more likely to make huge efforts for an academic career. In other words,

Problem is I think everyone is confusing intelligence with knowledge or at least the appearance of knowledge. The hot blonde girl may by intelligent from an IQ perspective without having much knowledge and still acting like an airhead. The really unnatractive nerdy girl may not have as high of an IQ, but could have trained to be a doctor and have a ton of knowledge.
this could be your culprit

I've never met (or even known of for that matter) a girl who is a 10 on the oot scale who was what I would consider 'extremely intelligent' or even close.
[ ] sample size

If you are aiming at say top 2% by intelligence and top 2% by looks, then even if there's a moderate correlation between the two, it is still very unlikely that you score both.

And of course when you are thinking of 10 on the OOT scale then it's more dependent on stuff like fake boobs, a ton of makeup, professional lighting and photo editing than the real attractiveness of the girl, so that's definitely very wrong way to think about it. Think 10 IRL scale rather.

If I start to think about my own not an ounce more reliable "whom I know" sample, then it would seem there's a very strong correlation between intelligence and looks. I am sure it is not actually that strong.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-09-2009 , 02:59 AM
I've met lot of girls online. If you go thru dating sites, you won't find many hot chicks. Still many 7's and easy lays though. If you go thru myspace/facebook, you can find many many 10's. Just mass message "is that a wig you're wearing?" to every hot girl you can find. Then work your game.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-09-2009 , 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by AsianPlayboy
I've met lot of girls online. If you go thru dating sites, you won't find many hot chicks. Still many 7's and easy lays though. If you go thru myspace/facebook, you can find many many 10's. Just mass message "is that a wig you're wearing?" to every hot girl you can find. Then work your game.
Why not just get a scarlet L tattooed to your forehead if you want to announce to the world that you are a massive loser?
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-09-2009 , 08:13 AM
I'm kind of curious what this "game working" would consist of.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-09-2009 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by Vantek
it is impossible to visit both Harvard and a school like Connecticut College or BC (both good schools, but clearly at least a half standard deviation in IQ lower than Harvard on average) and think that the positive correlation of IQ/attractiveness is monotonic across the entire range of possible IQ values
I feel like you are making some very hasty assumptions. Is the main characteristic that determines wether you apply to and get in Harvard really IQ? I don't think so, it's more like did you study your ass off in the ten years before it. It sounds terribly cliched, but I'd have no problem believing that unattractive girls are far more likely to make huge efforts for an academic career. In other words,
IQ is not the only determinant, but IQ is correlated with many more direct factors. and not to derail this thread, but putting aside the differences in acquired knowledge and hard work studying, the difference between the average harvard kid and the average bc kid is substantial. with all the legacies and athletes i wouldn't be surprised if the 25th percentile at harvard was comparable to the 75th percentile at BC, but when you start comparing 75th percentiles directly the actual real intelligence difference is actually enormous (and at the 95% percentile much more extreme). i'm sure, as you said, "unattractive girls are far more likely to make huge efforts for an academic career," but people delude themselves if they think harvard kids just worked harder (though they did do that too). similarly, i'm confident the 75th percentile girls at BC would crush the 75th percentile attractiveness girls from harvard.

but the raw IQ thing is mostly moot anyway, because the people who say they want a really smart girl really care at least as much about her educational pedigree than her raw "intelligence"
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-09-2009 , 11:56 AM
fleshlight works everytime
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-09-2009 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by supafrey
Saying there isn't a stigma doesn't magically just get rid of the stigma.
This cracked me up for some reason.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-09-2009 , 02:13 PM
OK, now that I've learned how to meet girls, I've got learn how to dump girls.

Last night was the first time in my life that I dumped a girl who did nothing to piss me off. When I was younger, I used to fall in love with any girl who smiled at me--probably because I didn't get enough attention as a kid. Now I'm a grown up, with a family of my own, and "attention" isn't something I'm lacking.

She was crushed, but as my father would say before every ass-whipping, "this is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you," (the only difference is, my father was BS'ing). We both staggered out of there like we'd been kicked in the stomach.

I didn't want to be the douch who dumps someone via phone or email, but after last night, both of those options are starting to look attractive. She thought I was a piece of crap when I left, doing it in person scored me 0 points.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-09-2009 , 02:20 PM
putting aside the differences in acquired knowledge and hard work studying, the difference between the average harvard kid and the average bc kid is substantial
OK, I'll trust your word on it ^^

My next logical move is to question wether or not BC girls actually crush Harvard in terms of looks. Unfortunately I inexplicably couldn't locate any decent students galleries in 5 mins so I give up.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-09-2009 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
OK, now that I've learned how to meet girls, I've got learn how to dump girls.

Last night was the first time in my life that I dumped a girl who did nothing to piss me off. When I was younger, I used to fall in love with any girl who smiled at me--probably because I didn't get enough attention as a kid. Now I'm a grown up, with a family of my own, and "attention" isn't something I'm lacking.

She was crushed, but as my father would say before every ass-whipping, "this is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you," (the only difference is, my father was BS'ing). We both staggered out of there like we'd been kicked in the stomach.

I didn't want to be the douch who dumps someone via phone or email, but after last night, both of those options are starting to look attractive. She thought I was a piece of crap when I left, doing it in person scored me 0 points.
If you don't have a commitment, there isn't really any need to do any in person dumping or anything.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-09-2009 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
OK, now that I've learned how to meet girls, I've got learn how to dump girls.

Last night was the first time in my life that I dumped a girl who did nothing to piss me off. When I was younger, I used to fall in love with any girl who smiled at me--probably because I didn't get enough attention as a kid. Now I'm a grown up, with a family of my own, and "attention" isn't something I'm lacking.

She was crushed, but as my father would say before every ass-whipping, "this is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you," (the only difference is, my father was BS'ing). We both staggered out of there like we'd been kicked in the stomach.

I didn't want to be the douch who dumps someone via phone or email, but after last night, both of those options are starting to look attractive. She thought I was a piece of crap when I left, doing it in person scored me 0 points.
She probably realizes she got used. I imagine doing this breakup in person was really to make you feel better, not her.

Seriously dude, I'm not usually so harsh but you asked everyone if basically screwing this woman without intending anything further was crappy, and then when it turned out she didn't appreciate it you're somehow surprised.

(If this turns out to be another woman you were dating that I didn't read about, sorry, I'm wrong).

But really: relationships, even casual, brief ones, are best based on some level of mutual expectations.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-09-2009 , 03:42 PM
What is one supposed to do if one does not want to neither fill expectations or have them? Cockblock himself?
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-09-2009 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Vantek
What is one supposed to do if one does not want to neither fill expectations or have them? Cockblock himself?
If YTF had been honest about what he wanted, would she have still gone to bed with him?

We're not talking about some random hookup at a bar where there's no expectation and no one is thinking beyond breakfast. I've got no problem with that. But it was obvious she wanted more, and obvious she thought YTF did also.

The answer you want me to give is Yes, and it's the right one. Sorry.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-09-2009 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Vantek
OK, I'll trust your word on it ^^

My next logical move is to question wether or not BC girls actually crush Harvard in terms of looks. Unfortunately I inexplicably couldn't locate any decent students galleries in 5 mins so I give up.
obviously this is just anecdotal, but here are some supporting links
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-09-2009 , 04:24 PM
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-09-2009 , 04:29 PM
If YTF had been honest about what he wanted, would she have still gone to bed with him?
I had no idea YTF was lying to her.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-09-2009 , 04:36 PM
ME: Stop saying I'm not single! My marriage has been over for more than a year now, and everyone seems to realize that but you.

HER: Not divorced = not single.

ME: Hey, look, she's moving out sometime this month. If you want to wait until then, I totally respect that. But it's gonna be a lot longer before I scrape up the money for a lawyer and a divorce proceeding--if you haven't heard, there's a recession going on--and I don't plan on waiting THAT long.

That changed her whole tune. Suddenly, "You're the guy I've been looking for." Now she's asking ME out, and we've both got tomorrow off. Now she's sending me texts, saying she wants to be more than buddies, but she needs "one more kiss", which I'm going out on a limb and translating as, "I have a three-date rule before I give it up."

Date Two tomorrow night. Stay tuned.

By the way, nobody ever answered my question, "Knowing already that I'm finished with this girl as soon as I bang her, am I *not* supposed to feel like a horrible person at this point???" Again, that's an attitude I'm having a tough time embracing.
None of this **** is the end of the world. But YTF sounds like he felt pretty bad, and that's probably why. Live and learn, know you're not the type of person who can hurt people and not feel bad about it, and then try not to hurt people.

No one is perfect.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-09-2009 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Vantek
meh, by no means are any of those links authoritative, but i think it confirms that my opinion that harvard girls are on the whole pretty busted is not an uncommon view. it may not "prove" anything to you, but it should give you more confidence in my previously stated judgments
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-09-2009 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by ElSapo
(If this turns out to be another woman you were dating that I didn't read about, sorry, I'm wrong).
You haven't been wrong yet.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-09-2009 , 10:37 PM
This thread is interesting, atleast
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-19-2009 , 12:49 AM
Why did this thread die? WTB more BeccaGo stories.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-20-2009 , 09:23 PM
met my current g/f through PoF. I'm no oil painting and she's 9 yrs younger than i am lol. Also, my profile was completely ******ed with a godawful picture. I have no doubt that with improvements in that area i could have f'ed my way across west london and the south. I urge all you skeptics to give it a try. Theres someone out there for everyone imo.

Love the stories in this thread. Keep them coming guys.
meeting girls from online dating sites, how many dates before you usually get laid? Quote
09-20-2009 , 11:09 PM
Alright I got a PoF story for ya. I actually met one real cool girl on that site and we hungout for a drink. Not my type physically but we're def gonna hangout again as friends cause she's cool and fun.

Eitherway, I've been getting a lot of replies. I send out about 10 real quick emails a week and get about 6 reponses which usually turn into 2 or 3 convos and then 1 or 2 ph#s. I have some decent pics up and some good profile info but lots of these chicks are either flakey or the profiles are fake. this cute chick emails me and we talk 3 or 4 times and she gives me her ph#. We make a tentative plan but says something came up and flakes 2 days b4 which is cool but then admits to me nothing came up she just didn't feel well. Whatever. So I text her a few times and she seems cool. She asks if she can call me...I say fine whatever I have a program on my phone that blocks numbers.

So she calls and I miss the call but call her back a few hrs later. Someone picks up with a real deep voice, I'm like is xxxx there? In the deepest female voice humanly possible she says "yea its me". I start worrying and am like how's things. Her response verbatim...

"Ugh I'm kinda pissed right now, I just got this new number but it used to be someone elses and I keep getting calls and voicemails from a bunch of n×××ers." (Not naggers ala southpark).

I panic and say I got a call on the other line. Hangup and block ph# gg. There's a few more girls I'm talking to online but I think I'll stick to my normal meeting girls in person routine lol.

/end story (possibly more to follow)
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