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Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder

06-26-2010 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
Forgetting for a second that your diet is extremely unhealthy and is almost certainly shortening your life, do you *want* to be able to enjoy food?

Or is your sole motivation for seeking medical help for your condition that you're concerned about your health?

This might have been asked previously in this thread, but do you enjoy the taste of food? Or does everything taste bland/gross to you?
i'd love to. main motivation for attending therapy was to try to get to this point.

while I do sometimes enjoy the taste of a few meals the priority when choosing what to eat is

will it be easy to eat
is it tasty
is it healthy
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-26-2010 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
You really don't know anyone who has access to pot?

I'm a pretty boring, law-abiding guy, but I could get my hands on some pot pretty easily -- and I wouldn't have to deal (directly) with drug dealers to do so.

If I was living on a diet almost entirely of milk, I think I'd at least want to try smoking a joint or two to see if it improved my apetite.
Honestly, I have to agree with OP. If you can't understand that dealing with anyone who can obtain pot regularly without problems is potentially problematic for someone who has or may have problems controlling their behavior, you need to open up your eyes.

As much as people want to walk around saying marijuana isn't a gateway drug, the odds of trying anything stronger than pot without associating with anyone who hooks you up with pot regularly is practically 0.
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06-26-2010 , 01:47 PM
Milk is great I drink like a litre a day. But you drink exclusively milk in huge quantities a day is a great way to become allergic to it, and then ruin it for yourself for life.
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06-26-2010 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by BASaint
No to all of that. Also no to the excessive excersize. The impression I got from the Docs (3 different ones) was that the problem was mental. They all reached this conclusion pretty quickly. I had one blood test done, i think it was to check to see if i was anaemic, which came back fine.

Thanks for the advice of course but i'm not sure i'm in a position to march down to my local GP and demand all these tests when a bunch of them have spent a considerable amount of time with me/know my medical history etc and deemed them unnecessary. I mean, I guess I could but meh, seems a bit 'MY HUNCH IS RIGHT UR ALL WRONG AND I BASE THIS ON NOTHING AT ALL'

The proof is currently in my small intestine. It will be presented soon.
something is wrong with you. eating is a necessity to life and you cant eat. so like, whatever tests theyve done, and diagnosis they have dismissed, you need to tell them that you still cant ***** eat. in a way, they are indeed wrong. and its up to you to provide the feedback and information that, no, you guys are wrong, i still cant eat, lets try some more stuff.

also, doctors are often incompetent or dismissive of weird cases. you really gotta stand up for yourself here.
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06-26-2010 , 02:55 PM
You think some sort of appetite booster that you get from a pharmacy doesn't count as a drug? Just try something that works like weed. Your eating disorder is a lot worse than being a stoner and probably worse than being addicted to just about any drug. You are just as surely shortening your life.

Jeebus - and you smoke tobacco too?!?!?!?!?! That's not a drug that you're addicted to?!?!?! And it's an appetite suppressant for ****'s sake!!!!

(meh, maybe not shortening your life. I guess they have those studies where starving rats live longer.)

(alright - nm - w/e - do whatever you think is right, I don't wanna be an inet jerk about it.)

Last edited by microbet; 06-26-2010 at 03:02 PM.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-26-2010 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by PJA
Honestly, I have to agree with OP. If you can't understand that dealing with anyone who can obtain pot regularly without problems is potentially problematic for someone who has or may have problems controlling their behavior, you need to open up your eyes.

As much as people want to walk around saying marijuana isn't a gateway drug, the odds of trying anything stronger than pot without associating with anyone who hooks you up with pot regularly is practically 0.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-26-2010 , 03:30 PM
OP i feel your pain, I dont like eating that much and often have to resort to swallowing peanut butter whole with a lot of milk. Of course I still eat a fair amount, but I am very picky about what foods I eat so if there isnt any really good food available to me (or if its too much work) I just wont eat. Its caused me to be persistantly underweight my whole life. Although now I am pretty bulked up thanks to 5000 calories a day of mostly peanut butter.

On the bright side, I know I will never be overweight the rest of my life.
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06-26-2010 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
You think some sort of appetite booster that you get from a pharmacy doesn't count as a drug? Just try something that works like weed. Your eating disorder is a lot worse than being a stoner and probably worse than being addicted to just about any drug. You are just as surely shortening your life.

Jeebus - and you smoke tobacco too?!?!?!?!?! That's not a drug that you're addicted to?!?!?! And it's an appetite suppressant for ****'s sake!!!!

(meh, maybe not shortening your life. I guess they have those studies where starving rats live longer.)

(alright - nm - w/e - do whatever you think is right, I don't wanna be an inet jerk about it.)
Since no one is getting this I guess I didnt explain my problem with recreational drugs properly, my dad gave us a ****ty home life due to his drug and drink abuse and ended up killing himself ODing. I vowed to myself and my mother that i'd never touch rec drugs or get involved in the scene. Maybe smoking nicotine and not weed is illogical and the line is close between the two but i'm sure you can understand why I have a mental block about it.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-26-2010 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by spino1i
OP i feel your pain, I dont like eating that much and often have to resort to swallowing peanut butter whole with a lot of milk. Of course I still eat a fair amount, but I am very picky about what foods I eat so if there isnt any really good food available to me (or if its too much work) I just wont eat. Its caused me to be persistantly underweight my whole life. Although now I am pretty bulked up thanks to 5000 calories a day of mostly peanut butter.

On the bright side, I know I will never be overweight the rest of my life.
interesting, you ever been diagnosed with any condition relating to your eating habits?
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-26-2010 , 04:24 PM
I don't know why I am back in this thread, can't help myself, it's like a horrible car accident you just can't look away from...

As has been mentioned, it is hilarious that OP smokes cigarettes, an appetite suppressant. IF OP isn't pulling our leg here, I doubt he lives past 40 years old. Nobody has ever OD'd on cannabis before in history... clearly you have an irrational fear of the unknown here. Of course, there are a lot of other ideas / suggestions better than ingesting cannabis, but if you get a vaporizer, it really isn't that harsh on your body at all... and if you can tolerate smoking nicotine than cannabis vapors will be no problem for you.

Also to the crazy guy eating 2+ pounds of peanut butter a day- why not eat a nut butter that has any semblance of nutrition in it??? like almond butter, cashew butter, brazil nut butter, sunflower seed, macadamia, pecan... one of these has got to taste better than PB... might as well get a tiny tiny bit of variety in your life
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-26-2010 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by flashlight7878
I don't have any milk on hand but I think it has lots of protein in it and protein powder doesn't have many calories?
I was thinking one of those bodybuilders bulk-up powders, just to get some extra goodness into him, and its still milkish in appearance. Plus a multi vitamin and mineral tablet may be. Im no expert tho.
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06-26-2010 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by LiveNow
What do you disagree with?
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06-26-2010 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by fbren442
I don't know why I am back in this thread, can't help myself, it's like a horrible car accident you just can't look away from...

As has been mentioned, it is hilarious that OP smokes cigarettes, an appetite suppressant. IF OP isn't pulling our leg here, I doubt he lives past 40 years old. Nobody has ever OD'd on cannabis before in history... clearly you have an irrational fear of the unknown here. Of course, there are a lot of other ideas / suggestions better than ingesting cannabis, but if you get a vaporizer, it really isn't that harsh on your body at all... and if you can tolerate smoking nicotine than cannabis vapors will be no problem for you.

Also to the crazy guy eating 2+ pounds of peanut butter a day- why not eat a nut butter that has any semblance of nutrition in it??? like almond butter, cashew butter, brazil nut butter, sunflower seed, macadamia, pecan... one of these has got to taste better than PB... might as well get a tiny tiny bit of variety in your life
Would you can it with the anti-milk bull****? You could probably drink 2500 calories of milk every day plus take a multivitamin and live to be well over 60. I know people who think eating a bowl full of goldfish (the cheese+carb snack, not actual fish), or a bowl full of peanut butter and honey counts as a meal who run half-marathons at 55.

Plus, I'm not sure why people want him to smoke pot when he's obviously not going to. I guess everyone who wants pot legalized has actually convinced themselves that it is legitimate medicine for everything. You're all so deluded.

And no, I'm not anti-drug. I just think you're all ****ing ******ed if you actually believe there are no potentially harmful effects from a) smoking pot and b) associating with people who have large amounts of pot.
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06-26-2010 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by BASaint
where do you think weed is manufactured? the moon?

ur stupid if you havent been able to work out from my that the reason I dont want to try weed has nothing to do with its physical effects.
lol "manufactured". That just shows me ur ignorance on this issue. Yeah, i get that you've had family members suffer from drug abuse, and im sorry to hear that. Without even asking i know damn well they didnt ruin their life smoking weed. It IS a medicine for many people, and u need to look at it that way. Nothing else. My grandma was suffering from cancer, which eventually took her life, and she was unable to eat anything whatsoever. Until my dad took her some pot and after he did she was able to eat on a consistant basis which eased her suffering a bit. Try opening up your mind beyond "zomg cant touch any "drugs". Not saying its going to solve your problem, but it might and if u actually want to change you should give it a try. May i ask what state u live in?
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06-26-2010 , 05:32 PM
Because to a stoner the answer to every question is weed.

Last edited by [Phill]; 06-26-2010 at 05:33 PM. Reason: lol timing. He is a brit btw
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-26-2010 , 05:36 PM

this will help you get many nutrients you're sorely lacking on your all milk diet
do you have some kind emotional attachment to milk? i'm glad i am making you so upset by posting my "bull****" that nobody seems to be able to refute in any way because it is so simple and so obvious...

there are tons of things be advocated in this thread that OP will never ever do... but that doesn't stop ppl from posting about them...

obviously quitting smoking cigarettes would be much much much better for OP than smoking cannabis, but he is NEVER goin to stop smokin cigs... OP is extremely unliekly to take any of the decent suggestions in this thread... he just likes all the attention he is getting... hasn't this been obvious since the start?

seems like you just want excuse to rant about cannabis

quitting smoking nicotine = cure to nearly every ailment, and I truly believe that.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-26-2010 , 05:38 PM
I'm one of the people who said he should smoke pot. I think it should be legal, but I don't do it myself (not regularly - about 10 times ever and not for about 15 years or so). It's just that of all the claims for weed's medical benefits, appetite enhancement and maybe glaucoma are pretty much the main ones.

But, w/e, I don't know enough about this guy to really recommend what he should do. He seems to have a psychological problem and just increasing his appetite isn't really going to help with that.

Good luck OP.
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06-26-2010 , 05:42 PM
PJA, nobody said its a "legit medicine for everything", but way to completely mischaracterize what's being said. Yes, he's made it clear why he doesnt want to try it, but that doesnt mean i (we) shouldnt try to inform him of what he's missing. If it were given to him in a bottle by a doctor, he'd try it. Our government has put marijuana in a negative light and now we have people drinking nothing but milk scared to try it because they put it in the same class as other substances which are magnitudes more harmful and virtually non-medicinal. Marijuana is currently raising the quality of life of millions who would otherwise be suffering. Would it help OP eat more? Maybe, maybe not. Please stop making **** up about what's being said.
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06-26-2010 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Butcho22
all i have to say is LOL at not being willing to smoke weed yet being willing to try a pill manufactured in a lab to get an appetite going.
The difference between taking a dose of medication and smoking weed is obvious. The likliehood is lifestyle changes because of one is almost non existent. The other, obviously there is a chance especially with his family history. I cannot believe you tards cannot see the difference there. Have you smoked so much that your brain doesn't work anymore?

Not to mention that marijuana wouldn't even ****ing work in this scenario and if you think it would you are stupid (clue, potheads are not usually obese).
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-26-2010 , 05:47 PM
whats the link to the milk diet in the fitness forum? i'm 6'1" and weigh 140lbs. i eat 3meals a day and work out..
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-26-2010 , 05:49 PM
Sorry to spam several posts in a row, but just noticed that you smoke cigs. You do know the **** in those are way more harmful to your health in almost all cases compared with marijuana, right? You promised your mom you wouldnt do drugs, yet you're currently addicted to a cigs. Clearly you're defining drug by what our government tells you. Our government is corrupt and does not have YOUR best interedts in mind. Im now simply going to suggest you do some looking on various forums regarding the benefits of marijuana. Perhaps first hand accounts from people suffering even more than you will help shift your thinking on this, and lead to you giving it a try.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-26-2010 , 05:51 PM
OP, I can understand your mental struggle with food. A few years ago I had a stomach problem which made eating very painful. The mental struggle to eat when you know its going to make you sick is incredible and it quickly spirals out of control into a daily battle against hunger, weight loss, and stress. If you truly feel that you do not have an intestinal or stomach problem whatsoever, I would ask your doctor about dronabinol. Its mainly used for cancer patients fighting nausea and appetite loss, but I know a couple people with crohn's disease who use it to keep from losing too much weight.

To all the people citing weed as a possible solution- they are not completely wrong. We all know side-effects of cannabis are appetite stimulation, increased palatability of food, and reduction in transmission of satiety signals to the brain. For OP, this is exactly what he needs. Dronabinol would accomplish this as well + the reduction of nausea and vomiting..
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-26-2010 , 05:52 PM
Aside from the possible legal ramifications I submit that legal prescription drug use has as significant an effect on lifestyles as weed does. This is controlled for other factors so as not to bias the issue with the population of people who actually are regularly smoking pot - many recreationally and illegally.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-26-2010 , 05:54 PM
@ butcho,

Yeah or perhaps not because you arent a ****ing doctor and you arent able to say whether it would help or not by your own admission.

Seriously, can we legalise weed already so you guys would finally stfu about it in every other thread.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-26-2010 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
The difference between taking a dose of medication and smoking weed is obvious. The likliehood is lifestyle changes because of one is almost non existent. The other, obviously there is a chance especially with his family history. I cannot believe you tards cannot see the difference there. Have you smoked so much that your brain doesn't work anymore?

Not to mention that marijuana wouldn't even ****ing work in this scenario and if you think it would you are stupid (clue, potheads are not usually obese).
The fact that you're outright dismissing the possibility of marijuana helping tells me you're clueless. Maybe it will take having a sick family member benefiting from it for the kool-aid to wear off.
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