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Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder

06-25-2010 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by BASaint
We played around with different CBT methods without much in the way of results.
Since only the porn definition of this acronym came to mind, I had a healthy unintentional LOL at this.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by BASaint
yes 100%. i want to gain weight, its one of the most important goals in my life and has been for about 3 years. being on the freaky milk diet is the only time i've ever managed to gain and maintain weight over a sig amount of time.

if i didnt care about dropping to the inevitable 110lb i would not drink milk
I meant is your lack of eating real food driven by a desire to lose weight. If not, you don't have an eating disorder, as anorexia, bulimia and eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS) all include the requirement that the eating behaviour is the result of a desire to not gain weight.

If you want to gain weight,why aren't you eating a regular diet? If it just because you are stressed and have no appetite, it is not an eating disorder.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 11:09 AM
whats it like consuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder?
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06-25-2010 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by 1232123
whats it like consuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder?
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06-25-2010 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by BASaint
pretty smooth operation. once or twice a day. sometimes totally white, sometimes normal depending on how much normal food eaten recently. occasionally a sort of mixed effect like this

Holy god.

You could prob win some money betting people that you can crap white.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by gregorio
I meant is your lack of eating real food driven by a desire to lose weight. If not, you don't have an eating disorder, as anorexia, bulimia and eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS) all include the requirement that the eating behaviour is the result of a desire to not gain weight.

If you want to gain weight,why aren't you eating a regular diet? If it just because you are stressed and have no appetite, it is not an eating disorder.
1) unless there is some seriously repressed ****ed up compusion to lose weight buried deep in my subconscious, no.

2) i've found that it's extremely difficult to explain to someone who has a regular appetite and enjoys their food (i dont blame them btw, it makes no intuitive sense not to want to eat) that eating a normal diet is basically impossible for someone with no/very low appetite. I've tried many times and many techniques for getting 3000 cals a day but have not found sustained success.

If you want me to try and explain the my thought processes when faced with a normal meal then I will try
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by BASaint
If you want me to try and explain the my thought processes when faced with a normal meal then I will try
If it's not too much bother.

Are there times when you are not stressed and you do have a normal appetite? Maybe your appetite/weight problem is not the primary issue, but a symptom of something else like stress or depression, and it is the stress/depression that needs to be treated instead of the eating.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 11:24 AM
Have you tried cutting milk out of your diet and drinking just water instead?

Weed would probably help you. I'm not in the 'it is a miracle drug' camp, but sounds like your appetite is pretty ****ed up so might be worth a try.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 11:34 AM
Are you taking any sort of supplements in addition to the milk?

I'm not sure if this applies to adults but with babies/toddlers they can have iron deficiency issues if they consume too much cow's milk. This might just be because they need more iron for growing. I'm too lazy to google so you'll have to find out yourself.

If you don't like solids why don't you drink some protein shakes and a boost type protein drink for your vitamins and minerals?
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 11:45 AM
you can get all in one protein drinks that have vit and minerals already there
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 11:59 AM

What about yoghurt? Start off with plain I suppose, then try and work your way up to some fruit flavoured stuff.

Also, I have been told that eating a lot of dairy causes a distinct body odour. Have you noticed this?
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by Regret$
Have you tried cutting milk out of your diet and drinking just water instead?
Did you read the OP???? Are you suggesting he becomes a breatharian??

BASaint, I recommend you look into buying protein and meal replacement supplements to go along with the milk consumption, as well as just try to eat as many tiny meals as possible during the day. Even if you only have the appetite for a meal with a few hundred calories, try to eat 6 a day +.

As for a lot of the replies on this thread, whilst far from healthy the fact that you have gained 20 pounds means you are getting a lot healthier. A point everyone seems to be missing. The milk is saving this guy.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 12:49 PM
What about higher calorie supplements that are milk based and liquid? Also you should really get a physical to make sure you don't have cancer of the esophagus/stomach since it can result in inability to eat solid foods and nausea.

Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 12:57 PM
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 01:01 PM
Have you tried bacon? Im actually fairly serious btw.

When i hear about people who have eating disorders like being bullemic or vegetarian i always ask them that.

There was a UK documentary series about people with weird eating habits and the only one i remember was someone who solely ate tinned spaghetti hoops. Ive no idea what kind of eating disorder you have but there are a whole spectrum out there.

End of the day stop listening to people telling you to smoke weed and find a professional to help you. Id be shocked if you cannot get NHS funded psychiatric help given the extremity of your diet. Whilst you arent as skinny as required for one type of help you are going to tick some boxes im sure.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 01:01 PM
Get high, eat a ****load of cereal (like kid's cereal), beat it to porn, stay glued to your couch.. that should make you gain weight..

and turn you into a real ****ing loser!

Seriously, weed ain't gonna help a person like you. I smoke it almost every day. But I don't have depression/stress issues. I think if you smoke it, it might make your situation worse. What I would do is try what someone else already suggested.. try drinking something like Boost or Ensure. If you can drink that much milk, you should be able to consume something like a supplement drink. The texture is very similar.

Btw, in another thread I said milk was a sure fire way to gain weight and I got dissed by a few people (who made statements like they were nutritionists or fitness experts). The fact is that milk is used all over the world to fatten people up. Bread and pasta, too. But milk is just easier to produce in a lot of places (and it's usually cheaper -- the poor man's protein drink).

Anyways, I think you should consult with a professional and get some real help. Being a stick figure is no way to live life. I'd rather be a fat, lazy bastard (like I am). Being too skinny is a sure fire way to some serious health issues.

Good luck
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06-25-2010 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
If it's not too much bother.

Are there times when you are not stressed and you do have a normal appetite? Maybe your appetite/weight problem is not the primary issue, but a symptom of something else like stress or depression, and it is the stress/depression that needs to be treated instead of the eating.
Its a combination of initial, uncontrollable stress (o god i have to eat food now) and a reaction to that uncontrolled stress (o god i cant even look at food without feeling sick). When I eat, i'll usually retch after the first few mouthfuls, then settle down and start eating (very slowly), then start to retch again after eating about half a normal portion (when I feel full). I've never let myself throw up in these situations but it feels like it takes a lot of willpower not to.

Originally Posted by Regret$
Have you tried cutting milk out of your diet and drinking just water instead?

Weed would probably help you. I'm not in the 'it is a miracle drug' camp, but sounds like your appetite is pretty ****ed up so might be worth a try.
Thanks for the suggestion but I feel really strongly about drugs, killed several important members of my family and I have an addictive personality. I'm not prepared to try weed. Maybe i'll look for some kind of pharmacy appetite booster.

Originally Posted by Mercantides
Are you taking any sort of supplements in addition to the milk?

I'm not sure if this applies to adults but with babies/toddlers they can have iron deficiency issues if they consume too much cow's milk. This might just be because they need more iron for growing. I'm too lazy to google so you'll have to find out yourself.

If you don't like solids why don't you drink some protein shakes and a boost type protein drink for your vitamins and minerals?
I did use protien shakes about a year ago when I had a serious go at getting enough calories to gain weight through normal foods. I may start again, or pick up some vitamin pills in case i'm deficient in something (probably am)

Originally Posted by axioma

What about yoghurt? Start off with plain I suppose, then try and work your way up to some fruit flavoured stuff.

Also, I have been told that eating a lot of dairy causes a distinct body odour. Have you noticed this?
Yoghurt is a good suggestion and I do occasionally eat it, but it's not nearly as easy as drinking milk. Anything that prolongs the eating experience is something i'm, for some reason, heavily disincentivised to pursue by my instincts.

I haven't noticed a change in BO but have heard from an Indian friend that back in India, they think we westerners smell of milk.

Originally Posted by zerosum79
What about higher calorie supplements that are milk based and liquid? Also you should really get a physical to make sure you don't have cancer of the esophagus/stomach since it can result in inability to eat solid foods and nausea.

this is terrifying, although i have been in frequent contact with doctors that know about my diet/eating habits and none have suggested this.

Originally Posted by [Phill]
Have you tried bacon? Im actually fairly serious btw.

When i hear about people who have eating disorders like being bullemic or vegetarian i always ask them that.

There was a UK documentary series about people with weird eating habits and the only one i remember was someone who solely ate tinned spaghetti hoops. Ive no idea what kind of eating disorder you have but there are a whole spectrum out there.

End of the day stop listening to people telling you to smoke weed and find a professional to help you. Id be shocked if you cannot get NHS funded psychiatric help given the extremity of your diet. Whilst you arent as skinny as required for one type of help you are going to tick some boxes im sure.
At the same time I was eating the protien shakes I was managing to force down a pretty big breakfast of sausages and bacon (about 1000 cals). It worked for about a month and I gained weight but I was ****ing miserable.

Originally Posted by LVGambler
Being too skinny is a sure fire way to some serious health issues.

Good luck
You're right, as well as self confidence/other problems.

Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by BASaint
I've tried many times and many techniques for getting 3000 cals a day but have not found sustained success.
If you have trouble consuming more than 1000-1500 calories in a day, then you need to set manageable goals like 2000 calories, not 3k. Going from your diet to a 3k calorie diet is not only dumb, but also probably unnecessary.

also, if you're drinking so much milk, why not add more calories with something like:

Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 01:23 PM
Take the amount of mmmmmmmmm points u get when looking at that, times it by -1, and that's the amount of mmmmmm points i get

I take your point about managable cal targets but its a struggle to maintain anything over 1500, so why not go whole hog
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 01:23 PM
Do you ever mix Nestle's Quik in your milk? Or Ovaltine?

I used to like Strawberry Quik a lot when I was young.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 01:24 PM
The only reason I suggest the cancer issue is because I had an uncle who described similar symptoms and had a cancerous blockage of his esophagus/stomach. They could not figure it out until it was too late. Never hurts to just ask the question to a Dr to rule it out.

You have been dealing with people who treat mental issues so its not surprising they would jump to a mental cause. However, if you really are having issues with solid food (not just with eating) its something to consider.

Don't want to freak you out but dealing with this stuff early can sometimes be a life saver.


PS. I am not a medical professional
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 01:26 PM
a point RE NHS treatment, since my CBT was on the NHS and I did show progress while on the program they are very reluctant to continue any sort of therapy. The actual convo, pretty much word for word, went like this

Me: is there any room for more treatment if its needed?
GP (not the psych): not here there isnt

I was dealt with in a health centre at a university campus with pretty high psych needs if that makes a difference
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Do you ever mix Nestle's Quik in your milk? Or Ovaltine?

I used to like Strawberry Quik a lot when I was young.
No, and the thought doesn't appeal. I drink out straight outta the plastic bottle ala anchorman.

Originally Posted by zerosum79
The only reason I suggest the cancer issue is because I had an uncle who described similar symptoms and had a cancerous blockage of his esophagus/stomach. They could not figure it out until it was too late. Never hurts to just ask the question to a Dr to rule it out.

You have been dealing with people who treat mental issues so its not surprising they would jump to a mental cause. However, if you really are having issues with solid food (not just with eating) its something to consider.

Don't want to freak you out but dealing with this stuff early can sometimes be a life saver.


PS. I am not a medical professional
I appreciate the suggestion, will not make an appt but will mention it next time I see a Doc
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
Did you read the OP???? Are you suggesting he becomes a breatharian??
Sometimes people's appetite is limited by drinking their calories (speaking from past experience as a drunk). By substituting water (with no calories ldo), his body may adjust by having an appetite for actual food.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 01:48 PM
Yeah dude I knew that made no sense. Either you're lying about white poop or you have an issue
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
