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Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder

06-25-2010 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by BASaint

Thanks for the suggestion but I feel really strongly about drugs, killed several important members of my family and I have an addictive personality. I'm not prepared to try weed. Maybe i'll look for some kind of pharmacy appetite booster.
would you take a tylenol if u had a headache? then why not a joint before u have to eat?

weed never killed anyone and it's not an addictive drug. hate to keep bringing it up when ur so obviously against it but it really seems like a solution. talk to a doctor i guess he could prob give u some sort of alternative
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 01:54 PM
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by JL514
Yeah dude I knew that made no sense. Either you're lying about white poop or you have an issue
I'm not lying and I think you're wrong. It only started after milk became the dominant constituent of my diet, so LDO it's the milk.

I sincerely doubt the greenies will allow this but i'd be happy to post a picture of it
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 02:15 PM
1. Post the pics
2. You should consider taking anabolic steroids:

Steroids Saved My Life
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 02:20 PM
Why not ice cream? Do you take vitamins?

Originally Posted by BASaint
family has historically had drug/alcohol problems so i avoid them like the plague
Just think of weed as medicine. It isn't going to make you want to do heroin and I can't imagine your life expectancy is very high with your current diet.

Originally Posted by BASaint
I'm not lying and I think you're wrong. It only started after milk became the dominant constituent of my diet, so LDO it's the milk.

I sincerely doubt the greenies will allow this but i'd be happy to post a picture of it
Maybe the milk-only diet is lacking nutrients required to make bile?

Just put the pic in spoiler tags.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by slickpoppa
1. Post the pics
2. You should consider taking anabolic steroids:

Steroids Saved My Life
interesting that you mention steroids, I asked my GP on numerous occasions if there was just something simple I could take which would boost my weight, and she said the usual thing prescribed for this is steroids, but that she wasnt convinced i was a case that warrented that.

i guess i could discard that assessment and go it alone but wouldnt know where to start and i dont want an expanding head/tiny balls

someone green tell me i can post the pic and i'll do it in the next cpl of days
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 02:24 PM
are you having sex regularly?
are you feeling depressed?
are you exercising regularly?
I would start stretching for 45min per day
and walking/jogging at least 3-5 miles a day.
absolutely do not eat if you don't feel the need to do so imo.

if you need to drink liquids for some reason,
get a blender and put in berries, bananas, 'vega' supplement, whatever fruit you have on hand.
and get a juicer and put in whatever veggies you like - carrots, beats , celery, tomatoes, whatever.

i would stop drinking milk completely if i were you because it leaches calcium directly out of your bones
and will actually cause you to lose weight in the long run because your bones will weigh significantly less!!!
I don't see why you can't change to hemp milk or rice milk or almond milk or some other kind of milk... all of them
taste much much better and don't take calcium out of your bones!

at least make sure you're stretching + getting sex/ercise EVERY DAY.

You certainly have an extremely bizarre condition- unconsciously your body may not want any more food because you're
putting such low quality trash into it that it takes more energy to break down the food than your body obtains from
the food itself. Even though you believe you need to stuff yourself with calorie dense food, nutrient dense food is likely
your best option even though intuitively it doesn't make sense. Calories are a measurement of theoretical potential energy BUT they have no basis in reality and are not a good measure of how much energy your body will get from the food. For example, do you think 2,000 calories of spinach are going to yield the same amount of energy as 2000 calories of milk? Not even close... You would be much better to leave this train of thought behind and instead measure "net energy gain" - the amount of energy provided by the food minus the amount of energy require to process, digest and eliminate the food.

I think you should just make yourself "suffer" and eat what
makes the most mathematical / logical sense to do so. You can eat a near perfect diet with 3-4 meals a day that should t ake you
3-4 minutes each to consume... eating does not and should not be a big part of your day.

another very very key point here is that you may well be dehydrated because non-water fluids don't provide anywhere NEAR the same
amount of hydration as water does obviously. You should be drinking 1 gallon of water per day bare minimum... I often drink more than
2 gallons of water per day... of course this will depend on how much exercise you're getting... but if you're not hitting 1 gallon per day
it would be stupid to drink anything else...

[Phill] - I know I can count on you to consider a vegetarian diet to be an eating disorder-- although
imo VEGAN >>>>>>>>>>>>> meat eater >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vegetarian,
why? because a vegetarian will replace the meat they were eating with more dairy products ( pretty much the most unhealthy food you could possibly eat )

personally I think OP is FOS, but if not I would definitely consult with medical professional asap... BUT don't let them put you on any medications... those will only mask the symptoms of your problem... your only hope is to figure out the cause of your problem... a good shrink could be worth their weight in gold to you, finding a good one can't be an easy task, but it will probably be worth it if you manage to do so.

Last edited by fbren442; 06-25-2010 at 02:29 PM.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 02:25 PM
Try exercising.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by kurosh
Try exercising.
I play football soccer every day for at least an hour and also lift weights at least twice a week

I used to do some running but Doc told me not to do cardio if I want to gain weight
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 02:58 PM
Fbren, start citing sources when you post stuff like dairy is "pretty much the most unhealthy food you could possibly eat".
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by BASaint

... but Doc told me not to do cardio if I want to gain weight
Intuitively this just sounds like some terrible advice, but obviously I'm not a doctor.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by fbren442
i would stop drinking milk completely if i were you because it leaches calcium directly out of your bones
and will actually cause you to lose weight in the long run because your bones will weigh significantly less!!!

Nutr Metab (Lond). Feb. 2006; "Determinants of bone mass and bone size in a large cohort of physically active young adult men". by JA Ruffing, F Cosman, M Zion, Susan Tendy , P Garrett, R Lindsay and JW Nieves.

"The determinants of bone mineral density (BMD) at multiple sites were examined in a fit college population. Subjects were 755 males (mean age = 18.7 years) entering the United States Military Academy. A questionnaire assessed exercise frequency and milk, caffeine, and alcohol consumption and tobacco use. Academy staff measured height, weight, and fitness. Calcaneal BMD was measured by peripheral dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (pDXA). Peripheral-quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) was used to measure tibial mineral content, circumference and cortical thickness. Spine and hip BMD were measured by DXA in a subset (n = 159).

Mean BMD at all sites was approximately one standard deviation above young normal (p < 0.05). African Americans had significantly higher hip, spine and heel BMD and greater tibial mineral content and cortical thickness than Caucasians and Asians. In Caucasians (n = 653), weight was a significant determinant of BMD at every skeletal site. Prior exercise levels and milk intake positively related to bone density and size, while caffeine had a negative impact. There was an apparent interaction between milk and exercise in BMD at the heel, spine, hip and tibial mineral content and cortical thickness. Our data confirm the importance of race, body size, milk intake and duration of weekly exercise as determinants of BMD and bone size.

It appears that the recent rash of "milk causes of Osteoporosis" claims are very short on accurate scientific reasoning.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 03:12 PM
Try to get into see a GI specialist. Your problem may not be completely psych related. Have them do an endoscopy. The way you describe your only drinking liquids sounds like it could be a esophageal disorder.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 03:23 PM
not going to post a bunch of studies that you will just attack because they aren't funded by the government... there is no point... just try to follow simple logic with me here... Please type out very specifically which one of these points you disagree with, and why, no amount of studies are going to convince either side... I don't even know why i'm tryin to change your minds...

1. we will die if our body does not stay within a certain PH level... our body is very good at maintaining a certain PH level so that we don't die. ( how is this not common sense? I hope we can all agree with this point )

2. If you eat nearly all acid forming foods ( any animal protein = acid forming food btw ) and basically zero alkaline forming foods your body will become very acidic. (In fact, acidosis is a very real concern in OP's case.) ( Again, I don't see how you can argue this point, eating nearly all acidic foods is going to leave you with an acidic body, again seems very obvious to me... 'you are what you eat' = truth)

3. In order to balance the blood's PH level, serum calcium is leached out of the bones and dissolved into the bloodstream. (again, very obvious statement, I don't see how there is much room for argumentation here )

I'm sure there are thousands of studies funded by the milk industry / government / our rulers ( they're all the same thing really ) saying the complete opposite.

Remember when someone filed a lawsuit against the milk lobby running the GOT MILK? commercials and they had to stop saying " milk builds strong bones and teeth " because they could provide absolutely zero evidence to back up this claim, and there was a plethora of evidence showing that dairy actually weakens the bones? Do you think it is coincidence that the country that consumes the most dairy also has by far the highest rates of cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, etc?
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 03:27 PM
"Milk, it now seems clear, is not the solution to poor bone density. To the contrary, it's part of the problem."
Dr. Charles Attwood

Most of the world's population does not drink cow's milk, and most of the worlds population has basically zero chance of ever getting osteoporosis. Is it coincidence that by far the wealthiest and most diseased population in the world is also the one consuming the most animal protein?

In one study, funded by the National Dairy Council, a group of postmenopausal women were given three 8-ounce glasses of skim milk every day for two years, and their bones were compared to those of a control group of women not given the milk. The dairy group consumed 1,400 mg of calcium per day and lost bone at twice the rate of the control group. According to the researchers, "this may have been due to the average 30 percent increase in protein intake during milk supplementation. ... The adverse effect of increases in protein intake on calcium balance has been reported from several laboratories, including our own" (they then cite 10 other studies). Says McDougall, "Needless to say, this finding did not reach the six o'clock news." This is one study that the dairy industry won't be repeating any time soon.

Harvard University's landmark Nurses Health Study, which followed 78,000 women over a 12-year period, found that the women who consumed the most calcium from dairy foods broke more bones than those who rarely drank milk. Summarizing this study, the Lunar Osteoporosis Update (November 1997) explained: "This increased risk of hip fracture was associated with dairy calcium. ... If this were any agent other than milk, which has been so aggressively marketed by dairy interests, it undoubtedly would be considered a major risk factor."

WHY do you think the government subsidizes TV ads for milk and animal flesh yet you NEVER EVER see commercials advertising the most healthy foods in the world? ( green vegetables if you didn't know )

A National Institutes of Health study at the University of California, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2001), found that "women who ate most of their protein from animal sources had three times the rate of bone loss and 3.7 times the rate of hip fractures as women who ate most of their protein from vegetable sources." Even though the researchers adjusted "for everything we could think of that might otherwise explain the relationship ... it didn't change the results." The study's conclusion: "[A]n increase in vegetable protein intake and a decrease in animal protein intake may decrease bone loss and the risk of hip fracture."

PS>> It is ridiculous that people expect me to cite evidence for my opinions because they are somewhat controversial when nobody else is asked to do so.

I am done posting in OOT because there is just no point as the moderators keep editing my posts ( I guess the information in them is too dangerous for the gentiles to see )
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by BASaint
I sincerely doubt the greenies will allow this but i'd be happy to post a picture of it

Do not post it as an inline picture no matter what. If you want, you can post it as a link with a very clear description "NSFW THIS IS A PICTURE OF MY POOP YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED"
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by fbren442
PS>> It is ridiculous that people expect me to cite evidence for my opinions because they are somewhat controversial when nobody else is asked to do so.
I cited a study that showed drinking milk is positively corelated to bone mass and bone size.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by fbren442
PS>> It is ridiculous that people expect me to cite evidence for my opinions because they are somewhat controversial when nobody else is asked to do so.

I am done posting in OOT because there is just no point as the moderators keep editing my posts ( I guess the information in them is too dangerous for the gentiles to see )

Actually, that's exactly why people ask for citations, why would people ask for citations of clear majority opinions? This is one of the silliest statements I have seen on this forum ever. At least the Truthers were citation maniacs.

Secondly, I just looked at all of your posts in the milk thread and here; one was edited by you, none that I saw were edited by mods, so, lol wut?
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
I cited a study that showed drinking milk is positively corelated to bone mass and bone size.
His points also fail to mention that in Women especially post menopausal women that one of the main risk factors for bone density loss was low estrogen levels.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 04:18 PM
Science schmience. I just feel bad for this milk-guy not getting to enjoy all the great food in the world. Like Lazy Meatball's picture of hot dogs and onion rings in the NC thread. Food is one of the essential joys of life.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 04:30 PM
Always know a source is unbiased enough to be worthy of quoting when the only results i can find on a google search for his name link to vegetarian propaganda machines and he seems to have died 12 years ago.

Nothing says current research quite like a guy who died over a decade ago.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 04:51 PM
I am a doctor. While you may just be crazy, it is silly not to work this up. You need to see a gastroenterologist. This deserves a thorough history and exam, an upper endoscopy, and probably a swallow study. Many things can be tried to help you. Has anyone even given you antinausea meds to see if they help? Antacids? This sounds ridiculous. If you are yanking our collective chain congrats, etc., otherwise get serious.

Of course you should exercise. Unless perhaps you used to run 8 miles a day and work out obsessively? That is often part of anorexia nervosa.

Pyschwise not every disease reads the textbook, so don't quibble over missing aspects of a diagnosis when u clearly have a major problem. Get help. If they won't give it to you, get a different doctor.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 04:57 PM
I think this is BS. Babies drink milk exclusively, but their ****s is not white.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by axioma
Intuitively this just sounds like some terrible advice, but obviously I'm not a doctor.
He already plays football. Of course extra cardio on top of this is not a good idea for someone who's main goal is to increase his weight.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
06-25-2010 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by soulreader23
I am a doctor. While you may just be crazy, it is silly not to work this up. You need to see a gastroenterologist. This deserves a thorough history and exam, an upper endoscopy, and probably a swallow study. Many things can be tried to help you. Has anyone even given you antinausea meds to see if they help? Antacids? This sounds ridiculous. If you are yanking our collective chain congrats, etc., otherwise get serious.

Of course you should exercise. Unless perhaps you used to run 8 miles a day and work out obsessively? That is often part of anorexia nervosa.

Pyschwise not every disease reads the textbook, so don't quibble over missing aspects of a diagnosis when u clearly have a major problem. Get help. If they won't give it to you, get a different doctor.
Yeah.. agree with all of this.

Ignore every piece of advice in this thread except for this one.
Ask me about cosuming milk almost exclusively/possibly having an eating disorder Quote
