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WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine.

07-12-2016 , 08:21 PM
after the first DQ he'll speed up a bit
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by Copperheat
Ok well I don't play live much, but how come this issue is only brought up in live play and not online. Like I get that ya you have to sit in a chair, but that doesn't seem like a monumental effort making it considerably different than online play. The chess shot clock thing actually sounds really smart in theory but I think that would be impossible to implement. Just give everyone a set amount of time for each decision and be done with it.
It's not brought up online because people aren't playing at a single table.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by arcdog
It's not brought up online because people aren't playing at a single table.
Well no **** but live you are.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 08:29 PM
You think recs would like 10 second shot clocks live? I highly doubt it.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 08:34 PM
I play in the super high roller events and it's a bigger problem at higher stakes than it is the lower stakes. The WSOP main event for example, plays pretty smoothly before you get into the money. The deeper it goes the more you will see excessive tanking. It's understandable that with more money on the line and ICM implications there are situations that require more time. The best approach moving forward is a chess clock, but in the meantime the shot clock has worked quite well in the Super High Roller Bowl and other venues like Australia who has been using a shot clock for the $100k for quite a while now. I suspect you will see more higher buy in events implement a shot clock.

This is my first post on here and I plan to post occasionally in this forum. I don't think it's wise to reveal my identity and don't see any upside in doing so, but I hope to add some value to this forum from time to time.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 08:38 PM
makes ya wonder is he wearing contacts or something, or could be cheating?! ..

wsop update said something about how he was grabbing his cards. could be actually up to something more nefarious then just tilting people
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 08:38 PM
Welcome dude. How do you think they would implement a chess clock though? I can't think of any reasonable way to do it.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 08:45 PM
Look it is one thing to take 15 seconds preflop with your range that is putting money in the pot. The problem is people who take 15+ seconds to fold 72o UTG, and people who take a solid 10 seconds to gather their cards, look around the table, squeeze out their cards, and realize what they've been dealt.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Mindfulness

This is my first post on here and I plan to post occasionally in this forum. I don't think it's wise to reveal my identity and don't see any upside in doing so, but I hope to add some value to this forum from time to time.
good screenname. Thanks for posting. Hope you will continue. I can understand wanting to stay anon.

A PrivateWorld for the SHR scene (although its been confirmed that PrivateWorld is a cocktail waitress )

I have nothing to add to shot clock discussion that hasn't been said.

OT but what are your thoughts on Fedor's run of late. Just a nuclear heater, has he moved onto to some other strat others haven't yet adjusted to, combo of both?
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by Copperheat
Welcome dude. How do you think they would implement a chess clock though? I can't think of any reasonable way to do it.
I've heard several ideas and they could all use a little tweaking but overall the concept is quite similar to chess. Every player has an equal time bank of 10 minutes but the clock doesn't start until 10 seconds have passed. If you act within 10 seconds none of your time bank is lost. After the 10 second mark the clock starts ticking. When you have run out of time completely, you will be on a 30 second clock for the rest of that tournament day.

Each dealer would have an IPad type devise that tracks every players time bank. It can all be automated with the dealer only having to press a button after a player acts and then once again at the end of the hand.

It wouldn't be intrusive. The dealer wouldn't have to ever count a player down. The clock would be visible to all players and if the time runs out the hand is dead.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Two SHAE
Look it is one thing to take 15 seconds preflop with your range that is putting money in the pot. The problem is people who take 15+ seconds to fold 72o UTG, and people who take a solid 10 seconds to gather their cards, look around the table, squeeze out their cards, and realize what they've been dealt.
Ya it's frustrating. What part of that do you want to enforce? 5 second grab card clock, 4 second squeeze, 15 second action. I understand your frustration but poker is a subjective game so effectively enforcing all of those things is not going to happen. I guess you could use RFID and penalize players that take more time with terrible hands. But what if a player wants to raise 7-2 UTG? He has every right to. It's wrong but he's allowed to do it. A chess shot clock sounds like an amazing idea and I'd like to hear more opinions on that.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by PTLou
good screenname. Thanks for posting. Hope you will continue. I can understand wanting to stay anon.

A PrivateWorld for the SHR scene (although its been confirmed that PrivateWorld is a cocktail waitress )

I have nothing to add to shot clock discussion that hasn't been said.

OT but what are your thoughts on Fedor's run of late. Just a nuclear heater, has he moved onto to some other strat others haven't yet adjusted to, combo of both?
Fedor is just really good. He is a competitive person by nature. Some of you may have seen him launch his chips in Monte Carlo in disgust after being outplayed in a hand. That was a rare outburst from Fedor, but I think he has become quite aware of how valuable mediation is to keeping him centered. A high percentage of the super high roller players choose to meditate and have seen the benefits of the practice. Whether it's placebo or not there is no question that if you ask those that meditate they will tell you that it helps them be more focused at the table. As you may have guessed from my screen name I also believe meditation to be important both at the table and just for my general happiness overall.

As far as strategy goes, Fedor hasn't reinvented the wheel. He's clearly playing well during this run and his confidence has to be at an all-time high. The SHR fields are pretty small so it's not as crazy as it seems to have a guy go on a sick run like Fedor, but yeah, this one is pretty epic. Every year someone is going to win 3-4 of these things and they have.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 09:07 PM
Apparently he's confused. The WSOP is a live tournament. If he's taking 15 seconds to fold he should be penalized and eventually ejected for not adjusting
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 09:10 PM
Bryon Kaverman does this too. Takes 30 seconds to fold pre.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 09:23 PM
This happens online too with players constantly using max time and its no less annoying. Don't think its unheard of for sites to take action(reduced time to act or a table cap).
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by Mindfulness
I play in the super high roller events and it's a bigger problem at higher stakes than it is the lower stakes. The WSOP main event for example, plays pretty smoothly before you get into the money. The deeper it goes the more you will see excessive tanking. It's understandable that with more money on the line and ICM implications there are situations that require more time. The best approach moving forward is a chess clock, but in the meantime the shot clock has worked quite well in the Super High Roller Bowl and other venues like Australia who has been using a shot clock for the $100k for quite a while now. I suspect you will see more higher buy in events implement a shot clock.

This is my first post on here and I plan to post occasionally in this forum. I don't think it's wise to reveal my identity and don't see any upside in doing so, but I hope to add some value to this forum from time to time.
welcome, don't let the idiots (they're coming) chase you off
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 10:35 PM
Paraphrasing Negreanu here, and TOTALLY agree, if everyone did this, the game of poker would literally cease to exist.

This just simply can't be OK.

Players must speak up and floor ppl/td's MUST strictly enforce and come down hard on habitual tankers on basic preflop decisions.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 11:01 PM
Give player a warning. If they continue to disrupt game flow pre-flop, deal them out for 3 hands. Next time, one whole orbit. Then two orbits.

I would love a shot clock, just not sure how best to implement one without having dickheads tank their full allotment each hand/street.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 11:09 PM
The floor is called over, and things begin to escalate a bit. The floorman tells Cristos that it's the second time he's been called for the same issue today. "If I have to keep coming over here, you're going to keep having your clock reduced, all the way down to zero. And then when I have to come over again, your hand is just dead."

Finally we find a floor that is willing to sack up and just flat out tell these ridiculous tilt-strategy players that enough is enough.

Please stand behind this ruling and have every floor/tourney follow from this point forward.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 11:23 PM
Timoshenko hand at 24:50

And Sarah Herzali (1st hand)

WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 11:23 PM
I think I did this the first 1-2 times I ever played poker in a casino.

Then I realized what a fish I looked like and was embarrassed.

Dude should be embarrassed.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 11:24 PM
Can you imagine if WSOP dealers now have to deal with operating a shot clock (even if it clicking a single button)? It would be madness.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-12-2016 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by KobeLDO
Can you imagine if WSOP dealers now have to deal with operating a shot clock (even if it clicking a single button)? It would be madness.
This^^^^!! Tough enough for them to keep up with the action. Live poker becomes more unbearable everyday.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-13-2016 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by Mindfulness
I've heard several ideas and they could all use a little tweaking but overall the concept is quite similar to chess. Every player has an equal time bank of 10 minutes but the clock doesn't start until 10 seconds have passed. If you act within 10 seconds none of your time bank is lost. After the 10 second mark the clock starts ticking. When you have run out of time completely, you will be on a 30 second clock for the rest of that tournament day.

Each dealer would have an IPad type devise that tracks every players time bank. It can all be automated with the dealer only having to press a button after a player acts and then once again at the end of the hand.

It wouldn't be intrusive. The dealer wouldn't have to ever count a player down. The clock would be visible to all players and if the time runs out the hand is dead.
This,and your Fedor analysis puts the odds that you really are a SHR player at about 500/1.

IPads lol.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
07-13-2016 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Shot clock is not the answer. Idiots will abuse it, and taking a couple minutes for rare but really big decisions is OK.

Pretty much the answer to this problem is to give the floors discretion to warn and then DQ people who slow down the game for no reason. You want to take 15 seconds to fold every single hand?'ll be gone by the second level and you probably won't do it again.
This. Probably a warning followed by an orbit or half-hour penalty first followed by a DQ would stop this behavior pretty quick I think.

I see this guy has a history of stalling from a quick google search, hopefully the TD stands behind his threat and starts cracking down (and escalates to more punishment if Jordan somehow thinks using maximum clock every hand is acceptable even if it is at 15 seconds) and doing what is in the best interest of poker.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
